%common;]> The unique identifier of an existing active alarm. The unique identifier of an event log. The unique identifier of an event suppression. API version details. Lists information about all Fault Management API versions. &commonFaults; &getFaults; Shows details for Fault Management API v1. &commonFaults; &getFaults; Lists all active alarms based on specified query. The supported query options are alarm_id, entity_type_id, entity_instance_id, severity and alarm_type. This optional parameter when set to true (include_suppress=true) specifies to include suppressed alarms in output. The list of active alarms based on the specified query. &alarmListShowParameters; &commonFaults; &getFaults; Shows information about a specific alarm. &alarmListShowParameters; &alarmDetailShowParameters; &commonListShowParameters; &commonFaults; &getFaults; Deletes a specific alarm. NOTE Typically this command should NOT be used. I.e typically alarms will be and should be cleared by the system when the alarm condition clears. This command is only provided in the event that the alarm has cleared but for some reason the system has not removed the alarm. Summarize all active alarms by severity. This optional parameter when set to true (include_suppress=true) specifies to include suppressed alarms in the summations (default false). &alarmSummaryShowParameters; &commonFaults; Lists all event logs (historical alarms and customer logs) based on specified query. The logs are returned in reverse chronological order. The supported query options are event_log_id, entity_type_id, entity_instance_id, severity, event_log_type, start and end. This parameter specifies filter rules for the logs to be returned. This parameter specifies the maximum number of event logs to be returned. This optional parameter when set to true (alarms=true) specifies that only alarm event log records should be returned. This optional parameter when set to true (logs=true) specifies that only customer log records should be returned. This optional parameter when set to true (include_suppress=true) specifies to include suppressed alarms in output. The list of events log based on the specified query. &eventLogListShowParameters; &commonFaults; &getFaults; Shows information about a specific event log. &eventLogListShowParameters; &commonListShowParameters; &commonFaults; &getFaults; Lists suppressed event id's. The list of suppressed event types. &EventSuppressionListShowParameters; &commonListShowParameters; &commonFaults; &getFaults; Modifies the value of an event suppression. The suppression status of an event suppression; suppressed or unsuppressed URIs to the modified event suppression. &EventSuppressionListShowParameters; &commonListShowParameters; &postPutFaults;