# These are instructions for building and installing Distributed Cloud # Packages and configure script are now included in the load # Run configure script (on target - requires root privileges) configure_dc.sh # To use DC Manager CLI (these are just examples) source /etc/nova/openrc # Add subclouds (description and location are optional) dcmanager subcloud add --name=subcloud1 \ --description="subcloud1 description" \ --location="subcloud 1 location" \ --management-subnet= \ --management-start-ip= \ --management-end-ip= \ --management-gateway-ip= \ --systemcontroller-gateway-ip= dcmanager subcloud add --name=subcloud2 \ --management-subnet= \ --management-start-ip= \ --management-end-ip= \ --management-gateway-ip= \ --systemcontroller-gateway-ip= # List all subclouds dcmanager subcloud list # Show a single subcloud dcmanager subcloud show 1 dcmanager subcloud show subcloud2 # Update subcloud description or location dcmanager subcloud update 1 \ --description="new subcloud1 description" \ --location="new subcloud1 location" # Generate config for a subcloud (additional items are optional) dcmanager subcloud generate-config 1 \ --management-interface-port=enp0s8 \ --management-interface-mtu=1500 \ --oam-subnet= \ --oam-gateway-ip= \ --oam-floating-ip= \ --oam-unit-0-ip= \ --oam-unit-1-ip= \ --oam-interface-port=enp0s3 \ --oam-interface-mtu=1500 dcmanager subcloud generate-config 2 # Unlock a subcloud dcmanager subcloud unlock 1 # Lock a subcloud dcmanager subcloud lock 1 # Delete a subcloud (must be locked) dcmanager subcloud delete 1 # To use DC Orchestrator API directly run "openstack token issue", then copy the token. Then to add a subcloud it's something like this: curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: gAAAAABZ3pT6ZLUaMJfTjAius1zFjcYq25JyiI-eHJe_m5B4NheiN_T94wbG-NrFAAbYNKkOb90MdQ5fnTMjGi1QqZyJ9Rkyg2ZvnaI3Sj8Cw6cSl7goyG0rzseP9b1qADmvX66aqZx79pQQUE0EcC2YDPh-mwgYRoerjuNQ_DGYeWOfZxa06kk " -X POST -d '{"subcloud":"subcloud2"}'