class platform::partitions::params ( $create_config = undef, $modify_config = undef, $shutdown_drbd_resource = undef, $delete_config = undef, $check_config = undef, ) {} define platform_manage_partition( $action = $name, $config = undef, $shutdown_drbd_resource = undef, $system_mode = undef, ) { if $config { # For drbd partitions, modifications can only be done on standby # controller as we need to: # - stop DRBD [drbd is in-use on active, so it can't be stopped there] # - manage-partitions: backup meta, resize partition, restore meta # - start DRBD # For AIO SX we make an exception as all instances are down on host lock. # see exec { "manage-partitions-${action}": logoutput => true, command => template('platform/partitions.manage.erb') } } } class platform::partitions inherits ::platform::partitions::params { # Ensure partitions are updated before the PVs and VGs are setup Platform_manage_partition <| |> -> Physical_volume <| |> Platform_manage_partition <| |> -> Volume_group <| |> # Perform partition updates in a particular order: deletions, # modifications, then creations. # NOTE: Currently we are executing partition changes serially, not in bulk. platform_manage_partition { 'check': config => $check_config, } -> platform_manage_partition { 'delete': config => $delete_config, } -> platform_manage_partition { 'modify': config => $modify_config, shutdown_drbd_resource => $shutdown_drbd_resource, system_mode => $::platform::params::system_mode, } -> platform_manage_partition { 'create': config => $create_config, } } class platform::partitions::runtime { include ::platform::partitions }