# # Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # from sysinv.common import constants from sysinv.common import exception from sysinv.common.storage_backend_conf import StorageBackendConfig from sysinv.openstack.common import log as logging from sysinv.helm import common from sysinv.helm import openstack LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CinderHelm(openstack.OpenstackBaseHelm): """Class to encapsulate helm operations for the cinder chart""" CHART = constants.HELM_CHART_CINDER SERVICE_NAME = 'cinder' SERVICE_TYPE = 'volume' AUTH_USERS = ['cinder'] def get_overrides(self, namespace=None): overrides = { common.HELM_NS_OPENSTACK: { 'pod': { 'replicas': { 'api': self._num_controllers(), 'volume': self._num_controllers(), 'scheduler': self._num_controllers(), 'backup': self._num_controllers() } }, 'conf': { 'cinder': self._get_conf_cinder_overrides(), 'ceph': self._get_conf_ceph_overrides(), 'backends': self._get_conf_backends_overrides(), }, 'endpoints': self._get_endpoints_overrides(), 'ceph_client': self._get_ceph_client_overrides() } } if namespace in self.SUPPORTED_NAMESPACES: return overrides[namespace] elif namespace: raise exception.InvalidHelmNamespace(chart=self.CHART, namespace=namespace) else: return overrides def _get_conf_ceph_overrides(self): ceph_backend = self._get_primary_ceph_backend() if not ceph_backend: return {} replication, min_replication =\ StorageBackendConfig.get_ceph_pool_replication(self.dbapi) rule_name = "{0}{1}{2}".format( constants.SB_TIER_DEFAULT_NAMES[ constants.SB_TIER_TYPE_CEPH], constants.CEPH_CRUSH_TIER_SUFFIX, "-ruleset").replace('-', '_') conf_ceph = { 'monitors': self._get_formatted_ceph_monitor_ips(), 'admin_keyring': 'null', 'pools': { 'backup': { # We use the chart to configure the pool for backups, so # it's safe to use the same replication as for the primary # tier pools. 'replication': replication, 'crush_rule': rule_name, }, 'volume': { # The cinder chart doesn't currently support specifying # the config for multiple volume/backup pools. 'replication': replication, 'crush_rule': rule_name, } } } return conf_ceph def _get_conf_cinder_overrides(self): # Get all the internal CEPH backends. backends = self.dbapi.storage_backend_get_list_by_type( backend_type=constants.SB_TYPE_CEPH) conf_cinder = { 'DEFAULT': { 'enabled_backends': ','.join( b.name.encode('utf8', 'strict') for b in backends) }, } # If there are more CEPH backends, we default to the volume type # associated with the primary CEPH tier, which currently has the name # set to 'ceph-store'. if len(backends) > 1: default = next( (b.name for b in backends if b.name == constants.SB_DEFAULT_NAMES[constants.SB_TYPE_CEPH]), None) if default: conf_cinder['DEFAULT']['default_volume_type'] = \ default.encode('utf8', 'strict') return conf_cinder def _get_conf_backends_overrides(self): conf_backends = {} # We don't use the chart's default backends. conf_backends['rbd1'] = "" # Get tier info. tiers = self.dbapi.storage_tier_get_list() primary_tier_name =\ constants.SB_TIER_DEFAULT_NAMES[constants.SB_TIER_TYPE_CEPH] # We support primary and secondary CEPH tiers. backends = self.dbapi.storage_backend_get_list_by_type( backend_type=constants.SB_TYPE_CEPH) # No data if there are no CEPH backends. if not backends: return {} for bk in backends: bk_name = bk.name.encode('utf8', 'strict') tier = next((t for t in tiers if t.forbackendid == bk.id), None) if not tier: raise Exception("No tier present for backend %s" % bk_name) if tier.name == primary_tier_name: rbd_pool = constants.CEPH_POOL_VOLUMES_NAME else: rbd_pool = "%s-%s" % (constants.CEPH_POOL_VOLUMES_NAME, tier.name) conf_backends[bk_name] = { 'volume_backend_name': bk_name, 'volume_driver': 'cinder.volume.drivers.rbd.RBDDriver', 'rbd_pool': rbd_pool.encode('utf8', 'strict'), 'rbd_user': 'cinder', 'rbd_ceph_conf': (constants.CEPH_CONF_PATH + constants.SB_TYPE_CEPH_CONF_FILENAME), } return conf_backends def _get_endpoints_overrides(self): return { 'identity': { 'auth': self._get_endpoints_identity_overrides( self.SERVICE_NAME, self.AUTH_USERS), }, 'oslo_db': { 'auth': self._get_endpoints_oslo_db_overrides( self.SERVICE_NAME, self.AUTH_USERS) }, 'oslo_cache': { 'auth': { 'memcache_secret_key': self._get_common_password('auth_memcache_key') } }, 'oslo_messaging': { 'auth': self._get_endpoints_oslo_messaging_overrides( self.SERVICE_NAME, self.AUTH_USERS) }, } def _get_primary_ceph_backend(self): try: backend = self.dbapi.storage_backend_get_by_name( constants.SB_DEFAULT_NAMES[constants.SB_TYPE_CEPH]) except Exception: backend = None pass return backend def get_region_name(self): return self._get_service_region_name(self.SERVICE_NAME) def get_service_name_v2(self): return self._get_configured_service_name(self.SERVICE_NAME, 'v2') def get_service_type_v2(self): service_type = self._get_configured_service_type( self.SERVICE_NAME, 'v2') if service_type is None: return self.SERVICE_TYPE + 'v2' else: return service_type