# Copyright (c) 2017 Ericsson AB. # Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from dcmanagerclient import exceptions from dcmanagerclient.commands.v1 import base # These are the abstract base classes used for sw update managers such as # - sw-patch-manager # - fw-update-manager # # also handles 'steps' and 'strategies' def detail_format(sw_update_strategy=None): columns = ( "strategy type", "subcloud apply type", "max parallel subclouds", "stop on failure", "state", "created_at", "updated_at", ) if sw_update_strategy: data = ( sw_update_strategy.strategy_type, sw_update_strategy.subcloud_apply_type, sw_update_strategy.max_parallel_subclouds, sw_update_strategy.stop_on_failure, sw_update_strategy.state, sw_update_strategy.created_at, sw_update_strategy.updated_at, ) else: data = (tuple("" for _ in range(len(columns))),) return columns, data def strategy_step_format(strategy_step=None): columns = ( "cloud", "stage", "state", "details", "started_at", "finished_at", ) if strategy_step: data = ( strategy_step.cloud, strategy_step.stage, strategy_step.state, strategy_step.details, strategy_step.started_at, strategy_step.finished_at, ) else: data = (tuple("" for _ in range(len(columns))),) return columns, data def detail_strategy_step_format(strategy_step=None): columns = ( "cloud", "stage", "state", "details", "started_at", "finished_at", "created_at", "updated_at", ) if strategy_step: data = ( strategy_step.cloud, strategy_step.stage, strategy_step.state, strategy_step.details, strategy_step.started_at, strategy_step.finished_at, strategy_step.created_at, strategy_step.updated_at, ) else: data = (tuple("" for _ in range(len(columns))),) return columns, data class CreateSwUpdateStrategy(base.DCManagerShowOne): """Create a software update strategy.""" def get_sw_update_manager(self): # This method must be overrridden by the concrete subclass raise NotImplementedError def _get_format_function(self): return detail_format def add_force_argument(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "--force", required=False, action="store_true", help="Disregard subcloud availability status, intended for \ some upgrade recovery scenarios. Subcloud name must be \ specified.", ) def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super().get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( "--subcloud-apply-type", required=False, choices=["parallel", "serial"], help="Subcloud apply type (parallel or serial).", ) parser.add_argument( "--max-parallel-subclouds", required=False, type=int, help="Maximum number of parallel subclouds.", ) parser.add_argument( "--stop-on-failure", required=False, action="store_true", help="Do not update any additional subclouds after a failure.", ) parser.add_argument( "--group", required=False, help="Name or ID of subcloud group to update." ) parser.add_argument( "cloud_name", nargs="?", default=None, help="Name of a single cloud to update.", ) self.add_force_argument(parser) return parser # These validate methods can be overridden def validate_force_params(self, parsed_args): """Most orchestrations only support force for a single subcloud""" if parsed_args.force and not parsed_args.cloud_name: error_msg = ( "The --force option can only be applied to a single " "subcloud. Please specify the subcloud name." ) raise exceptions.DCManagerClientException(error_msg) def validate_group_params(self, parsed_args): """When specifying a group, other inputs are considered invalid""" if parsed_args.group: if parsed_args.cloud_name: error_msg = ( "The cloud_name and group options are mutually exclusive." ) raise exceptions.DCManagerClientException(error_msg) if parsed_args.subcloud_apply_type: error_msg = ( "The --subcloud-apply-type is not " "supported when --group option is applied." ) raise exceptions.DCManagerClientException(error_msg) if parsed_args.max_parallel_subclouds: error_msg = ( "The --max-parallel-subclouds options is not " "supported when --group option is applied." ) raise exceptions.DCManagerClientException(error_msg) def process_custom_params(self, parsed_args, kwargs_dict): """Updates kwargs dictionary from parsed_args based on the subclass""" def _get_resources(self, parsed_args): kwargs = {} if parsed_args.subcloud_apply_type: kwargs["subcloud-apply-type"] = parsed_args.subcloud_apply_type if parsed_args.max_parallel_subclouds: kwargs["max-parallel-subclouds"] = parsed_args.max_parallel_subclouds if parsed_args.stop_on_failure: kwargs["stop-on-failure"] = "true" if parsed_args.force: kwargs["force"] = "true" if parsed_args.cloud_name is not None: kwargs["cloud_name"] = parsed_args.cloud_name if parsed_args.group is not None: kwargs["subcloud_group"] = parsed_args.group self.validate_force_params(parsed_args) self.validate_group_params(parsed_args) # Add more kwargs based on the update type self.process_custom_params(parsed_args, kwargs) return self.get_sw_update_manager().create_sw_update_strategy(**kwargs) class ShowSwUpdateStrategy(base.DCManagerShowOne): """Show the details of an software update strategy for a subcloud.""" def get_sw_update_manager(self): # This method must be overrridden by the concrete subclass raise NotImplementedError def _get_format_function(self): return detail_format def _get_resources(self, parsed_args): return self.get_sw_update_manager().update_sw_strategy_detail() class DeleteSwUpdateStrategy(base.DCManagerShowOne): """Delete a software update strategy from the database.""" def get_sw_update_manager(self): # This method must be overrridden by the concrete subclass raise NotImplementedError def _get_format_function(self): return detail_format def _get_resources(self, parsed_args): return self.get_sw_update_manager().delete_sw_update_strategy() class ApplySwUpdateStrategy(base.DCManagerShowOne): """Apply a software update strategy.""" def get_sw_update_manager(self): # This method must be overrridden by the concrete subclass raise NotImplementedError def _get_format_function(self): return detail_format def _get_resources(self, parsed_args): return self.get_sw_update_manager().apply_sw_update_strategy() class AbortSwUpdateStrategy(base.DCManagerShowOne): """Abort a software update strategy.""" def get_sw_update_manager(self): # This method must be overrridden by the concrete subclass raise NotImplementedError def _get_format_function(self): return detail_format def _get_resources(self, parsed_args): return self.get_sw_update_manager().abort_sw_update_strategy() class ListSwUpdateStrategyStep(base.DCManagerLister): """List strategy steps.""" def get_strategy_step_manager(self): dcmanager_client = self.app.client_manager.strategy_step_manager return dcmanager_client.strategy_step_manager def _get_format_function(self): return strategy_step_format def _get_resources(self, parsed_args): return self.get_strategy_step_manager().list_strategy_steps() class ShowSwUpdateStrategyStep(base.DCManagerShowOne): """Show the details of a strategy step.""" def get_strategy_step_manager(self): dcmanager_client = self.app.client_manager.strategy_step_manager return dcmanager_client.strategy_step_manager def _get_format_function(self): return detail_strategy_step_format def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super().get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument("cloud_name", help="Name of cloud to view the details.") return parser def _get_resources(self, parsed_args): cloud_name = parsed_args.cloud_name return self.get_strategy_step_manager().strategy_step_detail(cloud_name)