# Copyright 2017-2018 Wind River # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from keystoneauth1 import exceptions as keystone_exceptions from novaclient import client as novaclient from novaclient import exceptions as novaclient_exceptions from novaclient import utils as novaclient_utils from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from dcorch.common import consts from dcorch.common import exceptions from dcorch.common import utils from dcorch.engine import quota_manager from dcorch.engine.sync_thread import SyncThread LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ComputeSyncThread(SyncThread): """Manages tasks related to resource management for nova.""" def __init__(self, subcloud_engine): super(ComputeSyncThread, self).__init__(subcloud_engine) self.endpoint_type = consts.ENDPOINT_TYPE_COMPUTE self.sync_handler_map = { consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_FLAVOR: self.sync_compute_resource, consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_KEYPAIR: self.sync_compute_resource, consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_QUOTA_SET: self.sync_compute_resource, consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_QUOTA_CLASS_SET: self.sync_compute_resource, } self.audit_resources = [ consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_QUOTA_CLASS_SET, consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_FLAVOR, consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_KEYPAIR, # note: no audit here for quotas, that's handled separately ] self.log_extra = {"instance": "{}/{}: ".format( self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.region_name, self.endpoint_type)} self.sc_nova_client = None self.initialize() LOG.info("ComputeSyncThread initialized", extra=self.log_extra) def initialize_sc_clients(self): super(ComputeSyncThread, self).initialize_sc_clients() if (not self.sc_nova_client and self.sc_admin_session): self.sc_nova_client = novaclient.Client( '2.38', session=self.sc_admin_session, endpoint_type=consts.KS_ENDPOINT_INTERNAL, region_name=self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.region_name) def initialize(self): # Subcloud may be enabled a while after being added. # Keystone endpoints for the subcloud could be added in # between these 2 steps. Reinitialize the session to # get the most up-to-date service catalog. super(ComputeSyncThread, self).initialize() # todo: update version to 2.53 once on pike self.m_nova_client = novaclient.Client( '2.38', session=self.admin_session, endpoint_type=consts.KS_ENDPOINT_INTERNAL, region_name=consts.VIRTUAL_MASTER_CLOUD) self.initialize_sc_clients() LOG.info("session and clients initialized", extra=self.log_extra) def sync_compute_resource(self, request, rsrc): self.initialize_sc_clients() # Invoke function with name format "operationtype_resourcetype". # For example: create_flavor() try: func_name = request.orch_job.operation_type + \ "_" + rsrc.resource_type getattr(self, func_name)(request, rsrc) except AttributeError: LOG.error("{} not implemented for {}" .format(request.orch_job.operation_type, rsrc.resource_type)) raise exceptions.SyncRequestFailed except (keystone_exceptions.connection.ConnectTimeout, keystone_exceptions.ConnectFailure) as e: LOG.error("sync_compute_resource: {} is not reachable [{}]" .format(self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.region_name, str(e)), extra=self.log_extra) raise exceptions.SyncRequestTimeout except exceptions.SyncRequestFailed: raise except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise exceptions.SyncRequestFailedRetry # ---- Override common audit functions ---- def get_resource_id(self, resource_type, resource): if hasattr(resource, 'master_id'): # If resource from DB, return master resource id # from master cloud return resource.master_id # Else, it is OpenStack resource retrieved from master cloud if resource_type == consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_KEYPAIR: # User_id field is set in _info data by audit query code. return utils.keypair_construct_id( resource.id, resource._info['keypair']['user_id']) if resource_type == consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_QUOTA_CLASS_SET: # We only care about the default class. return 'default' # Nothing special for other resources (flavor) return resource.id def get_resource_info(self, resource_type, resource, operation_type=None): if resource_type == consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_FLAVOR: return jsonutils.dumps(resource._info) elif resource_type == consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_KEYPAIR: return jsonutils.dumps(resource._info.get('keypair')) elif resource_type == consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_QUOTA_CLASS_SET: return jsonutils.dumps(resource._info) else: return super(ComputeSyncThread, self).get_resource_info( resource_type, resource, operation_type) def get_subcloud_resources(self, resource_type): self.initialize_sc_clients() if resource_type == consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_FLAVOR: return self.get_flavor_resources(self.sc_nova_client) elif resource_type == consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_QUOTA_CLASS_SET: return self.get_quota_class_resources(self.sc_nova_client) else: LOG.error("Wrong resource type {}".format(resource_type), extra=self.log_extra) return None def get_master_resources(self, resource_type): if resource_type == consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_FLAVOR: return self.get_flavor_resources(self.m_nova_client) elif resource_type == consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_QUOTA_CLASS_SET: return self.get_quota_class_resources(self.m_nova_client) else: LOG.error("Wrong resource type {}".format(resource_type), extra=self.log_extra) return None def same_resource(self, resource_type, m_resource, sc_resource): if resource_type == consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_FLAVOR: return self.same_flavor(m_resource, sc_resource) elif resource_type == consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_KEYPAIR: return self.same_keypair(m_resource, sc_resource) elif resource_type == consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_QUOTA_CLASS_SET: return self.same_quota_class(m_resource, sc_resource) else: return True def audit_discrepancy(self, resource_type, m_resource, sc_resources): if resource_type in [consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_FLAVOR, consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_KEYPAIR]: # It could be that the flavor details are different # between master cloud and subcloud now. # Thus, delete the flavor before creating it again. # Dependants (ex: flavor-access) will be created again. self.schedule_work(self.endpoint_type, resource_type, self.get_resource_id(resource_type, m_resource), consts.OPERATION_TYPE_DELETE) # For quota classes there is no delete operation, so we just want # to update the existing class. Nothing to do here. # Return true to try creating the resource again return True # ---- Flavor & dependants (flavor-access, extra-spec) ---- def create_flavor(self, request, rsrc): flavor_dict = jsonutils.loads(request.orch_job.resource_info) name = flavor_dict['name'] ram = flavor_dict['ram'] vcpus = flavor_dict['vcpus'] disk = flavor_dict['disk'] kwargs = {} # id is always passed in by proxy kwargs['flavorid'] = flavor_dict['id'] if 'OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral' in flavor_dict: kwargs['ephemeral'] = flavor_dict['OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral'] if 'swap' in flavor_dict and flavor_dict['swap']: kwargs['swap'] = flavor_dict['swap'] if 'rxtx_factor' in flavor_dict: kwargs['rxtx_factor'] = flavor_dict['rxtx_factor'] if 'os-flavor-access:is_public' in flavor_dict: kwargs['is_public'] = flavor_dict['os-flavor-access:is_public'] # todo: maybe we can bypass all the above and just directly call # self.sc_nova_client.flavors._create("/flavors", body, "flavor") # with "body" made from request.orch_job.resource_info. newflavor = None try: newflavor = self.sc_nova_client.flavors.create( name, ram, vcpus, disk, **kwargs) except novaclient_exceptions.Conflict as e: if "already exists" in e.message: # FlavorExists or FlavorIdExists. LOG.info("Flavor {} already exists in subcloud" .format(name), extra=self.log_extra) # Compare the flavor details and recreate flavor if required. newflavor = self.recreate_flavor_if_reqd(name, ram, vcpus, disk, kwargs) else: LOG.exception(e) if not newflavor: raise exceptions.SyncRequestFailed subcloud_rsrc_id = self.persist_db_subcloud_resource( rsrc.id, newflavor.id) LOG.info("Flavor {}:{} [{}/{}] created" .format(rsrc.id, subcloud_rsrc_id, name, newflavor.id), extra=self.log_extra) def recreate_flavor_if_reqd(self, name, ram, vcpus, disk, kwargs): # Both the flavor name and the flavor id must be unique. # If the conflict is due to same name, but different uuid, # we have to fetch the correct id from subcloud before # attempting to delete it. # Since the flavor details are available, compare with master cloud # and recreate the flavor only if required. newflavor = None try: master_flavor = self.m_nova_client.flavors.get(kwargs['flavorid']) subcloud_flavor = None sc_flavors = self.sc_nova_client.flavors.list(is_public=None) for sc_flavor in sc_flavors: # subcloud flavor might have the same name and/or the same id if name == sc_flavor.name or \ kwargs['flavorid'] == sc_flavor.id: subcloud_flavor = sc_flavor break if master_flavor and subcloud_flavor: if self.same_flavor(master_flavor, subcloud_flavor): newflavor = subcloud_flavor else: LOG.info("recreate_flavor, deleting {}:{}".format( subcloud_flavor.name, subcloud_flavor.id), extra=self.log_extra) self.sc_nova_client.flavors.delete(subcloud_flavor.id) newflavor = self.sc_nova_client.flavors.create( name, ram, vcpus, disk, **kwargs) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise exceptions.SyncRequestFailed return newflavor def delete_flavor(self, request, rsrc): subcloud_rsrc = self.get_db_subcloud_resource(rsrc.id) if not subcloud_rsrc: return try: self.sc_nova_client.flavors.delete( subcloud_rsrc.subcloud_resource_id) except novaclient_exceptions.NotFound: # Flavor already deleted in subcloud, carry on. LOG.info("ResourceNotFound in subcloud, may be already deleted", extra=self.log_extra) subcloud_rsrc.delete() # Master Resource can be deleted only when all subcloud resources # are deleted along with corresponding orch_job and orch_requests. LOG.info("Flavor {}:{} [{}] deleted".format(rsrc.id, subcloud_rsrc.id, subcloud_rsrc.subcloud_resource_id), extra=self.log_extra) def action_flavor(self, request, rsrc): action_dict = jsonutils.loads(request.orch_job.resource_info) subcloud_rsrc = self.get_db_subcloud_resource(rsrc.id) if not subcloud_rsrc: LOG.error("Subcloud resource missing for {}:{}" .format(rsrc, action_dict), extra=self.log_extra) return switcher = { consts.ACTION_ADDTENANTACCESS: self.add_tenant_access, consts.ACTION_REMOVETENANTACCESS: self.remove_tenant_access, consts.ACTION_EXTRASPECS_POST: self.set_extra_specs, consts.ACTION_EXTRASPECS_DELETE: self.unset_extra_specs, } action = action_dict.keys()[0] if action not in switcher.keys(): LOG.error("Unsupported flavor action {}".format(action), extra=self.log_extra) return LOG.info("Flavor action [{}]: {}".format(action, action_dict), extra=self.log_extra) switcher[action](rsrc, action, action_dict, subcloud_rsrc) def add_tenant_access(self, rsrc, action, action_dict, subcloud_rsrc): tenant_id = action_dict[action]['tenant'] try: self.sc_nova_client.flavor_access.add_tenant_access( subcloud_rsrc.subcloud_resource_id, tenant_id) except novaclient_exceptions.Conflict: LOG.info("Flavor-access already present {}:{}" .format(rsrc, action_dict), extra=self.log_extra) def remove_tenant_access(self, rsrc, action, action_dict, subcloud_rsrc): tenant_id = action_dict[action]['tenant'] try: self.sc_nova_client.flavor_access.remove_tenant_access( subcloud_rsrc.subcloud_resource_id, tenant_id) except novaclient_exceptions.NotFound: LOG.info("Flavor-access already deleted {}:{}" .format(rsrc, action_dict), extra=self.log_extra) def set_extra_specs(self, rsrc, action, action_dict, subcloud_rsrc): flavor = novaclient_utils.find_resource( self.sc_nova_client.flavors, subcloud_rsrc.subcloud_resource_id, is_public=None) flavor.set_keys(action_dict[action]) # No need to handle "extra-spec already exists" case. # Nova throws no exception for that. def unset_extra_specs(self, rsrc, action, action_dict, subcloud_rsrc): flavor = novaclient_utils.find_resource( self.sc_nova_client.flavors, subcloud_rsrc.subcloud_resource_id, is_public=None) es_metadata = action_dict[action] metadata = {} # extra_spec keys passed in could be of format "key1" # or "key1;key2;key3" for metadatum in es_metadata.split(';'): if metadatum: metadata[metadatum] = None try: flavor.unset_keys(metadata.keys()) except novaclient_exceptions.NotFound: LOG.info("Extra-spec {} not found {}:{}" .format(metadata.keys(), rsrc, action_dict), extra=self.log_extra) def get_flavor_resources(self, nc): try: flavors = nc.flavors.list(is_public=None) for flavor in flavors: # Attach flavor access list to flavor object, so that # it can be audited later in audit_dependants() if not flavor.is_public: try: fa_list = nc.flavor_access.list(flavor=flavor.id) flavor.attach_fa = fa_list except novaclient_exceptions.NotFound: # flavor/flavor_access just got deleted # (after flavors.list) LOG.info("Flavor/flavor_access not found [{}]" .format(flavor.id), extra=self.log_extra) flavor.attach_fa = [] else: flavor.attach_fa = [] # Attach extra_spec dict to flavor object, so that # it can be audited later in audit_dependants() flavor.attach_es = flavor.get_keys() return flavors except (keystone_exceptions.connection.ConnectTimeout, keystone_exceptions.ConnectFailure) as e: LOG.info("get_flavor: subcloud {} is not reachable [{}]" .format(self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.region_name, str(e)), extra=self.log_extra) return None except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) return None def same_flavor(self, f1, f2): return (f1.name == f2.name and f1.vcpus == f2.vcpus and f1.ram == f2.ram and f1.disk == f2.disk and f1.swap == f2.swap and f1.rxtx_factor == f2.rxtx_factor and f1.is_public == f2.is_public and f1.ephemeral == f2.ephemeral) def audit_dependants(self, resource_type, m_flavor, sc_flavor): num_of_audit_jobs = 0 if not self.subcloud_engine.is_enabled() or self.should_exit(): return num_of_audit_jobs if resource_type == consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_FLAVOR: num_of_audit_jobs += self.audit_flavor_access( resource_type, m_flavor, sc_flavor) num_of_audit_jobs += self.audit_extra_specs( resource_type, m_flavor, sc_flavor) return num_of_audit_jobs def audit_flavor_access(self, resource_type, m_flavor, sc_flavor): num_of_audit_jobs = 0 sc_fa_attachment = [] # Subcloud flavor-access attachment if sc_flavor: sc_fa_attachment = sc_flavor.attach_fa # Flavor-access needs to be audited. flavor-access details are # filled in m_resources and sc_resources during query. for m_fa in m_flavor.attach_fa: found = False for sc_fa in sc_fa_attachment: if m_fa.tenant_id == sc_fa.tenant_id: found = True sc_flavor.attach_fa.remove(sc_fa) break if not found: action_dict = { consts.ACTION_ADDTENANTACCESS: {"tenant": m_fa.tenant_id}} self.schedule_work( self.endpoint_type, resource_type, m_flavor.id, consts.OPERATION_TYPE_ACTION, jsonutils.dumps(action_dict)) num_of_audit_jobs += 1 for sc_fa in sc_fa_attachment: action_dict = { consts.ACTION_REMOVETENANTACCESS: {"tenant": sc_fa.tenant_id}} self.schedule_work( self.endpoint_type, resource_type, m_flavor.id, consts.OPERATION_TYPE_ACTION, jsonutils.dumps(action_dict)) num_of_audit_jobs += 1 return num_of_audit_jobs def audit_extra_specs(self, resource_type, m_flavor, sc_flavor): num_of_audit_jobs = 0 sc_es_attachment = {} # Subcloud extra-spec attachment if sc_flavor: # sc_flavor could be None. sc_es_attachment = sc_flavor.attach_es # Extra-spec needs to be audited. Extra-spec details are # filled in m_resources and sc_resources during query. metadata = {} for m_key, m_value in m_flavor.attach_es.iteritems(): found = False for sc_key, sc_value in sc_es_attachment.iteritems(): if m_key == sc_key and m_value == sc_value: found = True sc_es_attachment.pop(sc_key) break if not found: metadata.update({m_key: m_value}) if metadata: action_dict = {consts.ACTION_EXTRASPECS_POST: metadata} self.schedule_work( self.endpoint_type, resource_type, m_flavor.id, consts.OPERATION_TYPE_ACTION, jsonutils.dumps(action_dict)) num_of_audit_jobs += 1 keys_to_delete = "" for sc_key, sc_value in sc_es_attachment.iteritems(): keys_to_delete += sc_key + ";" if keys_to_delete: action_dict = {consts.ACTION_EXTRASPECS_DELETE: keys_to_delete} self.schedule_work( self.endpoint_type, resource_type, m_flavor.id, consts.OPERATION_TYPE_ACTION, jsonutils.dumps(action_dict)) num_of_audit_jobs += 1 return num_of_audit_jobs # ---- Keypair resource ---- def create_keypair(self, request, rsrc): keypair_dict = jsonutils.loads(request.orch_job.resource_info) name, user_id = utils.keypair_deconstruct_id(rsrc.master_id) log_str = rsrc.master_id + ' ' + name + '/' + user_id kwargs = {} kwargs['user_id'] = user_id if 'public_key' in keypair_dict: kwargs['public_key'] = keypair_dict['public_key'] if 'type' in keypair_dict: kwargs['key_type'] = keypair_dict['type'] log_str += "/" + kwargs['key_type'] newkeypair = None try: newkeypair = self.sc_nova_client.keypairs.create(name, **kwargs) except novaclient_exceptions.Conflict: # KeyPairExists: keypair with same name already exists. LOG.info("Keypair {} already exists in subcloud" .format(log_str), extra=self.log_extra) newkeypair = self.recreate_keypair(name, kwargs) if not newkeypair: raise exceptions.SyncRequestFailed subcloud_rsrc_id = self.persist_db_subcloud_resource( rsrc.id, rsrc.master_id) LOG.info("Keypair {}:{} [{}] created".format(rsrc.id, subcloud_rsrc_id, log_str), extra=self.log_extra) def recreate_keypair(self, name, kwargs): newkeypair = None try: # Not worth doing additional api calls to compare the # master and subcloud keypairs. Delete and create again. # This is different from recreate_flavor_if_reqd(). # Here for keypair, name and user_id are already available # and query api can be avoided. delete_kw = {'user_id': kwargs['user_id']} LOG.info("recreate_keypair, deleting {}:{}" .format(name, delete_kw), extra=self.log_extra) self.sc_nova_client.keypairs.delete(name, **delete_kw) newkeypair = self.sc_nova_client.keypairs.create( name, **kwargs) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise exceptions.SyncRequestFailed return newkeypair def delete_keypair(self, request, rsrc): subcloud_rsrc = self.get_db_subcloud_resource(rsrc.id) if not subcloud_rsrc: return name, user_id = utils.keypair_deconstruct_id(rsrc.master_id) log_str = subcloud_rsrc.subcloud_resource_id + ' ' + \ name + '/' + user_id kwargs = {} kwargs['user_id'] = user_id try: self.sc_nova_client.keypairs.delete(name, **kwargs) except novaclient_exceptions.NotFound: # Keypair already deleted in subcloud, carry on. LOG.info("Keypair {} not found in subcloud, may be already deleted" .format(log_str), extra=self.log_extra) subcloud_rsrc.delete() # Master Resource can be deleted only when all subcloud resources # are deleted along with corresponding orch_job and orch_requests. LOG.info("Keypair {}:{} [{}] deleted".format(rsrc.id, subcloud_rsrc.id, log_str), extra=self.log_extra) def get_all_resources(self, resource_type): if resource_type == consts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE_KEYPAIR: # Keypair has unique id (name) per user. And, there is no API to # retrieve all keypairs at once. So, keypair for each user is # retrieved individually. try: m_resources = [] sc_resources = [] users = self.ks_client.users.list() users_with_kps = set() for user in users: user_keypairs = self.get_keypair_resources( self.m_nova_client, user.id) if user_keypairs: m_resources.extend(user_keypairs) users_with_kps.add(user.id) db_resources = self.get_db_master_resources(resource_type) # Query the subcloud for only the users-with-keypairs in the # master cloud for userid in users_with_kps: sc_user_keypairs = self.get_keypair_resources( self.sc_nova_client, userid) if sc_user_keypairs: sc_resources.extend(sc_user_keypairs) LOG.info("get_all_resources: users_with_kps={}" .format(users_with_kps), extra=self.log_extra) return m_resources, db_resources, sc_resources except (keystone_exceptions.connection.ConnectTimeout, keystone_exceptions.ConnectFailure) as e: LOG.info("get_all_resources: subcloud {} is not reachable [{}]" .format(self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.region_name, str(e)), extra=self.log_extra) return None, None, None except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) return None, None, None else: return super(ComputeSyncThread, self).get_all_resources( resource_type) def get_keypair_resources(self, nc, user_id): keypairs = nc.keypairs.list(user_id) for keypair in keypairs: keypair._info['keypair']['user_id'] = user_id return keypairs def same_keypair(self, k1, k2): return (k1.name == k2.name and k1.type == k2.type and k1.fingerprint == k2.fingerprint and (k1._info['keypair']['user_id'] == k2._info['keypair']['user_id']) ) # ---- quota_set resource operations ---- def put_compute_quota_set(self, request, rsrc): project_id = request.orch_job.source_resource_id # Get the new global limits from the request. quota_dict = jsonutils.loads(request.orch_job.resource_info) # Extract the user_id if there is one. user_id = quota_dict.pop('user_id', None) # Calculate the new limits for this subcloud (factoring in the # existing usage). quota_dict = \ quota_manager.QuotaManager.calculate_subcloud_project_quotas( project_id, user_id, quota_dict, self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.region_name) # Force the update in case existing usage is higher. quota_dict['force'] = True # Apply the limits to the subcloud. self.sc_nova_client.quotas.update(project_id, user_id=user_id, **quota_dict) # Persist the subcloud resource. (Not really applicable for quotas.) self.persist_db_subcloud_resource(rsrc.id, rsrc.master_id) LOG.info("Updated quotas {} for tenant {} and user {}" .format(quota_dict, rsrc.master_id, user_id), extra=self.log_extra) def delete_compute_quota_set(self, request, rsrc): # There's tricky behaviour here, pay attention! # If you delete a quota-set for a tenant nova will automatically # delete all tenant/user quota-sets within that tenant. # If we delete a tenant/user quota-set in the master then we want to # delete it in the subcloud as well. Nothing more is needed. # # If we delete a tenant quota-set in the master then we want to delete # it in the subcloud as well (to force deletion of all related # tenant/user quota-sets. However, we then need to recalculate the # quota-set for that tenant in all the subclouds based on the current # usage and the default quotas. project_id = request.orch_job.source_resource_id # Get the request info from the request. req_info = jsonutils.loads(request.orch_job.resource_info) # Extract the user_id if there is one. user_id = req_info.pop('user_id', None) # Delete the quota set in the subcloud. If user_id is None this will # also delete the quota-sets for all users within this project. self.sc_nova_client.quotas.delete(project_id, user_id) # Clean up the subcloud resource entry in the DB. subcloud_rsrc = self.get_db_subcloud_resource(rsrc.id) if subcloud_rsrc: subcloud_rsrc.delete() # If we deleted a user/tenant quota-set we're done. if user_id is not None: return # If we deleted a tenant quota-set we need to recalculate the # tenant quota-set in the subcloud based on the default quotas # in the master cloud. # Get the new global quotas quota_resource = self.m_nova_client.quotas.get(project_id) quota_dict = quota_resource.to_dict() # Get rid of the "id" field before doing any calculations quota_dict.pop('id', None) # Calculate the new limits for this subcloud (factoring in the # existing usage). quota_dict = \ quota_manager.QuotaManager.calculate_subcloud_project_quotas( project_id, user_id, quota_dict, self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.region_name) # Force the update in case existing usage is higher. quota_dict['force'] = True # Apply the limits to the subcloud. self.sc_nova_client.quotas.update(project_id, user_id=user_id, **quota_dict) # ---- quota_set resource operations ---- def put_quota_class_set(self, request, rsrc): # Only a class_id of "default" is meaningful to nova. class_id = request.orch_job.source_resource_id # Get the new quota class limits from the request. quota_dict = jsonutils.loads(request.orch_job.resource_info) # If this is coming from the audit we need to remove the "id" field. quota_dict.pop('id', None) # Apply the new quota class limits to the subcloud. self.sc_nova_client.quota_classes.update(class_id, **quota_dict) # Persist the subcloud resource. (Not really applicable for quotas.) self.persist_db_subcloud_resource(rsrc.id, rsrc.master_id) LOG.info("Updated quota classes {} for class {}" .format(quota_dict, rsrc.master_id), extra=self.log_extra) # This will only be called by the audit code. def create_quota_class_set(self, request, rsrc): self.put_quota_class_set(request, rsrc) def same_quota_class(self, qc1, qc2): # The audit code will pass in QuotaClassSet objects, we need to # convert them before comparing them. return qc1.to_dict() == qc2.to_dict() def get_quota_class_resources(self, nc): # We only care about the "default" class since it's the only one # that actually affects nova. try: quota_class = nc.quota_classes.get('default') return [quota_class] except (keystone_exceptions.connection.ConnectTimeout, keystone_exceptions.ConnectFailure) as e: LOG.info("get_quota_class: subcloud {} is not reachable [{}]" .format(self.subcloud_engine.subcloud.region_name, str(e)), extra=self.log_extra) return None except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) return None