
409 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright (c) 2019 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from pytest import mark, fixture, skip
from consts.auth import HostLinuxUser
from consts.stx import EventLogID
from keywords import system_helper, common
from utils.clients.ssh import ControllerClient
from utils.tis_log import LOG
files_to_delete = []
@fixture(scope='module', autouse=True)
def ima_precheck():
This tests if the system is enabled with IMA. If not, we
should skip IMA-related tests.
LOG.info("Checking if IMA is enabled")
con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller()
exitcode, output = con_ssh.exec_cmd("cat /proc/cmdline")
if "extended" not in output:
skip("IMA must be enabled in order to run this test")
LOG.info("IMA is enabled")
def delete_files(request):
global files_to_delete
files_to_delete = []
def teardown():
Delete any created files on teardown.
for filename in files_to_delete:
def checksum_compare(source_file, dest_file):
This does a checksum comparison of two files. It returns True if the
checksum matches, and False if it doesn't.
con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller()
LOG.info("Compare checksums on source file and destination file")
cmd = "getfattr -m . -d {}"
exitcode, source_sha = con_ssh.exec_cmd(cmd.format(source_file))
LOG.info("Raw source file checksum is: {}".format(source_sha))
source_sha2 = source_sha.split("\n")
print("This is source_sha2: {}".format(source_sha2))
assert source_sha2 != [''], "No signature on source file"
if source_file.startswith("/"):
source_sha = source_sha2[2] + " " + source_sha2[3]
source_sha = source_sha2[1] + " " + source_sha2[2]
LOG.info("Extracted source file checksum: {}".format(source_sha))
exitcode, dest_sha = con_ssh.exec_cmd(cmd.format(dest_file))
LOG.info("Raw symlink checksum is: {}".format(dest_sha))
dest_sha2 = dest_sha.split("\n")
if dest_file.startswith("/"):
dest_sha = dest_sha2[2] + " " + dest_sha2[3]
dest_sha = dest_sha2[1] + " " + dest_sha2[2]
LOG.info("Extracted destination file checksum: {}".format(dest_sha))
if source_sha == dest_sha:
return True
return False
def create_symlink(source_file, dest_file, sudo=True):
This creates a symlink given a source filename and a destination filename.
LOG.info("Creating symlink to {} called {}".format(source_file, dest_file))
cmd = "ln -sf {} {}".format(source_file, dest_file)
_exec_cmd(cmd=cmd, sudo=sudo, fail_ok=False)
def delete_file(filename, sudo=True):
This deletes a file.
LOG.info("Deleting file {}".format(filename))
cmd = "rm {}".format(filename)
_exec_cmd(cmd=cmd, sudo=sudo, fail_ok=False)
def chmod_file(filename, permissions, sudo=True):
This modifies permissions of a file
LOG.info("Changing file permissions for {}".format(filename))
cmd = "chmod {} {}".format(permissions, filename)
_exec_cmd(cmd=cmd, sudo=sudo, fail_ok=False)
def chgrp_file(filename, group, sudo=True):
This modifies the group ownership of a file
LOG.info("Changing file permissions for {}".format(filename))
cmd = "chgrp {} {}".format(group, filename)
_exec_cmd(cmd=cmd, sudo=sudo, fail_ok=False)
def chown_file(filename, file_owner, sudo=True):
This modifies the user that owns the file
LOG.info("Changing the user that owns {}".format(filename))
cmd = "chown {} {}".format(file_owner, filename)
_exec_cmd(cmd=cmd, sudo=sudo, fail_ok=False)
def copy_file(source_file, dest_file, sudo=True, preserve=True, cleanup=None):
This creates a copy of a file
sudo (bool): whether to copy with sudo
cleanup (None|str): source or dest. Add source or dest file to files to
delete list
preserve (bool): whether to preserve attributes of source file
LOG.info("Copy file {} preserve attributes".format('and' if preserve
else 'without'))
preserve_str = '--preserve=all ' if preserve else ''
cmd = "cp {} {}{}".format(source_file, preserve_str, dest_file)
_exec_cmd(cmd, sudo=sudo, fail_ok=False)
if cleanup:
file_path = source_file if cleanup == 'source' else dest_file
def move_file(source_file, dest_file, sudo=True):
This moves a file from source to destination
LOG.info("Copy file and preserve attributes")
cmd = "mv {} {}".format(source_file, dest_file)
_exec_cmd(cmd=cmd, sudo=sudo, fail_ok=False)
def create_and_execute(file_path, sudo=True):
LOG.tc_step("Create a new {} file and execute it".format('root' if sudo
else 'non-root'))
cmd = "touch {}".format(file_path)
_exec_cmd(cmd=cmd, sudo=sudo, fail_ok=False)
LOG.info("Set file to be executable")
chmod_file(file_path, "755", sudo=sudo)
LOG.info("Append to copy of monitored file")
cmd = 'echo "ls" | {}tee -a {}'.format('sudo -S ' if sudo else '',
_exec_cmd(cmd=cmd, sudo=False, fail_ok=False)
LOG.info("Execute created file")
_exec_cmd(file_path, sudo=sudo, fail_ok=False)
@mark.priorities('nightly', 'sx_nightly')
@mark.parametrize(('operation', 'file_path'), [
('create_symlink', '/usr/sbin/ntpq'),
('copy_and_execute', '/usr/sbin/ntpq'),
('change_file_attributes', '/usr/sbin/ntpq'),
('create_and_execute', 'new_nonroot_file')
def test_ima_no_event(operation, file_path):
This test validates following scenarios will not generate IMA event:
- create symlink of a monitored file
- copy a root file with the proper IMA signature, the nexcute it
- make file attribute changes, include: chgrp, chown, chmod
- create and execute a files as sysadmin
Test Steps:
- Perform specified operation on given file
- Confirm IMA violation event is not triggered
- Delete created test file
Maps to TC_17684/TC_17644/TC_17640/TC_17902 from US105523
This test also covers TC_17665/T_16397 from US105523 (FM Event Log Updates)
start_time = common.get_date_in_format()
source_file = file_path
con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller()
LOG.tc_step("{} for {}".format(operation, source_file))
if operation == 'create_symlink':
dest_file = "my_symlink"
create_symlink(source_file, dest_file)
checksum_match = checksum_compare(source_file, dest_file)
assert checksum_match, "SHA256 checksum should match source file and " \
"the symlink but didn't"
elif operation == 'copy_and_execute':
dest_file = "/usr/sbin/TEMP"
copy_file(source_file, dest_file)
LOG.info("Execute the copied file")
con_ssh.exec_sudo_cmd("{} -p".format(dest_file))
elif operation == 'change_file_attributes':
if HostLinuxUser.get_home() != 'sysadmin':
skip('sysadmin user is required to run this test')
dest_file = "/usr/sbin/TEMP"
copy_file(source_file, dest_file)
LOG.info("Change permission of copy")
chmod_file(dest_file, "777")
LOG.info("Changing group ownership of file")
chgrp_file(dest_file, "sys_protected")
LOG.info("Changing file ownership")
chown_file(dest_file, "sysadmin:sys_protected")
elif operation == 'create_and_execute':
dest_file = "{}/TEMP".format(HostLinuxUser.get_home())
create_and_execute(file_path=dest_file, sudo=False)
LOG.tc_step("Ensure no IMA events are raised")
events_found = system_helper.wait_for_events(start=start_time,
timeout=60, num=10,
fail_ok=True, strict=False)
assert not events_found, "Unexpected IMA events found"
def _exec_cmd(cmd, con_ssh=None, sudo=False, fail_ok=True):
if not con_ssh:
con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller()
if sudo:
return con_ssh.exec_sudo_cmd(cmd, fail_ok=fail_ok)
return con_ssh.exec_cmd(cmd, fail_ok=fail_ok)
@mark.priorities('nightly', 'sx_nightly')
@mark.parametrize(('operation', 'file_path'), [
('edit_and_execute', '/usr/sbin/ntpq'),
('append_and_execute', '/usr/sbin/logrotate'),
('replace_library', '/lib64/libcrypt.so.1'),
('create_and_execute', 'new_root_file')
def test_ima_event_generation(operation, file_path):
Following IMA violation scenarios are covered:
- append/edit data to/of a monitored file, result in changing of the
- dynamic library changes
- create and execute a files as sysadmin
Test Steps:
- Perform specified file operations
- Check IMA violation event is logged
con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller()
start_time = common.get_date_in_format()
source_file = file_path
backup_file = None
if operation in ('edit_and_execute', 'append_and_execute'):
dest_file = "/usr/sbin/TEMP"
copy_file(source_file, dest_file, cleanup='dest')
if operation == 'edit_and_execute':
LOG.tc_step("Open copy of monitored file and save")
cmd = "vim {} '+:wq!'".format(dest_file)
con_ssh.exec_sudo_cmd(cmd, fail_ok=False)
execute_cmd = "{} -p".format(dest_file)
LOG.tc_step("Append to copy of monitored file")
cmd = 'echo "output" | sudo -S tee -a /usr/sbin/TEMP'
con_ssh.exec_cmd(cmd, fail_ok=False)
LOG.tc_step("Execute modified file")
execute_cmd = "{}".format(dest_file)
LOG.tc_step("Execute modified file")
elif operation == 'replace_library':
backup_file = "/root/{}".format(source_file.split('/')[-1])
dest_file_nocsum = "/root/TEMP"
LOG.info("Backup source file {} to {}".format(source_file, backup_file))
copy_file(source_file, backup_file)
LOG.info("Copy the library without the checksum")
copy_file(source_file, dest_file_nocsum, preserve=False)
LOG.info("Replace the library with the unsigned one")
move_file(dest_file_nocsum, source_file)
elif operation == 'create_and_execute':
dest_file = "{}/TEMP".format(HostLinuxUser.get_home())
create_and_execute(file_path=dest_file, sudo=True)
LOG.tc_step("Check for IMA event")
ima_events = system_helper.wait_for_events(start=start_time,
timeout=60, num=10,
state='log', severity='major',
fail_ok=True, strict=False)
if backup_file:
LOG.info("Restore backup file {} to {}".format(backup_file,
move_file(backup_file, source_file)
assert ima_events, "IMA event is not generated after {} on " \
"{}".format(operation, file_path)
@mark.priorities('nightly', 'sx_nightly')
def test_ima_keyring_protection():
This test validates that the IMA keyring is safe from user space attacks.
Test Steps:
- Attempt to add new keys to the keyring
- Extract key ID and save
- Attempt to change the key timeout
- Attempt to change the group and ownership of the key
- Attempt to delete the key
This test maps to TC_17667/T_16387 from US105523 (IMA keyring is safe from
user space attacks)
con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller()
LOG.info("Extract ima key ID")
exitcode, msg = con_ssh.exec_sudo_cmd("cat /proc/keys | grep _ima")
raw_key_id = msg.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[0]
key_id = "0x{}".format(raw_key_id)
LOG.info("Extracted key is: {}".format(key_id))
LOG.info("Attempting to add new keys to keyring")
exitcode, msg = con_ssh.exec_sudo_cmd("keyctl add keyring TEST stuff "
assert exitcode != 0, \
"Key addition should have failed but instead succeeded"
LOG.info("Attempt to change the timeout on a key")
exitcode, msg = con_ssh.exec_sudo_cmd("keyctl timeout {} "
assert exitcode != 0, \
"Key timeout modification should be rejected but instead succeeded"
LOG.info("Attempt to change the group of a key")
exitcode, msg = con_ssh.exec_sudo_cmd("keyctl chgrp {} 0".format(key_id))
assert exitcode != 0, \
"Key group modification should be rejected but instead succeeded"
LOG.info("Attempt to change the ownership of a key")
exitcode, msg = con_ssh.exec_sudo_cmd("keyctl chown {} 1875".format(key_id))
assert exitcode != 0, \
"Key ownership modification should be rejected but instead succeeded"
LOG.info("Attempt to delete a key")
exitcode, msg = con_ssh.exec_sudo_cmd("keyctl clear {}".format(key_id))
assert exitcode != 0, \
"Key ownership deletion should be rejected but instead succeeded"