#!/usr/bin/env python # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. # import json import pecan import six import socket import wsme import wsmeext.pecan as wsme_pecan from keystoneauth1 import exceptions as keystone_exceptions from keystoneauth1 import identity as keystone_identity from keystoneauth1 import session as keystone_session from oslo_config import cfg as oslo_cfg from pecan import rest from six.moves import urllib from sm_api.api.controllers.v1 import base from sm_api.api.controllers.v1 import smc_api from sm_api.openstack.common import log from wsme import types as wtypes LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) ERR_CODE_SUCCESS = "0" ERR_CODE_HOST_NOT_FOUND = "-1000" ERR_CODE_ACTION_FAILED = "-1001" ERR_CODE_NO_HOST_TO_SWACT_TO = "-1002" ERR_CODE_LOCK_SOLE_SERVICE_PROVIDER = "-1003" SM_NODE_STATE_UNKNOWN = "unknown" SM_NODE_ADMIN_LOCKED = "locked" SM_NODE_ADMIN_UNLOCKED = "unlocked" SM_NODE_OPER_ENABLED = "enabled" SM_NODE_OPER_DISABLED = "disabled" SM_NODE_AVAIL_AVAILABLE = "available" SM_NODE_AVAIL_DEGRADED = "degraded" SM_NODE_AVAIL_FAILED = "failed" # sm_types.c SM_SERVICE_DOMAIN_MEMBER_REDUNDANCY_MODEL_NIL = "nil" SM_SERVICE_DOMAIN_MEMBER_REDUNDANCY_MODEL_UNKNOWN = "unknown" SM_SERVICE_DOMAIN_MEMBER_REDUNDANCY_MODEL_NONE = "none" SM_SERVICE_DOMAIN_MEMBER_REDUNDANCY_MODEL_N = "N" SM_SERVICE_DOMAIN_MEMBER_REDUNDANCY_MODEL_N_PLUS_M = "N + M" SM_SERVICE_DOMAIN_MEMBER_REDUNDANCY_MODEL_N_TO_1 = "N to 1" SM_SERVICE_DOMAIN_MEMBER_REDUNDANCY_MODEL_N_TO_N = "N to N" SM_SERVICE_SEVERITY_NIL = "nil" SM_SERVICE_SEVERITY_UNKNOWN = "unknown" SM_SERVICE_SEVERITY_NONE = "none" SM_SERVICE_SEVERITY_MINOR = "minor" SM_SERVICE_SEVERITY_MAJOR = "major" SM_SERVICE_SEVERITY_CRITICAL = "critical" # sm_types.c SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_NIL = "nil" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_NA = "not-applicable" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_INITIAL = "initial" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_UNKNOWN = "unknown" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_STANDBY = "standby" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_GO_STANDBY = "go-standby" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_GO_ACTIVE = "go-active" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_ACTIVE = "active" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_DISABLING = "disabling" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_DISABLED = "disabled" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_SHUTDOWN = "shutdown" # sm_types.c SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATUS_NIL = "nil" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATUS_NONE = "" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATUS_WARN = "warn" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATUS_DEGRADED = "degraded" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATUS_FAILED = "failed" # sm_types.c SM_SERVICE_GROUP_CONDITION_NIL = "nil" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_CONDITION_NONE = "" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_CONDITION_DATA_INCONSISTENT = "data-inconsistent" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_CONDITION_DATA_OUTDATED = "data-outdated" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_CONDITION_DATA_CONSISTENT = "data-consistent" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_CONDITION_DATA_SYNC = "data-syncing" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_CONDITION_DATA_STANDALONE = "data-standalone" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_CONDITION_RECOVERY_FAILURE = "recovery-failure" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_CONDITION_ACTION_FAILURE = "action-failure" SM_SERVICE_GROUP_CONDITION_FATAL_FAILURE = "fatal-failure" SM_SERVICE_STATE_NIL = "nil" SM_SERVICE_STATE_NA = "not-applicable" SM_SERVICE_STATE_INITIAL = "initial" SM_SERVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN = "unknown" SM_SERVICE_STATE_ENABLED_STANDBY = "enabled-standby" SM_SERVICE_STATE_ENABLED_GO_STANDBY = "enabled-go-standby" SM_SERVICE_STATE_ENABLED_GO_ACTIVE = "enabled-go-active" SM_SERVICE_STATE_ENABLED_ACTIVE = "enabled-active" SM_SERVICE_STATE_ENABLING = "enabling" SM_SERVICE_STATE_ENABLING_THROTTLE = "enabling-throttle" SM_SERVICE_STATE_DISABLING = "disabling" SM_SERVICE_STATE_DISABLED = "disabled" SM_SERVICE_STATE_SHUTDOWN = "shutdown" LOCAL_HOST_NAME = socket.gethostname() CONF = oslo_cfg.CONF def rest_api_request(token, method, api_cmd, api_cmd_headers=None, api_cmd_payload=None, timeout=10): """ Make a rest-api request Returns: response as a dictionary """ LOG.info("%s cmd:%s hdr:%s payload:%s" % ( method, api_cmd, api_cmd_headers, api_cmd_payload)) response = None try: request_info = urllib.request.Request(api_cmd) request_info.get_method = lambda: method if token: request_info.add_header("X-Auth-Token", token) request_info.add_header("Accept", "application/json") if api_cmd_headers is not None: for header_type, header_value in list(api_cmd_headers.items()): request_info.add_header(header_type, header_value) if api_cmd_payload is not None: request_info.data = api_cmd_payload request = urllib.request.urlopen(request_info, timeout=timeout) response = request.read() if response == "": response = {} else: response = json.loads(response) request.close() LOG.info("Response=%s" % response) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: LOG.warn("HTTP Error e.code=%s e=%s" % (e.code, e)) if hasattr(e, 'msg') and e.msg: response = json.loads(e.msg) else: response = {} LOG.info("HTTPError response=%s" % (response)) except urllib.error.URLError as urle: LOG.debug("Connection refused") return response class ServiceNodeCommand(base.APIBase): origin = wtypes.text action = wtypes.text # swact | swact-force | unlock | lock | event admin = wtypes.text # locked | unlocked oper = wtypes.text # enabled | disabled avail = wtypes.text # none | ... class ServiceNodeCommandResult(base.APIBase): # Origin and Host Information origin = wtypes.text # e.g. "mtce" or "sm" hostname = wtypes.text # Command action = wtypes.text admin = wtypes.text oper = wtypes.text avail = wtypes.text # Result error_code = wtypes.text error_details = wtypes.text impact_service_list = [wtypes.text] class ServiceNode(base.APIBase): origin = wtypes.text hostname = wtypes.text admin = wtypes.text oper = wtypes.text avail = wtypes.text active_services = wtypes.text swactable_services = wtypes.text class ServiceNodeController(rest.RestController): def __init__(self, from_isystem=False): self._seqno = 0 def _seqno_incr_get(self): self._seqno += 1 return self._seqno def _seqno_get(self): return self._seqno def _get_current_sm_sdas(self): sm_sdas = pecan.request.dbapi.sm_sda_get_list() for sm in sm_sdas: LOG.debug("sm-api sm_sdas= %s" % sm.as_dict()) return sm_sdas def _sm_sdm_get(self, server, service_group_name): return pecan.request.dbapi.sm_sdm_get(server, service_group_name) def _smc_node_exists(self, hostname): # check whether hostname exists in nodes table node_exists = False sm_nodes = pecan.request.dbapi.sm_node_get_by_name(hostname) for _sm_node in sm_nodes: node_exists = True return node_exists def _get_sm_node_state(self, hostname): sm_nodes = pecan.request.dbapi.sm_node_get_by_name(hostname) # default values node_state = {'hostname': hostname, 'admin': SM_NODE_STATE_UNKNOWN, 'oper': SM_NODE_STATE_UNKNOWN, 'avail': SM_NODE_STATE_UNKNOWN} for sm_node in sm_nodes: node_state = {'hostname': hostname, 'admin': sm_node.administrative_state, 'oper': sm_node.operational_state, 'avail': sm_node.availability_status} break LOG.debug("sm-api get_sm_node_state hostname: %s" % (node_state)) return node_state def _have_active_sm_services(self, hostname, sm_sdas): # check db service_domain_assignments for any "active" # in either state or desired state: active_sm_services = False # active: current or transition state active_attr_list = [SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_ACTIVE, SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_GO_ACTIVE, SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_GO_STANDBY, SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_DISABLING, SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_UNKNOWN] for sm_sda in sm_sdas: if sm_sda.node_name == hostname: for aa in active_attr_list: if sm_sda.state == aa or sm_sda.desired_state == aa: active_sm_services = True LOG.debug("sm-api have_active_sm_services True") return active_sm_services LOG.debug("sm-api have_active_sm_services: False") return active_sm_services def _have_swactable_sm_services(self, hostname, sm_sdas): # check db service_domain_assignments for any "active" # in either state or desired state: swactable_sm_services = False # active: current or transition state active_attr_list = [SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_ACTIVE, SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_GO_ACTIVE, SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_GO_STANDBY, SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_DISABLING, SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_UNKNOWN] for sm_sda in sm_sdas: if sm_sda.node_name == hostname: for aa in active_attr_list: if sm_sda.state == aa or sm_sda.desired_state == aa: sdm = self._sm_sdm_get(sm_sda.name, sm_sda.service_group_name) if sdm.redundancy_model == \ SM_SERVICE_DOMAIN_MEMBER_REDUNDANCY_MODEL_N_PLUS_M: swactable_sm_services = True LOG.debug("sm-api have_swactable_sm_services True") return swactable_sm_services LOG.debug("sm-api have_active_sm_services: False") return swactable_sm_services def _is_aa_service_group(self, sdm): if SM_SERVICE_DOMAIN_MEMBER_REDUNDANCY_MODEL_N == \ sdm.redundancy_model and 2 == sdm.n_active: return True return False def _swact_pre_check(self, hostname): # run pre-swact checks, verify that services are in the right state # to accept service have_destination = False check_result = None sm_sdas = pecan.request.dbapi.sm_sda_get_list(None, None, sort_key='name', sort_dir='asc') origin_state = self._collect_svc_state(sm_sdas, hostname) if not self._are_controllers_synced(): check_result = ("Deployment data in both controllers is not in sync.") for sm_sda in sm_sdas: if sm_sda.node_name != hostname: have_destination = True # Verify that target host state is unlocked-enabled node_state = self._get_sm_node_state(sm_sda.node_name) if SM_NODE_ADMIN_LOCKED == node_state['admin']: check_result = ("%s is not ready to take service, " "%s is locked" % (sm_sda.node_name, sm_sda.node_name)) break if SM_NODE_OPER_DISABLED == node_state['oper']: check_result = ("%s is not ready to take service, " "%s is disabled" % (sm_sda.node_name, sm_sda.node_name)) break # degraded or failure of A/A service on the target host # would not stop swact sdm = self._sm_sdm_get(sm_sda.name, sm_sda.service_group_name) if (self._is_aa_service_group(sdm)): continue # Verify that # all the services are in the standby state on the # other host # or service only provisioned in the other host # or service state are the same on both hosts if SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_ACTIVE != sm_sda.state \ and SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATE_STANDBY != sm_sda.state \ and sm_sda.service_group_name in origin_state \ and origin_state[sm_sda.service_group_name] != sm_sda.state: check_result = ( "%s on %s is not ready to take service, " "service not in the active or standby " "state" % (sm_sda.service_group_name, sm_sda.node_name)) break # Verify that all the services are in the desired state on # the other host if sm_sda.desired_state != sm_sda.state: check_result = ("%s on %s is not ready to take service, " "services transitioning state" % (sm_sda.service_group_name, sm_sda.node_name)) break # Verify that all the services are ready to accept service # i.e. not failed or syncing data if SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATUS_FAILED == sm_sda.status: check_result = ("%s on %s is not ready to take service, " "service is failed" % (sm_sda.service_group_name, sm_sda.node_name)) break elif SM_SERVICE_GROUP_STATUS_DEGRADED == sm_sda.status: degraded_conditions \ = [SM_SERVICE_GROUP_CONDITION_DATA_INCONSISTENT, SM_SERVICE_GROUP_CONDITION_DATA_OUTDATED, SM_SERVICE_GROUP_CONDITION_DATA_CONSISTENT, SM_SERVICE_GROUP_CONDITION_DATA_STANDALONE] if sm_sda.condition == SM_SERVICE_GROUP_CONDITION_DATA_SYNC: check_result = ("%s on %s is not ready to take " "service, service is syncing data" % (sm_sda.service_group_name, sm_sda.node_name)) break elif sm_sda.condition in degraded_conditions: check_result = ("%s on %s is not ready to take " "service, service is degraded, %s" % (sm_sda.service_group_name, sm_sda.node_name, sm_sda.condition)) break else: check_result = ("%s on %s is not ready to take " "service, service is degraded" % (sm_sda.service_group_name, sm_sda.node_name)) break if check_result is None and not have_destination: check_result = "no peer available" if check_result is not None: LOG.info("swact pre-check failed host %s, reason=%s." % (hostname, check_result)) return check_result @staticmethod def _collect_svc_state(sm_sdas, hostname): sm_state_ht = {} for sm_sda in sm_sdas: if sm_sda.node_name == hostname: sm_state_ht[sm_sda.service_group_name] = sm_sda.state LOG.info("%s" % sm_state_ht) return sm_state_ht def get_remote_svc(self, hostname, service_name): sm_api_port = 7777 sm_api_path = "http://{host}:{port}". \ format(host=hostname, port=sm_api_port) api_cmd = sm_api_path api_cmd += "/v1/services/%s" % service_name api_cmd_headers = dict() api_cmd_headers['Content-type'] = "application/json" api_cmd_headers['Accept'] = "application/json" api_cmd_headers['User-Agent'] = "sm/1.0" auth_token = pecan.request.context.auth_token response = rest_api_request(auth_token, "GET", api_cmd, api_cmd_headers, None) return response def _get_endpoint(self, service_type="usm", interface="internal"): """ Get service endpoint :param service_type: service type :param interface: interface type :return: endpoint for given service type and interface """ endpoint = None try: keystone_conf = CONF.get('keystone_authtoken') auth = keystone_identity.Password( auth_url=keystone_conf["auth_url"], username=keystone_conf["username"], password=keystone_conf["password"], project_name=keystone_conf["project_name"], user_domain_name=keystone_conf["user_domain_name"], project_domain_name=keystone_conf["project_domain_name"], ) session = keystone_session.Session(auth=auth) endpoint = auth.get_endpoint(session, service_type=service_type, interface=interface, region_name=keystone_conf["region_name"]) except keystone_exceptions.http.Unauthorized: LOG.error("Failed to authenticate to Keystone. Request unauthorized") except Exception as e: LOG.error("Failed to get '%s' endpoint. Error: %s", service_type, str(e)) return endpoint def _get_controller_sync_state(self): """ Get controller upgrade sync state from USM endpoint :return: response object """ usm_endpoint = self._get_endpoint() if not usm_endpoint: return None auth_token = pecan.request.context.auth_token usm_req_headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"} response = rest_api_request(auth_token, "GET", usm_endpoint.join(("/v1/software/in_sync_controller",)), usm_req_headers, None) return response def _are_controllers_synced(self): """ Check if all controllers are in sync :return: boolean true if all controllers are in sync, false otherwise """ response = self._get_controller_sync_state() return response["in_sync"] if response else False def _lock_pre_check(self, hostname): services = pecan.request.dbapi.sm_service_get_list() ill_services = [] for service in services: if (SM_SERVICE_STATE_ENABLED_ACTIVE == service.desired_state and SM_SERVICE_STATE_ENABLED_ACTIVE != service.state): ill_services.append(service.name) chk_list = {} service_groups = pecan.request.dbapi.iservicegroup_get_list() for service_group in service_groups: sdm = pecan.request.dbapi.sm_sdm_get( "controller", service_group.name) if (SM_SERVICE_DOMAIN_MEMBER_REDUNDANCY_MODEL_N == sdm.redundancy_model and 1 < sdm.n_active): sgms = pecan.request.dbapi.sm_service_group_members_get_list( service_group.name) for sgm in sgms: if (SM_SERVICE_SEVERITY_CRITICAL == sgm.service_failure_impact and sgm.service_name in ill_services): if service_group.name in chk_list: chk_list[service_group.name].\ append(sgm.service_name) else: chk_list[service_group.name] = [sgm.service_name] if len(chk_list) == 0: return None sdas = pecan.request.dbapi.sm_sda_get_list() for sda in sdas: if (sda.node_name not in [LOCAL_HOST_NAME, hostname] and sda.service_group_name in chk_list): for service_name in chk_list[sda.service_group_name]: rsvc = self.get_remote_svc(sda.node_name, service_name) if (SM_SERVICE_STATE_ENABLED_ACTIVE == rsvc['desired_state'] and SM_SERVICE_STATE_ENABLED_ACTIVE == rsvc['state']): chk_list[sda.service_group_name].remove(service_name) all_good = True for svcs in list(chk_list.values()): if len(svcs) > 0: all_good = False break if all_good: return None target_services = [] for sda in sdas: if (sda.node_name == hostname and sda.service_group_name in chk_list): for service_name in chk_list[sda.service_group_name]: LOG.info("checking %s on %s" % (service_name, hostname)) rsvc = self.get_remote_svc(sda.node_name, service_name) if rsvc is None: continue if (SM_SERVICE_STATE_ENABLED_ACTIVE == rsvc['desired_state'] and SM_SERVICE_STATE_ENABLED_ACTIVE == rsvc['state']): LOG.info("which is %s %s" % (rsvc['desired_state'], rsvc['state'])) target_services.append(service_name) LOG.info("services %s solely running on %s" % (','.join(target_services), hostname)) if len(target_services) > 0: return target_services return None def _do_modify_command(self, hostname, command): if command.action == smc_api.SM_NODE_ACTION_SWACT_PRE_CHECK or \ command.action == smc_api.SM_NODE_ACTION_SWACT: check_result = self._swact_pre_check(hostname) if check_result is not None: result = ServiceNodeCommandResult( origin="sm", hostname=hostname, action=command.action, admin=command.admin, oper=command.oper, avail=command.avail, error_code=ERR_CODE_ACTION_FAILED, error_details=check_result) if command.action == smc_api.SM_NODE_ACTION_SWACT_PRE_CHECK: return wsme.api.Response(result, status_code=200) return wsme.api.Response(result, status_code=400) elif command.action == smc_api.SM_NODE_ACTION_SWACT_PRE_CHECK: result = ServiceNodeCommandResult( origin="sm", hostname=hostname, action=command.action, admin=command.admin, oper=command.oper, avail=command.avail, error_code=ERR_CODE_SUCCESS, error_details=check_result) return wsme.api.Response(result, status_code=200) elif command.action in [smc_api.SM_NODE_ACTION_LOCK, smc_api.SM_NODE_ACTION_LOCK_PRE_CHECK]: impact_services = self._lock_pre_check(hostname) if impact_services is not None: result = ServiceNodeCommandResult( origin="sm", hostname=hostname, action=command.action, admin=command.admin, oper=command.oper, avail=command.avail, error_code=ERR_CODE_LOCK_SOLE_SERVICE_PROVIDER, impact_service_list=impact_services, error_details="%s is the sole provider of some services." % hostname) if command.action == smc_api.SM_NODE_ACTION_LOCK_PRE_CHECK: return wsme.api.Response(result, status_code=200) return wsme.api.Response(result, status_code=400) elif smc_api.SM_NODE_ACTION_LOCK_PRE_CHECK == command.action: result = ServiceNodeCommandResult( origin="sm", hostname=hostname, action=command.action, admin=command.admin, oper=command.oper, avail=command.avail, error_code=ERR_CODE_SUCCESS, impact_service_list=impact_services, error_details=None) return wsme.api.Response(result, status_code=200) if command.action == smc_api.SM_NODE_ACTION_UNLOCK or \ command.action == smc_api.SM_NODE_ACTION_LOCK or \ command.action == smc_api.SM_NODE_ACTION_SWACT or \ command.action == smc_api.SM_NODE_ACTION_SWACT_FORCE or \ command.action == smc_api.SM_NODE_ACTION_EVENT: sm_ack_dict = smc_api.sm_api_set_node_state(command.origin, hostname, command.action, command.admin, command.avail, command.oper, self._seqno_incr_get()) ack_admin = sm_ack_dict['SM_API_MSG_NODE_ADMIN'].lower() ack_oper = sm_ack_dict['SM_API_MSG_NODE_OPER'].lower() ack_avail = sm_ack_dict['SM_API_MSG_NODE_AVAIL'].lower() LOG.info("sm-api _do_modify_command sm_ack_dict: %s ACK admin: " "%s oper: %s avail: %s." % (sm_ack_dict, ack_admin, ack_oper, ack_avail)) # loose check on admin and oper only if (command.admin == ack_admin) and (command.oper == ack_oper): return ServiceNodeCommandResult( origin=sm_ack_dict['SM_API_MSG_ORIGIN'], hostname=sm_ack_dict['SM_API_MSG_NODE_NAME'], action=sm_ack_dict['SM_API_MSG_NODE_ACTION'], admin=ack_admin, oper=ack_oper, avail=ack_avail, error_code=ERR_CODE_SUCCESS, error_msg="success") else: result = ServiceNodeCommandResult( origin="sm", hostname=hostname, action=sm_ack_dict['SM_API_MSG_NODE_ACTION'], admin=ack_admin, oper=ack_oper, avail=ack_avail, error_code=ERR_CODE_ACTION_FAILED, error_details="action failed") return wsme.api.Response(result, status_code=500) else: raise wsme.exc.InvalidInput('action', command.action, "unknown") @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(ServiceNode, six.text_type) def get_one(self, hostname): try: data = self._get_sm_node_state(hostname) except Exception as e: LOG.exception("No entry in database for %s:" % hostname) return ServiceNode(origin="sm", hostname=hostname, admin=SM_NODE_STATE_UNKNOWN, oper=SM_NODE_STATE_UNKNOWN, avail=SM_NODE_STATE_UNKNOWN, active_services="unknown", swactable_services="unknown") sm_sdas = self._get_current_sm_sdas() if self._have_active_sm_services(hostname, sm_sdas): active_services = "yes" else: active_services = "no" if self._have_swactable_sm_services(hostname, sm_sdas): swactable_services = "yes" else: swactable_services = "no" return ServiceNode(origin="sm", hostname=data['hostname'], admin=data['admin'], oper=data['oper'], avail=data['avail'], active_services=active_services, swactable_services=swactable_services) @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(ServiceNodeCommandResult, six.text_type, body=ServiceNodeCommand) def patch(self, hostname, command): if command.origin != "mtce" and command.origin != "sysinv": LOG.warn("sm-api unexpected origin: %s. Continuing." % command.origin) else: LOG.info("Received command %s from %s" % (command.action, command.origin)) return self._do_modify_command(hostname, command)