
155 lines
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"""Provides a library of useful utilities.
This module provides a list of general purpose utilities. Those functions that
are part of a larger domain, for example functions related to networking,
should be provided by a different module.
This module should only include functions that are not related with a
specific application, in other words these methods should be application
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import timeit
import pwd
from bash import bash as ebash
from Config import config
import Utils.bash_utils as bash
def find_owner(element):
"""Find the owner of a file or folder
:param element: which can be a file or folder to check
- the user that own the file or folder
return pwd.getpwuid(os.stat(element).st_uid).pw_name
def isdir(path, sudo=True):
"""Validates if a directory exist in a host.
:param path: the path of the directory to be validated
:param sudo: this needs to be set to True for directories that require
root permission
:return: True if the directory exists, False otherwise
status, _ = bash.run_command(
'{prefix}test -d {path}'.format(
path=path, prefix='sudo ' if sudo else ''))
exist = True if not status else False
return exist
def isfile(path, sudo=True):
"""Validates if a file exist in a host.
:param path: the absolute path of the file to be validated
:param sudo: this needs to be set to True for files that require
root permission
:return: True if the file exists, False otherwise
status, _ = bash.run_command(
'{prefix}test -f {path}'.format(
path=path, prefix='sudo ' if sudo else ''))
exist = True if not status else False
return exist
def timer(action, print_elapsed_time=True):
"""Function that works as a timer, with a start/stop button.
:param action: the action to perform, the valid options are:
- start: start a counter for an operation
- stop: stop the current time
:param print_elapsed_time: if set to False the message is not printed to
console, only returned
:return: the elapsed_time string variable
elapsed_time = 0
if action.lower() == 'start':
start = timeit.default_timer()
os.environ['START_TIME'] = str(start)
elif action.lower() == 'stop':
if 'START_TIME' not in os.environ:
bash.message('err', 'you need to start the timer first')
return None
stop = timeit.default_timer()
total_time = stop - float(os.environ['START_TIME'])
del os.environ['START_TIME']
# output running time in a nice format.
minutes, seconds = divmod(total_time, 60)
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
elapsed_time = 'elapsed time ({h}h:{m}m:{s}s)'.format(
h=0 if round(hours, 2) == 0.0 else round(hours, 2),
m=0 if round(minutes, 2) == 0.0 else round(minutes, 2),
s=round(seconds, 2))
if print_elapsed_time:
bash.message('info', elapsed_time)
bash.message('err', '{0}: not allowed'.format(action))
return elapsed_time
def clean_qemu_environment():
"""Clean Qemu/Libvirt environment
This function clean the environment in the current host fulfilling the
following functions:
1. shutting down the current VMs running
2. removing them from Virtual Machine Manager
3. delete their partitions
images_path = '/var/lib/libvirt/images'
vms = ebash(
"virsh list --all | awk 'NR>2 {print $2}'").stdout.strip().split()
partitions = ebash('sudo ls {} | grep .img$'.format(
for vm in vms:
# check if the current image is running to shutting down
cmd = ebash('sudo virsh domstate {}'.format(vm))
stdout = cmd.stdout.strip()
stderr = cmd.stderr.strip()
if stdout == 'running' and 'failed to get domain' not in stderr:
# the vm is running
ebash('sudo virsh destroy {}'.format(vm))
# removing controller/compute from Virtual Machine Manager
'sudo virsh undefine {} --remove-all-storage --snapshots-metadata'
for partition in partitions:
ebash('sudo rm {}/{}'.format(images_path, partition))
def qemu_configuration_files():
"""Custom Qemu configuration files"""
xml = config.get('qemu', 'XML')
config_file = config.get('qemu', 'CONFIG_FILE')
if os.path.isfile(xml):
# deleting default libvirt networks configuration
ebash('sudo rm -rf {}'.format(xml))
parameters = ['user = "root"', 'group = "root"']
for param in parameters:
stdout = ebash("sudo cat {0} | grep -w '^{1}'".format(
config_file, param)).stdout
if not stdout:
# the param not in config_file
ebash("echo '{0}' | sudo tee -a {1}".format(param, config_file))