
497 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2022 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Conversion of oidc-auth-apps configuration
# Verify the supported configuration during health-query-upgrade.
# Backup overrides at upgrade start.
# Convert the configuration during upgrade activate.
from controllerconfig.common import log
import copy
import os
import psycopg2
from psycopg2.extras import RealDictCursor
import sys
import yaml
LOG = log.get_logger(__name__)
# This script is only valid for to/from releases:
ACCEPTED_FROM = ['21.12']
ACCEPTED_TO = ['22.12']
ACCEPTED_ACTIONS = ['health-check', 'start', 'migrate']
# this path should have been created by stx-oidc-auth-helm package
# with ownership assigned to postgres:postgres
BACKUP_PATH = '/var/opt/oidc-auth-apps'
# list of charts in oidc-auth-apps; for sanity check only
oidc_charts = ['dex', 'oidc-client', 'secret-observer']
# Hard-coded chart values; matching the fluxcd manifest defaults
# A dictionary of values selected from the overrides yaml during
# validate_overrides(). The selected values are used to convert
# the yaml from old dex to new dex
# validate yaml, instructions for what configurations accepted
validation_yaml = """
name: "supported"
validation: "children"
optional: False
accepted: ["extraVolumeMounts", "extraVolumes", "config", "certs"]
- name: "extraVolumeMounts"
validation: "any"
optional: True
define: "volumeMounts"
- name: "extraVolumes"
validation: "any"
optional: True
define: "volumes"
- name: "config"
validation: "children"
optional: False
define: "dex_config"
- name: "web"
validation: "children"
optional: True
- name: "tlsCert"
validation: "exact"
optional: True
define: "dex_https_tlsCert"
- name: "tlsKey"
validation: "exact"
optional: True
define: "dex_https_tlsKey"
- name: "certs"
validation: "children"
optional: True
accepted: ["grpc", "web"]
- name: "grpc"
validation: "children"
optional: True
accepted: ["secret"]
- name: "secret"
validation: "children"
optional: False
accepted: ["caName", "clientTlsName", "serverTlsName"]
- name: "caName"
validation: "exact"
optional: False
define: "tls_secret"
- name: "clientTlsName"
validation: "exact"
optional: False
define: "tls_secret"
- name: "serverTlsName"
validation: "exact"
optional: False
define: "tls_secret"
- name: "web"
validation: "children"
optional: False
accepted: ["secret"]
- name: "secret"
validation: "children"
optional: False
accepted: ["caName", "tlsName"]
- name: "caName"
validation: "exact"
optional: False
define: "tls_secret"
- name: "tlsName"
validation: "exact"
optional: False
define: "tls_secret"
# sql to fetch the user_overrides from DB for oidc-auth-apps
sql_overrides = ("SELECT, user_overrides"
" FROM helm_overrides"
" LEFT OUTER JOIN kube_app"
" ON helm_overrides.app_id ="
" WHERE = 'oidc-auth-apps'")
sql_update = ("UPDATE helm_overrides"
" SET user_overrides = '%s'"
" FROM kube_app"
" WHERE helm_overrides.app_id ="
" AND = 'oidc-auth-apps'"
" AND = 'dex'")
def get_overrides(conn):
"""Fetch helm overrides from DB"""
with conn.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) as cur:
return cur.fetchall()
def backup_overrides(overrides, action='debug'):
"""Dump helm overrides from DB to files in BACKUP_PATH"""
backup_path = os.path.join(BACKUP_PATH, action)
if not os.path.exists(backup_path):
field = 'user_overrides'
for chart in overrides:
name = chart['name']
if name not in oidc_charts:
LOG.warning("oidc-auth-apps: mismatch chart name '%s'", name)
if chart[field]:
document = yaml.safe_load(chart[field])
if not document:
LOG.debug("oidc-auth-apps: %s empty document", name)
backup_f = '_'.join([name, field])
backup_f = '.'.join([backup_f, 'yaml'])
backup_f = os.path.join(backup_path, backup_f)
with open(backup_f, 'w') as file:
yaml.dump(document, file, default_flow_style=False)
except IOError as e:
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: IOError: %s; file: %s", e, backup_f)
return 1"oidc-auth-apps: user_overrides backed up to %s", backup_path)
return 0
def validate_value(instruction, value):
"""Verify a value"""
if instruction['validation'] == 'exact':
if type(value) not in [str, bool, int, float]:
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: value type %s not supported",
return False
if 'define' in instruction:
if instruction['define'] in DEFINES:
if DEFINES[instruction['define']] != value:
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: defined value is"
" mismatched '%s': '%s' != '%s'",
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: instruction: %s", instruction)
return False
DEFINES[instruction['define']] = value
LOG.debug("oidc-auth-apps: define: '%s' == '%s'",
instruction['define'], value)
if 'values' in instruction:
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: validation exact values"
" not implemented")
return False
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: validation %s not supported",
return False
LOG.debug("oidc-auth-apps: accept %s: %s: %s",
instruction['validation'], instruction, value)
return True
def printable_item(item):
"""remove children from item to make it printable"""
printable = {}
printable['validation'] = item['validation']
printable['name'] = item['name']
printable['optional'] = item['optional']
if 'define' in item:
printable['define'] = item['define']
return printable
def define_complex_value(item, yaml_doc):
"""Subroutine to fill DEFINES for complex values"""
if 'define' in item and item['validation'] != 'exact':
# Handle saving of complex values
if item['define'] in DEFINES:
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: complex values comparison"
" is not supported: %s", printable_item(item))
return False
DEFINES[item['define']] = copy.deepcopy(yaml_doc[item['name']])
LOG.debug("oidc-auth-apps: define: '%s'",
return True
def validate_item(item, yaml_doc):
"""Handle one list item from instruction"""
print_item = printable_item(item)
# If neither present nor optional: fail
# If not present, but optional: pass
optional = True
if 'optional' in item:
optional = item['optional']
present = item['name'] in yaml_doc
if not (present or optional):
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: overrides omit required value:"
" %s", print_item)
return False
elif not present:
# pass
return True
if not define_complex_value(item, yaml_doc):
return False
if item['validation'] == 'any':
# pass
LOG.debug("oidc-auth-apps: accept instruction: %s", print_item)
elif item['validation'] == 'exact':
if not validate_value(item, yaml_doc[item['name']]):
return False
elif item['validation'] == 'children':
accepted_keys = ['*']
if 'accepted' in item:
if not validate_accepted(item['accepted'], yaml_doc[item['name']]):
return False
accepted_keys = [x for x in yaml_doc[item['name']]]
if not recurse_validate_document(item['children'],
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: instruction: %s", print_item)
return False
LOG.debug("oidc-auth-apps: accept instruction: %s: %s",
print_item, accepted_keys)
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: instruction %s not implemented",
return False
return True
def validate_accepted(accepted, yaml_doc):
"""Check that each item in yaml is expected"""
if type(yaml_doc) is not dict:
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: accepting from list not implemented")
return False
error = False
for key in yaml_doc:
if key not in accepted:
error = True
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: key is not accepted: %s", key)
return not error
def recurse_validate_document(instruction, yaml_doc):
"""Recursively verify the document against validation yaml"""
if type(instruction) is not list:
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: non-list instruction not implemented")
return False
for item in instruction:
if type(item) is not dict:
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: non-dict instruction item"
" not implemented")
return False
elif 'validation' not in item:
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: instruction missing validation")
return False
elif 'name' not in item:
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: instruction missing name")
return False
elif not validate_item(item, yaml_doc):
return False
return True
def validate_document(validation, document):
"""Top level, verify the document against validation yaml""""oidc-auth-apps: validating %s", validation['name'])
if validation['validation'] != 'children':
LOG.warning("oidc-auth-apps: root validation should be"
" children not %s", validation['validation'])
result = recurse_validate_document(validation['children'], document)
if 'accepted' in validation:
if not validate_accepted(validation['accepted'], document):
return False
if validation['optional']:
LOG.warning("oidc-auth-apps: root validation is optional")
return True
return result
def get_chart_override(overrides, chart):
"""Get a specific set of overrides from the db value"""
chart_ov = None
for chart_ov in overrides:
if 'name' in chart_ov and chart_ov['name'] == chart:
chart_ov = None
if not (chart_ov and 'user_overrides' in chart_ov):
return None
if not chart_ov['user_overrides']:
# A sanity check. Really shouldn't see this if oidc-auth-apps
# does not have dex overrides - either because the app is not
# applied, or because it failed to apply without overrides
return None
# convert the string to python structures
return yaml.safe_load(chart_ov['user_overrides'])
def validate_overrides(overrides):
"""Check if the user_overrides are supported"""
if not overrides:
# dex without overrides isn't configured correctly
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: no overrides to validate")
return False
elif type(overrides) is not list:
# this shouldn't happen
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: overrides not list type")
return False
# Find dex; only dex helm needs conversion
document = get_chart_override(overrides, 'dex')
if not document:
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: no dex user_overrides to validate")
return False
validate = yaml.safe_load(validation_yaml)
return validate_document(validate, document)
def get_httpstls_mount():
"""Use the default unless the end-user had overridden it"""
if 'dex_https_tlsCert' in DEFINES:
return os.path.dirname(DEFINES['dex_https_tlsCert'])
# The default matches oic-auth-apps flucd manifest defaults
def get_httpstls_secret():
"""Use the default unless the end-user had overridden it"""
if 'tls_secret' in DEFINES:
return DEFINES['tls_secret']
# The default matches oic-auth-apps flucd manifest defaults
def merge_new_overrides():
"""Read DEFINES and prepare new overrides yaml"""
# Take the dex config as is:
new_doc = {'config': copy.deepcopy(DEFINES['dex_config'])}
# Convert old dex certs.web.secret to https-tls volume/volumeMounts
mount = {'mountPath': get_httpstls_mount(), 'name': 'https-tls'}
vol = {'secret': {'secretName': get_httpstls_secret(),
'name': 'https-tls'}
# Take 'extra' volumes and mounts that may exist in old dex
# This is expected to be the WAD certificate
volumes = []
volumeMounts = []
if 'volumes' in DEFINES:
volumes = copy.deepcopy(DEFINES['volumes'])
if 'volumeMounts' in DEFINES:
volumeMounts = copy.deepcopy(DEFINES['volumeMounts'])
# only add volumes/mounts if 'extra' was specified, or
# if there was non-default mount
if volumes or 'tls_secret' in DEFINES:
if volumeMounts or 'dex_https_tlsCert' in DEFINES:
if volumes:
new_doc['volumes'] = volumes
if volumeMounts:
new_doc['volumeMounts'] = volumeMounts
return new_doc
def convert_overrides(overrides, conn):
"""Convert the user_overrides from old dex to new""""oidc-auth-apps: converting dex overrides")
if not validate_overrides(overrides):
return 1
new_doc = merge_new_overrides()
res = backup_overrides(overrides, action='migrate')
if res != 0:
return res
# replace the dex user overrides
new_str = yaml.dump(new_doc, default_flow_style=False)
for override in overrides:
if override['name'] == 'dex':
override['user_overrides'] = new_str
res = backup_overrides(overrides, action='converted')
return res
def main():
action = None
from_release = None
to_release = None
arg = 1
while arg < len(sys.argv):
if arg == 1:
from_release = sys.argv[arg]
elif arg == 2:
to_release = sys.argv[arg]
elif arg == 3:
action = sys.argv[arg]
print("Invalid option %s." % sys.argv[arg])
return 1
arg += 1
if action not in ACCEPTED_ACTIONS:
LOG.debug("oidc-auth-apps: omit %s, %s, %s",
from_release, to_release, action)
return 0
elif from_release not in ACCEPTED_FROM:
LOG.warning("oidc-auth-apps: not valid from release %s",
return 0
elif to_release not in ACCEPTED_TO:
LOG.warning("oidc-auth-apps: not valid to release %s",
return 0
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=sysinv user=postgres")
overrides = get_overrides(conn)
except Exception as ex:
LOG.exception("oidc-auth-apps: %s", ex)
return 1
if not overrides:
LOG.error("oidc-auth-apps: failed to fetch overrides")
return 1
elif not get_chart_override(overrides, 'dex'):"oidc-auth-apps: no dex overrides to convert")
return 0
if action == 'health-check':
if validate_overrides(overrides):"oidc-auth-apps: upgrade script health-check: success")
return 0
return 1
elif action == 'start':
return backup_overrides(overrides, action='start')
elif action == 'migrate':
convert_overrides(overrides, conn)
# A failure of oidc-auth-apps overrides conversion is unhandled.
# A patch for 21.12 release is needed to pre-test the
# compatibility of user overrides with expected configurations.
# 22.06 version of oidc-auth-apps will fail to apply if overrides
# are not converted.
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":