Manoel Benedito Neto c15e3e1a3a Fix lint errors identified by Zuul pylint job
This commit fixes lint errors identified by Zuul after stx-integ-pylint
job is executed.

Test Plan:
PASS: stx-integ-pylint job is executed successfully.
PASS: Run "yamllint ." command on integ repo base directory. Observe
      that no lint errors of line-length, truthy, indentation,
      new-line-at-end-of-file and document-start are listed.
PASS: build-pkgs -a -c

Closes-Bug: 2011632
Change-Id: I4d8229b5de8c9d88ff2aab6169521ab377b5866c
Signed-off-by: Manoel Benedito Neto <>
2023-03-15 12:07:17 +00:00
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golang-github-vishvananda-netlink/debian Fix lint errors identified by Zuul pylint job 2023-03-15 12:07:17 +00:00