# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Copyright (c) 2020 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # The right to copy, distribute, modify, or otherwise make use # of this software may be licensed only pursuant to the terms # of an applicable Wind River license agreement. # import base64 import datetime from eventlet.green import subprocess import json import netaddr import os import socket from six.moves.urllib import error as urllib_error from six.moves.urllib import parse from six.moves.urllib import request from dccommon.drivers.openstack.keystone_v3 import KeystoneClient from dccommon.drivers.openstack.sysinv_v1 import SysinvClient from dcmanager.common import consts from dcmanager.common import exceptions from dcmanager.common import install_consts from oslo_log import log as logging LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) BOOT_MENU_TIMEOUT = '5' RVMC_NAME_PREFIX = 'rvmc' RVMC_IMAGE_NAME = 'docker.io/starlingx/rvmc' SUBCLOUD_ISO_PATH = '/opt/platform/iso' SUBCLOUD_ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH = '/www/pages/iso' GEN_ISO_COMMAND = '/usr/local/bin/gen-bootloader-iso.sh' NETWORK_SCRIPTS = '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts' NETWORK_INTERFACE_PREFIX = 'ifcfg' NETWORK_ROUTE_PREFIX = 'route' LOCAL_REGISTRY_PREFIX = 'registry.local:9001/' OPTIONAL_INSTALL_VALUES = [ 'nexthop_gateway', 'network_address', 'network_mask', 'console_type', 'bootstrap_vlan', 'rootfs_device', 'boot_device', 'no_check_certificate' ] GEN_ISO_OPTIONS = { 'bootstrap_interface': '--boot-interface', 'bootstrap_address': '--boot-ip', 'bootstrap_address_prefix': '--boot-netmask', 'nexthop_gateway': "--boot-gateway", 'install_type': '--default-boot', 'rootfs_device': '--param', 'boot_device': '--param', 'bootstrap_vlan': '--param', 'no_check_certificate': '--param' } BMC_OPTIONS = { 'bmc_address', 'bmc_username', 'bmc_password', } class SubcloudInstall(object): """Class to encapsulate the subcloud install operations""" def __init__(self, context, subcloud_name): ks_client = KeystoneClient() session = ks_client.endpoint_cache.get_session_from_token( context.auth_token, context.project) self.sysinv_client = SysinvClient(consts.DEFAULT_REGION_NAME, session) self.name = subcloud_name self.input_iso = None self.www_root = None self.https_enabled = None @staticmethod def config_device(ks_cfg, interface, vlan=False): device_cfg = "%s/%s-%s" % (NETWORK_SCRIPTS, NETWORK_INTERFACE_PREFIX, interface) ks_cfg.write("\tcat << EOF > " + device_cfg + "\n") ks_cfg.write("DEVICE=" + interface + "\n") ks_cfg.write("BOOTPROTO=none\n") ks_cfg.write("ONBOOT=yes\n") if vlan: ks_cfg.write("VLAN=yes\n") @staticmethod def config_ip_address(ks_cfg, values): ks_cfg.write("IPADDR=" + values['bootstrap_address'] + "\n") ks_cfg.write( "PREFIX=" + str(values['bootstrap_address_prefix']) + "\n") @staticmethod def config_default_route(ks_cfg, values, ip_version): if ip_version == 4: ks_cfg.write("DEFROUTE=yes\n") ks_cfg.write("GATEWAY=" + values['nexthop_gateway'] + "\n") else: ks_cfg.write("IPV6INIT=yes\n") ks_cfg.write("IPV6_DEFROUTE=yes\n") ks_cfg.write("IPV6_DEFAULTGW=" + values['nexthop_gateway'] + "\n") @staticmethod def config_static_route(ks_cfg, interface, values, ip_version): if ip_version == 4: route_cfg = "%s/%s-%s" % (NETWORK_SCRIPTS, NETWORK_ROUTE_PREFIX, interface) ks_cfg.write("\tcat << EOF > " + route_cfg + "\n") ks_cfg.write("ADDRESS0=" + values['network_address'] + "\n") ks_cfg.write("NETMASK0=" + str(values['network_mask']) + "\n") ks_cfg.write("GATEWAY0=" + values['nexthop_gateway'] + "\n") else: route_cfg = "%s/%s6-%s" % (NETWORK_SCRIPTS, NETWORK_ROUTE_PREFIX, interface) ks_cfg.write("\tcat << EOF > " + route_cfg + "\n") route_args = "%s/%s via %s dev %s\n" % (values['network_address'], values['network_mask'], values['nexthop_gateway'], interface) ks_cfg.write(route_args) ks_cfg.write("EOF\n\n") @staticmethod def format_address(ip_address): try: address = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address) if address.version == 6: return "[%s]" % address else: return str(address) except netaddr.AddrFormatError as e: LOG.error("Failed to format the address: %s", ip_address) raise e def get_oam_address(self): oam_addresses = self.sysinv_client.get_oam_addresses() return self.format_address(oam_addresses.oam_floating_ip) def get_https_enabled(self): if self.https_enabled is None: system = self.sysinv_client.get_system() self.https_enabled = system.capabilities.get('https_enabled', False) return self.https_enabled def get_image_base_url(self): # get the protocol protocol = 'https' if self.get_https_enabled() else 'http' # get the configured http or https port value = 'https_port' if self.get_https_enabled() else 'http_port' http_parameters = self.sysinv_client.get_service_parameters('name', value) port = getattr(http_parameters[0], 'value') return "%s://%s:%s" % (protocol, self.get_oam_address(), port) def get_image_tag(self, image_name): tags = self.sysinv_client.get_registry_image_tags(image_name) if not tags: msg = ("Error: Image %s not found in the local registry." % image_name) LOG.error(msg) raise exceptions.NotFound() tag = getattr(tags[0], 'tag') return tag @staticmethod def create_rvmc_config_file(override_path, payload): LOG.debug("create rvmc config file") rvmc_config_file = os.path.join(override_path, 'rvmc-config.yaml') with open(rvmc_config_file, 'w') as f_out_rvmc_config_file: for k, v in payload.items(): if k in BMC_OPTIONS or k == 'image': f_out_rvmc_config_file.write(k + ': ' + v + '\n') def create_install_override_file(self, override_path, payload): LOG.debug("create install override file") rvmc_image = LOCAL_REGISTRY_PREFIX + RVMC_IMAGE_NAME + ':' +\ self.get_image_tag(RVMC_IMAGE_NAME) install_override_file = os.path.join(override_path, 'install_values.yml') rvmc_name = "%s-%s" % (RVMC_NAME_PREFIX, self.name) host_name = socket.gethostname() with open(install_override_file, 'w') as f_out_override_file: f_out_override_file.write( '---' '\npassword_change: true' '\nrvmc_image: ' + rvmc_image + '\nrvmc_name: ' + rvmc_name + '\nhost_name: ' + host_name + '\nrvmc_config_dir: ' + override_path + '\n' ) for k, v in payload.items(): f_out_override_file.write("%s: %s\n" % (k, json.dumps(v))) def create_ks_conf_file(self, filename, values): try: with open(filename, 'w') as f: # create ks-addon.cfg default_route = False static_route = False if 'nexthop_gateway' in values: if 'network_address' in values: static_route = True else: default_route = True f.write("OAM_DEV=" + str(values['bootstrap_interface']) + "\n") vlan_id = None if 'bootstrap_vlan' in values: vlan_id = values['bootstrap_vlan'] f.write("OAM_VLAN=" + str(vlan_id) + "\n\n") interface = "$OAM_DEV" self.config_device(f, interface) ip_version = netaddr.IPAddress( values['bootstrap_address']).version if vlan_id is None: self.config_ip_address(f, values) if default_route: self.config_default_route(f, values, ip_version) f.write("EOF\n\n") route_interface = interface if vlan_id is not None: vlan_interface = "$OAM_DEV.$OAM_VLAN" self.config_device(f, vlan_interface, vlan=True) self.config_ip_address(f, values) if default_route: self.config_default_route(f, values, ip_version) f.write("EOF\n") route_interface = vlan_interface if static_route: self.config_static_route(f, route_interface, values, ip_version) except IOError as e: LOG.error("Failed to open file: %s", filename) LOG.exception(e) raise e def update_iso(self, override_path, values): self.www_root = os.path.join(SUBCLOUD_ISO_PATH, str(values['software_version'])) if not os.path.isdir(self.www_root): os.mkdir(self.www_root, 0o755) try: if parse.urlparse(values['image']).scheme: url = values['image'] else: path = os.path.abspath(values['image']) url = parse.urljoin('file:', request.pathname2url(path)) filename = os.path.join(override_path, 'bootimage.iso') LOG.info("Downloading %s to %s", url, override_path) self.input_iso, _ = request.urlretrieve(url, filename) LOG.info("Downloaded %s to %s", url, self.input_iso) except urllib_error.ContentTooShortError as e: msg = "Error: Downloading file %s may be interrupted: %s" % ( values['image'], e) LOG.error(msg) raise exceptions.DCManagerException( resource=self.name, msg=msg) except Exception as e: msg = "Error: Could not download file %s: %s" % ( values['image'], e) LOG.error(msg) raise exceptions.DCManagerException( resource=self.name, msg=msg) update_iso_cmd = [ GEN_ISO_COMMAND, "--input", self.input_iso, "--www-root", self.www_root, "--id", self.name, "--boot-hostname", self.name, "--timeout", BOOT_MENU_TIMEOUT, ] for k in GEN_ISO_OPTIONS.keys(): if k in values: if k == 'bootstrap_address' or k == 'nexthop_gateway': update_iso_cmd += [GEN_ISO_OPTIONS[k], self.format_address(values[k])] elif (k == 'no_check_certificate' and str(values[k]) == 'True' and self.get_https_enabled()): update_iso_cmd += [GEN_ISO_OPTIONS[k], 'inst.noverifyssl=True'] elif k == 'rootfs_device' or k == 'boot_device': update_iso_cmd += [GEN_ISO_OPTIONS[k], (k + '=' + values[k])] elif k == 'bootstrap_vlan': vlan_inteface = "%s.%s:%s" % \ (values['bootstrap_interface'], values['bootstrap_vlan'], values['bootstrap_interface']) update_iso_cmd += [GEN_ISO_OPTIONS[k], ('vlan' + '=' + vlan_inteface)] elif k == 'bootstrap_interface' and 'bootstrap_vlan' in values: boot_interface = "%s.%s" % (values['bootstrap_interface'], values['bootstrap_vlan']) update_iso_cmd += [GEN_ISO_OPTIONS[k], boot_interface] else: update_iso_cmd += [GEN_ISO_OPTIONS[k], str(values[k])] # create ks-addon.cfg addon_cfg = os.path.join(override_path, 'ks-addon.cfg') self.create_ks_conf_file(addon_cfg, values) update_iso_cmd += ['--addon', addon_cfg] # get the base URL base_url = os.path.join(self.get_image_base_url(), 'iso', str(values['software_version'])) update_iso_cmd += ['--base-url', base_url] str_cmd = ' '.join(x for x in update_iso_cmd) LOG.debug("update_iso_cmd:(%s)", str_cmd) try: with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull: subprocess.check_call(update_iso_cmd, stdout=fnull, stderr=fnull) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: msg = "Failed to update iso %s, " % str(update_iso_cmd) raise Exception(msg) def cleanup(self): if (self.input_iso is not None and os.path.exists(self.input_iso)): os.remove(self.input_iso) if (self.www_root is not None and os.path.isdir(self.www_root)): cleanup_cmd = [ GEN_ISO_COMMAND, "--id", self.name, "--www-root", self.www_root, "--delete" ] try: with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull: subprocess.check_call(cleanup_cmd, stdout=fnull, stderr=fnull) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: LOG.error("Failed to delete boot files.") def prep(self, override_path, payload): """Update the iso image and create the config files for the subcloud""" LOG.info("Prepare for %s remote install" % (self.name)) iso_values = {} for k in install_consts.MANDATORY_INSTALL_VALUES: if k in GEN_ISO_OPTIONS.keys(): iso_values[k] = payload.get(k) if k not in BMC_OPTIONS: iso_values[k] = payload.get(k) for k in OPTIONAL_INSTALL_VALUES: if k in payload: iso_values[k] = payload.get(k) override_path = os.path.join(override_path, self.name) if not os.path.isdir(override_path): os.mkdir(override_path, 0o755) # update the default iso image based on the install values self.update_iso(override_path, iso_values) software_version = str(payload['software_version']) # remove the iso values from the payload for k in iso_values: if k in payload: del payload[k] # get the boot image url for bmc payload['image'] = os.path.join(self.get_image_base_url(), 'iso', software_version, 'nodes', self.name, 'bootimage.iso') # encode the bmc_password encoded_password = base64.b64encode( payload['bmc_password'].encode("utf-8")) payload['bmc_password'] = str(encoded_password) # create the rvmc config file self.create_rvmc_config_file(override_path, payload) # remove the bmc values from the payload for k in BMC_OPTIONS: if k in payload: del payload[k] # remove the boot image url from the payload if 'image' in payload: del payload['image'] # create the install override file self.create_install_override_file(override_path, payload) def install(self, log_file_dir, install_command): LOG.info("Start remote install %s", self.name) log_file = (log_file_dir + self.name + '_install_' + str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')) + '.log') with open(log_file, "w") as f_out_log: try: subprocess.check_call(install_command, stdout=f_out_log, stderr=f_out_log) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: msg = ("Failed to install the subcloud %s, check individual " "log at %s for detailed output." % (self.name, log_file)) raise Exception(msg)