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# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
# Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import http.client
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import fixture as fixture_config
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
import pecan
from pecan.configuration import set_config
from pecan.testing import load_test_app
from dcmanager.api import api_config
from dcmanager.common import config
from dcmanager.tests.base import DCManagerTestCase
from dcmanager.tests.unit.common import consts as test_consts
from dcmanager.tests import utils
OPT_GROUP_NAME = 'keystone_authtoken'
cfg.CONF.import_group(OPT_GROUP_NAME, "keystonemiddleware.auth_token")
class DCManagerApiTest(DCManagerTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.addCleanup(set_config, {}, overwrite=True)
config_fixture = fixture_config.Config()
self.CONF = self.useFixture(config_fixture).conf
self.CONF.set_override('auth_strategy', 'noauth')
self.app = self._make_app()
self.url = '/'
# The put method is used as a default value, leading to the generic
# implementation on controllers in case the method is not specified
self.method = self.app.put
self.params = {}
self.upload_files = None
self.verb = None
self.headers = {
'X-Tenant-Id': utils.UUID1, 'X_ROLE': 'admin,member,reader',
'X-Identity-Status': 'Confirmed', 'X-Project-Name': 'admin'
def _make_app(self, enable_acl=False):
self.config_fixture = {
'app': {
'root': 'dcmanager.api.controllers.root.RootController',
'modules': ['dcmanager.api'],
'enable_acl': enable_acl,
'errors': {
400: '/error',
'__force_dict__': True
return load_test_app(self.config_fixture)
def _send_request(self):
"""Send a request to a url"""
kwargs = {}
if self.upload_files:
kwargs = {'upload_files': self.upload_files}
return self.method(
self.url, headers=self.headers, params=self.params,
expect_errors=True, **kwargs
def _assert_response(
self, response, status_code=http.client.OK,
"""Assert the response for a request"""
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status_code)
self.assertEqual(response.content_type, content_type)
def _assert_pecan_and_response(
self, response, http_status, content=None, call_count=1,
"""Assert the response and pecan abort for a failed request"""
self._assert_pecan(http_status, content, call_count=call_count)
self._assert_response(response, http_status, content_type)
def tearDown(self):
super(DCManagerApiTest, self).tearDown()
pecan.set_config({}, overwrite=True)
class TestRootController(DCManagerApiTest):
"""Test version listing on root URI."""
def setUp(self):
super(TestRootController, self).setUp()
self.url = '/'
self.method = self.app.get
def _test_method_returns_405(self, method, content_type=test_consts.TEXT_PLAIN):
self.method = method
response = self._send_request()
response, http.client.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, content_type=content_type
def test_get(self):
"""Test get request succeeds with correct versions"""
response = self._send_request()
json_body = jsonutils.loads(response.body)
versions = json_body.get('versions')
self.assertEqual(1, len(versions))
def test_request_id(self):
"""Test request for root returns the correct request id"""
response = self._send_request()
self.assertIn('x-openstack-request-id', response.headers)
id_part = response.headers['x-openstack-request-id'].split('req-')[1]
def test_post(self):
"""Test post request is not allowed on root"""
def test_put(self):
"""Test put request is not allowed on root"""
def test_patch(self):
"""Test patch request is not allowed on root"""
def test_delete(self):
"""Test delete request is not allowed on root"""
def test_head(self):
"""Test head request is not allowed on root"""
self.app.head, content_type=test_consts.TEXT_HTML
class TestErrors(DCManagerApiTest):
def setUp(self):
super(TestErrors, self).setUp()
cfg.CONF.set_override('admin_tenant', 'fake_tenant_id', group='cache')
def test_404(self):
self.url = '/assert_called_once'
self.method = self.app.get
response = self._send_request()
response, http.client.NOT_FOUND, content_type=test_consts.TEXT_PLAIN
def test_version_1_root_controller(self):
self.url = f'/v1.0/{uuidutils.generate_uuid()}/bad_method'
self.method = self.app.patch
response = self._send_request()
self._assert_pecan_and_response(response, http.client.NOT_FOUND)
class TestKeystoneAuth(DCManagerApiTest):
"""Test requests using keystone as the authentication strategy"""
def setUp(self):
super(TestKeystoneAuth, self).setUp()
cfg.CONF.set_override('auth_strategy', 'keystone')
self.method = self.app.get
def test_auth_not_enforced_for_root(self):
"""Test authentication is not enforced for root url"""
response = self._send_request()