/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Wind River Systems, Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * */ /** * @file * Wind River CGTS Platform Compute Maintenance Daemon */ /************************************************************** * Implementation Structure ************************************************************** * * Call sequence: * * daemon_init * daemon_files_init * daemon_configure * daemon_signal_init * mtc_message_init * mtc_socket_init * * daemon_service_run * forever ( timer_handler ) * mtc_service_command * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for hostent */ #include #include #include #include #include //#include /* for ... syslog */ #include #include using namespace std; #include "daemon_ini.h" /* for ... Init parset header */ #include "daemon_common.h" /* for ... common daemon definitions */ #include "daemon_option.h" /* for ... daemon main options */ #include "nodeBase.h" /* for ... Common Definitions */ #include "nodeTimers.h" /* fpr ... Timer Service */ #include "nodeUtil.h" /* for ... Common Utilities */ #include "nodeMacro.h" /* for ... CREATE_NONBLOCK_INET_UDP_RX_SOCKET */ #include "mtcNodeMsg.h" /* for ... common maintenance messaging */ #include "mtcNodeComp.h" /* for ... this module header */ #include "regexUtil.h" /* for ... Regex and String utilities */ extern "C" { #include "amon.h" /* for ... active monitoring utilities */ } static ctrl_type ctrl ; ctrl_type * get_ctrl_ptr ( void ) { return (&ctrl); } string get_who_i_am ( void ) { return (ctrl.who_i_am) ; } bool is_subfunction_worker ( void ) { if ( ctrl.subfunction & WORKER_TYPE ) { return true ; } else return false ; } /* returns my hostname */ string get_hostname ( void ) { return ( &ctrl.hostname[0] ); } /** * Daemon Configuration Structure - The allocated struct * @see daemon_common.h for daemon_config_type struct format. */ static daemon_config_type mtc_config ; daemon_config_type * daemon_get_cfg_ptr () { return &mtc_config ; } /** * Messaging Socket Control Struct - The allocated struct * @see nodeBase.h for mtc_socket_type struct format. */ static mtc_socket_type mtc_sock ; static mtc_socket_type * sock_ptr ; int run_goenabled_scripts ( string type ); /* Looks up the timer ID and asserts the corresponding node's ringer */ void timer_handler ( int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *uc) { /* Avoid compiler errors/warnings */ UNUSED(sig); UNUSED(si); UNUSED(uc); timer_t * tid_ptr = (void**)si->si_value.sival_ptr ; if ( !(*tid_ptr) ) { return ; } else if ( *tid_ptr == ctrl.timer.tid ) { mtcTimer_stop_int_safe ( ctrl.timer ); ctrl.timer.ring = true ; } else if ( *tid_ptr == ctrl.goenabled.timer.tid ) { mtcTimer_stop_int_safe ( ctrl.goenabled.timer ); ctrl.goenabled.timer.ring = true ; } else if ( *tid_ptr == ctrl.hostservices.timer.tid ) { mtcTimer_stop_int_safe ( ctrl.hostservices.timer ); ctrl.hostservices.timer.ring = true ; } else { mtcTimer_stop_tid_int_safe ( tid_ptr ); } } void _close_mgmnt_rx_socket ( void ) { if ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket ) { delete(mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket); mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket = 0 ; } } void _close_clstr_rx_socket ( void ) { if ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket ) { delete(mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket); mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket = 0 ; } } void _close_mgmnt_tx_socket ( void ) { if (mtc_sock.mtc_client_tx_socket) { delete (mtc_sock.mtc_client_tx_socket); mtc_sock.mtc_client_tx_socket = 0 ; } } void _close_clstr_tx_socket ( void ) { if (mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_tx_socket) { delete (mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_tx_socket); mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_tx_socket = 0 ; } } void _close_amon_sock ( void ) { if ( mtc_sock.amon_socket ) { close (mtc_sock.amon_socket); mtc_sock.amon_socket = 0 ; } } void daemon_exit ( void ) { daemon_files_fini (); _close_mgmnt_rx_socket (); _close_clstr_rx_socket (); _close_mgmnt_tx_socket (); _close_clstr_tx_socket (); _close_amon_sock (); exit (0) ; } /* Startup config read */ static int mtc_config_handler ( void * user, const char * section, const char * name, const char * value) { daemon_config_type* config_ptr = (daemon_config_type*)user; if (MATCH("agent", "mtc_agent_port")) { config_ptr->mtc_agent_port = atoi(value); config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_PORT ; } else if (MATCH("client", "mtc_rx_mgmnt_port")) { config_ptr->mtc_rx_mgmnt_port = atoi(value); config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_CLIENT_MTC_MGMNT_PORT ; } else if (MATCH("timeouts", "failsafe_shutdown_delay")) { config_ptr->failsafe_shutdown_delay = atoi(value); ilog ("Shutdown TO : %d secs\n", config_ptr->failsafe_shutdown_delay ); } else { return (PASS); } return (FAIL); } /* Read the mtc.ini file and load control */ /* settings into the daemon configuration */ int daemon_configure ( void ) { int rc = FAIL ; /* Read the ini */ mtc_config.mask = 0 ; if (ini_parse(MTCE_CONF_FILE, mtc_config_handler, &mtc_config) < 0) { elog("Failed to load '%s'\n", MTCE_CONF_FILE ); return (FAIL_LOAD_INI); } get_debug_options ( MTCE_CONF_FILE, &mtc_config ); /* Verify loaded config against an expected mask * as an ini file fault detection method */ if ( mtc_config.mask != CONFIG_CLIENT_MASK ) { elog ("Failed Compute Mtc Configuration (%x)\n", (( -1 ^ mtc_config.mask ) & CONFIG_CLIENT_MASK) ); rc = FAIL_INI_CONFIG ; } else { ilog("Agent Mgmnt : %d (tx)\n", mtc_config.mtc_agent_port ); ilog("Client Mgmnt: %d (rx)\n", mtc_config.mtc_rx_mgmnt_port ); if (ini_parse(MTCE_CONF_FILE, client_timeout_handler, &mtc_config) < 0) { elog ("Can't load '%s'\n", MTCE_CONF_FILE ); return (FAIL_LOAD_INI); } rc = PASS ; } return (rc); } /****************************/ /* Initialization Utilities */ /****************************/ void setup_mgmnt_rx_socket ( void ) { dlog ("setup of mgmnt RX\n"); ctrl.mgmnt_iface = daemon_mgmnt_iface() ; ctrl.mgmnt_iface = daemon_get_iface_master ((char*)ctrl.mgmnt_iface.data()); if ( ! ctrl.mgmnt_iface.empty() ) { ilog("Mgmnt iface : %s\n", ctrl.mgmnt_iface.c_str() ); get_iface_macaddr ( ctrl.mgmnt_iface.data(), ctrl.macaddr ); get_iface_address ( ctrl.mgmnt_iface.data(), ctrl.address , true ); get_hostname ( &ctrl.hostname[0], MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE ); _close_mgmnt_rx_socket (); mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket = new msgClassRx(ctrl.address.c_str(),mtc_sock.mtc_cmd_port, IPPROTO_UDP, ctrl.mgmnt_iface.data(), false ); /* update health of socket */ if ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket ) { /* look for fault insertion request */ if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__MGMNT_RXSOCK ) ) mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket->return_status = FAIL ; if ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket->return_status == PASS ) { mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket->sock_ok (true); } else { elog ("failed to init 'management rx' socket (rc:%d)\n", mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket->return_status ); mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket->sock_ok (false); } } } } void setup_clstr_rx_socket ( void ) { if ( ctrl.clstr_iface_provisioned == false ) { return ; } dlog ("setup of cluster-host RX\n"); /* Fetch the cluster-host interface name. * calls daemon_get_iface_master inside so the * aggrigated name is returned if it exists */ get_clstr_iface (&mtc_config.clstr_iface ); if ( strlen(mtc_config.clstr_iface) ) { /* Only get the cluster-host network address if it is provisioned */ if ( get_iface_address ( mtc_config.clstr_iface, ctrl.address_clstr, false ) == PASS ) { ilog ("Cluster-host iface : %s\n", mtc_config.clstr_iface ); ilog ("Cluster-host addr : %s\n", ctrl.address_clstr.c_str()); } } if ( !ctrl.address_clstr.empty() ) { _close_clstr_rx_socket (); /* Only set up the socket if an cluster-host interface is provisioned */ mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket = new msgClassRx(ctrl.address_clstr.c_str(),mtc_sock.mtc_cmd_port, IPPROTO_UDP, ctrl.clstr_iface.data(), false ); /* update health of socket */ if ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket ) { /* look for fault insertion request */ if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__CLSTR_RXSOCK ) ) mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket->return_status = FAIL ; if ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket->return_status == PASS ) { mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket->sock_ok (true); } else { elog ("failed to init 'cluster-host rx' socket (rc:%d)\n", mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket->return_status ); mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket->sock_ok (false); } } } } void setup_mgmnt_tx_socket ( void ) { dlog ("setup of mgmnt TX\n"); _close_mgmnt_tx_socket (); mtc_sock.mtc_client_tx_socket = new msgClassTx(CONTROLLER,mtc_sock.mtc_agent_port, IPPROTO_UDP, ctrl.mgmnt_iface.data()); if ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_tx_socket ) { /* look for fault insertion request */ if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__MGMNT_TXSOCK ) ) mtc_sock.mtc_client_tx_socket->return_status = FAIL ; if ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_tx_socket->return_status == PASS ) { mtc_sock.mtc_client_tx_socket->sock_ok(true); } else { elog ("failed to init 'management tx' socket (rc:%d)\n", mtc_sock.mtc_client_tx_socket->return_status ); mtc_sock.mtc_client_tx_socket->sock_ok(false); } } } void setup_clstr_tx_socket ( void ) { if ( ctrl.clstr_iface_provisioned == false ) { return ; } dlog ("setup of cluster-host TX\n"); _close_clstr_tx_socket (); mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_tx_socket = new msgClassTx(CONTROLLER_NFS,mtc_sock.mtc_agent_port, IPPROTO_UDP, mtc_config.clstr_iface); if ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_tx_socket ) { /* look for fault insertion request */ if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__CLSTR_TXSOCK ) ) mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_tx_socket->return_status = FAIL ; if ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_tx_socket->return_status == PASS ) { mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_tx_socket->sock_ok(true); } else { elog ("failed to init 'cluster-host tx' socket (rc:%d)\n", mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_tx_socket->return_status ); mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_tx_socket->sock_ok(false); } } } void setup_amon_socket ( void ) { char filename [MAX_FILENAME_LEN] ; string port_string ; snprintf ( filename , MAX_FILENAME_LEN, "%s/%s.conf", PMON_CONF_FILE_DIR, program_invocation_short_name ) ; if ( ini_get_config_value ( filename, "process", "port", port_string , false ) != PASS ) { elog ("failed to get active monitor port from %s\n", filename ); mtc_sock.amon_socket = 0 ; return ; } mtc_sock.amon_socket = active_monitor_initialize ( program_invocation_short_name, atoi(port_string.data())); if ( mtc_sock.amon_socket ) { int val = 1; /* Make the active monitor socket non-blocking */ if ( 0 > ioctl(mtc_sock.amon_socket, FIONBIO, (char *)&val) ) { elog ("Failed to set amon socket non-blocking\n"); close (mtc_sock.amon_socket); } else { ilog ("Active Monitor Socket %d\n", mtc_sock.amon_socket ); return ; } } mtc_sock.amon_socket = 0 ; } /****************************************************************** * * Construct the messaging sockets * * 1. Unicast receive socket mgmnt (mtc_client_rx_socket) * 2. Unicast receive socket clstr (mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket) * 3. Unicast transmit socket mgmnt (mtc_client_tx_socket) * 4. Unicast transmit socket clstr (mtc_client_clstr_tx_socket) * * 5. socket for pmond acive monitoring * *******************************************************************/ int mtc_socket_init ( void ) { /* Setup the Management Interface Recieve Socket */ /* Read the port config strings into the socket struct */ mtc_sock.mtc_agent_port = mtc_config.mtc_agent_port; mtc_sock.mtc_cmd_port = mtc_config.mtc_rx_mgmnt_port; ctrl.mtcAgent_ip = getipbyname ( CONTROLLER ); ilog ("Controller : %s\n", ctrl.mtcAgent_ip.c_str()); /************************************************************/ /* Setup the Mgmnt Interface Receive Socket */ /************************************************************/ setup_mgmnt_rx_socket (); /************************************************************/ /* Setup the Mgmnt Interface Transmit messaging to mtcAgent */ /************************************************************/ setup_mgmnt_tx_socket (); /* Manage Cluster-host network setup */ string clstr_iface_name = daemon_clstr_iface(); string mgmnt_iface_name = daemon_mgmnt_iface(); if ( !clstr_iface_name.empty() ) { if ( clstr_iface_name != mgmnt_iface_name ) { ctrl.clstr_iface_provisioned = true ; /************************************************************/ /* Setup the Clstr Interface Receive Socket */ /************************************************************/ setup_clstr_rx_socket () ; /*************************************************************/ /* Setup the Clstr Interface Transmit Messaging to mtcAgent */ /*************************************************************/ setup_clstr_tx_socket () ; } } /*************************************************************/ /* Setup and Open the active monitoring socket */ /*************************************************************/ setup_amon_socket (); return (PASS); } /**************************************************************************************** * * Build up an 'identity' string to be included in the periodic mtcAlive message. * * hostname * personality * mac address * mgmnt ip address * clstr ip address * ***************************************************************************************/ string _self_identify ( string nodetype ) { string hostname = &ctrl.hostname[0]; /* Build up the identity string for return to caller */ ctrl.who_i_am = "{\"hostname\":\""; ctrl.who_i_am.append( hostname.data() ); ctrl.who_i_am.append( "\""); ctrl.who_i_am.append(",\"personality\":\""); ctrl.who_i_am.append( nodetype.data() ); ctrl.who_i_am.append( "\""); ctrl.who_i_am.append( ",\"mgmt_ip\":\""); ctrl.who_i_am.append( ctrl.address.data() ); ctrl.who_i_am.append( "\""); ctrl.who_i_am.append( ",\"cluster_host_ip\":\""); ctrl.who_i_am.append( ctrl.address_clstr.data() ); ctrl.who_i_am.append( "\""); ctrl.who_i_am.append( ",\"mgmt_mac\":\""); ctrl.who_i_am.append( ctrl.macaddr.data() ); ctrl.who_i_am.append( "\""); ilog ("Identity : %s\n", ctrl.who_i_am.c_str() ); return ( ctrl.who_i_am ); } /* Init a specific script 'execution' struct */ void script_exec_init ( script_exec_type * script_exec_ptr ) { if ( script_exec_ptr ) { script_exec_ptr->pid = 0 ; script_exec_ptr->done = false ; script_exec_ptr->status = -1 ; script_exec_ptr->name.clear() ; } } /* Init a specific script 'control' struct */ void script_ctrl_init ( script_ctrl_type * script_ctrl_ptr ) { if ( script_ctrl_ptr ) { script_ctrl_ptr->posted = MTC_CMD_NONE ; script_ctrl_ptr->monitor = MTC_CMD_NONE ; script_ctrl_ptr->scripts = 0 ; script_ctrl_ptr->scripts_done = 0 ; } } /**************************************************************************** * * Name : _scripts_cleanup * * Description: For the specified script group ... * * Kill off any scripts that are still running and * clear active flag. * ****************************************************************************/ void _scripts_cleanup ( script_set_enum script_set ) { script_ctrl_type * script_ptr ; switch ( script_set ) { case GOENABLED_MAIN_SCRIPTS: case GOENABLED_SUBF_SCRIPTS: script_ptr = &ctrl.goenabled ; break ; case HOSTSERVICES_SCRIPTS: script_ptr = &ctrl.hostservices ; break ; default: slog ("invalid script set (%d)\n", script_set ); return ; } mtcTimer_reset ( script_ptr->timer ); /* loop over looking to see if all the scripts are done */ for ( int i = 0 ; i < script_ptr->scripts ; i++ ) { if (( script_ptr->script[i].pid ) && ( script_ptr->script[i].done == false )) { int result = kill ( script_ptr->script[i].pid, 0 ); if ( result == 0 ) { result = kill ( script_ptr->script[i].pid, SIGKILL ); if ( result == 0 ) { wlog ("kill of %s with pid %d succeeded\n", script_ptr->script[i].name.c_str(), script_ptr->script[i].pid ); } else { elog ("kill of %s with pid %d failed\n", script_ptr->script[i].name.c_str(), script_ptr->script[i].pid ); } } } script_exec_init ( &script_ptr->script[i] ); } script_ctrl_init ( script_ptr ); ctrl.active_script_set = NO_SCRIPTS ; } /**************************************************************************** * * Name : _manage_services_scripts * * Description: Looks for 3 conditions. * * 1. done - all scripts executed - PASS or FAIL_xxxxxx * 2. timeout - scripts took too long to complete - FAIL_TIMEOUT * 3. empty - no scripts to run or manage - auto PASS * * When done, timeout or empty sends appropriate result * to mtcAgent. * ***************************************************************************/ void _manage_services_scripts ( void ) { bool failed = false ; char str [BUF_SIZE] ; if ( ! ctrl.hostservices.scripts ) { /* send a PASS result */ mtce_send_event ( sock_ptr, MTC_CMD_HOST_SVCS_RESULT, NULL ); return ; } memset (str,0,BUF_SIZE); /* do if all the scripts are done ? */ if ( ctrl.hostservices.scripts_done == ctrl.hostservices.scripts ) { /* loop over looking to see if all the scripts are done */ for ( int i = 0 ; i < ctrl.hostservices.scripts ; i++ ) { if ( ctrl.hostservices.script[i].status ) { if ( failed == false ) { /* only report of the first failure */ snprintf(str, BUF_SIZE, "%s failed ; rc:%d", ctrl.hostservices.script[i].name.data(), ctrl.hostservices.script[i].status ); failed = true ; } } } /* handle the aggrigate status */ if ( failed == true ) { elog ("Host Services: %s\n", str ); mtce_send_event ( sock_ptr, MTC_CMD_HOST_SVCS_RESULT, str ); } else { ilog ("Host Services Complete ; all passed\n"); mtce_send_event ( sock_ptr, MTC_CMD_HOST_SVCS_RESULT, NULL ); } } /* do if have we timed out ? */ else if ( ctrl.hostservices.timer.ring == true ) { bool found = false ; if ( ctrl.hostservices.posted || ctrl.hostservices.monitor ) { snprintf(str, BUF_SIZE, "unknown test (timeout)"); for ( int i = 0 ; i < ctrl.hostservices.scripts ; i++ ) { if ( ctrl.hostservices.script[i].done == false ) { snprintf(str, BUF_SIZE, "%s (timeout)", ctrl.hostservices.script[i].name.data() ); found = true ; wlog ("host services timeout on %s\n", ctrl.hostservices.script[i].name.c_str()); mtce_send_event ( sock_ptr, MTC_CMD_HOST_SVCS_RESULT, str ); break ; } } } if ( found == false ) { slog ("unexpected host services timer ring (cmd:%x)", ctrl.hostservices.posted ); } } else { return ; } _scripts_cleanup (ctrl.active_script_set) ; } /**************************************************************************** * * Name : _manage_goenabled_tests * * Description: Looks for 3 conditions. * * 1. done - all scripts executed - PASS or FAIL_xxxxxx * 2. timeout - scripts took too long to complete - FAIL_TIMEOUT * 3. empty - no scripts to run or manage - auto PASS * * When done, timeout or empty sends appropriate result * to mtcAgent. * ***************************************************************************/ void _manage_goenabled_tests ( void ) { bool failed = false ; char str [BUF_SIZE] ; memset (str,0,BUF_SIZE); if ( ! ctrl.goenabled.scripts ) { switch ( ctrl.active_script_set ) { case GOENABLED_SUBF_SCRIPTS: { time ( &ctrl.goenabled_subf_time ); daemon_remove_file ( GOENABLED_SUBF_FAIL ); ilog ("GoEnabled Subfunction Testing Complete ; no tests to run\n"); daemon_log ( GOENABLED_SUBF_PASS , str ); send_mtc_msg ( sock_ptr, MTC_MSG_SUBF_GOENABLED, "" ); break ; } case GOENABLED_MAIN_SCRIPTS: { time ( &ctrl.goenabled_main_time ); daemon_remove_file ( GOENABLED_MAIN_FAIL ); ilog ("GoEnabled Testing Complete ; no tests to run\n"); daemon_log ( GOENABLED_MAIN_PASS , str ); send_mtc_msg ( sock_ptr, MTC_MSG_MAIN_GOENABLED, ""); break ; } default: slog ("called with invalid active script set (%d)\n", ctrl.active_script_set ); } return ; } if ( ctrl.goenabled.scripts_done == ctrl.goenabled.scripts ) { /* loop over looking to see if all the scripts are done */ for ( int i = 0 ; i < ctrl.goenabled.scripts ; i++ ) { if ( ctrl.goenabled.script[i].status ) { if ( failed == false ) { snprintf(str, BUF_SIZE, "%s (rc:%d)", ctrl.goenabled.script[i].name.data(), ctrl.goenabled.script[i].status ); failed = true ; } wlog ("goenabled test %s FAILED with exit status :%d:%x\n", ctrl.goenabled.script[i].name.c_str(), ctrl.goenabled.script[i].status, ctrl.goenabled.script[i].status); } } if ( failed == true ) { switch ( ctrl.active_script_set ) { case GOENABLED_SUBF_SCRIPTS: { time ( &ctrl.goenabled_subf_time ); daemon_remove_file ( GOENABLED_SUBF_PASS ); ilog ("GoEnabled Subfunction Testing Failed ; at least one test failed\n"); daemon_log ( GOENABLED_SUBF_FAIL , str ); send_mtc_msg ( sock_ptr, MTC_MSG_SUBF_GOENABLED_FAILED, str ); break ; } case GOENABLED_MAIN_SCRIPTS: { time ( &ctrl.goenabled_main_time ); daemon_remove_file ( GOENABLED_MAIN_PASS ); ilog ("GoEnabled Testing Failed ; at least one test failed\n"); daemon_log ( GOENABLED_MAIN_FAIL , str ); send_mtc_msg ( sock_ptr, MTC_MSG_MAIN_GOENABLED_FAILED, str ); break ; } default: slog ("called with invalid active script set (%d)\n", ctrl.active_script_set ); } } else { switch ( ctrl.active_script_set ) { case GOENABLED_SUBF_SCRIPTS: { time ( &ctrl.goenabled_subf_time ); ilog ("GoEnabled Subfunction Testing Complete ; all tests passed\n"); daemon_log ( GOENABLED_SUBF_PASS , str ); send_mtc_msg ( sock_ptr, MTC_MSG_SUBF_GOENABLED, "" ); break ; } case GOENABLED_MAIN_SCRIPTS: { time ( &ctrl.goenabled_main_time ); ilog ("GoEnabled Testing Complete ; all tests passed\n"); daemon_log ( GOENABLED_MAIN_PASS , str ); send_mtc_msg ( sock_ptr, MTC_MSG_MAIN_GOENABLED, ""); break ; } default: slog ("called with invalid active script set (%d)\n", ctrl.active_script_set ); } /* fall through to cleanup */ } mtcTimer_reset ( ctrl.goenabled.timer ); } else if ( ctrl.goenabled.timer.ring == true ) { bool found = false ; snprintf(str, BUF_SIZE, "unknown test (timeout)"); for ( int i = 0 ; i < ctrl.goenabled.scripts ; i++ ) { if ( ctrl.goenabled.script[i].done == false ) { snprintf(str, BUF_SIZE, "%s (timeout)", ctrl.goenabled.script[i].name.data() ); found = true ; wlog ("goenabled test timeout - %s\n", ctrl.goenabled.script[i].name.c_str()); break ; } } if ( found == false ) { slog ("unexpected goenabled timer ring (%x)", ctrl.goenabled.posted ); } switch ( ctrl.active_script_set ) { case GOENABLED_SUBF_SCRIPTS: { daemon_remove_file ( GOENABLED_SUBF_PASS ); send_mtc_msg ( sock_ptr, MTC_MSG_SUBF_GOENABLED_FAILED, str ); daemon_log ( GOENABLED_SUBF_FAIL , str ); break ; } case GOENABLED_MAIN_SCRIPTS: { daemon_remove_file ( GOENABLED_SUBF_PASS ); send_mtc_msg ( sock_ptr, MTC_MSG_MAIN_GOENABLED_FAILED, str ); daemon_log ( GOENABLED_MAIN_FAIL , str ); break ; } default: slog ("called with invalid active script set (%d)\n", ctrl.active_script_set ); } } else { return ; } _scripts_cleanup (ctrl.active_script_set) ; } /* The main service loop */ int daemon_init ( string iface, string nodetype_str ) { int rc = PASS ; ctrl.nodetype_str = nodetype_str ; ctrl.who_i_am = "" ; ctrl.macaddr = "" ; ctrl.address = "" ; ctrl.address_clstr = "" ; ctrl.mtcAgent_ip = ""; ctrl.function = 0 ; ctrl.subfunction = 0 ; ctrl.system_type = daemon_system_type (); ctrl.clstr_iface_provisioned = false ; /* convert node type to integer */ ctrl.nodetype = get_host_function_mask ( nodetype_str ) ; ilog ("Node Type : %s (%d:%x)\n", nodetype_str.c_str(), ctrl.nodetype, ctrl.nodetype); /* Initialize socket construct and pointer to it */ memset ( &mtc_sock, 0, sizeof(mtc_sock)); sock_ptr = &mtc_sock ; /* Assign interface to config */ ctrl.mgmnt_iface = iface ; if ( daemon_files_init () != PASS ) { printf ("Pid, log or other files could not be opened\n"); rc = FAIL_FILES_INIT ; } /* Bind signal handlers */ else if ( daemon_signal_init () != PASS ) { elog ("daemon_signal_init failed\n"); rc = FAIL_SIGNAL_INIT ; } /* Configure the worker */ else if ( (rc = daemon_configure ()) != PASS ) { elog ("Daemon service configuration failed (rc:%i)\n", rc ); return (FAIL_DAEMON_CONFIG) ; } else if ( set_host_functions ( nodetype_str, &ctrl.nodetype, &ctrl.function, &ctrl.subfunction ) != PASS ) { elog ("failed to extract nodetype info\n"); rc = FAIL_NODETYPE; } /* Setup the heartbeat service messaging sockets */ if ( (rc = mtc_socket_init ()) != PASS ) { elog ("socket initialization failed (rc:%d)\n", rc ); rc = FAIL_SOCKET_INIT ; } /* Get my hostname and ip address */ /* Should not return from this call without an IP address */ string who_i_am = _self_identify ( ctrl.nodetype_str ); mtcTimer_init ( ctrl.timer, &ctrl.hostname[0] , "mtc timer" ); mtcTimer_init ( ctrl.goenabled.timer, &ctrl.hostname[0], "goenable timer" ); mtcTimer_init ( ctrl.hostservices.timer, &ctrl.hostname[0], "host services timer" ); /* initialize the script group control structures */ script_ctrl_init ( &ctrl.goenabled ); script_ctrl_init ( &ctrl.hostservices ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_RUN_SCRIPTS ; i++ ) { script_exec_init ( &ctrl.goenabled.script[i] ); script_exec_init ( &ctrl.hostservices.script[i] ); } ctrl.active_script_set = NO_SCRIPTS ; /* default genabled time struct */ time (&ctrl.goenabled_main_time); time (&ctrl.goenabled_subf_time); /* Clear and then populate the script sets need to run on daemon startup */ ctrl.posted_script_set.clear(); /* Only automatically run the main goenabled tests on process start-up * if they have not already been run. This then handles mtcClient * restart in the no-reboot patching case */ if ( daemon_is_file_present ( GOENABLED_MAIN_PASS ) == false ) { ctrl.posted_script_set.push_front(GOENABLED_MAIN_SCRIPTS); } return (rc) ; } int select_log_count = 0 ; void daemon_service_run ( void ) { int rc = PASS ; int file_not_present_count = 0 ; /* Start mtcAlive message timer */ /* Send first mtcAlive ASAP */ mtcTimer_start ( ctrl.timer, timer_handler, 1 ); /* lets go select so that the sock does not go crazy */ dlog ("%s running main loop with %d msecs socket timeout\n", &ctrl.hostname[0], (SOCKET_WAIT/1000) ); std::list socks ; /* Run heartbeat service forever or until stop condition */ for ( ; ; ) { /* set the master fd_set */ FD_ZERO(&mtc_sock.readfds); socks.clear(); if ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket && mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket->return_status==PASS ) { socks.push_front (mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket->getFD()); FD_SET(mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket->getFD(), &mtc_sock.readfds); } if (( ctrl.clstr_iface_provisioned == true ) && ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket ) && ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket->return_status==PASS )) { socks.push_front (mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket->getFD()); FD_SET(mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket->getFD(), &mtc_sock.readfds); } mtc_sock.amon_socket = active_monitor_get_sel_obj (); if ( mtc_sock.amon_socket ) { socks.push_front (mtc_sock.amon_socket); FD_SET(mtc_sock.amon_socket, &mtc_sock.readfds); } /* Initialize the timeval struct to wait for 50 mSec */ mtc_sock.waitd.tv_sec = 0; mtc_sock.waitd.tv_usec = SOCKET_WAIT; /* Call select() and wait only up to SOCKET_WAIT */ socks.sort(); #ifdef WANT_SELECTS ilog_throttled ( select_log_count, 200 , "Selects: mgmnt:%d clstr:%d amon:%d - Size:%ld First:%d Last:%d\n", mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket, mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket, mtc_sock.amon_socket, socks.size(), socks.front(), socks.back()); #endif rc = select( socks.back()+1, &mtc_sock.readfds, NULL, NULL, &mtc_sock.waitd); /* If the select time out expired then */ if (( rc < 0 ) || ( rc == 0 )) { /* Check to see if the select call failed. */ /* ... but filter Interrupt signal */ if (( rc < 0 ) && ( errno != EINTR )) { elog ("Select Failed (rc:%d) %s \n", errno, strerror(errno)); } } else { if ((mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket && mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket->return_status==PASS) && FD_ISSET(mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket->getFD(), &mtc_sock.readfds)) { mtc_service_command ( sock_ptr, MGMNT_INTERFACE ); } if (( ctrl.clstr_iface_provisioned == true ) && ( !ctrl.address_clstr.empty() ) && ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket ) && ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket->return_status==PASS) && ( FD_ISSET(mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket->getFD(), &mtc_sock.readfds))) { mtc_service_command ( sock_ptr, CLSTR_INTERFACE ); } if ( FD_ISSET(mtc_sock.amon_socket, &mtc_sock.readfds)) { dlog3 ("Active Monitor Select Fired\n"); active_monitor_dispatch (); } } if (( ctrl.active_script_set == GOENABLED_MAIN_SCRIPTS ) || ( ctrl.active_script_set == GOENABLED_SUBF_SCRIPTS )) { _manage_goenabled_tests ( ); } else if ( ctrl.active_script_set == HOSTSERVICES_SCRIPTS ) { _manage_services_scripts ( ); } /* now service posted requests */ else if ( ctrl.active_script_set == NO_SCRIPTS ) { if ( ! ctrl.posted_script_set.empty() ) { /* get the next script set to execute */ ctrl.active_script_set = ctrl.posted_script_set.front(); if ( ctrl.active_script_set == GOENABLED_MAIN_SCRIPTS ) { if (( daemon_is_file_present ( CONFIG_COMPLETE_FILE )) && ( daemon_is_file_present ( GOENABLED_MAIN_READY ))) { ctrl.posted_script_set.pop_front(); if (( rc = run_goenabled_scripts ( "self-test" )) != PASS ) { if ( rc == RETRY ) { ilog ("main goenable testing already in progress\n"); } else { elog ("main goenable test start failed (rc:%d)\n", rc ); } } else { ilog ("main goenable tests started\n"); } file_not_present_count = 0 ; } else { ctrl.active_script_set = NO_SCRIPTS ; ilog_throttled (file_not_present_count, 10000, "waiting on goenable gates (%s and %s)\n", CONFIG_COMPLETE_FILE, GOENABLED_MAIN_READY ); } } else if ( ctrl.active_script_set == GOENABLED_SUBF_SCRIPTS ) { if (( daemon_is_file_present ( CONFIG_COMPLETE_WORKER )) && ( daemon_is_file_present ( GOENABLED_SUBF_READY ))) { ctrl.posted_script_set.pop_front(); if ( run_goenabled_scripts ( "self-test" ) != PASS ) { if ( rc == RETRY ) { ilog ("subf goenable testing already in progress\n"); } else { elog ("subf goenable test start failed (rc:%d)\n", rc ); } } else { ilog ("subf goenable tests started\n"); } file_not_present_count = 0 ; } else { ctrl.active_script_set = NO_SCRIPTS ; ilog_throttled (file_not_present_count, 10000, "waiting on subfuction goenable gate %s\n", GOENABLED_SUBF_READY); } } else if ( ctrl.active_script_set == HOSTSERVICES_SCRIPTS ) { ctrl.posted_script_set.pop_front(); /* Handle running the host services scripts. */ if ( is_host_services_cmd ( ctrl.hostservices.posted )) { if (( rc = run_hostservices_scripts ( ctrl.hostservices.posted )) != PASS ) { char str[BUF_SIZE] ; memset (str,0,BUF_SIZE); snprintf ( str, BUF_SIZE, "%s rc:%d", "launch failed", rc ); elog ("%s scripts failed (rc:%d)\n", get_mtcNodeCommand_str(ctrl.hostservices.posted), rc ); ctrl.hostservices.posted = MTC_CMD_NONE ; /* send error message */ mtce_send_event ( sock_ptr, MTC_CMD_HOST_SVCS_RESULT, str ); } } else { ctrl.hostservices.monitor = ctrl.hostservices.posted ; ctrl.hostservices.posted = MTC_CMD_NONE ; } } else { slog ("invalid script set (%d)\n", ctrl.active_script_set ); } } } if ( ctrl.timer.ring == true ) { bool socket_reinit = true ; /** * Look for failing sockets and try to recover them, * but only one at a time if there are multiple failing. * Priority is the command receiver, thehn transmitter, * followed by the cluster-host and others. **/ /* Mgmnt Rx */ if (( mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket == NULL ) || ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket->sock_ok() == false )) { setup_mgmnt_rx_socket(); wlog ("calling setup_mgmnt_rx_socket (auto-recovery)\n"); socket_reinit = true ; } /* Mgmnt Tx */ else if (( mtc_sock.mtc_client_tx_socket == NULL ) || ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_tx_socket->sock_ok() == false )) { setup_mgmnt_tx_socket(); wlog ("calling setup_mgmnt_tx_socket\n"); socket_reinit = true ; } /* Clstr Rx */ else if (( ctrl.clstr_iface_provisioned == true ) && (( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket == NULL ) || ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket->sock_ok() == false ))) { setup_clstr_rx_socket(); wlog ("calling setup_clstr_rx_socket (auto-recovery)\n"); socket_reinit = true ; } /* Clstr Tx */ else if (( ctrl.clstr_iface_provisioned == true ) && (( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_tx_socket == NULL ) || ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_tx_socket->sock_ok() == false ))) { setup_clstr_tx_socket(); wlog ("calling setup_clstr_tx_socket (auto-recovery)\n"); socket_reinit = true ; } else if ( mtc_sock.amon_socket <= 0 ) { setup_amon_socket (); wlog ("calling setup_amon_socket (auto-recovery)\n"); socket_reinit = true ; } else { socket_reinit = false ; } if ( socket_reinit ) { /* re-get identity if interfaces are re-initialized */ string who_i_am = _self_identify ( ctrl.nodetype_str ); } send_mtcAlive_msg ( sock_ptr, ctrl.who_i_am, MGMNT_INTERFACE ); if (( ctrl.clstr_iface_provisioned == true ) && ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket != NULL ) && ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket->sock_ok() == true )) { send_mtcAlive_msg ( sock_ptr, ctrl.who_i_am, CLSTR_INTERFACE ); } /* Re-Start mtcAlive message timer */ mtcTimer_start ( ctrl.timer, timer_handler, MTC_ALIVE_TIMER ); dlog3 ("Clstr is %senabled", ctrl.clstr_iface_provisioned ? "" : "NOT "); if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__DIR ) ) { /* fault insertion testing */ if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__MGMNT_RXSOCK )) { if ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket ) { mtc_sock.mtc_client_rx_socket->sock_ok (false); _close_mgmnt_rx_socket(); } } if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__MGMNT_TXSOCK )) { if ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_tx_socket ) { mtc_sock.mtc_client_tx_socket->sock_ok (false); _close_mgmnt_tx_socket (); } } if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__CLSTR_RXSOCK )) { if ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket ) { mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket->sock_ok (false); _close_clstr_rx_socket (); } } if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__CLSTR_TXSOCK )) { if ( mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_tx_socket ) { mtc_sock.mtc_client_clstr_tx_socket->sock_ok (false); _close_clstr_tx_socket (); } } if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__AMON_SOCK )) { _close_amon_sock (); } } } daemon_signal_hdlr (); } daemon_exit(); } #define MAX_ARGS 4 static char start[] = "start" ; static char stop[] = "stop" ; int _launch_all_scripts ( script_ctrl_type & group, std::list & scripts, string label, string action, string option ) { int index ; char * argv[MAX_ARGS] ; if ( action == "start" ) argv[1] = start ; else argv[1] = stop ; argv[2] = (char*)option.data() ; argv[MAX_ARGS-1] = NULL ; /* initialize control struct */ for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_RUN_SCRIPTS ; i++ ) { group.script[i].pid = 0 ; group.script[i].status = 0 ; group.script[i].done = false ; group.script[i].name = "" ; } group.scripts = scripts.size() ; group.scripts_done = 0 ; ilog ("Sorted %s File List: %d\n", label.c_str(), group.scripts ); std::list::iterator string_iter_ptr ; for ( string_iter_ptr = scripts.begin () ; string_iter_ptr != scripts.end () ; string_iter_ptr++ ) { ilog (" ... %s %s\n", string_iter_ptr->c_str(), action.c_str()); } /* Run Maintenance on Inventory */ for ( index = 0, string_iter_ptr = scripts.begin () ; string_iter_ptr != scripts.end () ; string_iter_ptr++ ) { group.script[index].name = *string_iter_ptr ; group.script[index].pid = fork(); if ( group.script[index].pid == 0 ) { bool close_file_descriptors = false ; if ( setup_child ( close_file_descriptors ) != PASS ) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Set child to default signaling */ signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); umask(022); /* Setup exec arguement */ char script_name[MAX_FILE_SIZE]; snprintf ( &script_name[0], MAX_FILE_SIZE, "%s", string_iter_ptr->data()) ; argv[0] = script_name ; for ( int x = 0 ; x < MAX_ARGS ; x++ ) { dlog ("argv[%d] = %s\n", x , argv[x]); } openlog ( program_invocation_short_name, LOG_PID, LOG_USER ); syslog ( LOG_INFO, "%s %s\n", string_iter_ptr->c_str(), action.c_str()); if ( 0 > execv(argv[0], argv )) { syslog ( LOG_INFO, "%s failed (%d) (%s)\n", string_iter_ptr->c_str(), errno, strerror(errno)); } closelog(); exit(1); } gettime ( group.script[index].time_start ); dlog ("%s %02d: %s (pid:%d) is running\n", label.c_str(), index, string_iter_ptr->c_str(), group.script[index].pid ); index++ ; } return (PASS); } /*********************************************************************** * * Name : run_hostservices_scripts * * Purpose : Call the files in /etc/services.d with start or stop * * Description: Controller maintenance requests a host's command handler * to 'Start' or 'Stop' Host Services. This results in a call * to this handler. All the files in /etc/services.d are * read. Each is called alphabetically with the requested * command option of start or stop. * * The execution time and exit status of each script is logged. * The exit status of each script is checked. If any return a * non-zero value then that is an indication of that operation * failed and the overall command is failed. In the failure case, * which includes an overall execution timeout case, this utility * returns a message to maintenance indicating the name of the * script that failed and its return code. * * Params : * * cmd - 'uint' representing start or stop services commands * * MTC_CMD_STOP_CONTROL_SVCS * MTC_CMD_STOP_WORKER_SVCS * MTC_CMD_STOP_STORAGE_SVCS * MTC_CMD_START_CONTROL_SVCS * MTC_CMD_START_WORKER_SVCS * MTC_CMD_START_STORAGE_SVCS * * Returns : Operation PASS or non-zero return code with the failing * script name in the message buffer. * ****************************************************************************/ int run_hostservices_scripts ( unsigned int cmd ) { string dir = SERVICES_DIR ; string action = "" ; string func = "" ; switch ( cmd ) { case MTC_CMD_STOP_CONTROL_SVCS: dir.append("/controller"); action = "stop" ; func = "controller"; break ; case MTC_CMD_STOP_WORKER_SVCS: dir.append("/worker"); action = "stop" ; func = "worker"; break ; case MTC_CMD_STOP_STORAGE_SVCS: dir.append("/storage"); action = "stop" ; func = "storage"; break ; case MTC_CMD_START_CONTROL_SVCS: dir.append("/controller"); action = "start" ; func = "controller"; break ; case MTC_CMD_START_WORKER_SVCS: dir.append("/worker"); action = "start" ; func = "worker"; break ; case MTC_CMD_START_STORAGE_SVCS: dir.append("/storage"); action = "start" ; func = "storage"; break ; default: ctrl.active_script_set = NO_SCRIPTS ; return (FAIL_BAD_CASE); } /* list of service files */ std::list scripts ; if ( load_filenames_in_dir ( dir.data(), scripts ) != PASS ) { elog ("failed to load host services scripts dir:%s\n", dir.c_str()); ctrl.active_script_set = NO_SCRIPTS ; return (FAIL_READ_FILES) ; } /* For the stop command we need the mtcClient to run both controller and * worker stop services if we are on a CPE system. * This saves the mtcAgent from having to issue and manage 2 commands, * one for controller and 1 for worker */ if ( ctrl.system_type != SYSTEM_TYPE__NORMAL ) { string dir = "" ; if ( action == "stop" ) { std::list more_scripts ; if ( cmd == MTC_CMD_STOP_WORKER_SVCS ) { /* only add the controller if we get a worker stop * and this host has a controller nodetype function */ if (ctrl.nodetype & CONTROLLER_TYPE) { dir = SERVICES_DIR ; dir.append("/controller"); } } else if ( cmd == MTC_CMD_STOP_CONTROL_SVCS ) { /* add the worker stop if we get a controller stop * and this host has a worker nodetype function */ if (ctrl.nodetype & WORKER_TYPE) { dir = SERVICES_DIR ; dir.append("/worker"); } } if ( ! dir.empty() ) { if ( load_filenames_in_dir ( dir.data(), more_scripts ) != PASS ) { ctrl.active_script_set = NO_SCRIPTS ; return (FAIL_READ_FILES) ; } if ( ! more_scripts.empty() ) { scripts.merge(more_scripts); } } } } if ( scripts.empty() ) { ilog ("no service scripts\n"); ctrl.hostservices.scripts = 0 ; _manage_services_scripts (); ctrl.active_script_set = NO_SCRIPTS ; return (PASS); } scripts.sort(); mtcTimer_reset ( ctrl.hostservices.timer ); mtcTimer_start ( ctrl.hostservices.timer, timer_handler, mtc_config.host_services_timeout ); /* launch the scripts */ return (_launch_all_scripts ( ctrl.hostservices, scripts, "Host Services", action, "both" )); } /*********************************************************************** * * Name : run_goenabled_start * * Purpose : Call the files in /etc/goenable.d with start command * * Description: This procedure forks off a mtcClient child process * which runs a sorted list of files in the /etc/goenable.d * diectory. * * This child waits for the completion of each goenabled script before * running the next one. * * Success Path Behavior: * * If all the scripts complete with an exit status of zero then this * child process will send a GOENABLED message to the mtcAgent * informing it that the intest phase completed successfully. * This success message is logged in the mtcAgent and if this * host was undergoing an enable sequence or graceful recovery then * those FSMs would see the pass and proceed to its next state/phase. * * Failure Path Behavior: * * If one of the goenabled scripts exits with a return code other than * zero then the child creates a GOENABLED_FAILED message containing * the name of the script that failed and the error code that was * returned and sends that message to the mtcAgent which will cause * a failure of an enable or graceful recovery of that host. * * Returns : operation PASS or FAIL. * */ int run_goenabled_scripts ( string requestor ) { int rc = RETRY ; /* list of service files */ std::list scripts ; std::list::iterator string_iter_ptr ; /* handle mutual exclusion */ if ( ctrl.goenabled.posted ) { return (rc); } if ((rc = load_filenames_in_dir ( GOENABLED_DIR, scripts )) != PASS ) { return (FAIL_READ_FILES); } else if ( scripts.empty() ) { ctrl.goenabled.posted = MTC_CMD_NONE ; _manage_goenabled_tests (); return (PASS); } if ( ctrl.active_script_set == GOENABLED_SUBF_SCRIPTS ) { ilog ("GoEnabled Scripts : Sub-Function Context\n"); daemon_remove_file ( GOENABLED_SUBF_FAIL ); } else { ilog ("GoEnabled Scripts : Main-Function Context\n"); daemon_remove_file ( GOENABLED_MAIN_FAIL ); } scripts.sort(); /* manage the goenabled timeout timer */ if ( ctrl.goenabled.timer.tid ) { slog ("goenabled timer unexpectedly active\n"); mtcTimer_stop ( ctrl.goenabled.timer ); } dlog ("Goenabled Timeout : %d secs\n", mtc_config.goenabled_timeout ); mtcTimer_start ( ctrl.goenabled.timer, timer_handler, mtc_config.goenabled_timeout ); /* launch the scripts */ return (_launch_all_scripts ( ctrl.goenabled, scripts, "Test", "start", requestor )); } /* Reap the go enabled tests */ void daemon_sigchld_hdlr ( void ) { pid_t tpid = 0 ; int status = 0 ; bool found = 0 ; static script_ctrl_type * scripts_ptr ; dlog("Received SIGCHLD ...\n"); /* select the correct script set based on which is active */ switch ( ctrl.active_script_set ) { case GOENABLED_MAIN_SCRIPTS: case GOENABLED_SUBF_SCRIPTS: { scripts_ptr = &ctrl.goenabled ; break ; } case HOSTSERVICES_SCRIPTS: { scripts_ptr = &ctrl.hostservices ; break ; } default: { wlog ("child handler running with no active script set (%d)\n", ctrl.active_script_set ); return ; } } while ( 0 < ( tpid = waitpid ( -1, &status, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED ))) { /* loop over all the scripts and get the child execution status */ for ( int i = 0 ; i < scripts_ptr->scripts ; i++ ) { if ( tpid == scripts_ptr->script[i].pid ) { found = true ; scripts_ptr->script[i].status = status ; if ( scripts_ptr->script[i].done == false ) { dlog("%5d %s exited (%d)\n", scripts_ptr->script[i].pid, scripts_ptr->script[i].name.c_str(), i ); scripts_ptr->script[i].done = true ; scripts_ptr->scripts_done++ ; } else { slog ("%5d %s exited already (%d)\n", scripts_ptr->script[i].pid, scripts_ptr->script[i].name.c_str(), i ); } /* script ended */ if (WIFEXITED(scripts_ptr->script[i].status)) { gettime ( scripts_ptr->script[i].time_stop ); timedelta ( scripts_ptr->script[i].time_start, scripts_ptr->script[i].time_stop, scripts_ptr->script[i].time_delta ); dlog ("%s exited properly \n", scripts_ptr->script[i].name.c_str()); /* only print log if there is an error */ scripts_ptr->script[i].status = WEXITSTATUS(scripts_ptr->script[i].status) ; if ( status ) { elog ("FAILED: %s (%ld.%03ld secs) (rc:%d)\n", scripts_ptr->script[i].name.c_str(), scripts_ptr->script[i].time_delta.secs, scripts_ptr->script[i].time_delta.msecs/1000, scripts_ptr->script[i].status); } else { ilog ("PASSED: %s (%ld.%03ld secs)\n", scripts_ptr->script[i].name.c_str(), scripts_ptr->script[i].time_delta.secs, scripts_ptr->script[i].time_delta.msecs/1000); } } else if (WIFSIGNALED(scripts_ptr->script[i].status)) { wlog ("%s test uncaught signal\n", scripts_ptr->script[i].name.c_str()); } else if (WIFSTOPPED(scripts_ptr->script[i].status)) { wlog ("%s test stopped.\n", scripts_ptr->script[i].name.c_str()); } } } } if ( ( tpid > 0 ) && ( found == false ) ) { ilog ("PID:%d reaped with no corresponding process\n", tpid ); } } /* Push daemon state to log file */ void daemon_dump_info ( void ) { ; } const char MY_DATA [100] = { "eieio\n" } ; const char * daemon_stream_info ( void ) { return (&MY_DATA[0]); } /*************************************************************************** * * * Module Test Head * * * ***************************************************************************/ extern int mtcCompMsg_testhead ( void ); /** Teat Head Entry */ int daemon_run_testhead ( void ) { int rc = PASS; int stage = 1; printf ("\n"); rc = mtcCompMsg_testhead (); printf ("\n\n+---------------------------------------------------------+\n"); /*********************************************** * STAGE 1: some test ************************************************/ printf ( "| Test %d : Maintenance Service Test ............. ", stage ); if ( rc != PASS ) { FAILED_STR ; rc = FAIL ; } else PASSED ; printf ("+---------------------------------------------------------+\n"); return PASS ; }