#!/usr/bin/env python ################################################################################ # Copyright (c) 2013 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # ################################################################################ # # topology.py -- gives a summary of logical cpu enumeration, # sockets, cores per package, threads per core, # total memory, and numa nodes import os import sys import re class Topology(object): """ Build up topology information. (i.e. logical cpu topology, NUMA nodes, memory) """ def __init__(self): self.num_cpus = 0 self.num_nodes = 0 self.num_sockets = 0 self.num_cores_per_pkg = 0 self.num_threads_per_core = 0 self.topology = {} self.topology_idx = {} self.total_memory_MiB = 0 self.total_memory_nodes_MiB = [] self._get_cpu_topology() self._get_total_memory_MiB() self._get_total_memory_nodes_MiB() def _get_cpu_topology(self): '''Enumerate logical cpu topology based on parsing /proc/cpuinfo as function of socket_id, core_id, and thread_id. This updates topology and reverse index topology_idx mapping. :param self :updates self.num_cpus - number of logical cpus :updates self.num_nodes - number of sockets; maps to number of numa nodes :updates self.topology[socket_id][core_id][thread_id] = cpu :updates self.topology_idx[cpu] = {'s': socket_id, 'c': core_id, 't': thread_id} :returns None ''' self.num_cpus = 0 self.num_nodes = 0 self.num_sockets = 0 self.num_cores = 0 self.num_threads = 0 self.topology = {} self.topology_idx = {} Thread_cnt = {} cpu = socket_id = core_id = thread_id = -1 re_processor = re.compile(r'^[Pp]rocessor\s+:\s+(\d+)') re_socket = re.compile(r'^physical id\s+:\s+(\d+)') re_core = re.compile(r'^core id\s+:\s+(\d+)') with open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') as infile: for line in infile: match = re_processor.search(line) if match: cpu = int(match.group(1)) socket_id = -1; core_id = -1; thread_id = -1 self.num_cpus += 1 continue match = re_socket.search(line) if match: socket_id = int(match.group(1)) continue match = re_core.search(line) if match: core_id = int(match.group(1)) if not Thread_cnt.has_key(socket_id): Thread_cnt[socket_id] = {} if not Thread_cnt[socket_id].has_key(core_id): Thread_cnt[socket_id][core_id] = 0 else: Thread_cnt[socket_id][core_id] += 1 thread_id = Thread_cnt[socket_id][core_id] if not self.topology.has_key(socket_id): self.topology[socket_id] = {} if not self.topology[socket_id].has_key(core_id): self.topology[socket_id][core_id] = {} self.topology[socket_id][core_id][thread_id] = cpu self.topology_idx[cpu] = {'s': socket_id, 'c': core_id, 't': thread_id} continue self.num_nodes = len(self.topology.keys()) # In the case topology not detected, hard-code structures if self.num_nodes == 0: n_sockets, n_cores, n_threads = (1, self.num_cpus, 1) self.topology = {} for socket_id in range(n_sockets): self.topology[socket_id] = {} for core_id in range(n_cores): self.topology[socket_id][core_id] = {} for thread_id in range(n_threads): self.topology[socket_id][core_id][thread_id] = 0 # Define Thread-Socket-Core order for logical cpu enumeration self.topology_idx = {} cpu = 0 for thread_id in range(n_threads): for socket_id in range(n_sockets): for core_id in range(n_cores): self.topology[socket_id][core_id][thread_id] = cpu self.topology_idx[cpu] = {'s': socket_id, 'c': core_id, 't': thread_id} cpu += 1 self.num_nodes = len(self.topology.keys()) self.num_sockets = len(self.topology.keys()) self.num_cores_per_pkg = len(self.topology[0].keys()) self.num_threads_per_core = len(self.topology[0][0].keys()) return None def _get_total_memory_MiB(self): """Get the total memory for VMs (MiB). :updates: total memory for VMs (MiB) """ self.total_memory_MiB = 0 # Total memory try: m = open('/proc/meminfo').read().split() idx_Total = m.index('MemTotal:') + 1 self.total_memory_MiB = int(m[idx_Total]) / 1024 except IOError: # silently ignore IO errors (eg. file missing) pass return None def _get_total_memory_nodes_MiB(self): """Get the total memory per numa node for VMs (MiB). :updates: total memory per numa node for VMs (MiB) """ self.total_memory_nodes_MiB = [] # Memory of each numa node (MiB) for node in range(self.num_nodes): Total_MiB = 0 meminfo = "/sys/devices/system/node/node%d/meminfo" % node try: m = open(meminfo).read().split() idx_Total = m.index('MemTotal:') + 1 Total_MiB = int(m[idx_Total]) / 1024 except IOError: # silently ignore IO errors (eg. file missing) pass self.total_memory_nodes_MiB.append(Total_MiB) return None def _print_cpu_topology(self): '''Print logical cpu topology enumeration as function of: socket_id, core_id, and thread_id. :param self :returns None ''' cpu_list = self.topology_idx.keys() cpu_list.sort() total_memory_GiB = self.total_memory_MiB/1024.0 print 'TOPOLOGY:' print '%16s : %5d' % ('logical cpus', self.num_cpus) print '%16s : %5d' % ('sockets', self.num_sockets) print '%16s : %5d' % ('cores_per_pkg', self.num_cores_per_pkg) print '%16s : %5d' % ('threads_per_core', self.num_threads_per_core) print '%16s : %5d' % ('numa_nodes', self.num_nodes) print '%16s : %5.2f %s' % ('total_memory', total_memory_GiB, 'GiB') print '%16s :' % ('memory_per_node'), for node in range(self.num_nodes): node_memory_GiB = self.total_memory_nodes_MiB[node]/1024.0 print '%5.2f' % (node_memory_GiB), print '%s' % ('GiB') print print 'LOGICAL CPU TOPOLOGY:' print "%9s :" % 'cpu_id', for cpu in cpu_list: print "%3d" % cpu, print print "%9s :" % 'socket_id', for cpu in cpu_list: socket_id = self.topology_idx[cpu]['s'] print "%3d" % socket_id, print print "%9s :" % 'core_id', for cpu in cpu_list: core_id = self.topology_idx[cpu]['c'] print "%3d" % core_id, print print "%9s :" % 'thread_id', for cpu in cpu_list: thread_id = self.topology_idx[cpu]['t'] print "%3d" % thread_id, print print print 'CORE TOPOLOGY:' print "%6s %9s %7s %9s %s" % ('cpu_id', 'socket_id', 'core_id', 'thread_id', 'affinity') for cpu in cpu_list: affinity = 1<