/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Wind River Systems, Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * */ /** * @file * Wind River Titanium Cloud Hardware Monitor Threads Implementation" * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "daemon_common.h" #include "nodeBase.h" /* for ... mtce node common definitions */ #include "bmcUtil.h" /* for ... mtce-common board management */ #include "hostUtil.h" /* for ... mtce host common definitions */ #include "nodeMacro.h" #include "threadUtil.h" #include "hwmonThreads.h" /* for ... BMC_THREAD_CMD__READ_SENSORS */ #include "hwmonIpmi.h" /* for ... MAX_IPMITOOL_PARSE_ERRORS */ #include "hwmonClass.h" /* for ... thread_extra_info_type */ /*************************************************************************** * * Name : ipmitool_sample_type * * Description: An array of sensor data. * * _sample_list * ***************************************************************************/ static ipmitool_sample_type _sample_list[MAX_HOST_SENSORS] ; /*************************************************************************** * * P R I V A T E I N T E R F A C E S * **************************************************************************/ static void _command_not_supported ( thread_info_type * info_ptr ) { info_ptr->data = "{\"" ; info_ptr->data.append(IPMITOOL_JSON__SENSOR_DATA_MESSAGE_HEADER); info_ptr->data.append("\":{"); info_ptr->data.append("\"status\":"); info_ptr->data.append(itos(info_ptr->status)); info_ptr->data.append(","); info_ptr->data.append("\"status_string\":\"command '"); info_ptr->data.append(itos(info_ptr->command)); info_ptr->data.append("' not supported\"}}"); wlog_t ("%s %s\n", info_ptr->log_prefix, info_ptr->data.c_str()); } static void _add_json_sensor_tuple ( ipmitool_sample_type * ptr, string & response ) { response.append ("{\"n\":\""); response.append (ptr->name); response.append ("\",\"v\":\""); response.append (ptr->value); response.append ("\",\"u\":\""); response.append (ptr->unit); response.append ("\",\"s\":\""); response.append (ptr->status); response.append ("\""); /* Include the threshold value of each below if not 'na' */ if ( strcmp (ptr->lnr,"na" )) { response.append (",\"lnr\":\""); response.append (ptr->lnr); response.append ("\""); } if ( strcmp (ptr->lcr,"na" )) { response.append (",\"lcr\":\""); response.append (ptr->lcr); response.append ("\""); } if ( strcmp (ptr->lnc,"na" )) { response.append (",\"lnc\":\""); response.append (ptr->lnc); response.append ("\""); } if ( strcmp (ptr->unc,"na" )) { response.append (",\"unc\":\""); response.append (ptr->unc); response.append ("\""); } if ( strcmp (ptr->ucr,"na" )) { response.append (",\"ucr\":\""); response.append (ptr->ucr); response.append ("\""); } if ( strcmp (ptr->unr,"na" )) { response.append (",\"unr\":\""); response.append (ptr->unr); response.append ("\""); } response.append("}"); } /***************************************************************************** * * Name : _parse_sensor_data * * Description: Create a sensor data json string using pertinent data in the * control structure data and of course the _sample_list. * *****************************************************************************/ static void _parse_sensor_data ( thread_info_type * info_ptr ) { if ( info_ptr && info_ptr->extra_info_ptr ) { /* * Get local copies rather than continuously use * the pointer in the parse process ; just safer */ thread_extra_info_type * extra_info_ptr = (thread_extra_info_type*)info_ptr->extra_info_ptr ; int samples = extra_info_ptr->samples ; info_ptr->data = "{\"" ; info_ptr->data.append (IPMITOOL_JSON__SENSOR_DATA_MESSAGE_HEADER); info_ptr->data.append ("\":{\"status\":"); info_ptr->data.append(itos(info_ptr->status)); info_ptr->data.append(","); info_ptr->data.append("\"status_string\":\""); if ( info_ptr->status == PASS ) { info_ptr->data.append("pass\""); } else { info_ptr->data.append(info_ptr->status_string); info_ptr->data.append ("}}"); /* success path */ } info_ptr->data.append (",\""); info_ptr->data.append (IPMITOOL_JSON__SENSORS_LABEL); info_ptr->data.append ("\":["); for ( int i = 0 ; i < samples ; ) { _add_json_sensor_tuple ( &_sample_list[i], info_ptr->data ) ; if ( ++i < samples ) info_ptr->data.append (","); } info_ptr->data.append ("]"); info_ptr->data.append ("}}"); /* success path */ blog3_t ("%s %s\n", info_ptr->log_prefix, info_ptr->data.c_str()); } else if ( info_ptr ) { info_ptr->status_string = "null 'extra info' pointer" ; info_ptr->status = FAIL_NULL_POINTER ; } } /***************************************************************************** * * Name : _get_field * * Description: Assumes a specific string format where fields are delimted * with the '|' character. * * Warnings : The src and dst variable track the src_ptr and dst_ptr to * ensure we never run longer than that string length * * IPMITOOL_MAX_FIELD_LEN for dst_ptr and * IPMITOOL_MAX_LINE_LEN for src_ptr * * A parse error causes dst_ptr to be updated with * PARSE_ERROR_STR and return. * * Assumptions: Extra white spaces at the beginning and end of a field * are removed. There may or may not be such white spaces. * * Field 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * ----------+--------+-------------+----+----+----+----+--------+--------+----+ * Temp_CPU1 | 42.000 | % degrees C | ok | na | na | na | 86.000 | 87.000 | na * *****************************************************************************/ #define PARSE_ERROR_STR ((const char *)("parse error")) void _get_field ( char * src_ptr , int field, char * dst_ptr ) { int src = 0 ; char * saved_dst_ptr = dst_ptr ; /* advance to requested field */ for ( int y = 0 ; y < field ; src_ptr++, src++ ) { /* error detection */ if (( *src_ptr == '\0' ) || ( src >= IPMITOOL_MAX_LINE_LEN )) { goto _get_field_parse_error1 ; } if ( *src_ptr == '|' ) { y++ ; } } /* eat first white-space(s) */ for ( ; *src_ptr == ' ' ; src_ptr++ , src++) { /* error detection */ if ( src >= IPMITOOL_MAX_LINE_LEN ) { goto _get_field_parse_error2 ; } } /* copy the source to destination ; until we see a '|' */ for ( int dst = 0 ; ; src_ptr++ , dst_ptr++ , src++ , dst++ ) { unsigned char ch = 0 ; /* error detection */ if ( src >= IPMITOOL_MAX_LINE_LEN ) { goto _get_field_parse_error3 ; } if ( dst >= IPMITOOL_MAX_FIELD_LEN ) { goto _get_field_parse_error4 ; } ch = *src_ptr ; if (( ch != '|' ) && ( ch != '\0' ) && ( ch != 10 ) && ( ch != 13 )) { *dst_ptr = ch ; } else break ; } /* remove last space(s) if they exists */ for ( dst_ptr-- ; *dst_ptr == ' ' ; dst_ptr-- ) { *dst_ptr = '\0' ; } /* terminate the line after the last real non-space char */ *(++dst_ptr) = '\0' ; return ; _get_field_parse_error1: wlog_t ("%s 1\n", PARSE_ERROR_STR ); snprintf ( saved_dst_ptr , strlen(PARSE_ERROR_STR)+1, "%s", PARSE_ERROR_STR ); return ; _get_field_parse_error2: wlog_t ("%s 2\n", PARSE_ERROR_STR ); snprintf ( saved_dst_ptr , strlen(PARSE_ERROR_STR)+1, "%s", PARSE_ERROR_STR ); return ; _get_field_parse_error3: wlog_t ("%s 3\n", PARSE_ERROR_STR ); snprintf ( saved_dst_ptr , strlen(PARSE_ERROR_STR)+1, "%s", PARSE_ERROR_STR ); return ; _get_field_parse_error4: wlog_t ("%s 4\n", PARSE_ERROR_STR); snprintf ( saved_dst_ptr , strlen(PARSE_ERROR_STR)+1, "%s", PARSE_ERROR_STR ); return ; } /* Temp_CPU1 | 42.000 | % degrees C | ok | na | na | na | 86.000 | 87.000 | na */ #define IPMITOOL_FULL_OUTPUT_COLUMNS (10) void * hwmonThread_ipmitool ( void * arg ) { int samples ; thread_info_type * info_ptr ; thread_extra_info_type * extra_ptr ; int parse_errors = 0 ; /* Pointer Error Detection and Handling */ if ( !arg ) { slog ("*** ipmitool thread called with null arg pointer *** corruption\n"); return NULL ; } /* cast pointers from arg */ info_ptr = (thread_info_type*)arg ; extra_ptr = (thread_extra_info_type*)info_ptr->extra_info_ptr ; info_ptr->pw_file_fd = 0 ; /* allow the parent to confirm thread id */ info_ptr->id = pthread_self() ; if ( extra_ptr == NULL ) { info_ptr->status_string = "null 'extra info' pointer" ; info_ptr->status = FAIL_NULL_POINTER ; goto ipmitool_thread_done ; } /* Set cancellation option so that a delete operation * can kill this thread immediately */ pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL); pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL ); /* the number of sensors are learned */ extra_ptr->samples = samples = 0 ; switch ( info_ptr->command ) { case BMC_THREAD_CMD__POWER_STATUS: { int rc = PASS ; info_ptr->status_string = "" ; info_ptr->status = PASS ; string command = IPMITOOL_POWER_STATUS_CMD ; blog2_t ("%s query power status\n", info_ptr->log_prefix); if ( info_ptr->extra_info_ptr == NULL ) { info_ptr->status = FAIL_NULL_POINTER ; info_ptr->status_string = "null extra info pointer" ; goto ipmitool_thread_done ; } /**************** Create the password file *****************/ bmcUtil_create_pw_file ( info_ptr, extra_ptr->bm_pw, BMC_PROTOCOL__IPMITOOL) ; if ( info_ptr->password_file.empty() ) { info_ptr->status_string = "failed to get a temporary password filename" ; info_ptr->status = FAIL_FILE_CREATE ; goto ipmitool_thread_done ; } dlog_t ("%s password filename : %s\n", info_ptr->log_prefix, info_ptr->password_file.c_str()); /*************** Create the output filename ***************/ string ipmitool_datafile = bmcUtil_create_data_fn (info_ptr->hostname, BMC_POWER_STATUS_FILE_SUFFIX, BMC_PROTOCOL__IPMITOOL ) ; dlog_t ("%s power query filename : %s\n", info_ptr->log_prefix, ipmitool_datafile.c_str()); /************** Create the ipmitool request **************/ string ipmitool_request = ipmiUtil_create_request ( command, extra_ptr->bm_ip, extra_ptr->bm_un, info_ptr->password_file, ipmitool_datafile ); dlog_t ("%s power status query cmd: %s\n", info_ptr->log_prefix, ipmitool_request.c_str()); if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__POWER_STATUS )) { slog ("%s FIT IPMITOOL_POWER_STATUS_CMD\n", info_ptr->hostname.c_str()); rc = PASS ; } else { /* Make the request */ rc = system ( ipmitool_request.data()) ; } unlink(info_ptr->password_file.data()); daemon_remove_file (info_ptr->password_file.data()); /* check for system call error case */ if ( rc != PASS ) { info_ptr->status_string = "failed power status query ; " ; info_ptr->status_string.append(ipmitool_request); info_ptr->status = FAIL_SYSTEM_CALL ; } else { bool ipmitool_datafile_present = false ; /* look for the output data file */ for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) { pthread_signal_handler ( info_ptr ); if ( daemon_is_file_present ( ipmitool_datafile.data() )) { ipmitool_datafile_present = true ; break ; } info_ptr->progress++ ; sleep (1); } if ( ipmitool_datafile_present ) { info_ptr->data = daemon_read_file (ipmitool_datafile.data()) ; dlog_t ("%s data:%s\n", info_ptr->hostname.c_str(), info_ptr->data.data()); info_ptr->status_string = "pass" ; info_ptr->status = PASS ; } else { info_ptr->status_string = "command did not produce output file ; timeout" ; info_ptr->status = FAIL_FILE_ACCESS ; } } break ; } case BMC_THREAD_CMD__READ_SENSORS: { int rc = PASS ; info_ptr->status_string = "" ; info_ptr->status = PASS ; blog3_t ("%s read sensors request\n", info_ptr->log_prefix); if ( info_ptr->extra_info_ptr == NULL ) { info_ptr->status = FAIL_NULL_POINTER ; info_ptr->status_string = "null extra info pointer" ; goto ipmitool_thread_done ; } ipmiUtil_create_pw_fn ( info_ptr, extra_ptr->bm_pw ) ; if ( info_ptr->password_file.empty() ) { info_ptr->status_string = "failed to get a temporary password filename" ; info_ptr->status = FAIL_FILE_CREATE ; goto ipmitool_thread_done ; } dlog_t ("%s password filename : %s\n", info_ptr->log_prefix, info_ptr->password_file.c_str()); /*************** Create the output filename ***************/ string sensor_datafile = bmcUtil_create_data_fn (info_ptr->hostname, IPMITOOL_SENSOR_OUTPUT_FILE_SUFFIX, BMC_PROTOCOL__IPMITOOL ) ; dlog_t ("%s sensor output file%s\n", info_ptr->log_prefix, sensor_datafile.c_str()); /************** Create the ipmitool request **************/ string sensor_query_request = ipmiUtil_create_request ( IPMITOOL_SENSOR_QUERY_CMD, extra_ptr->bm_ip, extra_ptr->bm_un, info_ptr->password_file, sensor_datafile ); dlog_t ("%s sensor query cmd:%s\n", info_ptr->log_prefix, sensor_query_request.c_str()); /**************************************************************** * * This fault insertion case is added for PV. * If MTC_CMD_FIT__SENSOR_DATA file is present then no ipmitool * sensor read is performed. Instead, a raw output file can be * placed in /var/run/fit/_sensor_data and used to * perform sensor fault insertion that way. * *****************************************************************/ if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__SENSOR_DATA )) { rc = PASS ; } #ifdef WANT_FIT_TESTING else if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__HWMON__AVOID_SENSOR_QUERY, info_ptr->hostname )) { rc = PASS ; // ilog ("%s FIT Avoiding Sensor Query\n", info_ptr->hostname.c_str()); } else if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__AVOID_N_FAIL_IPMITOOL_REQUEST, info_ptr->hostname )) { rc = FAIL ; // ilog ("%s FIT Avoiding Sensor Query\n", info_ptr->hostname.c_str()); } #endif else { /* remove the last query */ // daemon_remove_file ( sensor_datafile.data() ) ; rc = system ( sensor_query_request.data()) ; } #ifdef WANT_FIT_TESTING if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__THREAD_TIMEOUT, info_ptr->hostname ) ) { for ( ; ; ) { pthread_signal_handler ( info_ptr ); sleep (1); } } if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__THREAD_SEGFAULT, info_ptr->hostname ) ) { daemon_do_segfault(); } #endif unlink(info_ptr->password_file.data()); daemon_remove_file (info_ptr->password_file.data()); // info_ptr->password_file.clear(); /* check for system call error case */ if ( rc != PASS ) { info_ptr->status_string = "failed query ; " ; info_ptr->status_string.append(sensor_query_request); info_ptr->status = FAIL_SYSTEM_CALL ; } else { FILE * _fp = fopen ( sensor_datafile.data(), "r" ); if ( _fp ) { char buffer [IPMITOOL_MAX_LINE_LEN]; int line = 0 ; while ( fgets (buffer, IPMITOOL_MAX_LINE_LEN, _fp) != NULL ) { if ( strnlen ( buffer, IPMITOOL_MAX_LINE_LEN ) ) { int bars = 0 ; /* tracks the number of '|'s found in a line */ bool long_field_error = false ; /* set to true if we get a field in line error */ int char_field_count = 0 ; /* counts the number of characters in a field */ // ilog ("\n"); // ilog ("ipmitool:%d:%s\n", line, buffer ); /**************************************** * sanity check the ipmitool output * * ipmitool line output looks like * * Temp_CPU1 | 42.000 | % degrees C | ok | na | na | na | 86.000 | 87.000 | na * ***************************************** * start at 1 to handle the 'i-1' case */ int i = 1 ; /* aka character in line count or index */ while (( buffer[i] != '\0' ) && ( i < IPMITOOL_MAX_LINE_LEN )) { if ( buffer[i] == '|' ) { if ( char_field_count > IPMITOOL_MAX_FIELD_LEN ) { long_field_error = true ; } char_field_count = 0 ; ++bars ; } ++char_field_count ; i++ ; /* advance through the line, character by character */ } /* scan the sample as long as no field exceeds the max string length */ if ( long_field_error == false ) { /* Only process properly formatted lines that * don't have field lengths longer than IPMITOOL_MAX_FIELD_LEN*/ if ( bars == (IPMITOOL_FULL_OUTPUT_COLUMNS-1) ) { char type[IPMITOOL_MAX_FIELD_LEN] ; int i = 0 ; int x = 0 ; int y = 0 ; /* get type */ /* advance to type field */ for ( i = 0 , y = 0 ; y < 2 ; i++ ) { /* handle case where we cant find the '|'s and y never reaches 2 */ if ( i < IPMITOOL_MAX_LINE_LEN ) { if ( buffer[i] == '|' ) { y++ ; } } else { if ( ++parse_errors == MAX_IPMITOOL_PARSE_ERRORS ) { info_ptr->status = FAIL_JSON_TOO_LONG ; info_ptr->status_string = "sensor format error ; line format error"; goto ipmitool_thread_done ; } break ; } } /* ignore this line */ if ( i >= IPMITOOL_MAX_LINE_LEN ) { continue ; } /* eat first white-space(s) */ for ( ; buffer[i] == ' ' ; i++ ) ; /* copy the senor unit type to type */ for ( x = 0 ; buffer[i] != '|' ; i++, x++ ) { type[x] = buffer[i] ; } /* remove last space(s) if they exists */ for ( x-- ; type[x] == ' ' ; x-- ) { type[x] = '\0' ; } /* terminate the line after the last real non-space char */ type[x+1] = '\0' ; if (!strlen(type)) { blog3_t ("%s skipping sensor with empty unit type\n", info_ptr->log_prefix); blog3_t ("%s ... line:%d - %s", info_ptr->log_prefix, line, buffer ); continue ; } else { blog3_t ("%s Line:%d is a '%s' sensor\n", info_ptr->log_prefix, line, type ); } _get_field ( buffer, 0, _sample_list[samples].name ); _get_field ( buffer, 1, _sample_list[samples].value ); /* copy already learned type to unit field 2 */ snprintf ( _sample_list[samples].unit, strlen(type)+1, "%s", type ); _get_field ( buffer, 3, _sample_list[samples].status ); _get_field ( buffer, 4, _sample_list[samples].lnr ); _get_field ( buffer, 5, _sample_list[samples].lcr ); _get_field ( buffer, 6, _sample_list[samples].lnc ); _get_field ( buffer, 7, _sample_list[samples].unc ); _get_field ( buffer, 8, _sample_list[samples].ucr ); _get_field ( buffer, 9, _sample_list[samples].unr ); blog2_t ("%s | %20s | %8s | %12s | %3s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s |\n", info_ptr->log_prefix, _sample_list[samples].name, _sample_list[samples].value, _sample_list[samples].unit, _sample_list[samples].status, _sample_list[samples].lnr, _sample_list[samples].lcr, _sample_list[samples].lnc, _sample_list[samples].unc, _sample_list[samples].ucr, _sample_list[samples].unr); samples++ ; if ( samples >= MAX_HOST_SENSORS ) { samples-- ; rc = info_ptr->status = FAIL_OUT_OF_RANGE ; info_ptr->status_string = "max number of sensors reached"; break ; } rc = PASS ; } else { /* ignore commented lines */ if (( buffer[0] != '#' ) && ( buffer[0] != ';' )) { if ( ++parse_errors == MAX_IPMITOOL_PARSE_ERRORS ) { info_ptr->status = FAIL_BAD_PARM ; info_ptr->status_string = "sensor format error ; line format error 1"; } blog3_t ("%s %s (e:%d d:%d)", info_ptr->log_prefix, info_ptr->status_string.c_str(), (IPMITOOL_FULL_OUTPUT_COLUMNS), bars+1 ); blog3_t ("%s ... line:%d - %s", info_ptr->log_prefix, line, buffer ); } else { blog3_t ("%s COMMENT %s", info_ptr->log_prefix, &buffer[0]); } } /* end else */ } else { if ( ++parse_errors == MAX_IPMITOOL_PARSE_ERRORS ) { info_ptr->status = FAIL_JSON_TOO_LONG ; info_ptr->status_string = "sensor format error ; line format error 2" ; } blog3_t ("%s ... line:%d - %s", info_ptr->log_prefix, line, buffer ); } } MEMSET_ZERO(buffer) ; line++ ; pthread_signal_handler ( info_ptr ); } /* end while loop */ extra_ptr->samples = samples ; if ( samples == 0 ) { info_ptr->status = FAIL_NO_DATA ; info_ptr->status_string = "no sensor data found"; } fclose(_fp); } /* fopen */ else { info_ptr->status = FAIL_FILE_ACCESS ; info_ptr->status_string = "failed to open sensor data file: <"; info_ptr->status_string.append(sensor_datafile); info_ptr->status_string.append(">"); } } /* end else handling of successful system command */ break ; } default: { info_ptr->status = FAIL_BAD_CASE ; _command_not_supported ( info_ptr ); break ; } } ipmitool_thread_done: if ( info_ptr->pw_file_fd > 0 ) close(info_ptr->pw_file_fd); info_ptr->pw_file_fd = 0 ; if ( ! info_ptr->password_file.empty() ) { unlink(info_ptr->password_file.data()); daemon_remove_file ( info_ptr->password_file.data() ) ; info_ptr->password_file.clear(); } pthread_signal_handler ( info_ptr ); /* Sensor reading specific exit */ if ( info_ptr->command == BMC_THREAD_CMD__READ_SENSORS ) { if ( parse_errors ) { wlog_t ("%s exiting with %d parse errors (rc:%d)\n", info_ptr->log_prefix, parse_errors, info_ptr->status); } else { dlog_t ("%s exit", info_ptr->log_prefix ); } _parse_sensor_data ( info_ptr ); } info_ptr->progress++ ; info_ptr->runcount++ ; info_ptr->id = 0 ; pthread_exit (&info_ptr->status ); return NULL ; }