.. hby1568295041837 .. _admin-application-commands-and-helm-overrides: .. Please confirm if versions are correct in the output files below ======================================= Application Commands and Helm Overrides ======================================= Use |prod| :command:`system application` and :command:`system helm-override` commands to manage containerized applications provided as part of |prod|. .. note:: Application commands and Helm overrides apply to **user overrides** only and take precedence over system overrides. .. rubric:: |proc| - Use the following command to list all containerized applications provided as part of |prod|. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-list [--nowrap] where: **nowrap** Prevents line wrapping of the output. For example: .. parsed-literal:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-list --nowrap +--------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+------------------+----------+-----------+ | application | version | manifest name | manifest file | status | progress | +--------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+------------------+----------+-----------+ | cert-manager | 24.03-73 | cert-manager-fluxcd-manifests | fluxcd-manifests | applied | completed | | dell-storage | 24.03-9 | dell-storage-fluxcd-manifests | fluxcd-manifests | uploaded | completed | | nginx-ingress-controller | 24.03-55 | nginx-ingress-controller-fluxcd-manifests | fluxcd-manifests | applied | completed | | oidc-auth-apps | 24.03-49 | oidc-auth-apps-fluxcd-manifests | fluxcd-manifests | uploaded | completed | | platform-integ-apps | 24.03-135| platform-integ-apps-fluxcd-manifests | fluxcd-manifests | uploaded | completed | +--------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+------------------+----------+-----------+ - Use the following command to show details for |prod|. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-show where: **** The name of the application to show details. For example: .. parsed-literal:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-show cert-manager +---------------+----------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +---------------+----------------------------------+ | active | True | | app_version | 1.13-1 | | created_at | 2022-06-21T02:21:24.218835+00:00 | | manifest_file | fluxcd-manifests | | manifest_name | cert-manager-fluxcd-manifests | | name | cert-manager | | progress | completed | | status | applied | | updated_at | 2024-01-21T03:13:01.051293+00:00 | +---------------+----------------------------------+ - Use the following command to upload application Helm chart\(s) and manifest. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-upload [-n | --app-name] [-v | --version] where the following are optional arguments: **** Assigns a custom name for application. You can use this name to interact with the application in the future. **** The version of the application. and the following is a positional argument: **** The path to the tar file containing the application to be uploaded. For example: .. parsed-literal:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-upload metrics-server-1.0-17.tgz +---------------+----------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +---------------+----------------------------------+ | active | False | | app_version | 1.0-17 | | created_at | 2022-06-21T15:40:36.152383+00:00 | | manifest_file | fluxcd-manifests | | manifest_name | metrics-server-fluxcd-manifests | | name | metrics-server | | progress | None | | status | uploading | | updated_at | None | +---------------+----------------------------------+ Please use 'system application-list' or 'system application-show metrics-server' to view the current progress. - To list the Helm chart overrides for the |prod|, use the following command: .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-list usage: system helm-override-list [--nowrap] [-l | --long] where the following is a positional argument: **** The name of the application. and the following is an optional argument: **nowrap** No word-wrapping of output. **long** List additional fields in output. For example: .. parsed-literal:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-list |prefix|-openstack --long +---------------------+--------------------------------+---------------+ | chart name | overrides namespaces | chart enabled | +---------------------+--------------------------------+---------------+ | barbican | [u'openstack'] | [False] | | ceph-rgw | [u'openstack'] | [False] | | cinder | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | garbd | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | glance | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | heat | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | helm-toolkit | [] | [] | | horizon | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | ingress | [u'kube-system', u'openstack'] | [True, True] | | ironic | [u'openstack'] | [False] | | keystone | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | keystone-api-proxy | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | libvirt | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | mariadb | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | memcached | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | neutron | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | nginx-ports-control | [] | [] | | nova | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | nova-api-proxy | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | openvswitch | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | placement | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | rabbitmq | [u'openstack'] | [True] | | version_check | [] | [] | +---------------------+--------------------------------+---------------+ .. lines below will be temporarily removed from table: | aodh | [u'openstack'] | [False] | | ceilometer | [u'openstack'] | [False] | | gnocchi | [u'openstack'] | [False] | | panko | [u'openstack'] | [False] | - To show the overrides for a particular chart, use the following command. System overrides are displayed in the **system_overrides** section of the **Property** column. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-show usage: system helm-override-show where the following are positional arguments: **** The name of the application. **** The name of the chart. **** The namespace for chart overrides. For example: .. parsed-literal:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-show |prefix|-openstack glance openstack - To modify service configuration parameters using user-specified overrides, use the following command. To update a single configuration parameter, you can use :command:`--set`. To update multiple configuration parameters, use the :command:`--values` option with a **yaml** file. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-update usage: system helm-override-update --reuse-values --reset-values --values --set where the following are positional arguments: **** The name of the application. **** The name of the chart. **** The namespace for chart overrides. and the following are optional arguments: **reuse-values** Reuse existing Helm chart user override values. This argument is ignored if **reset-values** is used. **reset-values** Replace any existing Helm chart overrides with the ones specified. **values** Specify a **yaml** file containing Helm chart override values. You can specify this value multiple times. **set** Set Helm chart override values using the command line. Multiple override values can be specified with multiple :command:`set` arguments. These are processed after files passed through the values argument. For example, to enable the glance debugging log, use the following command: .. parsed-literal:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-update |prefix|-openstack glance openstack --set conf.glance.DEFAULT.DEBUG=true +----------------+-------------------+ | Property | Value | +----------------+-------------------+ | name | glance | | namespace | openstack | | user_overrides | conf: | | | glance: | | | DEFAULT: | | | DEBUG: true | +----------------+-------------------+ The user overrides are shown in the **user_overrides** section of the **Property** column. .. note:: To apply the updated Helm chart overrides to the running application, use the :command:`system application-apply` command. - To enable or disable the installation of a particular Helm chart within an application manifest, use the :command:`helm-chart-attribute-modify` command. This command does not modify a chart or modify chart overrides, which are managed through the :command:`helm-override-update` command. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-chart-attribute-modify [--enabled ] where the following is an optional argument: **enabled** Determines whether the chart is enabled. and the following are positional arguments: **** The name of the application. **** The name of the chart. **** The namespace for chart overrides. .. note:: To apply the updated Helm chart attribute to the running application, use the :command:`system application-apply` command. - To delete all the user overrides for a chart, use the following command: .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-delete usage: system helm-override-delete where the following are positional arguments: **** The name of the application. **** The name of the chart. **** The namespace for chart overrides. For example: .. parsed-literal:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-delete |prefix|-openstack glance openstack Deleted chart overrides glance:openstack for application |prefix|-openstack - Use the following command to apply or reapply an application, making it available for service. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-apply [-m | --mode] where the following is an optional argument: **mode** An application-specific mode controlling how the manifest is applied. This option is used to delete and restore the |prefix|-openstack application. and the following is a positional argument: **** The name of the application to apply. For example: .. parsed-literal:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-apply metrics-server +---------------+----------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +---------------+----------------------------------+ | active | False | | app_version | 1.0-17 | | created_at | 2022-06-21T15:40:36.152383+00:00 | | manifest_file | fluxcd-manifests | | manifest_name | metrics-server-fluxcd-manifests | | name | metrics-server | | progress | None | | status | applying | | updated_at | 2022-06-21T15:40:42.727918+00:00 | +---------------+----------------------------------+ Please use 'system application-list' or 'system application-show metrics-server' to view the current progress. - Use the following command to abort the current application. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-abort where: **** The name of the application to abort. For example: .. parsed-literal:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-abort |prefix|-openstack Application abort request has been accepted. If the previous operation has not completed/failed, it will be cancelled shortly. Use :command:`application-list` to confirm that the application has been aborted. - Use the following command to update the deployed application to a different version. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-update [-n | --app-name] [-v | --app-version] [ --reuse-attributes ] [ --reuse-user-overrides ` ] where the following are optional arguments: **** The name of the application to update. You can look up the name of an application using the :command:`application-list` command: .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-list +--------------------------+----------+-------------------------------+---------------------------+----------+-----------+ | application | version | manifest name | manifest file | status | progress | +--------------------------+----------+-------------------------------+---------------------------+----------+-----------+ | cert-manager | 20.06-4 | cert-manager-manifest | certmanager-manifest.yaml | applied | completed | | nginx-ingress-controller | 20.06-1 | nginx-ingress-controller- | nginx_ingress_controller | applied | completed | | | | -manifest | _manifest.yaml | | | | oidc-auth-apps | 20.06-26 | oidc-auth-manifest | manifest.yaml | uploaded | completed | | platform-integ-apps | 20.06-9 | platform-integration-manifest | manifest.yaml | applied | completed | +--------------------------+----------+-------------------------------+---------------------------+----------+-----------+ The output indicates that the currently installed version of **cert-manager** is 20.06-4. **** The version to update the application to. **reuse-attributes** If the user disabled some Helm charts (using :command:`system helm-chart-attribute-modify --enabled false`) and wants to keep them disabled during an app-update then the user should use ``--reuse-attributes true``. **reuse-user-overrides** If the user added some Helm chart overrides (using :command:`system helm-override-update`) and wants to keep them over an app-update then the user should use ``--reuse-user-overrides true``. and the following is a positional argument which must come last: **** The tar file containing the application manifest, Helm charts and configuration file. - Use the following command to remove an application from service. Removing an application will clean up related Kubernetes resources and delete all of its installed Helm charts. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-remove where: **** The name of the application to remove. For example: .. parsed-literal:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-remove metrics-server +---------------+----------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +---------------+----------------------------------+ | active | False | | app_version | 1.0-17 | | created_at | 2022-06-21T15:40:36.152383+00:00 | | manifest_file | fluxcd-manifests | | manifest_name | metrics-server-fluxcd-manifests | | name | metrics-server | | progress | None | | status | removing | | updated_at | 2022-06-21T15:45:55.204697+00:00 | +---------------+----------------------------------+ Please use 'system application-list' or 'system application-show metrics-server' to view the current progress. This command places the application in the uploaded state. - Use the following command to completely delete an application from the system. .. code-block:: none ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-delete where: **** The name of the application to delete. You must run :command:`application-remove` before deleting an application. For example: .. parsed-literal:: ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-delete metrics-server Application metrics-server deleted.