# # Copyright (c) 2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # # Global options. # Defaults should be fine in most cases. global: # # Defines the application name of the provisioner. # name: "rbd-provisioner" # # Defines the name of the provisioner associated with a set of storage classes # provisioner_name: "ceph.com/rbd" # # Execute initialization job to verify external Ceph cluster access # and setup additional dependencies assumed by dependent helm charts # (i.e. configmap and secrets). # Skipping is not recommended. # job_storage_init: true # # Defines whether to reuse an already defined RBAC policy. # Make sure that the serviceAccount defined in the RBAC section matches the one # in the policy you reuse. # reuseRbac: false # # Defines whether to generate service account and role bindings. # rbac: true # # Provision storage class. If false you have to provision storage classes by hand. # provisionStorageClass: true # # Enable this storage class as the system default storage class # defaultStorageClass: fast-rbd # # Choose if rbd-provisioner pod should be deployed as deplyment or DaemonSet # Values: none, Deployment, DaemonSet # deployAs: Deployment # # If configured, tolerations will add a toleration field to the Pod. # # Node tolerations for rbd-volume-provisioner scheduling to nodes with taints. # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ # Example: # [ # { # "key": "node-role.kubernetes.io/master", # "operator": "Exists" # } # ] # tolerations: [] # If configured, resources will set the requests/limits field to the Pod. # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/ # Example: # { # "limits": { # "memory": "200Mi" # }, # "requests": { # "cpu": "100m", # "memory": "200Mi" # } # } resources: {} # # Number of replicas to start when configured as deployment # replicas: 1 # # Node Selector # nodeSelector: { node-role.kubernetes.io/master: "" } # # RBAC options. # Defaults should be fine in most cases. rbac: # # Cluster Role name # clusterRole: rbd-provisioner # # Cluster Role Binding name # clusterRoleBinding: rbd-provisioner # # Role name # role: rbd-provisioner # # Role Binding name # roleBinding: rbd-provisioner # # Defines a name of the service account which Provisioner will use to communicate with API server. # serviceAccount: rbd-provisioner # # Configure storage classes. # Defaults for storage classes. Update this if you have a single Ceph storage cluster. # No need to add them to each class. # classdefaults: # Define ip addresses of Ceph Monitors monitors: - - - # Ceph admin account adminId: admin # K8 secret name for the admin context adminSecretName: ceph-secret # Ceph RBD image format version imageFormat: 2 # Ceph RBD image features. imageFeatures: layering # # Configure storage classes. # This section should be tailored to your setup. It allows you to define multiple storage # classes for the same cluster (e.g. if you have tiers of drives with different speeds). # If you have multiple Ceph clusters take attributes from classdefaults and add them here. classes: - name: fast-rbd # Name of storage class. # Ceph pool name pool_name: kube # Ceph user name to access this pool userId: kube # K8 secret name with key for accessing the Ceph pool userSecretName: ceph-secret-kube # Pool replication replication: 1 # Pool crush rule name crush_rule_name: storage_tier_ruleset # Pool chunk size / PG_NUM chunk_size: 8 # Additional namespace to allow storage class access (other than where # installed) additionalNamespaces: - default - kube-public # Configuration data for the ephemeral pool(s) ephemeral_pools: - chunk_size: 8 crush_rule_name: storage_tier_ruleset pool_name: ephemeral replication: 1 # # Defines: # - Provisioner's image name including container registry. # - CEPH helper image # images: tags: rbd_provisioner: quay.io/external_storage/rbd-provisioner:v2.1.1-k8s1.11 rbd_provisioner_storage_init: docker.io/starlingx/ceph-config-helper:v1.15.0 pull_policy: "IfNotPresent" local_registry: active: false exclude: - dep_check - image_repo_sync