[tox] envlist = linters,pep8 minversion = 2.3 skipsdist = True [testenv] basepython = python3 install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages} setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir} OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE=1 OS_STDERR_CAPTURE=1 OS_TEST_TIMEOUT=60 deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt [testenv:linters] whitelist_externals = bash commands = bash -c "find {toxinidir} \ -not \( -type d -name .?\* -prune \) \ -type f \ -not -name \*~ \ -not -name \*.md \ -name \*.sh \ -print0 | xargs -0 bashate -v" bash -c "find {toxinidir} \ \( -name middleware/io-monitor/recipes-common/io-monitor/io-monitor/io_monitor/test-tools/yaml/* -prune \) \ -o \( -name .tox -prune \) \ -o -type f -name '*.yaml' \ -print0 | xargs -0 yamllint" [pep8] # Temporarily ignoring these warnings # E101 indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs # E116 unexpected indentation (comment) # E121 continuation line under-indented for hanging indent # E122 continuation line missing indentation or outdented # E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket # E124 closing bracket does not match visual indentation # E126 continuation line over-indented for hanging indent # E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent # E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent # E129 visually indented line with same indent as next logical line # E203 whitespace before ':' # E211 whitespace before '(' # E225 missing whitespace around operator # E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator # E228 missing whitespace around modulo operator # E231 missing whitespace after ':' # E241 multiple spaces after # E261 at least two spaces before inline comment # E265 block comment should start with '# ' # E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals # E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1 # E303 too many blank lines # E501 line too long # E712 comparison to bool should be reworded ignore = E101,E116,E121,E123,E122,E124,E126,E127,E128,E129,E203,E211,E225,E226,E228,E231,E241,E251,E261,E265,E302,E303,E501,E712 [testenv:pep8] usedevelop = False skip_install = True deps = pep8 commands = pep8 [testenv:venv] commands = {posargs}