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# Copyright 2022 Red Hat Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from tempest import config
import testtools
from whitebox_tempest_plugin.api.compute import base
from oslo_log import log as logging
CONF = config.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HugePageResize(base.BaseWhiteboxComputeTest):
def skip_checks(cls):
super(HugePageResize, cls).skip_checks()
if len(getattr(CONF.whitebox_hardware,
'configured_hugepage_sizes')) == 0:
msg = "configured_hugepage_sizes in whitebox-hardware is not " \
raise cls.skipException(msg)
def _get_xml_hugepage_size(self, server_id):
"""Analyze the hugepage xml element(s) from a provided instance. Expect
to find only one hugepage element in the domain. Return boolean result
comparing if the found page size is equal to the expected page size.
huge_pages_list = self._get_hugepage_xml_element(server_id)
self.assertEqual(1, len(huge_pages_list), "Expected to find 1 "
"hugepage XML element on server %s but found %s"
% (server_id, len(huge_pages_list)))
huge_page_xml = huge_pages_list[0]
return int(huge_page_xml.attrib['size'])
def test_hugepage_resize_large_to_small(self):
"""Resize a guest with large hugepages to small hugepages and back
Create a guest using a flavor with hw:mem_page_size:large, resize it
to a flavor with hw:mem_page_size:small, and then resize it back to
the original flavor
flavor_a = self.create_flavor(
extra_specs={'hw:mem_page_size': 'large'})
server = self.create_test_server(flavor=flavor_a['id'],
# Cannot assume the exact pagesize of the guest, verify the backing
# memory element is present on the guest and the found size is greater
# than or equal to the smallest potential size configured in the
# environment
large_page_size = self._get_xml_hugepage_size(server['id'])
minimum_pagesize_threshold = \
large_page_size >= minimum_pagesize_threshold,
"Pagesize found %s should be greater than or equal to pagesize "
"of %s for server %s" %
(large_page_size, minimum_pagesize_threshold, server['id'])
# Resize the guest using a flavor with hw:mem_page_size:small,
# memory backing element should not be present on guest currently so
# no need for XML verification
flavor_b = self.create_flavor(
extra_specs={'hw:mem_page_size': 'small'})
self.resize_server(server['id'], flavor_b['id'])
# Resize instance back to staring flavor size and repeat XML check of
# the guest
self.resize_server(server['id'], flavor_a['id'])
large_page_size = self._get_xml_hugepage_size(server['id'])
large_page_size >= minimum_pagesize_threshold,
"After resizing back to original flavor, pagesize found %s should "
"be greater than or equal to pagesize of %s for server %s" %
(large_page_size, minimum_pagesize_threshold, server['id'])
def test_hugepage_resize_size_to_small(self):
"""Resize a guest with a specified hugepage size to small hugepages
Create a guest using a flavor with using an explicit hugepage size(s),
based on what is configured in whitebox_hardware. Resize the guest to a
flavor with hw:mem_page_size:small, and then resize it back to the
original flavor. Repeat this process for every hugepage size configured
in in whitebox_hardware.configured_hugepage_sizes
flavor_small = self.create_flavor(
extra_specs={'hw:mem_page_size': 'small'})
# Create a flavor and launch an instance based on every configured
# hugepage size in the deployment.
for page_size in CONF.whitebox_hardware.configured_hugepage_sizes:
flavor_a = self.create_flavor(
extra_specs={'hw:mem_page_size': str(page_size)})
server = self.create_test_server(flavor=flavor_a['id'],
size_found = self._get_xml_hugepage_size(server['id'])
page_size == size_found,
"Expected pagesize of %s not found on server %s instead "
"found %s" % (page_size, server['id'], size_found)
# Resize the guest using a flavor with hw:mem_page_size:small,
# memory backing will not be present in with guest so follow up
# XML verification is not necessary
self.resize_server(server['id'], flavor_small['id'])
# Resize back to its original size and confirm memory backing
# element is present and has the correct size
self.resize_server(server['id'], flavor_a['id'])
size_found = self._get_xml_hugepage_size(server['id'])
page_size == size_found,
"Expected pagesize of %s not found on server %s after "
"resizing back to original flavor size, instead found %s" %
(page_size, server['id'], size_found)
len(CONF.whitebox_hardware.configured_hugepage_sizes) > 1,
'Need at least 2 configured hugepage sizes to execute test')
def test_hugepage_resize_size_to_size(self):
"""Resize a guest with a specified hugepage size to another size
Create two flavors based on the two provided hugepage sizes. The
flavors created use explicit sizes Create a
server using the first flavor, resize the guest to the second flavor,
and resize back to the original spec
start_size, target_size = \
flavor_a = self.create_flavor(
extra_specs={'hw:mem_page_size': str(start_size)})
server = self.create_test_server(flavor=flavor_a['id'],
size_found = self._get_xml_hugepage_size(server['id'])
start_size == size_found,
"Expected pagesize of %s not found on server %s instead "
"found %s" % (start_size, server['id'], size_found)
flavor_b = self.create_flavor(
extra_specs={'hw:mem_page_size': str(target_size)})
# Resize to the target size and confirm memory backing element is
# present and has the correct size
self.resize_server(server['id'], flavor_b['id'])
size_found = self._get_xml_hugepage_size(server['id'])
target_size == size_found,
"Expected pagesize of %s not found on server %s after resize "
"instead found %s" % (target_size, server['id'], size_found)
# Resize back to its original size and confirm memory backing
# element is present and has the correct size
self.resize_server(server['id'], flavor_a['id'])
size_found = self._get_xml_hugepage_size(server['id'])
start_size == size_found,
"Expected pagesize of %s not found on server %s after resizing "
"back to original flavor size, instead found %s" %
(start_size, server['id'], size_found)