#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (c) 2023 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # ''' Builds a Debian patch ''' import hashlib import logging import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import tarfile import tempfile import click import fetch_debs import metadata from signing.patch_signing import sign_files sys.path.append('..') import utils logger = logging.getLogger('patch_builder') utils.set_logger(logger) # Patch signature files detached_signature_file = "signature.v2" mdsum_signature_file = "signature" # Patch output directory BUILD_ROOT = os.environ.get('MY_BUILD_PKG_DIR') PATCH_OUTPUT = os.path.join(BUILD_ROOT, "patch_output") # Default names for every script type PATCH_SCRIPTS = { "PRE_INSTALL": "pre-install.sh", "POST_INSTALL": "post-install.sh", "DEPLOY_PRECHECK": "deploy-precheck" } class PatchBuilder(object): def __init__(self, patch_recipe_file, file_name=None): self.metadata = metadata.PatchMetadata(patch_recipe_file) self.metadata.parse_input_xml_data() self.fetch_debs = fetch_debs.FetchDebs() self.fetch_debs.need_dl_stx_pkgs = self.metadata.stx_packages self.fetch_debs.need_dl_binary_pkgs = self.metadata.binary_packages self.patch_name = f'{self.metadata.patch_id}.patch' if file_name == None else file_name def get_md5(self, path): ''' Utility function for generating the md5sum of a file :param path: Path to file ''' md5 = hashlib.md5() block_size = 8192 with open(path, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(block_size), b''): md5.update(chunk) return int(md5.hexdigest(), 16) def build_patch(self): logger.info(f"Generating patch {self.patch_name}") # Fetch debs from metadata and # Create software.tar, metadata.tar and signatures # Create a temporary working directory logger.debug("Fetching debs...") self.fetch_debs.fetch_stx_packages() self.fetch_debs.fetch_external_binaries() # verify if dir is not empty dl_dir = os.path.join(self.fetch_debs.output_dir, "downloads", "binary") if not os.listdir(dl_dir): logger.error("No debs fetched") return False logger.info("################ PATCH BUILD ################") logger.info("Download completed, building our patch") tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="patch_") os.chdir(tmpdir) tar = tarfile.open("software.tar", "w") # copy all files from dl_dir into the tar for file in os.listdir(dl_dir): logger.info(f"Saving file {file}") tar.add(os.path.join(dl_dir, file), arcname=file) # append deb name into metadata self.metadata.debs.append(file) tar.close() pre_install = self.metadata.pre_install post_install = self.metadata.post_install # pre/post install scripts if pre_install: logger.debug(f"Copying pre-install script: {pre_install}") self.copy_script("PRE_INSTALL", pre_install) if post_install: logger.debug(f"Copying post-install script: {post_install}") self.copy_script("POST_INSTALL", post_install) # if the patch includes the 'software' package we need to make deploy-precheck # script from .deb file accessible directly from patch file if 'software' in self.metadata.stx_packages: logger.info(f"Patch includes software package, getting script from deb file...") path_deployprecheck = self.get_file_from_deb(dl_dir, 'software', 'deploy-precheck') logger.debug(f"Copying deploy pre-check script: {path_deployprecheck}") self.copy_script("DEPLOY_PRECHECK", path_deployprecheck) if not pre_install and not post_install and self.metadata.reboot_required == 'N': logger.warn("In service patch without restart scripts provided") # Generate metadata.xml logger.debug("Generating metadata file") self.metadata.generate_patch_metadata("metadata.xml") tar = tarfile.open("metadata.tar", "w") tar.add("metadata.xml") tar.close() os.remove("metadata.xml") # Pack .patch file self.__sign_and_pack(self.patch_name) def copy_script(self, script_type, install_script): if not os.path.isfile(install_script): erro_msg = f"Install script {install_script} not found" logger.error(erro_msg) raise FileNotFoundError(erro_msg) # We check the type to correctly rename the file to a expected value script_name = PATCH_SCRIPTS.get(script_type, None) if script_name: logger.info(f"Renaming {install_script} to {script_name}") shutil.copy(install_script, f"./{script_name}") else: raise ValueError(f"Script type provided is not valid one: {script_type}") def get_file_from_deb(self, download_dir, package_name ,script_name): '''Get specific file from .deb :param download_dir: Full path of directory where the deb is downloaded :param package_name: Name of the package :param script_name: Name of file that should be searched :returns string: full path for the script file ''' # from download dir, search for {package_name}_*.deb package pkg_name = None for file in os.listdir(download_dir): if file.startswith(f'{package_name}_') and file.endswith('.deb'): pkg_name = file if not pkg_name: erro_msg = f'Unable to find {package_name} package inside download folder' logger.error(erro_msg) raise FileNotFoundError(erro_msg) deb_path = os.path.join(download_dir, pkg_name) # we create a temp folder and copy deb there tmpdir_deb = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='deb_') shutil.copy(deb_path, tmpdir_deb) # We first unpack deb file and get data.tar.xz from there cmd = ['ar', '-x', os.path.join(tmpdir_deb, pkg_name)] subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=tmpdir_deb) # With data.tar.xz, we try to find script file data_tar = tarfile.open(os.path.join(tmpdir_deb, 'data.tar.xz')) script_tarpath = None for member in data_tar.getnames(): if member.endswith(script_name): script_tarpath = member if not script_tarpath: erro_msg = f"Unable to find {script_name} inside data tar." logger.error(erro_msg) raise FileNotFoundError(erro_msg) # We extract said file to the temporary folder data_tar.extract(script_tarpath, path=tmpdir_deb) data_tar.close() return os.path.join(tmpdir_deb, script_tarpath) def __sign_and_pack(self, patch_file): """ Generates the patch signatures and pack the .patch file :param patch_file .patch file full path """ filelist = ["metadata.tar", "software.tar"] if self.metadata.pre_install: filelist.append(PATCH_SCRIPTS["PRE_INSTALL"]) if self.metadata.post_install: filelist.append(PATCH_SCRIPTS["POST_INSTALL"]) # Generate the local signature file logger.debug(f"Generating signature for patch files {filelist}") sig = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF for f in filelist: sig ^= self.get_md5(f) sigfile = open(mdsum_signature_file, "w") sigfile.write("%x" % sig) sigfile.close() # this comes from patch_functions write_patch # Generate the detached signature # # Note: if cert_type requests a formal signature, but the signing key # is not found, we'll instead sign with the "dev" key and # need_resign_with_formal is set to True. need_resign_with_formal = sign_files( filelist, detached_signature_file, cert_type=None) logger.info(f"Formal signing status: {need_resign_with_formal}") # Save files into .patch files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)] if not os.path.exists(PATCH_OUTPUT): os.makedirs(PATCH_OUTPUT) patch_full_path = os.path.join(PATCH_OUTPUT, patch_file) tar = tarfile.open(patch_full_path, "w:gz") for file in files: logger.info(f"Saving file {file}") tar.add(file) tar.close() logger.info(f"Patch file created {patch_full_path}") def __sign_official_patches(self, patch_file): """ Sign formal patch Called internally once a patch is created and formal flag is set to true :param patch_file full path to the patch file """ logger.info("Signing patch %s", patch_file) try: subprocess.check_call(["sign_patch_formal.sh", patch_file]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.exception("Failed to sign official patch. Call to sign_patch_formal.sh process returned non-zero exit status %i", e.returncode) except FileNotFoundError: logger.exception("sign_patch_formal.sh not found, make sure $STX_BUILD_HOME/repo/cgcs-root/build-tools is in the $PATH") @click.command() @click.option('--recipe', help='Patch recipe input XML file, examples are available under EXAMLES directory', required=True) @click.option('--name', help='Allow user to define name of the patch file. e.g.: test-sample-rr.patch. \ Name will default to patch_id if not defined', required=False) def build(recipe, name=None): patch_builder = PatchBuilder(recipe, name) patch_builder.build_patch() if __name__ == '__main__': build()