
341 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

* Copyright (c) 2013, 2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* Wind River CGTS Platform Nodal Health Check "Base" Header
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <list>
#include "msgClass.h"
#include "mtceHbsCluster.h"
#include "hbsCluster.h"
* @addtogroup hbs_base
* @{
#ifdef __AREA__
#undef __AREA__
#define __AREA__ "hbs"
#define ALIGN_PACK(x) __attribute__((packed)) x
/** Maximum service fail count before action */
#define MAX_FAIL_COUNT (1)
/** Audit Rate/Count */
#define AUDIT_RATE (9)
/** Heartbeat pulse request/response message header byte size */
#define HBS_HEADER_SIZE (15)
/** Heartbeat pulse request message header content */
const char req_msg_header [HBS_HEADER_SIZE+1] = {"cgts pulse req:"};
/** Heartbeat pulse response message header content */
const char rsp_msg_header [HBS_HEADER_SIZE+1] = {"cgts pulse rsp:"};
#define HBS_MESSAGE_VERSION (1) // 0 -> 1 with intro of cluster info
/* Heartbeat control structure */
typedef struct
unsigned int controller ;
unsigned int audit ;
unsigned int nodetype ;
bool clear_alarms ;
bool locked ;
} hbs_ctrl_type ;
hbs_ctrl_type * get_hbs_ctrl_ptr ( void );
/* A heartbeat service message
* if this structure is changed then
* hbs_pulse_request needs to be looked at
typedef struct
/** Message buffer */
char m [HBS_MAX_MSG];
/** Sequence number */
unsigned int s ;
/* Fast Lookup Clue Info */
unsigned int c ;
/* Status Flags
* ------------
* bit 0: Process Monitor Status: 1=running
* bit 1: Infrastructure Network: 1=provisioned
* */
unsigned int f ;
/** message version number */
unsigned int v ;
/** Heartbeat cluster information that is put into heartbeat messages.
* Pulse Request : To hbsClient: Only 1 controller with up to 2 network types history.
* Pulse Response: From hbsClient: Can include up to 2 controllers with 2 networks each.
* This addition requires message verison increment.
mtce_hbs_cluster_type cluster ;
} ALIGN_PACK(hbs_message_type) ;
/** Heartbeat service messaging socket control structure */
typedef struct
/** Mtce to Heartbeat Service Cmd Interface - mtcAgent -> hbsAgent */
msgClassSock* mtc_to_hbs_sock;
/** Heartbeat Service Event Transmit Interface - hbsAgent -> mtcAgent */
msgClassSock* hbs_event_tx_sock;
/** Heartbeat Service Event Transmit Interface - hbsClient -> mtcAgent */
msgClassSock* hbs_ready_tx_sock;
/** Heartbeat Service SM Transmit Interface - hbsAgent -> sm */
msgClassSock* sm_client_sock;
/** Heartbeat Service SM Receive Interface - sm -> hbsAgent */
msgClassSock* sm_server_sock;
/** PMON Pulse Receive Interface - pmond -> hbsClient */
msgClassSock* pmon_pulse_sock;
/** Active monitoring Transmit Interface socket - hbsClient -> pmond */
/** The addr and port are stored in the shared library */
int amon_socket ;
/** Heartbeat Pulse Receive Constructs */
msgClassSock* rx_sock [MAX_IFACES]; /**< rx socket file descriptor */
int rx_port [MAX_IFACES]; /**< rx pulse port number */
hbs_message_type rx_mesg [MAX_IFACES]; /**< rx pulse message buffer */
/** Heartbeat Pulse Receive Constructs */
msgClassSock* tx_sock [MAX_IFACES]; /**< tx socket file descriptor */
int tx_port [MAX_IFACES]; /**< tx pulse port number */
hbs_message_type tx_mesg [MAX_IFACES]; /**< tx pulse message buffer */
bool fired [MAX_IFACES]; /**< true if select fired */
msgSock_type mtclogd ; /* Not used */
/** Heartbeat Alarms Messaging Constructs / Interface */
msgClassSock* alarm_sock ; /**< tx socket file descriptor */
int alarm_port ; /**< tx pulse port number */
/* For select dispatch */
struct timeval waitd ;
fd_set readfds;
int netlink_sock ; /* netlink socket */
int ioctl_sock ; /* general ioctl socket */
bool mgmnt_link_up_and_running ;
bool infra_link_up_and_running ;
bool mgmnt_link_up_and_running_last ;
bool infra_link_up_and_running_last ;
} hbs_socket_type ;
typedef struct
string proc ;
int pid ;
int status ;
int stalls ;
int periods;
unsigned long long this_count ;
unsigned long long prev_count ;
} procList ;
typedef struct
unsigned long long this_count ;
unsigned long long prev_count ;
} schedHist ;
int hbs_refresh_pids ( std::list<procList> & proc_list );
int hbs_process_monitor ( std::list<procList> & pmon_list );
int hbs_self_recovery ( unsigned int cmd );
/* returns this controller's number ; 0 or 1 */
unsigned int hbs_get_controller_number ( void );
/* Setup the pulse messaging interfaces
* 'p' is a boot that indicates if the infrastructure network is provisioned
* 'p' = true means it is provisioned */
{ \
if ( ( rc = _setup_pulse_messaging ( MGMNT_IFACE , g)) != PASS ) \
{ \
elog ("Failed to setup 'Mgmnt' network pulse messaging (rc:%d)\n", rc ); \
} \
if ( p == true ) \
{ \
if (( rc = _setup_pulse_messaging ( INFRA_IFACE , g)) != PASS ) \
{ \
elog ("Failed to setup 'Infra' network pulse messaging (rc:%d)\n", rc ); \
} \
} \
/*********** Common Heartbeat Utilities in hbsUtil.cpp ***************/
/* module init */
void hbs_utils_init ( void );
/* network enum to name lookup */
string hbs_cluster_network_name ( mtce_hbs_network_enum network );
/* Initialize the specified history array */
void hbs_cluster_history_init ( mtce_hbs_cluster_history_type & history );
/* Clear all history in the cluster vault */
void hbs_cluster_history_clear( mtce_hbs_cluster_type & cluster );
/******** Heartbeat Agent Cluster Functions in hbsCluster.cpp ********/
/* Init the control structure */
void hbs_cluster_ctrl_init ( void );
/* Set the cluster vault to default state.
* Called upon daemon init or heartbeat period change. */
void hbs_cluster_init ( unsigned short period , msgClassSock * sm_socket_ptr );
/* Calculate number of bytes that is unused in the cluster data structure.
* Primarily to know how many history elements are missing. */
unsigned short hbs_cluster_unused_bytes ( void );
/* Inform the cluster module that there was a change to the cluster */
void hbs_cluster_change ( string cluster_change_reason );
/* Add and delete hosts from the monitored list.
* Automatically adjusts the numbers in the cluster vault. */
void hbs_cluster_add ( string & hostname );
void hbs_cluster_del ( string & hostname );
void hbs_cluster_rem ( unsigned short controller );
void hbs_cluster_lock ( void );
/* Do stuff in preparation for another pulse period start */
void hbs_cluster_period_start ( void );
/* Report status of storgate-0 */
void hbs_cluster_storage0_status ( iface_enum iface , bool responding );
/* Compare 2 histories */
int hbs_cluster_cmp( mtce_hbs_cluster_history_type h1,
mtce_hbs_cluster_history_type h2 );
/* Manage the enabled state of the controllers */
void hbs_manage_controller_state ( string & hostname, bool enabled );
/* Set the number of monitored hosts and this controller's
* number in the cluster vault. */
void hbs_cluster_nums ( unsigned short this_controller,
unsigned short monitored_networks );
/* Copy/Save the peer controller's cluster info from the hbsClient's
* pulse response into the cluster vault so its there and ready for
* an SM cluster_info request. */
int hbs_cluster_save ( string & hostname,
mtce_hbs_network_enum network,
hbs_message_type & msg );
/* Manage peer controller vault history. */
void hbs_cluster_peer ( void );
* Called by the hbsAgent pulse receiver to create a network specific
* history update entry consisting of
* 1. the number of monitored hosts
* 2. how many of those that responded in the last heartbeat period.
* 3. threshold storage-0 responding count and manage that state in that
* networks history header.
void hbs_cluster_update ( iface_enum iface,
unsigned short not_responding_hosts,
bool storage_0_responding );
/* Called by the hbsAgent pulse transmitter to append this controllers
* running cluster view in the next multicast pulse request.
* The hbsClient is expected to loop this data and any other like data from
* the other controller back in its response. */
void hbs_cluster_append ( hbs_message_type & msg );
/* Inject a history entry at the next position for all networks of the
* specified controller.
* This is used to add a 0:0 entry into the vault history of the specified
* controller as indication that that no host for this pulse period
* provided history for this controller.
* Procedure was made generic so that it 'could' be used to add history
* of any values for fault insertion or other potential future purposes
void hbs_cluster_inject ( unsigned short controller, unsigned short hosts_enabled, unsigned short hosts_responding );
/* Produce formatted clog's that characterize current and changing cluster
* history for a given network. Each log is controller/network specific. */
void hbs_cluster_log ( string & hostname, string prefix, bool force=false );
void hbs_cluster_log ( string & hostname, mtce_hbs_cluster_type & cluster, string prefix, bool force=false );
/* Service SM cluster info request */
void hbs_sm_handler ( void );
/* send the cluster vault to SM */
void hbs_cluster_send ( msgClassSock * sm_client_sock, int reqid , string reason );
/* copy cluster data from src to dst */
void hbs_cluster_copy ( mtce_hbs_cluster_type & src, mtce_hbs_cluster_type & dst );
/* print the contents of the vault */
void hbs_cluster_dump ( mtce_hbs_cluster_history_type & history, bool storage0_enabled );
void hbs_cluster_dump ( mtce_hbs_cluster_type & vault, string reason );
/* Heartbeat service state audit */
void hbs_state_audit ( void );
* @} hbs_base