Mingyuan Qi 8e892d2688 Add ironic manifest to stx-openstack
Add ironic chart to stx-openstack manifest. Ironic services are
enabled when label openstack-ironic=enabled is set. A nova service
nova-compute-ironic within nova chart is referring to this label as
well. Nova-compute-ironic is configured to use ironic driver for
creating/scheduling instance to ironic node through nova service/CLI.

Ironic chart group enablement will be added by ironic meta overrides.

Story: 2004760
Task: 28869
Change-Id: I5728586c69689e32afc948009c2b8c9e2bff84e0
Signed-off-by: Mingyuan Qi <>
2019-06-11 09:59:46 +08:00
applications/stx-openstack/stx-openstack-helm Add ironic manifest to stx-openstack 2019-06-11 09:59:46 +08:00
helm-charts Merge "Fix ceph-pools-audit chart for Ceph Mimic" 2019-06-04 18:25:00 +00:00
platform/stx-platform/stx-platform-helm Enable ceph-audit to run even if stx-openstack is not running 2019-06-03 15:46:00 -05:00
README Enable StarlingX helm charts for stx-openstack app 2018-11-07 16:14:42 -05:00


The expected layout for this subdirectory is as follows:

|-- applications
|   `-- <application>
|       `-- <application>-helm RPM
|           `-- centos
|               `--
|               `-- <application>-helm.spec
|           `-- <application>-helm
|               `-- manifests
|                   `-- main-manifest.yaml
|                   `-- alt-manifest-1.yaml
|                   `-- ...
|                   `-- alt-manifest-N.yaml
|               `-- custom chart 1
|                   `-- Chart.yaml
|                   `-- ...
|               `-- ...
|               `-- custom chart N
|                   `-- Chart.yaml
|                   `-- ...
|-- helm-charts
|   `-- chart
|       `-- chart

The idea is that all our custom helm charts that are common across applications
would go under "helm-charts". Each chart would get a subdirectory.

Custom applications would generally consist of one or more armada manifest
referencing multiple helm charts (both ours and upstream ones). The application
is packaged as an RPM. These application RPM are used to produce the build
artifacts (helm tarballs + armada manifests) but are not installed on the
system. These artifacts are extracted later for proper application packaging
with additional required metadata (TBD).

These applications would each get their own subdirectory under