class platform::helm::repository::params( $source_helm_repo_dir = '/opt/cgcs/helm_charts', $target_helm_repo_dir = '/www/pages/helm_charts', ) {} class platform::helm inherits ::platform::helm::repository::params { include ::platform::kubernetes::params if $::platform::kubernetes::params::enabled { file {$source_helm_repo_dir: ensure => directory, path => $source_helm_repo_dir, owner => 'www', require => User['www'] } -> file {$target_helm_repo_dir: ensure => directory, path => $target_helm_repo_dir, owner => 'www', require => User['www'] } if (str2bool($::is_initial_config) and $::personality == 'controller') { if str2bool($::is_initial_config_primary) { Class['::platform::kubernetes::master'] # TODO(jrichard): Upversion tiller image to v2.11.1 once released. -> exec { 'load tiller docker image': command => 'docker image pull', logoutput => true, } # TODO(tngo): If and when tiller image is upversioned, please ensure armada compatibility as part of the test -> exec { 'load armada docker image': command => 'docker image pull', logoutput => true, } -> exec { 'create service account for tiller': command => 'kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller', logoutput => true, } -> exec { 'create cluster role binding for tiller service account': command => 'kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller', # lint:ignore:140chars logoutput => true, } # TODO(jrichard): Upversion tiller image to v2.11.1 once released. -> exec { 'initialize helm': environment => [ 'KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf', 'HOME=/home/wrsroot' ], command => 'helm init --skip-refresh --service-account tiller --node-selectors ""=""', # lint:ignore:140chars logoutput => true, user => 'wrsroot', group => 'wrs', require => User['wrsroot'] } exec { "bind mount ${target_helm_repo_dir}": command => "mount -o bind -t ext4 ${source_helm_repo_dir} ${target_helm_repo_dir}", require => Exec['add local starlingx helm repo'] } # it needs to create the index file after the bind mount, otherwise # helm repo could not be updated until application-upload adds index -> exec { 'generate helm repo index on source': command => "helm repo index ${source_helm_repo_dir}", logoutput => true, user => 'www', group => 'www', require => User['www'] } } else { Class['::platform::kubernetes::master'] -> exec { 'initialize helm': environment => [ 'KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf', 'HOME=/home/wrsroot' ], command => 'helm init --skip-refresh --client-only', logoutput => true, user => 'wrsroot', group => 'wrs', require => User['wrsroot'] } } include ::openstack::horizon::params $port = $::openstack::horizon::params::http_port exec { 'restart lighttpd for helm': require => [File['/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf', $target_helm_repo_dir], Exec['initialize helm']], command => 'systemctl restart lighttpd.service', logoutput => true, } -> exec { 'generate helm repo index on target': command => "helm repo index ${target_helm_repo_dir}", logoutput => true, user => 'www', group => 'www', require => User['www'] } -> exec { 'add local starlingx helm repo': before => Exec['Stop lighttpd'], environment => [ 'KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf' , 'HOME=/home/wrsroot'], command => "helm repo add starlingx${port}/helm_charts", logoutput => true, user => 'wrsroot', group => 'wrs', require => User['wrsroot'] } } } } class platform::helm::runtime { include ::platform::kubernetes::params if $::platform::kubernetes::params::enabled { include ::platform::users include ::openstack::horizon::params $port = $::openstack::horizon::params::http_port exec { 'update local starlingx helm repo': environment => [ 'KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf' , 'HOME=/home/wrsroot'], command => "helm repo add starlingx${port}/helm_charts", logoutput => true, user => 'wrsroot', group => 'wrs', require => User['wrsroot'] } } }