
146 lines
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"""Manages execution of bash commands.
Executes bash commands in the underlying system and formats the output
in a consistent manner.
The functions that belong to this package are the ones that meet this criteria:
- All those that rely on running a command in the shell (bash) to work.
- All those related to printing/formatting messages for the console.
- This module should only include functions that are not related with a
specific application.
Note: Since a lot of functions in this package need to run a in a shell, this
package should most of the times only be used in Linux.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import re
import subprocess
# Defines a color schema for messages.
PURPLE = '\033[95m'
BLUE = '\033[94m'
GREEN = '\033[92m'
YELLOW = '\033[93m'
RED = '\033[91m'
CYAN = '\033[96m'
GREY = '\033[90m'
BLACK = '\033[90m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
DEFAULT = '\033[99m'
END = '\033[0m'
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Functions for printing formatted messages in the console
# --------------------------------------------------------
def message(message_type, msg, end_string=None):
"""Wrapper that provides format to messages based on message type.
The function prints messages of the following type:
'>>> (success) hello world'
'>>> (err) bye bye world'
:param message_type: specifies the type of message
:param msg: the message to be formatted
:param end_string: specifies a different character to end the
message, if None is specified it uses a newline
if message_type == 'err':
print(RED + '>>> (err) ' + END + msg, end=end_string)
elif message_type == 'warn':
print(YELLOW + '>>> (warn) ' + END + msg, end=end_string)
elif message_type == 'info':
print(BLUE + '>>> (info) ' + END + msg, end=end_string)
elif message_type == 'ok':
print(GREEN + '>>> (success) ' + END + msg, end=end_string)
elif message_type == 'statistics':
print(CYAN + '>>> (data) ' + END + msg, end=end_string)
elif message_type == 'cmd':
print(CYAN + '>>> (cmd) ' + END + msg, end=end_string)
elif message_type == 'skip':
BLUE + '>>> (info) ' + END + msg + ' ... [' + YELLOW + 'SKIP' +
END + ']', end=end_string)
raise ValueError('Invalid argument.')
def load_openrc_env_variables():
"""Loading OpenStack credentials
This function will load environment variables needed to run OpenStack
commands through CLI and will return this variables to robot framework
:returns: dictionary -- with environment variables containing OpenStack
credentials loaded.
command = ['bash', '-c', 'source /etc/nova/openrc && env']
proc = subprocess.Popen(
command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, executable='/bin/bash')
for line in proc.stdout:
(key, _, value) = line.partition('=')
os.environ[key] = value[:-1]
return dict(os.environ)
# -------------------------------------------
# Functions for running commands in the shell
# -------------------------------------------
def run_command(command, raise_exception=False):
"""Runs a shell command in the host.
:param command: the command to be executed
:param raise_exception: if is setup as True it will raise a exception if
the command was not executed correctly
:return: a tuple that contains the exit code of the command executed,
and the output message of the command.
proc = subprocess.Popen(
command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True,
output, error = proc.communicate()
output = output.strip() if output else output
error = error.strip() if error else error
if raise_exception and proc.returncode != 0:
raise RuntimeError('{}: {}'.format(command, error or output))
return proc.returncode, error or output
# ---------------------------------------------
# Functions that rely on running shell commands
# ---------------------------------------------
def is_process_running(process, pid_to_exclude=''):
"""Checks if a process is running.
:param process: the process to check. This can either be a PID or the
command used to start the process
:param pid_to_exclude: int values are accepted only. If this param is set,
this function will exclude the pid on this variable.
True: if the process is still running.
False: if the process has finished (was not found)
ps_aux = subprocess.Popen(['ps', 'axw'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for element in ps_aux.stdout:
if re.search(process, element.decode('utf-8')):
pid = int(element.split()[0])
if pid_to_exclude and pid == pid_to_exclude:
return True
return False