#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # All Rights Reserved. # from cgtsclient.common import constants from cgtsclient.common import utils from cgtsclient import exc from cgtsclient.v1 import ihost as ihost_utils from cgtsclient.v1 import ilvg as ilvg_utils from oslo_serialization import jsonutils def _print_ilvg_show(ilvg): labels = ['lvm_vg_name', 'vg_state', 'uuid', 'ihost_uuid', 'lvm_vg_access', 'lvm_max_lv', 'lvm_cur_lv', 'lvm_max_pv', 'lvm_cur_pv', 'lvm_vg_size_gib', 'lvm_vg_total_pe', 'lvm_vg_free_pe', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'parameters'] fields = ['lvm_vg_name', 'vg_state', 'uuid', 'ihost_uuid', 'lvm_vg_access', 'lvm_max_lv', 'lvm_cur_lv', 'lvm_max_pv', 'lvm_cur_pv', 'lvm_vg_size', 'lvm_vg_total_pe', 'lvm_vg_free_pe', 'created_at', 'updated_at'] # convert size from Byte to GiB ilvg.lvm_vg_size = utils.convert_size_from_bytes(ilvg.lvm_vg_size, constants.GiB) data = [(f, getattr(ilvg, f, '')) for f in fields] attr = getattr(ilvg, 'capabilities', '') if attr: lv_size_mib = attr.pop('instances_lv_size_mib', None) if lv_size_mib: lv_size_gib = float(lv_size_mib) / 1024 attr.update({'instances_lv_size_gib': lv_size_gib}) # rename capabilities for display purposes and add to display list data.append(('parameters', attr)) utils.print_tuple_list(data, labels) def _find_lvg(cc, ihost, lvguuid): lvgs = cc.ilvg.list(ihost.uuid) for i in lvgs: if i.uuid == lvguuid: break else: raise exc.CommandError('Local Volume Group not found: host %s lvg %s' % (ihost.hostname, lvguuid)) return i @utils.arg('hostnameorid', metavar='', help="Name or ID of host [REQUIRED]") @utils.arg('lvgnameoruuid', metavar='', help="Name or UUID of lvg [REQUIRED]") def do_host_lvg_show(cc, args): """Show Local Volume Group attributes.""" ihost = ihost_utils._find_ihost(cc, args.hostnameorid) ilvg = ilvg_utils._find_ilvg(cc, ihost, args.lvgnameoruuid) _print_ilvg_show(ilvg) # Make the LVG state data clearer to the end user def _adjust_state_data(vg_name, state): if state == "adding": state = "adding (on unlock)" if state == "removing": state = "removing (on unlock)" return state @utils.arg('hostnameorid', metavar='', help="Name or ID of host [REQUIRED]") def do_host_lvg_list(cc, args): """List Local Volume Groups.""" ihost = ihost_utils._find_ihost(cc, args.hostnameorid) ilvgs = cc.ilvg.list(ihost.uuid) # Adjust state to be more user friendly for lvg in ilvgs: lvg.vg_state = _adjust_state_data(lvg.lvm_vg_name, lvg.vg_state) # convert size from Byte to GiB lvg.lvm_vg_size = utils.convert_size_from_bytes(lvg.lvm_vg_size, constants.GiB) field_labels = ['UUID', 'LVG Name', 'State', 'Access', 'Size (GiB)', 'Current PVs', 'Current LVs'] fields = ['uuid', 'lvm_vg_name', 'vg_state', 'lvm_vg_access', 'lvm_vg_size', 'lvm_cur_pv', 'lvm_cur_lv'] utils.print_list(ilvgs, fields, field_labels, sortby=0) @utils.arg('hostnameorid', metavar='', help="Name or ID of host [REQUIRED]") @utils.arg('lvm_vg_name', metavar='', help="Name of the Local Volume Group [REQUIRED]") def do_host_lvg_add(cc, args): """Add a Local Volume Group.""" field_list = ['lvm_vg_name'] # default values fields = {'lvm_vg_name': 'nova-local'} # Get the ihost object ihost = ihost_utils._find_ihost(cc, args.hostnameorid) user_specified_fields = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in vars(args).items() if k in field_list and not (v is None)) if 'lvm_vg_name' in user_specified_fields.keys(): user_specified_fields['lvm_vg_name'] =\ user_specified_fields['lvm_vg_name'].replace(" ", "") fields.update(user_specified_fields) try: fields['ihost_uuid'] = ihost.uuid ilvg = cc.ilvg.create(**fields) except exc.HTTPNotFound: raise exc.CommandError('Lvg create failed: host %s: fields %s' % (args.hostnameorid, fields)) suuid = getattr(ilvg, 'uuid', '') try: ilvg = cc.ilvg.get(suuid) except exc.HTTPNotFound: raise exc.CommandError('Created Lvg UUID not found: %s' % suuid) _print_ilvg_show(ilvg) @utils.arg('hostnameorid', metavar='', help="Name or ID of host [REQUIRED]") @utils.arg('lvm_vg_name', metavar='', help="Name of the Local Volume Group [REQUIRED]") def do_host_lvg_delete(cc, args): """Delete a Local Volume Group.""" # Get the ihost object ihost = ihost_utils._find_ihost(cc, args.hostnameorid) ilvg = ilvg_utils._find_ilvg(cc, ihost, args.lvm_vg_name) try: cc.ilvg.delete(ilvg.uuid) except exc.HTTPNotFound: raise exc.CommandError('Local Volume Group delete failed: host %s: ' 'lvg %s' % (args.hostnameorid, args.lvm_vg_name)) @utils.arg('hostnameorid', metavar='', help="Name or ID of the host [REQUIRED]") @utils.arg('lvgnameoruuid', metavar='', help="Name or UUID of lvg [REQUIRED]") @utils.arg('-b', '--instance_backing', metavar='', choices=['lvm', 'image', 'remote'], help=("Type of instance backing. " "Allowed values: lvm, image, remote. [nova-local]")) @utils.arg('-c', '--concurrent_disk_operations', metavar='', help=("Set the number of concurrent I/O intensive disk operations " "such as glance image downloads, image format conversions, " "etc. [nova-local]")) @utils.arg('-s', '--instances_lv_size_gib', metavar='', help=("Set the desired size (in GiB) of the instances LV that is " "used for /etc/nova/instances. Example: For a 50GB volume, " "use 50. Required when instance backing is \"lvm\". " "[nova-local]")) @utils.arg('-l', '--lvm_type', metavar='', choices=['thick', 'thin'], help=("Determines the thick or thin provisioning format " "of the LVM volume group. [cinder-volumes]")) def do_host_lvg_modify(cc, args): """Modify the attributes of a Local Volume Group.""" # Get all the fields from the command arguments field_list = ['hostnameorid', 'lvgnameoruuid', 'instance_backing', 'instances_lv_size_gib', 'concurrent_disk_operations', 'lvm_type'] fields = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in vars(args).items() if k in field_list and not (v is None)) all_caps_list = ['instance_backing', 'instances_lv_size_gib', 'concurrent_disk_operations', 'lvm_type'] integer_fields = ['instances_lv_size_gib', 'concurrent_disk_operations'] requested_caps_dict = {} for cap in all_caps_list: if cap in fields: try: if cap in integer_fields: requested_caps_dict[cap] = int(fields[cap]) else: requested_caps_dict[cap] = fields[cap] if cap == 'instances_lv_size_gib': requested_caps_dict['instances_lv_size_mib'] = \ requested_caps_dict.pop('instances_lv_size_gib') * 1024 except ValueError: raise exc.CommandError('instances_lv size must be an integer ' 'greater than 0: %s' % fields[cap]) # Get the ihost object ihost = ihost_utils._find_ihost(cc, args.hostnameorid) # Get the volume group lvg = ilvg_utils._find_ilvg(cc, ihost, args.lvgnameoruuid) # format the arguments patch = [] patch.append({'path': '/capabilities', 'value': jsonutils.dumps(requested_caps_dict), 'op': 'replace'}) # Update the volume group attributes try: ilvg = cc.ilvg.update(lvg.uuid, patch) except exc.HTTPNotFound: raise exc.CommandError( "ERROR: Local Volume Group update failed: " "host %s volume group %s : update %s" % (args.hostnameorid, args.lvgnameoruuid, patch)) _print_ilvg_show(ilvg)