.. dyp1581949325894 .. _kubernetes-user-tutorials-configuring-container-backed-remote-clis-and-clients: ====================================== Configure Container-backed Remote CLIs ====================================== The |prod| command lines can be accessed from remote computers running Linux, MacOS, and Windows. .. rubric:: |context| This functionality is made available using a docker container with pre-installed |CLIs| and clients. The container's image is pulled as required by the remote CLI/client configuration scripts. .. rubric:: |prereq| .. _kubernetes-user-tutorials-configuring-container-backed-remote-clis-and-clients-ul-ev3-bfq-nlb: - You must have Docker installed on the remote systems you connect from. For more information on installing Docker, see `https://docs.docker.com/install/ `__. For Windows remote workstations, Docker is only supported on Windows 10. .. note:: You must be able to run docker commands using one of the following options: - Running the scripts using sudo - Adding the Linux user to the docker group For more information, see, `https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/ `__ - For Windows remote workstations, you must run the following commands from a Cygwin terminal. See `https://www.cygwin.com/ `__ for more information about the Cygwin project. - For Windows remote workstations, you must also have :command:`winpty` installed. Download the latest release tarball for Cygwin from `https://github.com/rprichard/winpty/releases `__. After downloading the tarball, extract it to any location and change the Windows variable to include its bin folder from the extracted winpty folder. - You need from your |prod| administrator: your |WAD| or Local |LDAP| username and password to get a Kubernetes authentication token, your Keystone username and password to log into Horizon, the |OAM| IP and, optionally, the Kubernetes |CA| certificate of the target |prod| environment. If HTTPS has been enabled for the |prod| RESTAPI Endpoints on the target |prod| system, you need the |CA| certificate that signed the |prod| REST APIs Endpoint Certificate. The following procedure helps you configure the Container-backed remote |CLIs| and clients for a non-admin user. .. rubric:: |proc| .. _kubernetes-user-tutorials-configuring-container-backed-remote-clis-and-clients-steps-fvl-n4d-tkb: #. Copy the remote client tarball file from |dnload-loc| to the remote workstation, and extract its content. - The tarball is available from the |prod| area on |dnload-loc|. - You can extract the tarball contents anywhere on your client system. .. parsed-literal:: $ cd $HOME $ tar xvf |prefix|-remote-clients-.tgz #. Download the user/tenant **openrc** file from the Horizon Web interface to the remote workstation. #. Log in to Horizon as the user and tenant that you want to configure remote access for. In this example, we use 'user1' user in the 'tenant1' tenant. #. Navigate to :menuselection:`Project --> API Access --> Download Openstack RC file`. #. Select :guilabel:`Openstack RC file`. The file ``admin-openrc.sh`` downloads. Copy this file to the location of the extracted tarball. .. note:: For a Distributed Cloud system, navigate to :menuselection:`Project --> Central Cloud Regions --> RegionOne` and download the **Openstack RC file**. #. If HTTPS has been enabled for the |prod| RESTAPI Endpoints on the target |prod| system, add the following line to the bottom of ``admin-openrc.sh``: .. code-block:: none export OS_CACERT= where ```` is the absolute path of the |CA| certificate that signed the |prod| REST APIs Endpoint Certificate provided by your |prod| administrator. #. Create an empty user-kubeconfig file on the remote workstation. The contents will be set later. .. code-block:: none $ touch user-kubeconfig #. On the remote workstation, configure the client access. #. Change to the location of the extracted tarball. .. parsed-literal:: $ cd $HOME/|prefix|-remote-clients-/ #. Create a working directory that will be mounted by the container implementing the remote |CLIs|. See the description of the :command:`configure_client.sh` ``-w`` option below for more details. .. code-block:: none $ mkdir -p $HOME/remote_cli_wd #. Run the :command:`configure_client.sh` script. .. only:: starlingx .. code-block:: none $ ./configure_client.sh -t platform -r admin-openrc.sh -k user-kubeconfig -w $HOME/remote_cli_wd .. only:: partner .. include:: /_includes/kubernetes-user-tutorials-configuring-container-backed-remote-clis-and-clients.rest If you specify repositories that require authentication, as shown above, you must remember to perform a :command:`docker login` to that repository before using remote |CLIs| for the first time. The options for configure_client.sh are: **-t** The type of client configuration. The options are platform (for |prod-long| |CLI| and clients) and openstack (for |prod-os| application |CLI| and clients). The default value is platform. **-r** The user/tenant RC file to use for :command:`openstack` |CLI| commands. The default value is admin-openrc.sh. **-k** The kubernetes configuration file to use for :command:`kubectl` and :command:`helm` |CLI| commands. The default value is temp-kubeconfig. **-o** The remote CLI/client RC file generated by this script. This RC file needs to be sourced in the shell to set up required environment variables and aliases before running any remote |CLI| commands. For the platform client setup, the default is remote_client_platform.sh. For the openstack application client setup, the default is remote_client_app.sh. .. _kubernetes-user-tutorials-configuring-container-backed-remote-clis-and-clients-w-option: **-w** The working directory that will be mounted by the container implementing the remote |CLIs|. When using the remote |CLIs|, any files passed as arguments to the remote |CLI| commands need to be in this directory in order for the container to access the files. The default value is the directory from which the :command:`configure_client.sh` command was run. **-p** Override the container image for the platform |CLI| and clients. By default, the platform |CLIs| and clients container image is pulled from docker.io/starlingx/stx-platformclients. For example, to use the container images from the WRS AWS ECR: .. parsed-literal:: $ ./configure_client.sh -t platform -r admin-openrc.sh -k user-kubeconfig -w $HOME/remote_cli_wd -p |registry-url|/starlingx/stx-platformclients:|v_starlingx-stx-platformclients| If you specify repositories that require authentication, you must perform a :command:`docker login` to that repository before using remote |CLIs|. **-a** Override the OpenStack application image. By default, the OpenStack |CLIs| and clients container image is pulled from docker.io/starlingx/stx-openstackclients. The :command:`configure-client.sh` command will generate a remote_client_platform.sh RC file. This RC file needs to be sourced in the shell to set up required environment variables and aliases before any remote |CLI| commands can be run. #. Copy the file ``remote_client_platform.sh`` to ``$HOME/remote_cli_wd`` #. Update the contents in the admin-kubeconfig file using the :command:`kubectl` command from the container. Use the |OAM| IP address and the Kubernetes |CA| certificate (named ``k8s-ca.crt`` in the commands below) got from the |prod| administrator. In the example below, the user is called "user1", you should change this to your username. If the |OAM| IP is IPv6, use the IP enclosed in brackets (example: "[fd00::a14:803]"). .. code-block:: none $ cd $HOME/remote_cli_wd $ source remote_client_platform.sh $ kubectl config set-cluster wrcpcluster --server=https://:6443 $ kubectl config set clusters.wrcpcluster.certificate-authority-data $(base64 -w0 k8s-ca.crt) $ kubectl config set-context user1@wrcpcluster --cluster=wrcpcluster --user user1 $ kubectl config use-context user1@wrcpcluster If you don't have the Kubernetes |CA| certificate, execute the following commands instead. .. code-block:: none $ cd $HOME/remote_cli_wd $ source remote_client_platform.sh $ kubectl config set-cluster wrcpcluster --server=https://:6443 --insecure-skip-tls-verify $ kubectl config set-context user1@wrcpcluster --cluster=wrcpcluster --user user1 $ kubectl config use-context user1@wrcpcluster .. rubric:: |postreq| After configuring the platform's container-backed remote CLIs/clients, the remote platform |CLIs| can be used in any shell after sourcing the generated remote CLI/client RC file. This RC file sets up the required environment variables and aliases for the remote |CLI| commands. .. note:: Consider adding this command to your .login or shell rc file, such that your shells will automatically be initialized with the environment variables and aliases for the remote |CLI| commands. See :ref:`Using Container-backed Remote CLIs and Clients ` for details. .. seealso:: * :ref:`Using Container-backed Remote CLIs and Clients ` * :ref:`Installing Kubectl and Helm Clients Directly on a Host ` * :ref:`Configuring Remote Helm Client `