--- build: pl: name: Cesar Lara irc: email: cesar.lara@intel.com tl: name: Saul Wold irc: sgw email: sgw@linux.intel.com irc-channel: starlingx mission: > Cloud Builders url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX/Build deliverables: build: repos: - stx-manifest - stx-root - stx-tools config: pl: name: Dariush Eslimi irc: email: Dariush.Eslimi@windriver.com tl: name: John Kung irc: email: John.Kung@windriver.com irc-channel: starlingx service: Configuration mission: > Configure all the things url: https://docs.starlingx.io/stx-config deliverables: config: repos: - stx-config distcloud: pl: name: Dariush Eslimi irc: email: Dariush.Eslimi@windriver.com tl: name: Bart Wensley irc: email: Barton.Wensley@windriver.com irc-channel: starlingx service: Distributed Cloud mission: > Spreading out the goodness url: https://docs.starlingx.io/stx-distcloud deliverables: distcloud: repos: - stx-distcloud distcloud-client: repos: - stx-distcloud-client distro: pl: name: Cindy Xie irc: email: cindy.xie@intel.com tl: name: Saul Wold irc: sgw email: sgw@linux.intel.com irc-channel: starlingx mission: > The Source of All Good Bits url: https://docs.starlingx.io/ deliverables: distro: repos: - stx-integ docs: pl: name: Michael Tullis irc: email: michael.l.tullis@intel.com tl: name: Abraham Arce Moreno irc: email: abraham.arce.moreno@intel.com irc-channel: starlingx mission: > Explaining us to the world url: https://docs.starlingx.io/ deliverables: docs: repos: stx-docs fault: pl: name: Dariush Eslimi irc: email: Dariush.Eslimi@windriver.com tl: name: Tao Liu irc: email: Tao.Liu@windriver.com irc-channel: starlingx service: Fault Management mission: > Manage the faults url: https://docs.starlingx.io/stx-fault deliverables: fault: repos: - stx-fault gui: pl: name: Dariush Eslimi irc: email: Dariush.Eslimi@windriver.com tl: name: Tyler Smith irc: email: Tyler.Smith@windriver.com irc-channel: starlingx service: Dashboard Plugin mission: > Web GUI url: https://docs.starlingx.io/stx-gui deliverables: gui: repos: - stx-gui ha: pl: name: Dariush Eslimi irc: email: Dariush.Eslimi@windriver.com tl: name: Bin Quan irc: email: Bin.Qian@windriver.com irc-channel: starlingx service: High Availability mission: > Stayin' Alive url: https://docs.starlingx.io/stx-ha deliverables: ha: repos: - stx-ha metal: pl: name: Ken Young irc: email: Ken.Young@windriver.com tl: name: Eric MacDonald irc: email: Eric.MacDonald@windriver.com irc-channel: starlingx service: Bare Metal Management mission: > Tin Cans 'R Us' url: https://docs.starlingx.io/stx-metal deliverables: metal: repos: - stx-metal multiOS: pl: name: Cesar Lara irc: email: cesar.lara@intel.com tl: name: TBD irc: email: irc-channel: starlingx mission: > Enable StarlingX to support multiple operating systems url: https://docs.starlingx.io/ nfv: pl: name: Frank Miller irc: email: Frank.Miller@windriver.com tl: name: Bart Wensley irc: email: Barton.Wensley@windriver.com irc-channel: starlingx service: Network Function Virtualization mission: > Don't just stand there, do something! url: https://docs.starlingx.io/stx-nfv deliverables: nfv: repos: - stx-nfv release: pl: name: Ghada Khalil irc: email: Ghada.Khalil@windriver.com tl: name: irc: email: irc-channel: starlingx mission: > Unleashing the power of edge to the world url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX/Releases security: pl: name: Ken Young irc: email: Ken.Young@windriver.com tl: name: Ken Young irc: email: Ken.Young@windriver.com irc-channel: starlingx mission: > Keeping an eye on things url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX/Security deliverables: test: pl: name: Ada Cabrales irc: email: ada.cabrales@intel.com tl: name: Jose Perez irc: email: jose.perez.carranza@intel.com irc-channel: starlingx mission: > If it is not tested it is broken url: https://docs.starlingx.io/ update: pl: name: Dariush Eslimi irc: email: Dariush.Eslimi@windriver.com tl: name: Don Penney irc: email: Don.Penney@windriver.com irc-channel: starlingx service: Software Update mission: > Keeping up with the neighbors url: https://docs.starlingx.io/stx-update deliverables: update: repos: - stx-update