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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (c) 2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# Copyright 2010-2011 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2012-2013 IBM Corp.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Tests for database migrations. This test case reads the configuration
file test_migrations.conf for database connection settings
to use in the tests. For each connection found in the config file,
the test case runs a series of test cases to ensure that migrations work
There are also "opportunistic" tests for both mysql and postgresql in here,
which allows testing against all 3 databases (sqlite in memory, mysql, pg) in
a properly configured unit test environment.
For the opportunistic testing you need to set up a db named 'openstack_citest'
with user 'openstack_citest' and password 'openstack_citest' on localhost.
The test will then use that db and u/p combo to run the tests.
For postgres on Ubuntu this can be done with the following commands:
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create user openstack_citest with createdb login password
postgres=# create database openstack_citest with owner openstack_citest;
import commands
import ConfigParser
import os
import urlparse
import mock
import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy.exc
from migrate.versioning import repository
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils as db_utils
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table
from sysinv.openstack.common import lockutils
from sysinv.openstack.common import log as logging
import sysinv.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo
from sysinv.tests import utils as test_utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _get_connect_string(backend, user, passwd, database):
"""Get database connection
Try to get a connection with a very specific set of values, if we get
these then we'll run the tests, otherwise they are skipped
if backend == "postgres":
backend = "postgresql+psycopg2"
elif backend == "mysql":
backend = "mysql+mysqldb"
# Presently returns a connection string to set up an sqlite db in memory
# if user, passwd, and databse are not empty strings, the connection string
# will be invalid. Can change string format to make db on disk, but no
# user/pass is directly supported by sqlite.
elif backend == "sqlite":
backend = "sqlite"
return ("%(backend)s://%(user)s%(passwd)s%(database)s"
% {'backend': backend, 'user': user, 'passwd': passwd,
'database': database})
raise Exception("Unrecognized backend: '%s'" % backend)
return ("%(backend)s://%(user)s:%(passwd)s@localhost/%(database)s"
% {'backend': backend, 'user': user, 'passwd': passwd,
'database': database})
def _is_backend_avail(backend, user, passwd, database):
connect_uri = _get_connect_string(backend, user, passwd, database)
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connect_uri)
connection = engine.connect()
except Exception:
# intentionally catch all to handle exceptions even if we don't
# have any backend code loaded.
return False
return True
def _have_sqlite(user, passwd, database):
present = os.environ.get('TEST_SQLITE_PRESENT')
if present is None:
# If using in-memory db for sqlite, no database should be specified
# and user/passwd aren't directly supported by sqlite, thus we send
# empty strings so we can connect with 'sqlite://'. If you decide to
# use an on-disk sqlite db, replace the empty strings below.
return _is_backend_avail('sqlite', '', '', '')
return present.lower() in ('', 'true')
def _have_mysql(user, passwd, database):
present = os.environ.get('TEST_MYSQL_PRESENT')
if present is None:
return _is_backend_avail('mysql', user, passwd, database)
return present.lower() in ('', 'true')
def _have_postgresql(user, passwd, database):
present = os.environ.get('TEST_POSTGRESQL_PRESENT')
if present is None:
return _is_backend_avail('postgres', user, passwd, database)
return present.lower() in ('', 'true')
def get_db_connection_info(conn_pieces):
"""Gets user, pass, db, and host for each dialect
Strips connection strings in test_migrations.conf for each corresponding
dialect in the file to get values for each component in the connection
database = conn_pieces.path.strip('/')
loc_pieces = conn_pieces.netloc.split('@')
host = loc_pieces[1]
auth_pieces = loc_pieces[0].split(':')
user = auth_pieces[0]
password = ""
if len(auth_pieces) > 1:
password = auth_pieces[1].strip()
return (user, password, database, host)
class BaseMigrationTestCase(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
"""Base class for testing of migration utils."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(BaseMigrationTestCase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
# Test machines can set the TEST_MIGRATIONS_CONF variable
# to override the location of the config file for migration testing
self.test_databases = {}
self.migration_api = None
def setUp(self):
super(BaseMigrationTestCase, self).setUp()
# Load test databases from the config file. Only do this
# once. No need to re-run this on each test...
LOG.debug('config_path is %s' % self.CONFIG_FILE_PATH)
if os.path.exists(self.CONFIG_FILE_PATH):
cp = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
defaults = cp.defaults()
for key, value in defaults.items():
self.test_databases[key] = value
except ConfigParser.ParsingError as e:"Failed to read test_migrations.conf config "
"file. Got error: %s" % e)
else:"Failed to find test_migrations.conf config "
self.engines = {}
for key, value in self.test_databases.items():
self.engines[key] = sqlalchemy.create_engine(value)
# We start each test case with a completely blank slate.
def tearDown(self):
# We destroy the test data store between each test case,
# and recreate it, which ensures that we have no side-effects
# from the tests
super(BaseMigrationTestCase, self).tearDown()
def execute_cmd(self, cmd=None):
status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, status,
"Failed to run: %s\n%s" % (cmd, output))
@lockutils.synchronized('pgadmin', 'tests-', external=True)
def _reset_pg(self, conn_pieces):
"""Resets postgresql db
(user, password, database, host) = get_db_connection_info(conn_pieces)
# If the user and pass in your connection strings in
# test_migrations.conf don't match the user and pass of a pre-existing
# psql db on your host machine, you either need to create a psql role
# (user) to match, or must change the values in your conf file.
os.environ['PGPASSWORD'] = password
os.environ['PGUSER'] = user
# note(boris-42): We must create and drop database, we can't
# drop database which we have connected to, so for such
# operations there is a special database template1.
sqlcmd = ("psql -w -U %(user)s -h %(host)s -c"
" '%(sql)s' -d template1")
sql = ("drop database if exists %s;") % database
droptable = sqlcmd % {'user': user, 'host': host, 'sql': sql}
sql = ("create database %s;") % database
createtable = sqlcmd % {'user': user, 'host': host, 'sql': sql}
def _reset_databases(self):
for key, engine in self.engines.items():
conn_string = self.test_databases[key]
conn_pieces = urlparse.urlparse(conn_string)
if conn_string.startswith('sqlite'):
# We can just delete the SQLite database, which is
# the easiest and cleanest solution
db_path = conn_pieces.path.strip('/')
if os.path.exists(db_path):
# No need to recreate the SQLite DB. SQLite will
# create it for us if it's not there...
elif conn_string.startswith('mysql'):
# We can execute the MySQL client to destroy and re-create
# the MYSQL database, which is easier and less error-prone
# than using SQLAlchemy to do this via me.
(user, password, database, host) = \
sql = ("drop database if exists %(database)s; "
"create database %(database)s;") % {'database': database}
cmd = ("mysql -u \"%(user)s\" -p\"%(password)s\" -h %(host)s "
"-e \"%(sql)s\"") % {'user': user, 'password': password,
'host': host, 'sql': sql}
elif conn_string.startswith('postgresql'):
The below code has been commented out because the above for-loop
cycles through all backend types (sqlite, mysql, postgresql) and
postgres is not set up on the build/jenkins servers and will cause
errors when _reset_pg tries to run psql commands. This pass allows
non-postgresql tests to run because all tests call setup which
calls _reset_databases.
class WalkVersionsMixin(object):
def _walk_versions(self, engine=None, snake_walk=False, downgrade=True):
# Determine latest version script from the repo, then
# upgrade from 1 through to the latest, with no data
# in the databases. This just checks that the schema itself
# upgrades successfully.
# Place the database under version control
self.migration_api.version_control(engine, self.REPOSITORY,
# downgrade=False # JKUNG so we can examing the db
LOG.debug('latest version is %s' % self.REPOSITORY.latest)
versions = range(self.INIT_VERSION + 1, self.REPOSITORY.latest + 1)
for version in versions:
# upgrade -> downgrade -> upgrade
self._migrate_up(engine, version, with_data=True)
if snake_walk:
downgraded = self._migrate_down(
engine, version - 1, with_data=True)
if downgraded:
self._migrate_up(engine, version)
if downgrade:
# Now walk it back down to 0 from the latest, testing
# the downgrade paths.
for version in reversed(versions):
# downgrade -> upgrade -> downgrade
downgraded = self._migrate_down(engine, version - 1)
if snake_walk and downgraded:
self._migrate_up(engine, version)
self._migrate_down(engine, version - 1)
def _migrate_down(self, engine, version, with_data=False):
self.migration_api.downgrade(engine, self.REPOSITORY, version)
except NotImplementedError:
# NOTE(sirp): some migrations, namely release-level
# migrations, don't support a downgrade.
return False
version, self.migration_api.db_version(engine, self.REPOSITORY))
# NOTE(sirp): `version` is what we're downgrading to (i.e. the 'target'
# version). So if we have any downgrade checks, they need to be run for
# the previous (higher numbered) migration.
if with_data:
post_downgrade = getattr(
self, "_post_downgrade_%03d" % (version + 1), None)
if post_downgrade:
return True
def _migrate_up(self, engine, version, with_data=False):
"""migrate up to a new version of the db.
We allow for data insertion and post checks at every
migration version with special _pre_upgrade_### and
_check_### functions in the main test.
# NOTE(sdague): try block is here because it's impossible to debug
# where a failed data migration happens otherwise
if with_data:
data = None
pre_upgrade = getattr(
self, "_pre_upgrade_%03d" % version, None)
if pre_upgrade:
data = pre_upgrade(engine)
self.migration_api.upgrade(engine, self.REPOSITORY, version)
if with_data:
check = getattr(self, "_check_%03d" % version, None)
if check:
check(engine, data)
except Exception:
LOG.error("Failed to migrate to version %s on engine %s" %
(version, engine))
class TestWalkVersions(test_utils.BaseTestCase, WalkVersionsMixin):
def setUp(self):
super(TestWalkVersions, self).setUp()
self.migration_api = mock.MagicMock()
self.engine = mock.MagicMock()
self.REPOSITORY = mock.MagicMock()
def test_migrate_up(self):
self.migration_api.db_version.return_value = 141
self._migrate_up(self.engine, 141)
self.engine, self.REPOSITORY, 141)
self.engine, self.REPOSITORY)
def test_migrate_up_with_data(self):
test_value = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
self.migration_api.db_version.return_value = 141
self._pre_upgrade_141 = mock.MagicMock()
self._pre_upgrade_141.return_value = test_value
self._check_141 = mock.MagicMock()
self._migrate_up(self.engine, 141, True)
self._check_141.assert_called_with(self.engine, test_value)
def test_migrate_down(self):
self.migration_api.db_version.return_value = 42
self.assertTrue(self._migrate_down(self.engine, 42))
self.engine, self.REPOSITORY)
def test_migrate_down_not_implemented(self):
self.migration_api.downgrade.side_effect = NotImplementedError
self.assertFalse(self._migrate_down(self.engine, 42))
def test_migrate_down_with_data(self):
self._post_downgrade_043 = mock.MagicMock()
self.migration_api.db_version.return_value = 42
self._migrate_down(self.engine, 42, True)
@mock.patch.object(WalkVersionsMixin, '_migrate_up')
@mock.patch.object(WalkVersionsMixin, '_migrate_down')
def test_walk_versions_all_default(self, _migrate_up, _migrate_down):
self.REPOSITORY.latest = 20
self.migration_api.db_version.return_value = self.INIT_VERSION
None, self.REPOSITORY)
versions = range(self.INIT_VERSION + 1, self.REPOSITORY.latest + 1)
upgraded = [, v, with_data=True) for v in versions]
self.assertEquals(self._migrate_up.call_args_list, upgraded)
downgraded = [, v - 1) for v in reversed(versions)]
self.assertEquals(self._migrate_down.call_args_list, downgraded)
@mock.patch.object(WalkVersionsMixin, '_migrate_up')
@mock.patch.object(WalkVersionsMixin, '_migrate_down')
def test_walk_versions_all_true(self, _migrate_up, _migrate_down):
self.REPOSITORY.latest = 20
self.migration_api.db_version.return_value = self.INIT_VERSION
self._walk_versions(self.engine, snake_walk=True, downgrade=True)
versions = range(self.INIT_VERSION + 1, self.REPOSITORY.latest + 1)
upgraded = []
for v in versions:
upgraded.append(, v, with_data=True))
upgraded.append(, v))
[, v) for v in reversed(versions)]
self.assertEquals(upgraded, self._migrate_up.call_args_list)
downgraded_1 = [, v - 1, with_data=True) for v in versions
downgraded_2 = []
for v in reversed(versions):
downgraded_2.append(, v - 1))
downgraded_2.append(, v - 1))
downgraded = downgraded_1 + downgraded_2
self.assertEquals(self._migrate_down.call_args_list, downgraded)
@mock.patch.object(WalkVersionsMixin, '_migrate_up')
@mock.patch.object(WalkVersionsMixin, '_migrate_down')
def test_walk_versions_true_false(self, _migrate_up, _migrate_down):
self.REPOSITORY.latest = 20
self.migration_api.db_version.return_value = self.INIT_VERSION
self._walk_versions(self.engine, snake_walk=True, downgrade=False)
versions = range(self.INIT_VERSION + 1, self.REPOSITORY.latest + 1)
upgraded = []
for v in versions:
upgraded.append(, v, with_data=True))
upgraded.append(, v))
self.assertEquals(upgraded, self._migrate_up.call_args_list)
downgraded = [, v - 1, with_data=True) for v in versions
self.assertEquals(self._migrate_down.call_args_list, downgraded)
@mock.patch.object(WalkVersionsMixin, '_migrate_up')
@mock.patch.object(WalkVersionsMixin, '_migrate_down')
def test_walk_versions_all_false(self, _migrate_up, _migrate_down):
self.REPOSITORY.latest = 20
self.migration_api.db_version.return_value = self.INIT_VERSION
self._walk_versions(self.engine, snake_walk=False, downgrade=False)
versions = range(self.INIT_VERSION + 1, self.REPOSITORY.latest + 1)
upgraded = [, v, with_data=True) for v in versions
self.assertEquals(upgraded, self._migrate_up.call_args_list)
class TestMigrations(BaseMigrationTestCase, WalkVersionsMixin):
# openstack_citest is used as the credentials to connect to a pre-existing
# db that was made using these values (you may have to make this yourself
# if you've never run these tests before).
USER = "openstack_citest"
PASSWD = "openstack_citest"
DATABASE = "openstack_citest"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TestMigrations, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.MIGRATE_FILE = sysinv.db.sqlalchemy.migrate_repo.__file__
self.REPOSITORY = repository.Repository(
def setUp(self):
super(TestMigrations, self).setUp()
self.migration = __import__('sysinv.db.migration',
globals(), locals(), ['INIT_VERSION'], -1)
self.INIT_VERSION = self.migration.INIT_VERSION
if self.migration_api is None:
temp = __import__('sysinv.db.sqlalchemy.migration',
globals(), locals(), ['versioning_api'], -1)
self.migration_api = temp.versioning_api
def column_exists(self, engine, table_name, column):
metadata = MetaData()
metadata.bind = engine
table = Table(table_name, metadata, autoload=True)
return column in table.c
def assertColumnExists(self, engine, table_name, column):
self.assertTrue(self.column_exists(engine, table_name, column),
'Column %s.%s does not exist' % (table_name, column))
def assertColumnNotExists(self, engine, table_name, column):
self.assertFalse(self.column_exists(engine, table_name, column),
'Column %s.%s should not exist' % (table_name, column))
def assertTableNotExists(self, engine, table):
db_utils.get_table, engine, table)
def _test_sqlite_opportunistically(self):
if not _have_sqlite(self.USER, self.PASSWD, self.DATABASE):
self.skipTest("sqlite not available")
# add this to the global lists to make reset work with it, it's removed
# automatically in tearDown so no need to clean it up here.
connect_string = _get_connect_string("sqlite", "", "", "")
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connect_string)
self.engines['openstack_citest'] = engine
self.test_databases['openstack_citest'] = connect_string
self._walk_versions(engine, False, False)
def _test_mysql_opportunistically(self):
# Test that table creation on mysql only builds InnoDB tables
if not _have_mysql(self.USER, self.PASSWD, self.DATABASE):
self.skipTest("mysql not available")
# add this to the global lists to make reset work with it, it's removed
# automatically in tearDown so no need to clean it up here.
connect_string = _get_connect_string("mysql", self.USER, self.PASSWD,
(user, password, database, host) = \
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connect_string)
self.engines[database] = engine
self.test_databases[database] = connect_string
# build a fully populated mysql database with all the tables
self._walk_versions(engine, False, False)
connection = engine.connect()
# sanity check
total = connection.execute("SELECT count(*) "
"from information_schema.TABLES "
"where TABLE_SCHEMA='%s'" % database)
self.assertTrue(total.scalar() > 0, "No tables found. Wrong schema?")
noninnodb = connection.execute("SELECT count(*) "
"from information_schema.TABLES "
"where TABLE_SCHEMA='%s' "
"and ENGINE!='InnoDB' "
"and TABLE_NAME!='migrate_version'" %
count = noninnodb.scalar()
self.assertEqual(count, 0, "%d non InnoDB tables created" % count)
def _test_postgresql_opportunistically(self):
# Test postgresql database migration walk
if not _have_postgresql(self.USER, self.PASSWD, self.DATABASE):
self.skipTest("postgresql not available")
# add this to the global lists to make reset work with it, it's removed
# automatically in tearDown so no need to clean it up here.
connect_string = _get_connect_string("postgres", self.USER,
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connect_string)
(user, password, database, host) = \
self.engines[database] = engine
self.test_databases[database] = connect_string
# build a fully populated postgresql database with all the tables
self._walk_versions(engine, False, False)
def test_walk_versions(self):
for engine in self.engines.values():
if 'sqlite' in str(engine) and _have_sqlite(self.USER,
self.PASSWD, self.DATABASE):
self._walk_versions(engine, snake_walk=False,
elif 'postgres' in str(engine) and _have_postgresql(self.USER,
self.PASSWD, self.DATABASE):
self._walk_versions(engine, snake_walk=False,
elif 'mysql' in str(engine) and _have_mysql(self.USER,
self.PASSWD, self.DATABASE):
self._walk_versions(engine, snake_walk=False,
def test_sqlite_opportunistically(self):
def test_sqlite_connect_fail(self):
"""Test that we can trigger an sqlite connection failure
Test that we can fail gracefully to ensure we don't break people
without sqlite
# At present this auto-fails because _is_backend_avail calls
# _get_connect_string and having anything follow the double slash in
# the sqlite connection string is an invalid format
if _is_backend_avail('sqlite', "openstack_cifail", self.PASSWD,
self.DATABASE):"Shouldn't have connected")
def test_mysql_opportunistically(self):
def test_mysql_connect_fail(self):
"""Test that we can trigger a mysql connection failure
Test that we can fail gracefully to ensure we don't break people
without mysql
if _is_backend_avail('mysql', "openstack_cifail", self.PASSWD,
self.DATABASE):"Shouldn't have connected")
def test_postgresql_opportunistically(self):
# Test is skipped because postgresql isn't present/configured on target
# server and will cause errors. Skipped to prevent Jenkins notification.
self.skipTest("Skipping to prevent postgres from throwing error in Jenkins")
def test_postgresql_connect_fail(self):
# Test is skipped because postgresql isn't present/configured on target
# server and will cause errors. Skipped to prevent Jenkins notification.
self.skipTest("Skipping to prevent postgres from throwing error in Jenkins")
"""Test that we can trigger a postgres connection failure
Test that we can fail gracefully to ensure we don't break people
without postgres
if _is_backend_avail('postgres', "openstack_cifail", self.PASSWD,
self.DATABASE):"Shouldn't have connected")
def _check_001(self, engine, data):
# TODO: Commented out attributes for the following tables are
# attributes of enumerated types that do not exist by default in
# SQLAlchemy, and will need to be added as custom sqlalchemy types
# if you'd like them to be tested in the same for-loop as the other
# attributes wherein you assert that the attribute is of the specified
# type
systems = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_system')
systems_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'name': 'String', 'description': 'String', 'capabilities': 'Text',
'contact': 'String', 'location': 'String', 'services': 'Integer',
'software_version': 'String',
for col, coltype in systems_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
servers = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_host')
servers_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String',
'reserved': 'Boolean', 'hostname': 'String', 'mgmt_mac': 'String',
'mgmt_ip': 'String', 'bm_ip': 'String', 'bm_mac': 'String',
'bm_type': 'String', 'bm_username': 'String', 'serialid': 'String',
# 'invprovision': 'invprovisionStateEnum', 'personality': 'personalityEnum',
# 'recordtype': 'recordTypeEnum', 'action': 'actionEnum',
# 'administrative': 'adminEnum', 'operational': 'operationalEnum',
# 'availability': 'availabilityEnum',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime', 'task': 'String', 'location': 'Text',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'uptime': 'Integer',
'capabilities': 'Text', 'config_status': 'String', 'config_applied': 'String',
'config_target': 'String', 'forisystemid': 'Integer'
for col, coltype in servers_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)),
"migrate to col %s of type %s of server %s"
% (col, getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype),
servers_enums_col = [
'recordtype', 'personality', 'invprovision', 'personality', 'action',
'administrative', 'operational', 'availability',
for col in servers_enums_col:
self.assertColumnExists(engine, 'i_host', col)
nodes = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_node')
nodes_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'numa_node': 'Integer', 'capabilities': 'Text', 'forihostid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in nodes_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
cpus = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_icpu')
cpus_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'cpu': 'Integer',
'forinodeid': 'Integer', 'core': 'Integer', 'thread': 'Integer',
'cpu_family': 'String', 'cpu_model': 'String', 'allocated_function': 'String',
'capabilities': 'Text', 'forihostid': 'Integer', # 'coProcessors': 'String',
'forinodeid': 'Integer', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime'
for col, coltype in cpus_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
imemory = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_imemory')
imemory_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'memtotal_mib': 'Integer', 'memavail_mib': 'Integer',
'platform_reserved_mib': 'Integer', 'hugepages_configured': 'Boolean',
'avs_hugepages_size_mib': 'Integer', 'avs_hugepages_reqd': 'Integer',
'avs_hugepages_nr': 'Integer', 'avs_hugepages_avail': 'Integer',
'vm_hugepages_size_mib': 'Integer', 'vm_hugepages_nr': 'Integer',
'vm_hugepages_avail': 'Integer', 'capabilities': 'Text',
'forihostid': 'Integer', 'forinodeid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in imemory_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
interfaces = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_interface')
interfaces_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'ifname': 'String', 'iftype': 'String', 'imac': 'String', 'imtu': 'Integer',
'networktype': 'String', 'aemode': 'String', 'txhashpolicy': 'String',
'providernetworks': 'String', 'providernetworksdict': 'Text',
'schedpolicy': 'String', 'ifcapabilities': 'Text', 'farend': 'Text',
'forihostid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in interfaces_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
ports = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_port')
ports_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'pname': 'String', 'pnamedisplay': 'String', 'pciaddr': 'String',
'pclass': 'String', 'pvendor': 'String', 'pdevice': 'String', 'psdevice': 'String',
'psvendor': 'String', 'numa_node': 'Integer', 'mac': 'String', 'mtu': 'Integer',
'speed': 'Integer', 'link_mode': 'String', 'autoneg': 'String', 'bootp': 'String',
'capabilities': 'Text', 'forihostid': 'Integer', 'foriinterfaceid': 'Integer',
'forinodeid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in ports_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
stors = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_istor')
stors_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'osdid': 'Integer', 'idisk_uuid': 'String', 'state': 'String',
'function': 'String', 'capabilities': 'Text', 'forihostid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in stors_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
disks = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_idisk')
disks_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'device_node': 'String', 'device_num': 'Integer', 'device_type': 'String',
'size_mib': 'Integer', 'serial_id': 'String', 'capabilities': 'Text',
'forihostid': 'Integer', 'foristorid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in disks_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
serviceGroups = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_servicegroup')
serviceGroups_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'servicename': 'String', 'state': 'String',
for col, coltype in serviceGroups_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
services = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_service')
services_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'servicename': 'String', 'hostname': 'String', 'forihostid': 'Integer',
'activity': 'String', 'state': 'String', 'reason': 'Text',
for col, coltype in services_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
traps = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_trap_destination')
traps_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', # 'type': 'typeEnum',
'ip_address': 'String', 'community': 'String', 'port': 'Integer',
# 'transport': 'transportEnum',
for col, coltype in traps_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
traps_enums_col = [
'type', 'transport'
for col in traps_enums_col:
self.assertColumnExists(engine, 'i_trap_destination', col)
communities = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_community')
communities_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', # 'access': 'accessEnum',
'community': 'String', 'view': 'String',
for col, coltype in communities_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
communities_enums_col = [
for col in communities_enums_col:
self.assertColumnExists(engine, 'i_community', col)
users = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_user')
users_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'root_sig': 'String', 'reserved_1': 'String', 'reserved_2': 'String',
'reserved_3': 'String', 'forisystemid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in users_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
dnses = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_dns')
dnses_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'nameservers': 'String', 'forisystemid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in dnses_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
ntps = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_ntp')
ntps_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'ntpservers': 'String', 'forisystemid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in ntps_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
extoams = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_extoam')
extoams_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'oam_subnet': 'String', 'oam_gateway_ip': 'String', 'oam_floating_ip': 'String',
'oam_c0_ip': 'String', 'oam_c1_ip': 'String', 'forisystemid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in extoams_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
pms = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_pm')
pms_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'retention_secs': 'String', 'reserved_1': 'String', 'reserved_2': 'String',
'reserved_3': 'String', 'forisystemid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in pms_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
storconfigs = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_storconfig')
storconfigs_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'cinder_backend': 'String', 'database_gib': 'String', 'image_gib': 'String',
'backup_gib': 'String', 'cinder_device': 'String', 'cinder_gib': 'String',
'forisystemid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in storconfigs_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
def _check_002(self, engine, data):
servers = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_host')
servers_col = {
'ihost_action': 'String', 'vim_progress_status': 'String',
'subfunctions': 'String', 'subfunction_oper': 'String', 'subfunction_avail': 'String',
'boot_device': 'String', 'rootfs_device': 'String', 'install_output': 'String',
'console': 'String', 'vsc_controllers': 'String',
'ttys_dcd': 'Boolean',
for col, coltype in servers_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)),
"migrate to col %s of type %s of server %s"
% (col, getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype),
imemories = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_imemory')
imemories_col = {
'vm_hugepages_nr_2M': 'Integer', 'vm_hugepages_nr_1G': 'Integer',
'vm_hugepages_use_1G': 'Boolean', 'vm_hugepages_possible_2M': 'Integer',
'vm_hugepages_possible_1G': 'Integer', 'vm_hugepages_nr_2M_pending': 'Integer',
'vm_hugepages_nr_1G_pending': 'Integer', 'vm_hugepages_avail_2M': 'Integer',
'vm_hugepages_avail_1G': 'Integer', 'vm_hugepages_nr_4K': 'Integer',
'node_memtotal_mib': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in imemories_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
imemories_dropped_col = {
'vm_hugepages_size_mib', 'vm_hugepages_nr', 'vm_hugepages_avail',
for col in imemories_dropped_col:
self.assertColumnNotExists(engine, 'i_imemory', col)
interfaces = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_interface')
interfaces_col = {
'sriov_numvfs': 'Integer', 'aedict': 'Text',
for col, coltype in interfaces_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
interfaces = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'interfaces')
interfaces_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'forihostid': 'Integer',
'iftype': 'String', 'ifname': 'String', 'networktype': 'String',
'sriov_numvfs': 'Integer', 'ifcapabilities': 'Text', 'farend': 'Text',
for col, coltype in interfaces_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
ports = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_port')
ports_col = {
'sriov_totalvfs': 'Integer', 'sriov_numvfs': 'Integer',
'sriov_vfs_pci_address': 'String', 'driver': 'String',
'dpdksupport': 'Boolean',
for col, coltype in ports_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
disks = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_idisk')
disks_col = {
'foripvid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in disks_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
interfaces_to_interfaces = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'interfaces_to_interfaces')
interfaces_to_interfaces_col = {
'used_by_id': 'Integer', 'uses_id': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in interfaces_to_interfaces_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
ethernet_interfaces = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'ethernet_interfaces')
ethernet_interfaces_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime', 'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'imac': 'String', 'imtu': 'Integer',
'providernetworks': 'String', 'providernetworksdict': 'Text',
for col, coltype in ethernet_interfaces_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
ae_interfaces = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'ae_interfaces')
ae_interfaces_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime', 'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'aemode': 'String', 'aedict': 'Text',
'txhashpolicy': 'String', 'schedpolicy': 'String', 'imac': 'String',
'imtu': 'Integer', 'providernetworks': 'String', 'providernetworksdict': 'Text',
for col, coltype in ae_interfaces_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
vlan_interfaces = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'vlan_interfaces')
vlan_interfaces_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime', 'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'vlan_id': 'String', 'vlan_type': 'String',
'imac': 'String', 'imtu': 'Integer', 'providernetworks': 'String',
'providernetworksdict': 'Text',
for col, coltype in vlan_interfaces_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
ports = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'ports')
ports_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'host_id': 'Integer',
'node_id': 'Integer', 'interface_id': 'Integer', 'type': 'String', 'name': 'String',
'namedisplay': 'String', 'pciaddr': 'String', 'dev_id': 'Integer',
'sriov_totalvfs': 'Integer', 'sriov_numvfs': 'Integer',
'sriov_vfs_pci_address': 'String', 'driver': 'String', 'pclass': 'String',
'pvendor': 'String', 'pdevice': 'String', 'psvendor': 'String', 'psdevice': 'String',
'dpdksupport': 'Boolean', 'numa_node': 'Integer', 'capabilities': 'Text',
for col, coltype in ports_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
ethernet_ports = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'ethernet_ports')
ethernet_ports_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime', 'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'mac': 'String', 'mtu': 'Integer', 'speed': 'Integer',
'link_mode': 'String', 'duplex': 'String', 'autoneg': 'String', 'bootp': 'String',
'capabilities': 'Text',
for col, coltype in ethernet_ports_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
address_pools = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'address_pools')
address_pools_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'name': 'String',
'family': 'Integer', 'network': 'String', 'prefix': 'Integer', 'order': 'String',
for col, coltype in address_pools_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
address_pool_ranges = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'address_pool_ranges')
address_pool_ranges_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'start': 'String',
'end': 'String', 'address_pool_id': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in address_pool_ranges_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
addresses = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'addresses')
addresses_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'family': 'Integer',
'address': 'String', 'prefix': 'Integer', 'enable_dad': 'Boolean',
'name': 'String', 'interface_id': 'Integer', 'address_pool_id': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in addresses_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
address_modes = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'address_modes')
address_modes_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'family': 'Integer', 'mode': 'String',
'interface_id': 'Integer', 'address_pool_id': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in address_modes_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
routes = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'routes')
routes_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'family': 'Integer',
'network': 'String', 'prefix': 'Integer', 'gateway': 'String', 'metric': 'Integer',
'interface_id': 'Integer'
for col, coltype in routes_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
networks = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'networks')
networks_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'type': 'String', 'mtu': 'Integer',
'link_capacity': 'Integer', 'dynamic': 'Boolean', 'vlan_id': 'Integer',
'address_pool_id': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in networks_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
i_lvgs = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_lvg')
i_lvgs_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', # 'vg_state': 'vgStateEnum',
'lvm_vg_name': 'String', 'lvm_vg_uuid': 'String', 'lvm_vg_access': 'String',
'lvm_max_lv': 'Integer', 'lvm_cur_lv': 'Integer', 'lvm_max_pv': 'Integer',
'lvm_cur_pv': 'Integer', 'lvm_vg_size': 'BigInteger', 'lvm_vg_total_pe': 'Integer',
'lvm_vg_free_pe': 'Integer', 'capabilities': 'Text', 'forihostid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in i_lvgs_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
i_lvgs_enums_col = [
for col in i_lvgs_enums_col:
self.assertColumnExists(engine, 'i_lvg', col)
i_pvs = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_pv')
i_pvs_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
# 'pv_state': 'pvStateEnum', 'pv_type': 'pvTypeEnum',
'idisk_uuid': 'String', 'idisk_device_node': 'String', 'lvm_pv_name': 'String',
'lvm_vg_name': 'String', 'lvm_pv_uuid': 'String', 'lvm_pv_size': 'BigInteger',
'lvm_pe_total': 'Integer', 'lvm_pe_alloced': 'Integer', 'capabilities': 'Text',
'forihostid': 'Integer', 'forilvgid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in i_pvs_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
i_pvs_enums_col = [
'pv_type', 'pv_state'
for col in i_pvs_enums_col:
self.assertColumnExists(engine, 'i_pv', col)
sensorGroups = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_sensorgroups')
sensorGroups_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'host_id': 'Integer',
'sensortype': 'String', 'datatype': 'String', 'sensorgroupname': 'String',
'path': 'String', 'description': 'String', 'state': 'String',
'possible_states': 'String', 'algorithm': 'String', 'audit_interval_group': 'Integer',
'record_ttl': 'Integer', 'actions_minor_group': 'String', 'actions_major_group': 'String',
'actions_critical_group': 'String', 'suppress': 'Boolean', 'capabilities': 'Text',
'actions_critical_choices': 'String', 'actions_major_choices': 'String',
'actions_minor_choices': 'String',
for col, coltype in sensorGroups_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
sensorgroups_discrete = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_sensorgroups_discrete')
sensorgroups_discrete_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
for col, coltype in sensorgroups_discrete_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
sensorGroup_analogs = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_sensorgroups_analog')
sensorGroup_analogs_col = {
'unit_base_group': 'String', 'unit_modifier_group': 'String',
'unit_rate_group': 'String', 't_minor_lower_group': 'String',
't_minor_upper_group': 'String', 't_major_lower_group': 'String',
't_major_upper_group': 'String', 't_critical_lower_group': 'String',
't_critical_upper_group': 'String',
for col, coltype in sensorGroup_analogs_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
sensors = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_sensors')
sensors_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'host_id': 'Integer',
'sensorgroup_id': 'Integer', 'sensorname': 'String',
'path': 'String', 'datatype': 'String', 'sensortype': 'String',
'status': 'String', 'state': 'String', 'state_requested': 'String',
'sensor_action_requested': 'String', 'audit_interval': 'Integer', 'algorithm': 'String',
'actions_minor': 'String', 'actions_major': 'String', 'actions_critical': 'String',
'suppress': 'Boolean', 'capabilities': 'Text',
for col, coltype in sensors_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
sensors_discrete = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_sensors_discrete')
sensors_discrete_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
for col, coltype in sensors_discrete_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
sensors_analog = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_sensors_analog')
sensors_analog_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime', 'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'unit_base': 'String', 'unit_modifier': 'String',
'unit_rate': 'String', 't_minor_lower': 'String', 't_minor_upper': 'String',
't_major_lower': 'String', 't_major_upper': 'String', 't_critical_lower': 'String',
't_critical_upper': 'String',
for col, coltype in sensors_analog_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
pci_devices = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'pci_devices')
pci_devices_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'host_id': 'Integer',
'name': 'String', 'pciaddr': 'String', 'pclass_id': 'String',
'pvendor_id': 'String', 'pdevice_id': 'String', 'pclass': 'String', 'pvendor': 'String',
'pdevice': 'String', 'psvendor': 'String', 'psdevice': 'String', 'numa_node': 'Integer',
'sriov_totalvfs': 'Integer', 'sriov_numvfs': 'Integer', 'sriov_vfs_pci_address': 'String',
'driver': 'String', 'enabled': 'Boolean', 'extra_info': 'Text',
for col, coltype in pci_devices_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
loads = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'loads')
loads_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'state': 'String',
'software_version': 'String', 'compatible_version': 'String',
'required_patches': 'String',
for col, coltype in loads_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
software_upgrade = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'software_upgrade')
software_upgrade_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'state': 'String',
'from_load': 'Integer', 'to_load': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in software_upgrade_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
host_upgrades = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'host_upgrade')
host_upgrades_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'forihostid': 'Integer',
'software_load': 'Integer', 'target_load': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in host_upgrades_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
drbdconfigs = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'drbdconfig')
drbdconfigs_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', 'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime', 'link_util': 'Integer',
'num_parallel': 'Integer', 'rtt_ms': 'Float', 'forisystemid': 'Integer'
for col, coltype in drbdconfigs_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
service_parameters = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'service_parameter')
service_parameters_col = {
'id': 'Integer', 'uuid': 'String', # 'service': 'serviceEnum',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime', 'created_at': 'DateTime', 'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'section': 'String', 'name': 'String', 'value': 'String',
for col, coltype in service_parameters_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
service_parameters_enums_col = [
for col in service_parameters_enums_col:
self.assertColumnExists(engine, 'service_parameter', col)
storconfigs = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_storconfig')
storconfigs_col = {
'glance_backend': 'String', 'glance_gib': 'Integer',
'img_conversions_gib': 'String',
for col, coltype in storconfigs_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
self.assertTableNotExists(engine, 'i_extoam')
self.assertTableNotExists(engine, 'i_infra')
def _check_031(self, engine, data):
# Assert data types for 2 new columns in table "i_storconfig"
storconfigs = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_storconfig')
storconfigs_col = {
'cinder_pool_gib': 'Integer',
'ephemeral_pool_gib': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in storconfigs_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# make sure the rename worked properly
self.assertColumnNotExists(engine, 'i_storconfig', 'glance_gib')
self.assertColumnExists(engine, 'i_storconfig', 'glance_pool_gib')
def _check_032(self, engine, data):
# The 32 script only updates some rows in table "i_system"
def _check_033(self, engine, data):
# Assert data types for 2 new columns in table "i_user"
users = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_user')
user_cols = {
'passwd_hash': 'String',
'passwd_expiry_days': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in user_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
def _check_034(self, engine, data):
# Assert data types for all columns in new table "clusters"
clusters = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'clusters')
clusters_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'uuid': 'String',
'cluster_uuid': 'String',
'type': 'String',
'name': 'String',
'capabilities': 'Text',
'system_id': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in clusters_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# Assert data types for all columns in new table "peers"
peers = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'peers')
peers_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'uuid': 'String',
'name': 'String',
'status': 'String',
'info': 'Text',
'capabilities': 'Text',
'cluster_id': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in peers_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# Assert data types for 1 new column in table "i_host"
hosts = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_host')
hosts_cols = {
'peer_id': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in hosts_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
def _check_035(self, engine, data):
# Assert data types for 1 new column in table "i_system"
systems = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_system')
systems_cols = {
'system_type': 'String',
for col, coltype in systems_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
def _check_036(self, engine, data):
# Assert data types for all columns in new table "lldp_agents"
lldp_agents = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'lldp_agents')
lldp_agents_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'uuid': 'String',
'host_id': 'Integer',
'port_id': 'Integer',
'status': 'String',
for col, coltype in lldp_agents_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# Assert data types for all columns in new table "lldp_neighbours"
lldp_neighbours = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'lldp_neighbours')
lldp_neighbours_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'uuid': 'String',
'host_id': 'Integer',
'port_id': 'Integer',
'msap': 'String',
for col, coltype in lldp_neighbours_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# Assert data types for all columns in new table "lldp_tlvs"
lldp_tlvs = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'lldp_tlvs')
lldp_tlvs_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'agent_id': 'Integer',
'neighbour_id': 'Integer',
'type': 'String',
'value': 'String',
for col, coltype in lldp_tlvs_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
def _check_037(self, engine, data):
# Assert data types for 5 new columns in table "i_storconfig"
storconfigs = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_storconfig')
storconfigs_cols = {
'state': 'String',
'task': 'String',
'ceph_mon_gib': 'Integer',
'ceph_mon_dev_ctrl0': 'String',
'ceph_mon_dev_ctrl1': 'String',
for col, coltype in storconfigs_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
def _check_038(self, engine, data):
# Assert data types for all columns in new table "journal"
journals = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'journal')
journals_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'uuid': 'String',
'device_node': 'String',
'size_mib': 'Integer',
'onistor_uuid': 'String',
'foristorid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in journals_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
def _check_039(self, engine, data):
# Assert data types for 1 new column in table "i_idisk"
idisk = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_idisk')
idisk_cols = {
'rpm': 'String',
for col, coltype in idisk_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
def _check_040(self, engine, data):
# Assert data types for all columns in new table "remotelogging"
rlogging = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'remotelogging')
rlogging_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'uuid': 'String',
'enabled': 'Boolean',
# 'transport': 'logTransportEnum', # enum types cannot be checked, can only check if they exist or not
'ip_address': 'String',
'port': 'Integer',
'key_file': 'String',
'system_id': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in rlogging_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# Assert that the enum column "transport" exists
self.assertColumnExists(engine, 'remotelogging', 'transport')
def _check_041(self, engine, data):
# Assert data types for all columns in new table "i_horizon_lockout"
horizon_lockout = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_horizon_lockout')
horizon_lockout_cols = {
'lockout_time': 'Integer',
'lockout_retries': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in horizon_lockout_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
def _check_042(self, engine, data):
# Assert the "service" column became a string instead of an enum
service_parameter = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'service_parameter')
service_parameter_cols = {
'service': 'String',
for col, coltype in service_parameter_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
def _check_043(self, engine, data):
# Assert data types for all columns in new table "sdn_controller"
sdn_controller = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'sdn_controller')
sdn_controller_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'uuid': 'String',
'ip_address': 'String',
'port': 'Integer',
'transport': 'String',
'state': 'String',
for col, coltype in sdn_controller_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
def _check_044(self, engine, data):
# Assert data types for all columns in new table "controller_fs"
controller_fs = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'controller_fs')
controller_fs_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'uuid': 'String',
'database_gib': 'Integer',
'cgcs_gib': 'Integer',
'img_conversions_gib': 'Integer',
'backup_gib': 'Integer',
'forisystemid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in controller_fs_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# Assert data types for all columns in new table "storage_backend"
storage_backend = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'storage_backend')
storage_backend_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'uuid': 'String',
'backend': 'String',
'state': 'String',
'task': 'String',
'forisystemid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in storage_backend_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# Assert data types for all columns in new table "storage_lvm"
storage_lvm = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'storage_lvm')
storage_lvm_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'cinder_device': 'String',
for col, coltype in storage_lvm_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# Assert data types for all columns in new table "storage_ceph"
storage_ceph = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'storage_ceph')
storage_ceph_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'cinder_pool_gib': 'Integer',
'glance_pool_gib': 'Integer',
'ephemeral_pool_gib': 'Integer',
'object_pool_gib': 'Integer',
'object_gateway': 'Boolean',
for col, coltype in storage_ceph_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# Assert data types for all columns in new table "ceph_mon"
ceph_mon = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'ceph_mon')
ceph_mon_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'uuid': 'String',
'device_node': 'String',
'ceph_mon_gib': 'Integer',
'forihostid': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in ceph_mon_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# Assert deletion of the i_storconfig table
self.assertTableNotExists(engine, 'i_storconfig')
def _check_045(self, engine, data):
# Assert data types for 2 new column in table "i_host"
host = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_host')
host_cols = {
'action_state': 'String',
'mtce_info': 'String',
for col, coltype in host_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
def _check_050(self, engine, data):
# 46 --> Drop table i_port
self.assertTableNotExists(engine, 'i_port')
# 47 --> add 2 columns to i_host
host = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_host')
host_col = {
'install_state': 'String',
'install_state_info': 'String',
for col, coltype in host_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# 48 --> Change column type of "service" in table "service_parameter" to be string instead of enum
service_parameter = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'service_parameter')
service_parameter_col = {
'service': 'String',
for col, coltype in service_parameter_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# 49, 52 --> Add 2 new columns to table "controller_fs"
controller_fs = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'controller_fs')
controller_fs_col = {
'scratch_gib': 'Integer',
'state': 'String',
for col, coltype in controller_fs_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# 50 --> Create table "services"; Drop table i_servicegroup
services = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'services')
services_col = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'name': 'String',
'enabled': 'Boolean',
for col, coltype in services_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
self.assertTableNotExists(engine, 'i_servicegroup')
# 53 --> Create table "virtual_interfaces"
virtual_interfaces = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'virtual_interfaces')
virtual_interfaces_col = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'imac': 'String',
'imtu': 'Integer',
'providernetworks': 'String',
'providernetworksdict': 'Text',
for col, coltype in virtual_interfaces_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# 54 --> Add a column to table "i_system"
systems = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_system')
systems_col = {
'system_mode': 'String',
for col, coltype in systems_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# 55 --> Create table "tpmconfig"; Create table "tpmdevice"
tpmconfig = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'tpmconfig')
tpmconfig_col = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'uuid': 'String',
'tpm_path': 'String',
for col, coltype in tpmconfig_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
tpmdevice = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'tpmdevice')
tpmdevice_col = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'uuid': 'String',
'state': 'String',
'host_id': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in tpmdevice_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# 56 --> pv_state gets modified to String type
ipv = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_pv')
ipv_col = {
'pv_state': 'String',
for col, coltype in ipv_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# 57 --> Add 3 columns to table "i_idisk"
idisk = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_idisk')
idisk_col = {
'device_id': 'String',
'device_path': 'String',
'device_wwn': 'String',
for col, coltype in idisk_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# 58 --> add another column to i_system
systems = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_system')
systems_col = {
'timezone': 'String',
for col, coltype in systems_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# 60 --> Add a column to table "i_pv"
ipv = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_pv')
ipv_col = {
'idisk_device_path': 'String',
for col, coltype in ipv_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# "device_node" column renamed to "device_path" in the ceph_mon table
self.assertColumnNotExists(engine, 'ceph_mon', 'device_node')
self.assertColumnExists(engine, 'ceph_mon', 'device_path')
# "device_node" column renamed to "device_path" in the ceph_mon table
self.assertColumnNotExists(engine, 'journal', 'device_node')
self.assertColumnExists(engine, 'journal', 'device_path')
# 61 --> Add a column to table "i_host"
host = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_host')
host_col = {
'iscsi_initiator_name': 'String',
for col, coltype in host_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
def _check_067(self, engine, data):
servers = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_host')
servers_col = {
'tboot': 'String',
for col, coltype in servers_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)),
"migrate to col %s of type %s of server %s"
% (col, getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype),
# TODO (rchurch): Change this name after consolidating all the DB migrations
def _check_cinder(self, engine, data):
# Assert data types for all columns in table "storage_lvm"
storage_lvm = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'storage_lvm')
storage_lvm_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in storage_lvm_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# Assert deletion of the i_storconfig table
self.assertTableNotExists(engine, 'storage_lvm')
# Assert data types for all columns in "storage_backend"
storage_backend = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'storage_backend')
storage_backend_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
'uuid': 'String',
'backend': 'String',
'state': 'String',
'task': 'String',
'forisystemid': 'Integer',
'services': 'Text',
'capabilities': 'Text',
for col, coltype in storage_backend_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# Assert deletion of the i_storconfig table
self.assertTableNotExists(engine, 'storage_lvm')
# Assert data types for all columns in new table "storage_file"
storage_file = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'storage_file')
storage_file_cols = {
'created_at': 'DateTime',
'updated_at': 'DateTime',
'deleted_at': 'DateTime',
'id': 'Integer',
for col, coltype in storage_file_cols.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))
# Assert deletion of the i_storconfig table
self.assertTableNotExists(engine, 'storage_file')
def _check_074(self, engine, data):
ntps = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'i_ntp')
ntps_col = {
'enabled': 'Boolean',
for col, coltype in ntps_col.items():
getattr(sqlalchemy.types, coltype)))