#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2019 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # # chkconfig: 2345 80 80 # ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: affine-tasks # Required-Start: # Required-Stop: # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: reaffine tasks on AIO # Description: This script will dynamically reaffine tasks # and k8s-infra cgroup cpuset on AIO nodes only. This accomodates # CPU intensive phases of work. Tasks are initially allowed to float # across all cores. Once system is at steady-state, this will ensure # that K8S pods are constrained to platform cores and do not run on # cores with VMs/containers. ### END INIT INFO # # Background: # There is significant parallel CPU intensive activity: # - during stx-application apply before critical openstack pods are running, # e.g., to download docker images, and start all pods. # - during init and pod recovery after reboot or DOR. # # This enables use of all cpus during CPU intensive phase, otherwise the # startup processing time is considerably longer and we easily hit timeout. # # This script waits forever for sufficient platform readiness criteria # (e.g., system critical pods are recovered, nova-compute is running, # cinder-volume is running, openstack pods are running), and we have waited # a short stabilization period before reaffining to the platform cpus. # # NOTE: child cgroup cpuset and nodeset must be a subset of the parent # cgroup's attributes. This requires traversing the tree hierachy in # specific order when dynamically modifying these attributes. # ################################################################################ # Define minimal path PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin CPUMAP_FUNCTIONS=${CPUMAP_FUNCTIONS:-"/etc/init.d/cpumap_functions.sh"} [[ -e ${CPUMAP_FUNCTIONS} ]] && source ${CPUMAP_FUNCTIONS} # Bring in platform definitions . /etc/platform/platform.conf # Environment for kubectl export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf # Global parameters CGDIR_K8S=/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/k8s-infra INIT_INTERVAL_SECONDS=10 CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS=30 PRINT_INTERVAL_SECONDS=300 STABILIZATION_SECONDS=150 # Define pidfile LNAME=$(readlink -n -f $0) NAME=$(basename $LNAME) PIDFILE=/var/run/${NAME}.pid # Define number of logical cpus LOGICAL_CPUS=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) # Define the memory nodeset and cpuset that span all online cpus and nodes ONLINE_NODES=$(/bin/cat /sys/devices/system/node/online) ONLINE_CPUS=$(/bin/cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/online) ONLINE_MASK=$(cpulist_to_cpumap ${ONLINE_CPUS} ${LOGICAL_CPUS} | \ awk '{print tolower($0)}') ISOL_CPUS=$(/bin/cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/isolated) if [ ! -z "${ISOL_CPUS}" ]; then ISOL_CPUMAP=$(cpulist_to_cpumap ${ISOL_CPUS} ${LOGICAL_CPUS}) NONISOL_CPUMAP=$(invert_cpumap ${ISOL_CPUMAP} ${LOGICAL_CPUS}) NONISOL_CPUS=$(cpumap_to_cpulist ${NONISOL_CPUMAP} ${LOGICAL_CPUS}) NONISOL_MASK=$(cpulist_to_cpumap ${NONISOL_CPUS} ${LOGICAL_CPUS} | \ awk '{print tolower($0)}') else ISOL_CPUMAP='0' NONISOL_CPUS=${ONLINE_CPUS} NONISOL_MASK=${ONLINE_MASK} fi # Define platform memory nodeset and cpuset PLATFORM_NODES=$(cat /sys/devices/system/node/online) PLATFORM_CPUS=$(platform_expanded_cpu_list) # Global variables NOT_READY_REASON="" STABLE=0 # Log info message to /var/log/daemon.log function LOG { logger -p daemon.info -t "${NAME}($$): " "$@" } # Log error message to /var/log/daemon.log function ERROR { logger -s -p daemon.error -t "${NAME}($$): " "$@" } # Update cgroup k8s-infra cpuset and nodeset to span all non-isolated cpus. function update_cgroup_cpuset_k8s_infra_all { # Set all cgroup cpuset and nodeset in tree hierarchy order. # This will always work, no matter the previous cpuset state. find ${CGDIR_K8S} -type d | \ while read d; do /bin/echo ${ONLINE_NODES} > ${d}/cpuset.mems 2>/dev/null /bin/echo ${NONISOL_CPUS} > ${d}/cpuset.cpus 2>/dev/null done LOG "Update ${CGDIR_K8S}," \ "ONLINE_NODES=${ONLINE_NODES}, NONISOL_CPUS=${NONISOL_CPUS}" } # Update cgroup k8s-infra to span platform cpuset and nodeset. function update_cgroup_cpuset_k8s_infra_platform { # Clear any existing cpuset settings. This ensures that the # subsequent shrink to platform cpuset will always work. update_cgroup_cpuset_k8s_infra_all # Set all cgroup cpuset and nodeset in depth-first order. # NOTE: this only works if we are shrinking the cpuset. find ${CGDIR_K8S} -depth -type d | \ while read d; do /bin/echo ${PLATFORM_NODES} > ${d}/cpuset.mems 2>/dev/null /bin/echo ${PLATFORM_CPUS} > ${d}/cpuset.cpus 2>/dev/null done LOG "Update ${CGDIR_K8S}," \ "PLATFORM_NODES=${PLATFORM_NODES}, PLATFORM_CPUS=${PLATFORM_CPUS}" } # Check criteria for K8s platform ready on this node. # i.e., k8s-infra is configured, kubelet is running function is_k8s_platform_ready { local PASS=0 local FAIL=1 # Global variable NOT_READY_REASON="" # Check that cgroup cpuset k8s-infra has been configured if [ ! -e ${CGDIR_K8S} ]; then NOT_READY_REASON="k8s-infra not configured" return ${FAIL} fi # Check that kubelet is running and stable if systemctl is-active kubelet --quiet; then PID=$(systemctl show kubelet.service -p MainPID | \ awk -vFS='=' '{print $2}') if [ ${PID} -eq 0 ]; then NOT_READY_REASON="kubelet not running" return ${FAIL} fi up=$(ps -p ${PID} -o etimes= 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}') if ! { [ -n "${up}" -a ${up} -ge 30 ]; } then NOT_READY_REASON="kubelet not yet stable" return ${FAIL} fi else NOT_READY_REASON="kubelet not running" return ${FAIL} fi LOG "kubelet is ready" return ${PASS} } # Determine whether this node has 'static' cpu manager policy. # NOTE: This check assumes that kubelet is already running locally. function is_static_cpu_manager_policy { local PASS=0 local FAIL=1 state=$(cat /var/lib/kubelet/cpu_manager_state 2>/dev/null) if [[ $state =~ \"policyName\":.?\"static\" ]]; then return ${PASS} else return ${FAIL} fi } # Check criteria for K8s platform steady-state ready on this node. # i.e., kube-system pods have recovered, kube application apply # has completed, nova-compute is running, cinder-volume is running. # NOTE: This function depends on kubectl commands, so is only # usable on controllers. function is_k8s_platform_steady_state_ready { local PASS=0 local FAIL=1 local this_node=${HOSTNAME} # Global variable NOT_READY_REASON="" # Check that kube-system pods have recovered on this node npods=$(kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system --no-headers \ --field-selector spec.nodeName=${this_node} 2>/dev/null | \ awk ' BEGIN { n=0; } !/Completed|Running/ { n+=1 } END { printf "%d\n", n; } ') if [ ${npods} -gt 0 ]; then NOT_READY_REASON="${npods} kube-system pods not recovered" STABLE=0 return ${FAIL} fi # Wait for a few critical openstack pods to be running if this is # an openstack-compute-node. This is not an exhaustive list. # Make sure that all openstack pods on this node are running. labels=$(kubectl get node ${this_node} \ --no-headers --show-labels 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $NF}') if [[ $labels =~ openstack-compute-node=enabled ]]; then # nova-compute is one of the last charts to recover after reboot PODS=( $(kubectl get pods --namespace openstack --no-headers \ --selector application=nova,component=compute \ --field-selector \ spec.nodeName=${this_node},status.phase=Running 2>/dev/null) ) if [ ${#PODS[@]} -eq 0 ]; then NOT_READY_REASON="nova-compute pod not running" STABLE=0 return ${FAIL} fi # cinder-volume is one of the last charts to recover after reboot PODS=( $(kubectl get pods --namespace openstack --no-headers \ --selector application=cinder,component=volume \ --field-selector \ spec.nodeName=${this_node},status.phase=Running 2>/dev/null) ) if [ ${#PODS[@]} -eq 0 ]; then NOT_READY_REASON="cinder-volume pod not running" STABLE=0 return ${FAIL} fi # Check that all openstack pods on this node have recovered npods=$(kubectl get pods --namespace openstack --no-headers \ --field-selector spec.nodeName=${this_node} 2>/dev/null | \ awk ' BEGIN { n=0; } !/Completed|Running/ { n+=1 } END { printf "%d\n", n; } ') if [ ${npods} -gt 0 ]; then NOT_READY_REASON="${npods} openstack pods not recovered" STABLE=0 return ${FAIL} fi fi # Evaluate elapsed time since check criteria pass if [ ${STABLE} -eq 0 ]; then STABLE=${SECONDS} fi dt=$(( ${SECONDS} - ${STABLE} )) if [ ${dt} -lt ${STABILIZATION_SECONDS} ]; then NOT_READY_REASON="stabilization wait" return ${FAIL} fi LOG "K8S is ready" return ${PASS} } # Get number of DRBD resources started. # Returns 0 if DRBD not ready. function number_drbd_resources_started { local started # Number of started DRBD resources started=$(cat /proc/drbd 2>/dev/null | \ awk '/cs:/ { n+=1; } END {printf "%d\n", n}') echo "${started}" } # Check criteria for all drbd resources started. # i.e., see running DRBD worker threads for each configured resource. function all_drbd_resources_started { local PASS=0 local FAIL=1 local -i started=0 local -i resources=0 # Global variable NOT_READY_REASON="" # Number of started DRBD resources started=$(number_drbd_resources_started) if [ ${started} -eq 0 ]; then NOT_READY_REASON="no drbd resources started" return ${FAIL} fi # Number of expected DRBD resources resources=$(drbdadm sh-resources | \ awk -vFS='[[:space:]]' 'END {print NF}') if [ ${started} -ne ${resources} ]; then NOT_READY_REASON="${started} of ${resources} drbd resources started" return ${FAIL} fi return ${PASS} } function affine_drbd_tasks { local CPUS=$1 local pidlist LOG "Affine drbd tasks, CPUS=${CPUS}" # Affine drbd_r_* threads to all cores. The DRBD receiver threads are # particularly CPU intensive. Leave the other DRBD threads alone. pidlist=$(pgrep drbd_r_) for pid in ${pidlist[@]}; do taskset --pid --cpu-list ${CPUS} ${pid} > /dev/null 2>&1 done } # Return list of reaffineable pids. This includes all processes, but excludes # kernel threads, vSwitch, and anything in K8S or qemu/kvm. function reaffineable_pids { local pids_excl local pidlist pids_excl=$(ps -eL -o pid=,comm= | \ awk -vORS=',' '/eal-intr-thread|kthreadd/ {print $1}' | \ sed 's/,$/\n/') pidlist=$(ps --ppid ${pids_excl} -p ${pids_excl} --deselect \ -o pid=,cgroup= | \ awk '!/k8s-infra|machine.slice/ {print $1; }') echo "${pidlist[@]}" } function affine_tasks_to_all_cores { local pidlist local count=0 LOG "Affine all tasks, CPUS: ${NONISOL_CPUS};" \ "online=${ONLINE_CPUS} (0x${ONLINE_MASK})," \ "isol=${ISOL_CPUS}, nonisol=${NONISOL_CPUS} (0x${NONISOL_MASK})" pidlist=( $(reaffineable_pids) ) for pid in ${pidlist[@]}; do count=$((${count} + 1)) taskset --all-tasks --pid --cpu-list \ ${NONISOL_CPUS} ${pid} > /dev/null 2>&1 done LOG "Affined ${count} processes to all cores." } function affine_tasks_to_platform_cores { local pidlist local count=0 LOG "Affine all tasks, PLATFORM_CPUS=${PLATFORM_CPUS}" pidlist=( $(reaffineable_pids) ) for pid in ${pidlist[@]}; do pid_mask=$(taskset -p $pid 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $6}') if [ "${pid_mask}" == "${NONISOL_MASK}" ]; then count=$((${count} + 1)) taskset --all-tasks --pid --cpu-list \ ${PLATFORM_CPUS} ${pid} > /dev/null 2>&1 fi done # Reaffine vSwitch tasks that span multiple cpus to platform cpus pidlist=$(ps -eL -o pid=,comm= | awk '/eal-intr-thread/ {print $1}') for pid in ${pidlist[@]}; do count=$((${count} + 1)) grep Cpus_allowed_list /proc/${pid}/task/*/status 2>/dev/null | \ sed 's#/# #g' | awk '/,|-/ {print $4}' | \ xargs --no-run-if-empty -i{} \ taskset --pid --cpu-list ${PLATFORM_CPUS} {} > /dev/null 2>&1 done # Reaffine drbd_r_* threads to platform cpus affine_drbd_tasks ${PLATFORM_CPUS} LOG "Affined ${count} processes to platform cores." } function start { # Ensure this only runs on AIO if ! { [[ "$nodetype" = "controller" ]] && [[ $subfunction = *worker* ]]; } then LOG "Not AIO, nothing to do." return fi # Abort if another instantiation is already running if [ -e ${PIDFILE} ]; then PID=$(cat ${PIDFILE}) if [ -n "${PID}" -a -e /proc/${PID} ]; then ERROR "Aborting, ${PID} already running: ${PIDFILE}." exit 1 else OUT=$(rm -v -f ${PIDFILE}) LOG "${OUT}" fi fi LOG "Starting." # Create pidfile to indicate the script is running echo $$ > ${PIDFILE} # Affine all tasks to float on all cores affine_tasks_to_all_cores # Wait for kubelet to be running t0=${SECONDS} until is_k8s_platform_ready; do dt=$(( ${SECONDS} - ${t0} )) if [ ${dt} -ge ${PRINT_INTERVAL_SECONDS} ]; then t0=${SECONDS} LOG "Recovery wait, elapsed ${SECONDS} seconds." \ "Reason: ${NOT_READY_REASON}" fi sleep ${INIT_INTERVAL_SECONDS} done # Update K8S cpuset so that pods float on all cpus # NOTE: dynamic cpuset changes incompatible with static policy if ! is_static_cpu_manager_policy; then update_cgroup_cpuset_k8s_infra_all fi # Wait for all DRBD resources to have started. Affine DRBD tasks # to float on all cores as we find them. until all_drbd_resources_started; do started=$(number_drbd_resources_started) if [ ${started} -gt 0 ]; then affine_drbd_tasks ${NONISOL_CPUS} fi dt=$(( ${SECONDS} - ${t0} )) if [ ${dt} -ge ${PRINT_INTERVAL_SECONDS} ]; then t0=${SECONDS} LOG "Recovery wait, elapsed ${SECONDS} seconds." \ "Reason: ${NOT_READY_REASON}" fi sleep ${INIT_INTERVAL_SECONDS} done affine_drbd_tasks ${NONISOL_CPUS} # Wait until K8s pods have recovered and nova-compute is running t0=${SECONDS} until is_k8s_platform_steady_state_ready; do dt=$(( ${SECONDS} - ${t0} )) if [ ${dt} -ge ${PRINT_INTERVAL_SECONDS} ]; then t0=${SECONDS} LOG "Recovery wait, elapsed ${SECONDS} seconds." \ "Reason: ${NOT_READY_REASON}" fi sleep ${CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS} done # Update K8S cpuset to platform cores if ! is_static_cpu_manager_policy; then update_cgroup_cpuset_k8s_infra_platform fi # Affine all floating tasks back to platform cores affine_tasks_to_platform_cores # Remove pidfile after successful completion rm -f ${PIDFILE} LOG "Complete." } function stop { LOG "Stopping." # Forcibly stop any running instantiation if [ -e ${PIDFILE} ]; then PID=$(cat ${PIDFILE}) if [ -n "${PID}" -a -e /proc/${PID} ]; then LOG "Stopping ${PID}: ${PIDFILE}." kill -9 ${PID} timeout 20 tail --pid=${PID} -f /dev/null fi OUT=$(rm -v -f ${PIDFILE}) LOG "${OUT}" fi } function status { : } function reset { : } if [ ${UID} -ne 0 ]; then ERROR "Need sudo/root permission." exit 1 fi case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; restart|force-reload|reload) stop start ;; status) status ;; reset) reset ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|force-reload|restart|reload|status|reset}" exit 1 ;; esac exit 0