OIDC system-local-ca CA certificate data retrieval incorrectly references ca.crt rather than tls.crt. (dsr8)

Since we used conditional texting, the stx docs remain unchanged.

Replaced ca.crt with tls.crt in one place.

Change-Id: I1bdb03e25744bf520111eaae20373170a8c1a59c
Signed-off-by: Dinesh Neelapu <dinesh.neelapu@windriver.com>
Signed-off-by: Ngairangbam Mili <ngairangbam.mili@windriver.com>
This commit is contained in:
Dinesh Neelapu 2024-01-23 07:22:00 +00:00 committed by Ngairangbam Mili
parent 07968f8e41
commit f72770e9fd
2 changed files with 79 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
.. start-after: configure-oidc-begin
.. end-before: configure-oidc-end
.. start-after: configure-oidc-tls1-begin
.. end-before: configure-oidc-tls1-end
.. start-after: configure-oidc-tls2-begin
.. end-before: configure-oidc-tls2-end
.. start-after: configure-oidc-tls3-begin
.. end-before: configure-oidc-tls3-end

View File

@ -113,29 +113,44 @@ Configure OIDC Auth Applications
Server Certificate and the |OIDC| Client and Identity Trusted |CA|
Create a secret with the certificate of the root |CA| that signed the
|OIDC| client and identity provider's server certificate. In this
example, it will be the ``ca.crt`` of the ``system-local-ca``
.. only:: starlingx
.. code-block:: none
Create a secret with the certificate of the root |CA| that signed
the |OIDC| client and identity provider's server certificate. In
this example, it will be the ``ca.crt`` of the ``system-local-ca``
~(keystone_admin)]$ mkdir /home/sysadmin/ssl
~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl get secret system-local-ca -n cert-manager -o=jsonpath='{.data.ca\.crt}' | base64 --decode > /home/sysadmin/ssl/dex-ca-cert.crt
.. only:: partner
~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl create secret generic dex-ca-cert --from-file=/home/sysadmin/ssl/dex-ca-cert.crt -n kube-system
.. include:: /_includes/configure-oidc-auth-applications.rest
:start-after: configure-oidc-begin
:end-before: configure-oidc-end
~(keystone_admin)]$ cat <<EOF > stx-oidc-client.yaml
tlsName: oidc-auth-apps-certificate
# The OIDC-client container mounts the dex-ca-cert secret at /home, therefore
# issuer_root_ca: /home/<filename-only-of-generic-secret>
issuer_root_ca: /home/dex-ca-cert.crt
issuer_root_ca_secret: dex-ca-cert
.. only:: starlingx
~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-update oidc-auth-apps oidc-client kube-system --values stx-oidc-client.yaml
.. code-block:: none
~(keystone_admin)]$ mkdir /home/sysadmin/ssl
~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl get secret system-local-ca -n cert-manager -o=jsonpath='{.data.ca\.crt}' | base64 --decode > /home/sysadmin/ssl/dex-ca-cert.crt
~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl create secret generic dex-ca-cert --from-file=/home/sysadmin/ssl/dex-ca-cert.crt -n kube-system
~(keystone_admin)]$ cat <<EOF > stx-oidc-client.yaml
tlsName: oidc-auth-apps-certificate
# The OIDC-client container mounts the dex-ca-cert secret at /home, therefore
# issuer_root_ca: /home/<filename-only-of-generic-secret>
issuer_root_ca: /home/dex-ca-cert.crt
issuer_root_ca_secret: dex-ca-cert
~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-update oidc-auth-apps oidc-client kube-system --values stx-oidc-client.yaml
.. only:: partner
.. include:: /_includes/configure-oidc-auth-applications.rest
:start-after: configure-oidc-tls1-begin
:end-before: configure-oidc-tls1-end
#. Create a secret with the certificate of the |CA| that signed the
certificate of the Identity Providers (IdPs) that you will be using.
@ -148,15 +163,23 @@ Configure OIDC Auth Applications
~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl create secret generic wad-ca-cert --from-file=wad-ca-cert.crt -n kube-system
If you will use the Local |LDAP| server, create the secret
``local-ldap-ca-cert`` with the |CA|'s certificate that signed the
Local |LDAP|'s certificate using the command below. This |CA|'s
certificate, presented below as file ``local-ldap-ca-cert.crt``, can
be extracted from the controller where the Local |LDAP| server is
running (the SystemController in DC environments) using the command
`kubectl get secret system-local-ca -n cert-manager
-o=jsonpath=\'{.data.ca\\.crt}\' | base64 \-\-decode >
.. only:: starlingx
If you will use the Local |LDAP| server, create the secret
``local-ldap-ca-cert`` with the |CA|'s certificate that signed the
Local |LDAP|'s certificate using the command below. This |CA|'s
certificate, presented below as file ``local-ldap-ca-cert.crt``, can
be extracted from the controller where the Local |LDAP| server is
running (the SystemController in DC environments) using the command
`kubectl get secret system-local-ca -n cert-manager
-o=jsonpath=\'{.data.ca\\.crt}\' | base64 \-\-decode >
.. only:: partner
.. include:: /_includes/configure-oidc-auth-applications.rest
:start-after: configure-oidc-tls2-begin
:end-before: configure-oidc-tls2-end
.. code-block:: none
@ -289,15 +312,23 @@ Configure OIDC Auth Applications
~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl create secret generic wad-ca-cert --from-file=wad-ca-cert.crt -n kube-system
If you will use the Local |LDAP| server, create the secret
``local-ldap-ca-cert`` with the |CA|'s certificate that signed the
Local |LDAP|'s certificate using the command below. This |CA|'s
certificate, presented below as file ``local-ldap-ca-cert.crt``, can
be extracted from the controller where the Local |LDAP| server is
running (the SystemController in DC environments) using the command
`kubectl get secret system-local-ca -n cert-manager
-o=jsonpath=\'{.data.ca\\.crt}\' | base64 \-\-decode >
.. only:: starlingx
If you will use the Local |LDAP| server, create the secret
``local-ldap-ca-cert`` with the |CA|'s certificate that signed the
Local |LDAP|'s certificate using the command below. This |CA|'s
certificate, presented below as file ``local-ldap-ca-cert.crt``, can
be extracted from the controller where the Local |LDAP| server is
running (the SystemController in DC environments) using the command
`kubectl get secret system-local-ca -n cert-manager
-o=jsonpath=\'{.data.ca\\.crt}\' | base64 \-\-decode >
.. only:: partner
.. include:: /_includes/configure-oidc-auth-applications.rest
:start-after: configure-oidc-tls3-begin
:end-before: configure-oidc-tls3-end
.. code-block:: none