
341 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2013-2014, 2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
#include "daemon_ini.h" /* Init parset header */
#include "daemon_common.h" /* Common daemon header */
#include "nodeBase.h"
#include "nodeTimers.h"
void daemon_config_default ( daemon_config_type* config_ptr )
/* init config struct */
memset ( config_ptr, 0 , sizeof(daemon_config_type));
config_ptr->debug_filter = strdup("none");
config_ptr->debug_event = strdup("none");
config_ptr->mon_process_1 = strdup("none");
config_ptr->mon_process_2 = strdup("none");
config_ptr->mon_process_3 = strdup("none");
config_ptr->mon_process_4 = strdup("none");
config_ptr->mon_process_5 = strdup("none");
config_ptr->mon_process_6 = strdup("none");
config_ptr->mon_process_7 = strdup("none");
config_ptr->keystone_prefix_path = strdup("");
config_ptr->keystone_identity_uri = strdup("");
config_ptr->keystone_auth_uri = strdup("");
config_ptr->keystone_auth_host = strdup("");
config_ptr->keystone_region_name = strdup("none");
config_ptr->keyring_directory = strdup("");
config_ptr->sysinv_mtc_inv_label = strdup("none");
config_ptr->mgmnt_iface = strdup("none");
config_ptr->infra_iface = strdup("none");
config_ptr->sysinv_api_bind_ip = strdup("none");
config_ptr->mode = strdup("none");
config_ptr->fit_host = strdup("none");
config_ptr->multicast = strdup("none");
config_ptr->debug_all = 0 ;
config_ptr->debug_json = 0 ;
config_ptr->debug_timer = 0 ;
config_ptr->debug_fsm = 0 ;
config_ptr->debug_http = 0 ;
config_ptr->debug_msg = 0 ;
config_ptr->debug_work = 0 ;
config_ptr->debug_state = 0 ;
config_ptr->debug_alive = 0 ;
config_ptr->debug_bmgmt = 0 ;
config_ptr->debug_level = 0 ;
/* Timeout config read */
int client_timeout_handler ( void * user,
const char * section,
const char * name,
const char * value)
daemon_config_type* config_ptr = (daemon_config_type*)user;
if (MATCH("timeouts", "goenabled_timeout"))
config_ptr->goenabled_timeout = atoi(value);
ilog ("goEnabled TO: %3d secs\n" , config_ptr->goenabled_timeout);
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "host_services_timeout"))
config_ptr->host_services_timeout = atoi(value);
ilog ("Host Svcs TO: %3d secs\n" , config_ptr->host_services_timeout);
return (PASS);
/* Timeout config read */
int timeout_config_handler ( void * user,
const char * section,
const char * name,
const char * value)
daemon_config_type* config_ptr = (daemon_config_type*)user;
if (MATCH("timeouts", "controller_boot_timeout"))
bool extended = false ;
config_ptr->controller_mtcalive_timeout = atoi(value);
/* extend the controller mtcalive timeout when in virtual box.
* loaded machines boot slower on controllers in this environment
* and frequently timeout in the first pass */
if ( daemon_is_file_present ( HOST_IS_VIRTUAL ) == true )
config_ptr->controller_mtcalive_timeout *= 2 ;
extended = true ;
ilog (" mtcAlive TO: %4d secs (controller) %s\n" ,
extended ? "(doubled for vbox)" : "");
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "compute_boot_timeout"))
config_ptr->compute_mtcalive_timeout = atoi(value);
ilog (" mtcAlive TO: %4d secs (compute)\n" , config_ptr->compute_mtcalive_timeout);
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "goenabled_timeout"))
config_ptr->goenabled_timeout = atoi(value);
ilog ("goEnabled TO: %3d secs\n" , config_ptr->goenabled_timeout);
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "host_services_timeout"))
config_ptr->host_services_timeout = atoi(value);
ilog ("Host Svcs TO: %3d secs\n" , config_ptr->host_services_timeout);
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "sysinv_timeout"))
config_ptr->sysinv_timeout = atoi(value);
ilog ("Inv crit TO: %3d secs\n" , config_ptr->sysinv_timeout);
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "swact_timeout"))
config_ptr->swact_timeout = atoi(value);
ilog ("HA Swact TO : %3d secs\n" , config_ptr->swact_timeout);
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "sysinv_noncrit_timeout"))
config_ptr->sysinv_noncrit_timeout = atoi(value);
ilog ("Inv nonc TO: %3d secs\n" , config_ptr->sysinv_noncrit_timeout);
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "work_queue_timeout"))
config_ptr->work_queue_timeout = atoi(value);
ilog ("WorkQueue TO: %3d secs\n" , config_ptr->work_queue_timeout);
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "uptime_period"))
config_ptr->uptime_period = atoi(value);
ilog ("Uptime Timer: %3d secs\n" , config_ptr->uptime_period);
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "online_period"))
config_ptr->online_period = atoi(value);
ilog ("Online Timer: %3d secs\n" , config_ptr->online_period);
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "insv_test_period"))
config_ptr->insv_test_period = atoi(value);
ilog ("Insvt Period:%4d secs (controller)\n" , config_ptr->insv_test_period);
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "oos_test_period"))
config_ptr->oos_test_period = atoi(value);
ilog (" Oost Period:%4d secs (controller)\n", config_ptr->oos_test_period);
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "audit_period"))
config_ptr->audit_period = atoi(value);
ilog ("Audit Period: %3d secs\n", config_ptr->audit_period );
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "loc_recovery_timeout"))
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_LOC_TIMEOUT ;
config_ptr->loc_recovery_timeout = atoi(value);
ilog ("LOC Timeout: %3d secs\n", config_ptr->loc_recovery_timeout );
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "node_reinstall_timeout"))
config_ptr->node_reinstall_timeout = atoi(value);
if (( config_ptr->node_reinstall_timeout > MTC_REINSTALL_TIMEOUT_MAX ) ||
( config_ptr->node_reinstall_timeout < MTC_REINSTALL_TIMEOUT_MIN ))
config_ptr->node_reinstall_timeout = MTC_REINSTALL_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT ;
ilog ("Reinstall TO: %3d secs\n", config_ptr->node_reinstall_timeout );
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "dor_mode_timeout"))
config_ptr->dor_mode_timeout = atoi(value);
ilog ("DOR Mode TO : %3d secs\n", config_ptr->dor_mode_timeout );
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "dor_recovery_timeout_ext"))
config_ptr->dor_recovery_timeout_ext = atoi(value);
ilog ("DOR Time Ext: %3d secs\n", config_ptr->dor_recovery_timeout_ext );
return (PASS);
/* System Inventory Config Reader */
int sysinv_config_handler ( void * user,
const char * section,
const char * name,
const char * value)
daemon_config_type* config_ptr = (daemon_config_type*)user;
config_ptr->sysinv_mtc_inv_label = strdup(value);
ilog("Sysinv Label: %s\n", config_ptr->sysinv_mtc_inv_label );
else if (MATCH("DEFAULT", "sysinv_api_port")) // sysinv_api_port=6385
config_ptr->sysinv_api_port = atoi(value);
ilog("Sysinv Port : %d\n", config_ptr->sysinv_api_port );
else if (MATCH("DEFAULT", "sysinv_api_bind_ip")) // sysinv_api_bind_ip=
config_ptr->sysinv_api_bind_ip = strdup(value);
ilog("Sysinv IP : %s\n", config_ptr->sysinv_api_bind_ip );
return (PASS);
#define EMPTY "----"
void daemon_dump_cfg ( void )
daemon_config_type * ptr = daemon_get_cfg_ptr();
ilog ("Configuration Settings\n------------------------------\n");
if ( ptr->scheduling_priority ) { ilog ("scheduling_priority = %d\n", ptr->scheduling_priority ); }
if ( ptr->infra_degrade_only ) { ilog ("infra_degrade_only = %s\n", ptr->infra_degrade_only ? "Yes" : "No" );}
if ( ptr->need_infra_poll_audit ) { ilog ("need_infra_poll_audit = %s\n", ptr->need_infra_poll_audit ? "Yes" : "No" );}
if ( ptr->active ) { ilog ("active = %s\n", ptr->active ? "Yes" : "No" );}
/* hbsAgent */
if ( ptr->hbs_pulse_period ) { ilog ("hbs_pulse_period = %d\n", ptr->hbs_pulse_period );}
if ( ptr->token_refresh_rate ) { ilog ("token_refresh_rate = %d\n", ptr->token_refresh_rate );}
if ( ptr->hbs_minor_threshold ) { ilog ("hbs_minor_threshold = %d\n", ptr->hbs_minor_threshold );}
if ( ptr->hbs_degrade_threshold ) { ilog ("hbs_degrade_threshold = %d\n", ptr->hbs_degrade_threshold );}
if ( ptr->hbs_failure_threshold ) { ilog ("hbs_failure_threshold = %d\n", ptr->hbs_failure_threshold );}
if ( strcmp(ptr->mgmnt_iface, "none" )) { ilog ("mgmnt_iface = %s\n", ptr->mgmnt_iface ); }
if ( strcmp(ptr->infra_iface, "none" )) { ilog ("infra_iface = %s\n", ptr->infra_iface );}
if ( strcmp(ptr->multicast, "none" )) { ilog ("multicast = %s\n", ptr->multicast );}
if ( ptr->ha_port ) { ilog ("ha_port = %d\n", ptr->ha_port );}
if ( ptr->vim_cmd_port ) { ilog ("vim_cmd_port = %d\n", ptr->vim_cmd_port );}
if ( ptr->vim_event_port ) { ilog ("vim_event_port = %d\n", ptr->vim_event_port );}
if ( ptr->mtc_agent_port ) { ilog ("mtc_agent_port = %d\n", ptr->mtc_agent_port );}
if ( ptr->mtc_client_port) { ilog ("mtc_client_port = %d\n", ptr->mtc_client_port );}
if ( ptr->keystone_port ) { ilog ("keystone_port = %d\n", ptr->keystone_port );}
/* mtcAgent & hwmond */
if ( ptr->sysinv_api_port ) { ilog ("sysinv_api_port = %d\n", ptr->sysinv_api_port );}
if ( ptr->keystone_prefix_path ) { ilog ("keystone_prefix_path = %s\n", ptr->keystone_prefix_path );}
if ( ptr->keystone_auth_host ) { ilog ("keystone_auth_host = %s\n", ptr->keystone_auth_host );}
if ( ptr->keystone_identity_uri ) { ilog ("keystone_identity_uri = %s\n", ptr->keystone_identity_uri );}
if ( ptr->keystone_auth_uri ) { ilog ("keystone_auth_uri = %s\n", ptr->keystone_auth_uri );}
if ( ptr->keystone_auth_username ) { ilog ("keystone_auth_username = %s\n", ptr->keystone_auth_username );}
if ( ptr->keystone_auth_project ) { ilog ("keystone_auth_project = %s\n", ptr->keystone_auth_project );}
if ( ptr->keystone_user_domain ) { ilog ("keystone_user_domain = %s\n", ptr->keystone_user_domain );}
if ( ptr->keystone_project_domain ) { ilog ("keystone_project_domain = %s\n", ptr->keystone_project_domain );}
if ( ptr->keystone_region_name ) { ilog ("keystone_region_name = %s\n", ptr->keystone_region_name );}
if ( ptr->keyring_directory ) { ilog ("keyring_directory = %s\n", ptr->keyring_directory );}
if ( ptr->mtc_rx_mgmnt_port ) { ilog ("mtc_rx_mgmnt_port = %d\n", ptr->mtc_rx_mgmnt_port );}
if ( ptr->mtc_rx_infra_port ) { ilog ("mtc_rx_infra_port = %d\n", ptr->mtc_rx_infra_port );}
if ( ptr->mtc_tx_mgmnt_port ) { ilog ("mtc_tx_mgmnt_port = %d\n", ptr->mtc_tx_mgmnt_port );}
if ( ptr->mtc_tx_infra_port ) { ilog ("mtc_tx_infra_port = %d\n", ptr->mtc_tx_infra_port );}
if ( ptr->agent_rx_port ) { ilog ("agent_rx_port = %d\n", ptr->agent_rx_port );}
if ( ptr->client_rx_port ) { ilog ("client_rx_port = %d\n", ptr->client_rx_port );}
if ( ptr->mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port ) { ilog ("mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port = %d\n", ptr->mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port );}
if ( ptr->mtc_to_guest_cmd_port) { ilog ("mtc_to_guest_cmd_port = %d\n", ptr->mtc_to_guest_cmd_port);}
if ( ptr->hwmon_cmd_port ) { ilog ("hwmon_cmd_port = %d\n", ptr->hwmon_cmd_port );}
if ( ptr->hbs_to_mtc_event_port) { ilog ("hbs_to_mtc_event_port = %d\n", ptr->hbs_to_mtc_event_port);}
if ( ptr->inv_event_port ) { ilog ("inv_event_port = %d\n", ptr->inv_event_port );}
/* rmond */
if ( ptr->per_node ) { ilog ("per_node = %d\n", ptr->per_node );}
if ( ptr->audit_period ) { ilog ("audit_period = %d\n", ptr->audit_period );}
if ( ptr->pm_period ) { ilog ("pm_period = %d\n", ptr->pm_period );}
if ( ptr->pmon_amon_port ) { ilog ("pmon_amon_port = %d\n", ptr->pmon_amon_port );}
if ( ptr->pmon_event_port ) { ilog ("pmon_event_port = %d\n", ptr->pmon_event_port );}
if ( ptr->pmon_pulse_port ) { ilog ("pmon_pulse_port = %d\n", ptr->pmon_pulse_port );}
if ( ptr->rmon_api_tx_port ) { ilog ("rmon_api_tx_port = %d\n", ptr->rmon_api_tx_port );}
if ( ptr->rmon_event_port ) { ilog ("rmon_event_port = %d\n", ptr->rmon_event_port );}
if ( ptr->rmon_critical_thr ) { ilog ("rmon_critical_thr = %d\n", ptr->rmon_critical_thr );}
if ( ptr->rmon_tx_port ) { ilog ("rmon_tx_port = %d\n", ptr->rmon_tx_port );}
if ( ptr->event_port ) { ilog ("event_port = %d\n", ptr->event_port );}
if ( ptr->cmd_port ) { ilog ("cmd_port = %d\n", ptr->cmd_port );}
if ( ptr->sensor_port ) { ilog ("sensor_port = %d\n", ptr->sensor_port );}
if ( ptr->start_delay ) { ilog ("start_delay = %d\n", ptr->start_delay );}
if ( ptr->api_retries ) { ilog ("api_retries = %d\n", ptr->api_retries );}
if ( ptr->testmode ) { ilog ("testmode = %x\n", ptr->testmode );}
if ( ptr->testmask ) { ilog ("testmask = %x\n", ptr->testmask );}
if ( ptr->mask ) { ilog ("mask = %x\n", ptr->mask );}
ilog ("mode = %s\n", ptr->mode ? ptr->mode : EMPTY );
/* pmond */
if ( ptr->stall_pmon_thld ) { ilog ("stall_pmon_thld = %d\n", ptr->stall_pmon_thld );}
if ( ptr->stall_mon_period ) { ilog ("stall_mon_period = %d\n", ptr->stall_mon_period );}
if ( ptr->stall_poll_period ) { ilog ("stall_poll_period = %d\n", ptr->stall_poll_period );}
if ( ptr->stall_rec_thld ) { ilog ("stall_rec_thld = %d\n", ptr->stall_rec_thld );}
/* mtcAgent */
if ( ptr->controller_mtcalive_timeout) { ilog ("controller_mtcalive_to= %d\n", ptr->controller_mtcalive_timeout );}
if ( ptr->compute_mtcalive_timeout ) { ilog ("compute_mtcalive_to = %d\n", ptr->compute_mtcalive_timeout );}
if ( ptr->goenabled_timeout ) { ilog ("goenabled_timeout = %d\n", ptr->goenabled_timeout );}
if ( ptr->swact_timeout ) { ilog ("swact_timeout = %d\n", ptr->swact_timeout );}
if ( ptr->sysinv_timeout ) { ilog ("sysinv_timeout = %d\n", ptr->sysinv_timeout );}
if ( ptr->sysinv_noncrit_timeout ) { ilog ("sysinv_noncrit_timeout= %d\n", ptr->sysinv_noncrit_timeout );}
if ( ptr->work_queue_timeout ) { ilog ("work_queue_timeout = %d\n", ptr->work_queue_timeout );}
if ( ptr->loc_recovery_timeout ) { ilog ("loc_recovery_timeout = %d\n", ptr->loc_recovery_timeout );}
if ( ptr->node_reinstall_timeout ) { ilog ("node_reinstall_timeout= %d\n", ptr->node_reinstall_timeout );}
if ( ptr->uptime_period ) { ilog ("uptime_period = %d\n", ptr->uptime_period );}
if ( ptr->online_period ) { ilog ("online_period = %d\n", ptr->online_period );}
if ( ptr->insv_test_period ) { ilog ("insv_test_period = %d\n", ptr->insv_test_period );}
if ( ptr->oos_test_period ) { ilog (" oos_test_period = %d\n", ptr->oos_test_period );}
/* mtcClient & hbsClient */
if ( ptr->failsafe_shutdown_delay ) { ilog ("failsafe_shutdown_dela= %d\n", ptr->failsafe_shutdown_delay );}
if ( ptr->debug_all ) { ilog ("debug_all = %d\n", ptr->debug_all );}
if ( ptr->debug_json ) { ilog ("debug_json = %d\n", ptr->debug_json );}
if ( ptr->debug_timer ) { ilog ("debug_timer = %d\n", ptr->debug_timer );}
if ( ptr->debug_fsm ) { ilog ("debug_fsm = %d\n", ptr->debug_fsm );}
if ( ptr->debug_http ) { ilog ("debug_http = %d\n", ptr->debug_http );}
if ( ptr->debug_msg ) { ilog ("debug_msg = %d\n", ptr->debug_msg );}
if ( ptr->debug_work ) { ilog ("debug_work = %d\n", ptr->debug_work );}
if ( ptr->debug_state ) { ilog ("debug_state = %d\n", ptr->debug_state );}
if ( ptr->debug_alive ) { ilog ("debug_alive = %d\n", ptr->debug_alive );}
if ( ptr->debug_bmgmt ) { ilog ("debug_bmgmt = %d\n", ptr->debug_bmgmt );}
if ( ptr->debug_level ) { ilog ("debug_level = %d\n", ptr->debug_level );}
ilog ("debug_filter = %s\n", ptr->debug_filter );
ilog ("debug_event = %s\n", ptr->debug_event );