class openstack::nova::params ( $nova_api_port = 8774, $nova_ec2_port = 8773, $placement_port = 8778, $nova_novnc_port = 6080, $nova_serial_port = 6083, $region_name = undef, $service_name = 'openstack-nova', $service_create = false, $configure_endpoint = true, $timeout = '55m', ) { include ::platform::network::mgmt::params include ::platform::network::infra::params # migration is performed over the managemet network if configured, otherwise # the management network is used if $::platform::network::infra::params::interface_name { $migration_version = $::platform::network::infra::params::subnet_version $migration_ip = $::platform::network::infra::params::interface_address $migration_network = $::platform::network::infra::params::subnet_network $migration_prefixlen = $::platform::network::infra::params::subnet_prefixlen } else { $migration_version = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::subnet_version $migration_ip = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::interface_address $migration_network = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::subnet_network $migration_prefixlen = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::subnet_prefixlen } # NOTE: this variable is used in the sshd_config, and therefore needs to # match the Ruby ERB template. $nova_migration_subnet = "${migration_network}/${migration_prefixlen}" } class openstack::nova { include ::platform::params include ::platform::amqp::params include ::platform::network::mgmt::params $metadata_host = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::controller_address class { '::nova': rabbit_use_ssl => $::platform::amqp::params::ssl_enabled, default_transport_url => $::platform::amqp::params::transport_url, } # User nova is created during python-nova rpm install. # Just update it's permissions. user { 'nova': ensure => 'present', groups => ['nova', $::platform::params::protected_group_name], } # TODO(mpeters): move to nova puppet module as formal parameters nova_config { 'DEFAULT/notification_format': value => 'unversioned'; 'DEFAULT/metadata_host': value => $metadata_host; } } class openstack::nova::sshd inherits ::openstack::nova::params { service { 'sshd': ensure => 'running', enable => true, } file { "/etc/ssh/sshd_config": notify => Service['sshd'], ensure => 'present' , mode => '0600', owner => 'root', group => 'root', content => template('sshd/sshd_config.erb'), } } class openstack::nova::controller inherits ::openstack::nova::params { include ::platform::params if $::platform::params::init_database { include ::nova::db::postgresql include ::nova::db::postgresql_api } include ::nova::pci include ::nova::scheduler include ::nova::scheduler::filter include ::nova::compute::ironic include ::nova::compute::serial include ::openstack::nova::sshd # TODO(mpeters): move to nova puppet module as formal parameters nova_config{ # network load balance, vswitch available utilization weigher 'metrics/weight_multiplier': value => 1.0; 'metrics/weight_setting': value => 'vswitch.max_avail=100.0'; 'metrics/weight_setting_multi': value => 'vswitch.multi_avail=100.0'; 'metrics/required': value => false; 'metrics/weight_of_unavailable': value => -10000.0; 'metrics/platform_cpu_threshold': value => 80; 'metrics/platform_mem_threshold': value => 80; } class { '::nova::conductor': workers => $::platform::params::eng_workers_by_2, } # Run nova-manage to purge deleted rows daily at 15 minute mark cron { 'nova-purge-deleted': ensure => 'present', command => '/usr/bin/nova-purge-deleted-active', environment => 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin', minute => '15', hour => '*/24', user => 'root', } } class openstack::nova::compute ( $ssh_keys, $host_private_key, $host_public_key, $host_public_header, $host_key_type, $migration_private_key, $migration_public_key, $migration_key_type, $pci_pt_whitelist = [], $pci_sriov_whitelist = undef, $compute_monitors, $iscsi_initiator_name = undef, ) inherits ::openstack::nova::params { include ::nova::pci include ::platform::params include ::platform::network::mgmt::params include ::platform::network::infra::params include ::nova::keystone::auth include ::nova::keystone::authtoken include ::nova::compute::neutron include ::openstack::nova::sshd $host_private_key_file = $host_key_type ? { 'ssh-rsa' => "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key", 'ssh-dsa' => "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key", 'ssh-ecdsa' => "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key", default => undef } if ! $host_private_key_file { fail("Unable to determine name of private key file. Type specified was '${host_key_type}' but should be one of: ssh-rsa, ssh-dsa, ssh-ecdsa.") } $host_public_key_file = $host_key_type ? { 'ssh-rsa' => "/etc/ssh/", 'ssh-dsa' => "/etc/ssh/", 'ssh-ecdsa' => "/etc/ssh/", default => undef } if ! $host_public_key_file { fail("Unable to determine name of public key file. Type specified was '${host_key_type}' but should be one of: ssh-rsa, ssh-dsa, ssh-ecdsa.") } file { '/etc/ssh': ensure => directory, mode => '0700', owner => 'root', group => 'root', } -> file { $host_private_key_file: content => $host_private_key, mode => '0600', owner => 'root', group => 'root', } -> file { $host_public_key_file: content => "${host_public_header} ${host_public_key}", mode => '0644', owner => 'root', group => 'root', } $migration_private_key_file = $migration_key_type ? { 'ssh-rsa' => '/root/.ssh/id_rsa', 'ssh-dsa' => '/root/.ssh/id_dsa', 'ssh-ecdsa' => '/root/.ssh/id_ecdsa', default => undef } if ! $migration_private_key_file { fail("Unable to determine name of private key file. Type specified was '${migration_key_type}' but should be one of: ssh-rsa, ssh-dsa, ssh-ecdsa.") } $migration_auth_options = [ "from=\"${nova_migration_subnet}\"", "command=\"/usr/bin/nova_authorized_cmds\"" ] file { '/root/.ssh': ensure => directory, mode => '0700', owner => 'root', group => 'root', } -> file { $migration_private_key_file: content => $migration_private_key, mode => '0600', owner => 'root', group => 'root', } -> ssh_authorized_key { 'nova-migration-key-authorization': ensure => present, key => $migration_public_key, type => $migration_key_type, user => 'root', require => File['/root/.ssh'], options => $migration_auth_options, } # remove root user's known_hosts as a preventive measure # to ensure it doesn't interfere client side authentication # during VM migration. file { '/root/.ssh/known_hosts': ensure => absent, } create_resources(sshkey, $ssh_keys, {}) class { '::nova::compute': vncserver_proxyclient_address => $::platform::params::hostname, } if str2bool($::is_virtual) { # check that we actually support KVM virtualization $kvm_exists = inline_template("<% if File.exists?('/dev/kvm') -%>true<% else %>false<% end -%>") if $::virtual == 'kvm' and str2bool($kvm_exists) { $libvirt_virt_type = 'kvm' } else { $libvirt_virt_type = 'qemu' } } else { $libvirt_virt_type = 'kvm' } $libvirt_vnc_bind_host = $migration_version ? { 4 => '', 6 => '::0', } include ::openstack::glance::params if "rbd" in $::openstack::glance::params::enabled_backends { $libvirt_inject_partition = "-2" $libvirt_images_type = "rbd" } else { $libvirt_inject_partition = "-1" $libvirt_images_type = "default" } class { '::nova::compute::libvirt': libvirt_virt_type => $libvirt_virt_type, vncserver_listen => $libvirt_vnc_bind_host, libvirt_inject_partition => $libvirt_inject_partition, } # TODO(mpeters): convert hard coded config values to hiera class parameters nova_config { 'DEFAULT/my_ip': value => $migration_ip; 'libvirt/libvirt_images_type': value => $libvirt_images_type; 'libvirt/live_migration_inbound_addr': value => "${::platform::params::hostname}-infra"; 'libvirt/live_migration_uri': ensure => absent; # enable auto-converge by default 'libvirt/live_migration_permit_auto_converge': value => "True"; # Change the nfs mount options to provide faster detection of unclean # shutdown (e.g. if controller is powered down). "DEFAULT/nfs_mount_options": value => $::platform::params::nfs_mount_options; # WRS extension: compute_resource_debug "DEFAULT/compute_resource_debug": value => "False"; # WRS extension: reap running deleted VMs "DEFAULT/running_deleted_instance_action": value => "reap"; "DEFAULT/running_deleted_instance_poll_interval": value => "60"; # Delete rbd_user, for now "DEFAULT/rbd_user": ensure => 'absent'; # write metadata to a special configuration drive "DEFAULT/mkisofs_cmd": value => "/usr/bin/genisoimage"; # configure metrics "DEFAULT/compute_available_monitors": value => "nova.compute.monitors.all_monitors"; "DEFAULT/compute_monitors": value => $compute_monitors; # need retries under heavy I/O loads "DEFAULT/network_allocate_retries": value => 2; # TODO(mpeters): confirm if this is still required - deprecated 'DEFAULT/volume_api_class': value => 'nova.volume.cinder.API'; 'DEFAULT/default_ephemeral_format': value => 'ext4'; # turn on service tokens 'service_user/send_service_user_token': value => 'true'; 'service_user/project_name': value => $::nova::keystone::auth::tenant; 'service_user/password': value => $::nova::keystone::auth::password; 'service_user/username': value => $::nova::keystone::auth::auth_name; 'service_user/region_name': value => $::nova::keystone::auth::region; 'service_user/auth_url': value => $::nova::keystone::authtoken::auth_url; 'service_user/user_domain_name': value => $::nova::keystone::authtoken::user_domain_name; 'service_user/project_domain_name': value => $::nova::keystone::authtoken::project_domain_name; 'service_user/auth_type': value => 'password'; } file_line {'cgroup_controllers': ensure => present, path => '/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf', line => 'cgroup_controllers = [ "cpu", "cpuacct" ]', match => '^cgroup_controllers = .*', } # The pci_passthrough option in the nova::compute class is not sufficient. # In particular, it sets the pci_passthrough_whitelist in nova.conf to an # empty string if the list is empty, causing the nova-compute process to fail. if $pci_sriov_whitelist { class { '::nova::compute::pci': passthrough => generate("/usr/bin/nova-sriov", $pci_pt_whitelist, $pci_sriov_whitelist), } } else { class { '::nova::compute::pci': passthrough => $pci_pt_whitelist, } } if $iscsi_initiator_name { $initiator_content = "InitiatorName=${iscsi_initiator_name}\n" file { "/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi": ensure => 'present', owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', content => $initiator_content, } -> exec { "Restart iscsid.service": command => "bash -c 'systemctl restart iscsid.service'", onlyif => "systemctl status iscsid.service", } } } define openstack::nova::storage::wipe_new_pv { $cmd = join(["/sbin/pvs --nosuffix --noheadings ",$name," 2>/dev/null | grep nova-local || true"]) $result = generate("/bin/sh", "-c", $cmd) if $result !~ /nova-local/ { exec { "Wipe New PV not in VG - $name": provider => shell, command => "wipefs -a $name", before => Lvm::Volume[instances_lv], require => Exec['remove device mapper mapping'] } } } define openstack::nova::storage::wipe_pv_and_format { if $name !~ /part/ { exec { "Wipe removing PV $name": provider => shell, command => "wipefs -a $name", require => File_line[disable_old_lvg_disks] } -> exec { "GPT format disk PV - $name": provider => shell, command => "parted -a optimal --script $name -- mktable gpt", } } else { exec { "Wipe removing PV $name": provider => shell, command => "wipefs -a $name", require => File_line[disable_old_lvg_disks] } } } class openstack::nova::storage ( $adding_pvs, $removing_pvs, $final_pvs, $lvm_global_filter = '[]', $lvm_update_filter = '[]', $instance_backing = 'image', $instances_lv_size = 0, $concurrent_disk_operations = 2, ) { $adding_pvs_str = join($adding_pvs," ") $removing_pvs_str = join($removing_pvs," ") # Ensure partitions update prior to local storage configuration Class['::platform::partitions'] -> Class[$name] case $instance_backing { 'image': { $images_type = 'default' $images_volume_group = absent $images_rbd_pool = absent $round_to_extent = false $local_monitor_state = 'disabled' $instances_lv_size_real = 'max' } 'lvm': { $images_type = 'lvm' $images_volume_group = 'nova-local' $images_rbd_pool = absent $round_to_extent = true $local_monitor_state = 'enabled' $instances_lv_size_real = $instances_lv_size } 'remote': { $images_type = 'rbd' $images_volume_group = absent $images_rbd_pool = 'ephemeral' $round_to_extent = false $local_monitor_state = 'disabled' $instances_lv_size_real = 'max' } default: { fail("Unsupported instance backing: ${instance_backing}") } } nova_config { "DEFAULT/concurrent_disk_operations": value => $concurrent_disk_operations; } ::openstack::nova::storage::wipe_new_pv { $adding_pvs: } ::openstack::nova::storage::wipe_pv_and_format { $removing_pvs: } file_line { 'enable_new_lvg_disks': path => '/etc/lvm/lvm.conf', line => " global_filter = ${lvm_update_filter}", match => '^[ ]*global_filter =', } -> nova_config { "libvirt/images_type": value => $images_type; "libvirt/images_volume_group": value => $images_volume_group; "libvirt/images_rbd_pool": value => $images_rbd_pool; } -> exec { 'umount /etc/nova/instances': command => 'umount /etc/nova/instances; true', } -> exec { 'umount /dev/nova-local/instances_lv': command => 'umount /dev/nova-local/instances_lv; true', } -> exec { 'remove udev leftovers': unless => 'vgs nova-local', command => 'rm -rf /dev/nova-local || true', } -> exec { 'remove device mapper mapping': command => "dmsetup remove /dev/mapper/nova--local-instances_lv || true", } -> file_line { 'disable_old_lvg_disks': path => '/etc/lvm/lvm.conf', line => " global_filter = ${lvm_global_filter}", match => '^[ ]*global_filter =', } -> exec { 'add device mapper mapping': command => 'lvchange -ay /dev/nova-local/instances_lv || true', } -> lvm::volume { 'instances_lv': ensure => 'present', vg => 'nova-local', pv => $final_pvs, size => $instances_lv_size_real, round_to_extent => $round_to_extent, allow_reduce => true, nuke_fs_on_resize_failure => true, } -> filesystem { '/dev/nova-local/instances_lv': ensure => present, fs_type => 'ext4', options => '-F -F', require => Logical_volume['instances_lv'] } -> file { '/etc/nova/instances': ensure => 'directory', owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0755', } -> exec { 'mount /dev/nova-local/instances_lv': unless => 'mount | grep -q /etc/nova/instances', command => 'mount -t ext4 /dev/nova-local/instances_lv /etc/nova/instances', } -> exec { "Update nova-local monitoring state to ${local_monitor_state}": command => "rmon_resource_notify --resource-name nova-local --resource-type lvg --resource-state ${local_monitor_state} --volume-group nova-local", logoutput => true, tries => 2, try_sleep => 1, returns => [ 0, 1 ], } -> exec { 'Enable instance_lv monitoring': command => "rmon_resource_notify --resource-name /etc/nova/instances --resource-type mount --resource-state enabled --device /dev/mapper/nova--local-instances_lv --mount-point /etc/nova/instances", logoutput => true, tries => 2, try_sleep => 1, returns => [ 0, 1 ], } } class openstack::nova::network { include ::nova::network::neutron } class openstack::nova::placement { include ::nova::placement } class openstack::nova::firewall inherits ::openstack::nova::params { platform::firewall::rule { 'nova-api-rules': service_name => 'nova', ports => $nova_api_port, } platform::firewall::rule { 'nova-placement-api': service_name => 'placement', ports => $placement_port, } platform::firewall::rule { 'nova-novnc': service_name => 'nova-novnc', ports => $nova_novnc_port, } platform::firewall::rule { 'nova-serial': service_name => 'nova-serial', ports => $nova_serial_port, } } class openstack::nova::haproxy inherits ::openstack::nova::params { platform::haproxy::proxy { 'nova-restapi': server_name => 's-nova', public_port => $nova_api_port, private_port => $nova_api_port, } platform::haproxy::proxy { 'placement-restapi': server_name => 's-placement', public_port => $placement_port, private_port => $placement_port, } platform::haproxy::proxy { 'nova-novnc': server_name => 's-nova-novnc', public_port => $nova_novnc_port, private_port => $nova_novnc_port, x_forwarded_proto => false, } platform::haproxy::proxy { 'nova-serial': server_name => 's-nova-serial', public_port => $nova_serial_port, private_port => $nova_serial_port, server_timeout => $timeout, client_timeout => $timeout, x_forwarded_proto => false, } } class openstack::nova::api::services inherits ::openstack::nova::params { include ::nova::pci include ::platform::params include ::nova::vncproxy include ::nova::serialproxy include ::nova::consoleauth include ::nova_api_proxy::config class {'::nova::api': sync_db => $::platform::params::init_database, sync_db_api => $::platform::params::init_database, osapi_compute_workers => $::platform::params::eng_workers, metadata_workers => $::platform::params::eng_workers, } } class openstack::nova::api inherits ::openstack::nova::params { include ::platform::params if ($::openstack::nova::params::service_create and $::platform::params::init_keystone) { include ::nova::keystone::auth include ::nova::keystone::auth_placement } include ::openstack::nova::api::services if $::openstack::nova::params::configure_endpoint { include ::openstack::nova::firewall include ::openstack::nova::haproxy } } class openstack::nova::conductor::reload { exec { 'signal-nova-conductor': command => "pkill -HUP nova-conductor", } } class openstack::nova::api::reload { platform::sm::restart {'nova-api': } } class openstack::nova::controller::runtime { include ::openstack::nova include ::openstack::nova::controller include ::openstack::nova::api::services class {'::openstack::nova::api::reload': stage => post } class {'::openstack::nova::conductor::reload': stage => post } } class openstack::nova::api::runtime { # both the service configuration and firewall/haproxy needs to be updated include ::openstack::nova include ::openstack::nova::api include ::nova::compute::serial class {'::openstack::nova::api::reload': stage => post } } class openstack::nova::compute::reload { exec { 'pmon-restart-nova-compute': command => "pmon-restart nova-compute", } } class openstack::nova::compute::runtime { include ::openstack::nova include ::openstack::nova::compute class {'::openstack::nova::compute::reload': stage => post } } class openstack::nova::upgrade { include ::nova::keystone::auth_placement }