"""Provides a library of useful utilities for Robot Framework""" import os import configparser import logging import yaml from Utils import bash_utils as bash from Config import config # create the logger object LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def update_config_ini(**kwargs): """Update a specific config.ini This function update a the values from a specific config.ini file :param kwargs: this is a dict that will contains the following values: - config_ini: which is absolute path to the config.ini (obligatory variable) - config_section: which is the section to modify the variables (optional variable) - all others variables are dynamic and they are directly dependent of the existing values in the config.ini, e.g: *** How to use this function *** - Example 1: scenario : the config.ini has a unique variable in all sections update_config_ini( config_ini='path_to_config.init', LOG_PATH='some_value') where LOG_PATH is an existing value in the config.ini. You can use as many values you want, the only limitation is that these must exist in the config.init file. - Example 2: scenario: the config.ini has duplicates variables in several sections update_config_ini( config_ini='path_to_config.init', config_section='LOGICAL_INTERFACE_2', LOG_PATH='some_value') where LOGICAL_INTERFACE_2 is an existing section in the config.ini, please notice that the variables here must exists in the section specified. :return This function returns a tuple with the following values: - status: this can be the following values: 1. True, if some values from config.ini were modified 2. False, if there were no modifications - message: a message with descriptive information about the success/error """ status = False message = None if len(kwargs) < 2: raise RuntimeError('a minimum of two variables are expected') # obligatory variable config_ini = kwargs['config_ini'] # optional variable config_section = kwargs.get('config_section', False) if not os.path.exists(config_ini): raise IOError('{}: does not exists'.format(config_ini)) configurations = configparser.ConfigParser() # preserve the variables from config.ini in upper case configurations.optionxform = lambda option: option.upper() configurations.read(config_ini) # ------------------------ validation section --------------------------- # checking if the section given is valid (if any) if config_section and config_section not in configurations.sections(): message = '{}: section does not exists'.format(config_section) return status, message elif not config_section: # checking if the values are in more than one section duplicates = 0 for key, value in kwargs.items(): for section in configurations.sections(): if configurations.has_option(section, key): duplicates += 1 if duplicates > 1: status = False message = ('{}: is in more than one section, please ' 'set config_section'.format(key)) return status, message duplicates = 0 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- blacklist_keys = ['config_ini', 'config_section'] count = 0 # ------------------- update config values section ---------------------- if config_section: # (the user provides a config_section) # get a list of tuples without the values in the blacklist list values = [x for x in kwargs.items() if x[0] not in blacklist_keys] for _key, _value in values: try: _ = configurations[config_section][_key] except KeyError: message = '{}: key does not exists in the section :{}'.format( _key, config_section) return status, message else: configurations[config_section][_key] = _value count += 1 status = True else: # (the user does not provides a config_section only values) # modifying configurations according to the values for section in configurations.sections(): for item in configurations.items(section): for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == item[0]: configurations[section][item[0]] = value count += 1 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if count != 0: with open(config_ini, 'w') as configfile: configurations.write(configfile) status = True message = '{}: was updated successfully'.format(os.path.basename( config_ini)) return status, message def string_to_dict(string_table): """Convert string table to dictionary This function convert a string table output from a command executed in the controller node into a dictionary. Useful to parse the output in keys/values for Robot Framework. @param string_table: the string table to convert into a dictionary, it comes from the controller node through Robot Framework. :return: a dictionary with all the string table entries. """ # string_table variable comes from Robot Framework into a dictionary list # in unicode format, so we need the following # 1. converting string_table variable from unicode to ascii code # 2. split in a list with line breaks line_breaks_list = string_table['stdout'].encode('utf-8').split('\n') robot_dictionary = {} try: # getting the table headers without empty spaces table_headers = [ header.strip() for header in line_breaks_list[1].split('|')[1:-1] ] except IndexError: err_dict = { 'summary': { 'err': 'IndexError', 'cause': 'the command did not return a table' } } robot_dictionary.update(err_dict) return robot_dictionary # the blacklist is used for build the body variable without the index on it blacklist = [0, 1, 2, len(line_breaks_list) - 1] body = list(filter( lambda item: line_breaks_list.index(item) not in blacklist, line_breaks_list)) table_data = [[v.strip() for v in i.strip('|').split('|')] for i in body] robot_dictionary = { table_headers[0]: { i[0]: { k: v for k, v in zip(table_headers[1:], i[1:]) } for i in table_data } } return robot_dictionary def get_cmd_boot_line(): """Get a cmd boot line. This function build a custom cmd line in order to boot the startlingx iso :return: cmd: the cmd line for boot the iso. """ kernel_option = config.get('iso_installer', 'KERNEL_OPTION') vmlinuz = config.get('iso_installer', 'VMLINUZ') consoles = config.get('iso_installer', 'CONSOLES') serial = config.get('iso_installer', 'SERIAL') opts_1 = config.get('iso_installer', 'OPTS_1') sys_type_1 = config.get('iso_installer', 'SYS_TYPE_1') sys_type_2 = config.get('iso_installer', 'SYS_TYPE_2') sys_type_3 = config.get('iso_installer', 'SYS_TYPE_3') opts_2 = config.get('iso_installer', 'OPTS_2') sec_prof_1 = config.get('iso_installer', 'SEC_PROF_1') sec_prof_2 = config.get('iso_installer', 'SEC_PROF_2') initrd = config.get('iso_installer', 'INITRD') cmd = False serial = '{vmlinuz} {consoles} {ser} {opts}'.format( vmlinuz=vmlinuz, consoles=consoles, ser=serial, opts=opts_1) no_serial = '{vmlinuz} {consoles} {opts}'.format( vmlinuz=vmlinuz, consoles=consoles, opts=opts_1) if kernel_option == '0': cmd = ('{serial} {sys_type} {opts} {sec_prof} {initrd}'.format( serial=serial, sys_type=sys_type_1, opts=opts_2, sec_prof=sec_prof_1, initrd=initrd)) elif kernel_option == 'S0': cmd = ('{serial} {sys_type} {opts} {sec_prof} {initrd}'.format( serial=serial, sys_type=sys_type_1, opts=opts_2, sec_prof=sec_prof_2, initrd=initrd)) elif kernel_option == '1': cmd = ('{no_serial} {sys_type} {opts} {sec_prof} {initrd}'.format( no_serial=no_serial, sys_type=sys_type_1, opts=opts_2, sec_prof=sec_prof_1, initrd=initrd)) elif kernel_option == 'S1': cmd = ('{no_serial} {sys_type} {opts} {sec_prof} {initrd}'.format( no_serial=no_serial, sys_type=sys_type_1, opts=opts_2, sec_prof=sec_prof_2, initrd=initrd)) elif kernel_option == '2': cmd = ('{serial} {sys_type} {opts} {sec_prof} {initrd}'.format( serial=serial, sys_type=sys_type_2, opts=opts_2, sec_prof=sec_prof_1, initrd=initrd)) elif kernel_option == 'S2': cmd = ('{serial} {sys_type} {opts} {sec_prof} {initrd}'.format( serial=serial, sys_type=sys_type_2, opts=opts_2, sec_prof=sec_prof_2, initrd=initrd)) elif kernel_option == '3': cmd = ('{no_serial} {sys_type} {opts} {sec_prof} {initrd}'.format( no_serial=no_serial, sys_type=sys_type_2, opts=opts_2, sec_prof=sec_prof_1, initrd=initrd)) elif kernel_option == 'S3': cmd = ('{no_serial} {sys_type} {opts} {sec_prof} {initrd}'.format( no_serial=no_serial, sys_type=sys_type_2, opts=opts_2, sec_prof=sec_prof_2, initrd=initrd)) elif kernel_option == '4': cmd = ('{serial} {sys_type} {opts} {sec_prof} {initrd}'.format( serial=serial, sys_type=sys_type_3, opts=opts_2, sec_prof=sec_prof_1, initrd=initrd)) elif kernel_option == 'S4': cmd = ('{serial} {sys_type} {opts} {sec_prof} {initrd}'.format( serial=serial, sys_type=sys_type_3, opts=opts_2, sec_prof=sec_prof_2, initrd=initrd)) elif kernel_option == '5': cmd = ('{no_serial} {sys_type} {opts} {sec_prof} {initrd}'.format( no_serial=no_serial, sys_type=sys_type_3, opts=opts_2, sec_prof=sec_prof_1, initrd=initrd)) elif kernel_option == 'S5': cmd = ('{no_serial} {sys_type} {opts} {sec_prof} {initrd}'.format( no_serial=no_serial, sys_type=sys_type_3, opts=opts_2, sec_prof=sec_prof_2, initrd=initrd)) return cmd def grub_checker(iso, mode, grub_option, grub_cmd): """Check a grub cmd boot line against the ones in the StarlingX ISO file This function compare the grub cmd boot line built from get_cmd_boot_line function against a StarlingX ISO file in order to check if this is still valid. Basically check if all the arguments from the ISO contains them in the built one from the get_cmd_boot_line function. :param iso: the iso to mount. :param mode: the mode to check the grub cmd line, this can be vbios/uefi. :param grub_option: the boot line to compare which could have the following values: - 0: Standard Controller Configuration > Serial Console > Standard Security Boot Profile. - S0: Standard Controller Configuration > Serial Console > Extended Security Boot Profile - 1: Standard Controller Configuration > Graphical Console > Standard Security Boot Profile - S1: Standard Controller Configuration > Graphical Console > Extended Security Boot Profile - 2: All-in-one Controller Configuration > Serial Console > Standard Security Boot Profile - S2: All-in-one Controller Configuration > Serial Console > Extended Security Boot Profile - 3: All-in-one Controller Configuration > Graphical Console > Standard Security Boot Profile - S3 All-in-one Controller Configuration > Graphical Console > Extended Security Boot Profile - 4: All-in-one (lowlatency) Controller Configuration > Serial Console > Standard Security Boot Profile - S4: All-in-one (lowlatency) Controller Configuration > Serial Console > Extended Security Boot Profile - 5: All-in-one (lowlatency) Controller Configuration > Graphical Console > Standard Security Boot Profile - S5: All-in-one (lowlatency) Controller Configuration > Graphical Console > Extended Security Boot Profile :param grub_cmd: the cmd line built from get_cmd_boot_line function :return - match: if the grub_cmd has all the elements from the iso - mismatch: if the grub_cmd does not have all the elements from the iso """ allowed_grub_options = [ '0', 'S0', '1', 'S1', '2', 'S2', '3', 'S3', '4', 'S4', '5', 'S5'] if grub_option not in allowed_grub_options: raise KeyError('grub boot number does not exists') mount_point = '/tmp/cdrom' if os.path.exists(mount_point) and os.path.ismount(mount_point): bash.run_command('sudo umount -l {}'.format(mount_point), raise_exception=True) elif not os.path.exists(mount_point): os.makedirs(mount_point) # mounting the iso file bash.run_command('sudo mount -o loop {} {}'.format(iso, mount_point), raise_exception=True) if mode == 'vbios': grub = '{}/syslinux.cfg'.format(mount_point) regex = '-e "label [0-9]" -e "label [A-Z][0-9]" -e append' grub_extracted_lines = bash.run_command('grep {} {}'.format( regex, grub)) grub_option_list = grub_extracted_lines[1].split('\n') key_dict = [] values_dict = [] # Filling the lists for line in grub_option_list: current_line = line.strip() if current_line.startswith('label'): key_dict.append(current_line.replace('label ', '')) elif current_line.startswith('append'): values_dict.append(current_line) # zipping the list in only one as a list of tuples grub_list = zip(key_dict, values_dict) grub_dict = dict() # creating a dict with the grub entries for key, value in grub_list: grub_dict[key] = value # comparing the grub boot line from the ISO with the one obtained from # get_cmd_boot_line function iso_boot_line = grub_dict[grub_option].split() # removing blacklist elements from iso_boot_line blacklist = [ i for i, word in enumerate(iso_boot_line) if word.startswith('console') ] for index in blacklist: del iso_boot_line[index] if set(grub_cmd.split()).issuperset(set(iso_boot_line)): status = 'match' else: status = 'mismatch' diff = [ element for element in iso_boot_line if element not in grub_cmd.split()] LOG.warning('missed params from cmd grub line') for element in diff: LOG.warning(element) elif mode == 'uefi': raise NotImplementedError else: raise IndexError('{}: not allowed'.format(mode)) # dismount the mount_point bash.run_command('sudo umount -l {}'.format(mount_point), raise_exception=True) return status def get_controllers_ip(env, config_file, config_type, lab_file): """Get IPs of the controllers from the specific stx configuration file Args: - config_file: The stx-configuration.ini file - config_type: The type of configuration selected from the command line. Return: - controller_data: Dictionary with the key name and the IP of the controllers """ # Read Configurtion File conf = yaml.safe_load(open(config_file)) cont_data = {} # Get Controllers IP's if config_type == 'simplex': cont_data['IP_UNIT_0_ADDRESS'] = conf['external_oam_floating_address'] cont_data['IP_UNIT_1_ADDRESS'] = '' else: cont_data['IP_UNIT_0_ADDRESS'] = conf['external_oam_node_0_address'] cont_data['IP_UNIT_1_ADDRESS'] = conf['external_oam_node_1_address'] if env == 'baremetal': # Get phyisical interfaces conf_lab = yaml.safe_load(open(lab_file)) cont_data['OAM_IF'] = conf_lab['nodes']['controller-0']['oam_if'] cont_data['MGMT_IF'] = conf_lab['nodes']['controller-0']['mgmt_if'] return cont_data