import yaml import os import sys, getopt, getpass import subprocess import hashlib import tarfile import re import shutil from urllib import request SCHEMA_CHART_TEMPLATE = 'template/armada-chart.template' SCHEMA_CHARTGROUP_TEMPLATE = 'template/armada-chartgroup.template' SCHEMA_MANIFEST_TEMPLATE = 'template/armada-manifest.template' BIN_FETCH_CHART_INFO = 'bin/' TEMP_USER_DIR = '/tmp/' + getpass.getuser() + '/' # Temp app work dir to hold git repo and upstream tarball # TEMP_APP_DIR = TEMP_USER_DIR/appName TEMP_APP_DIR = '' APP_GEN_PY_PATH = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] def to_camel_case(s): return s[0].lower() + s.title().replace('_','')[1:] if s else s class ArmadaApplication: def __init__(self, app_data): # Initialize application config self._armada_app = {} # 'appName', 'namespace', 'version' are checked in check_manifest() self._armada_app['appName'] = app_data['appName'] self._armada_app['namespace'] = app_data['namespace'] self._armada_app['version'] = app_data['version'] # Initialize manifest self._armada_manifest = app_data['manifest'] # Initialize chartgroup self._armada_chartgroup = app_data['chartGroup'] # Initialize chart self._armada_chart = app_data['chart'] # add namespace and prefix to each chart # 'namespace', 'releasePrefix' are checked in check_manifest() for i in range(len(self._armada_chart)): self._armada_chart[i]['namespace'] = self._armada_app['namespace'] self._armada_chart[i]['releasePrefix'] = self._armada_manifest['releasePrefix'] # TODO: Validate values def _validate_app_values(self, app_data): return True # TODO: Validate values def _validate_manifest_values(self, manifest_data): return True # TODO: Validate values def _validate_chartgroup_values(self, chartgroup_data): return True # TODO: Validate values def _validate_chart_values(self, chart_data): return True def _validate_app_attributes(self): if not self._validate_app_values(self._armada_app): return False if not self._validate_manifest_values(self._armada_manifest): return False if not self._validate_chartgroup_values(self._armada_chartgroup): return False if not self._validate_chart_values(self._armada_chart): return False return True def get_app_name(self): return self._armada_app['appName'] def _package_helm_chart(self, chart): path = chart['path'] # lint helm chart cmd_lint = ['helm', 'lint', path] subproc =, env=os.environ.copy(), \ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if subproc.returncode == 0: print(str(subproc.stdout, encoding = 'utf-8')) else: print(str(subproc.stderr, encoding = 'utf-8')) return False # package helm chart cmd_package = ['helm', 'package', path, '--save=false', \ '--destination=' + self._armada_app['outputChartDir']] subproc =, env=os.environ.copy(), \ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if subproc.returncode == 0: output = str(subproc.stdout, encoding = 'utf-8') print(output) # capture tarball name for words in output.split('/'): if 'tgz' in words: chart['tarballName'] = words.rstrip('\n') else: print(subproc.stderr) return False return True # pyyaml does not support writing yaml block with initial indent # add initial indent for yaml block substitution def _write_yaml_to_manifest(self, key, src, init_indent): target = {} # add heading key target[key] = src lines = yaml.safe_dump(target).split('\n') # remove ending space lines.pop() indents = ' ' * init_indent for i in range(len(lines)): lines[i] = indents + lines[i] # restore ending '\n' return '\n'.join(lines) + '\n' def _substitute_values(self, in_line, dicts): out_line = in_line pattern = re.compile('\$.+?\$') results = pattern.findall(out_line) if results: for result in results: result_word = result.strip('$').split('%') value_key = result_word[0] value_default = '' if len(result_word) > 1: value_default = result_word[1] # underscore case to camel case value = to_camel_case(value_key) if value in dicts: out_line = out_line.replace(result, str(dicts[value])) elif value_default: out_line = out_line.replace(result, value_default) if out_line == in_line: return out_line, False else: return out_line, True def _substitute_blocks(self, in_line, dicts): out_line = in_line result ='@\S+\|\d+@',out_line) if result: block_key ='@').split('|') key = block_key[0].lower() indent = int(block_key[1]) if key in dicts: out_line = self._write_yaml_to_manifest(key, dicts[key], indent) else: out_line = '' return out_line # Fetch info from helm chart to fill # the values that needs to be substituted # Below info are needed: # - waitLabelKey # - chartArcname # def _fetch_info_from_chart(self, chart_idx): a_chart = self._armada_chart[chart_idx] bin_fetch_script = APP_GEN_PY_PATH + '/' + BIN_FETCH_CHART_INFO # waitLabelKey # search for the key of label which indicates '.Release.Name' # within deployment, statefulset, daemonset yaml file cmd = [bin_fetch_script, 'waitlabel', a_chart['path']] subproc =, env=os.environ.copy(), \ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if subproc.returncode == 0: output = str(subproc.stdout, encoding = 'utf-8') if output.strip(): a_chart['waitLabelKey'] = output.strip() if 'waitLabelKey' not in a_chart: print("The label which indicates .Release.Name is not found in %s" % a_chart['name']) return False # chartArcname is the helm chart name in Chart.yaml # it is used as tarball arcname during helm package cmd = [bin_fetch_script, 'chartname', a_chart['path']] subproc =, env=os.environ.copy(), \ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if subproc.returncode == 0: output = str(subproc.stdout, encoding = 'utf-8') if output.strip(): a_chart['chartArcname'] = output.strip() if 'chartArcname' not in a_chart: print("The name within Chart.yaml of chart %s folder is not found" % a_chart['name']) return False return True # Sub-process of app generation # lint and package helm chart # TODO: sub-chart dependency check # def _gen_helm_chart_tarball(self, chart): ret = False path = '' print('Processing chart %s...' % chart['name']) # check pathtype of the chart if chart['_pathType'] is 'git': gitname = '' # download git if not os.path.exists(TEMP_APP_DIR): os.makedirs(TEMP_APP_DIR) # if the git folder exists, check git name and use that folder # otherwise git clone from upstream if not os.path.exists(TEMP_APP_DIR + chart['_gitname']): saved_pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(TEMP_APP_DIR) cmd = ['git', 'clone', chart['path']] subproc =, env=os.environ.copy(), \ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if subproc.returncode != 0: output = str(subproc.stderr, encoding = 'utf-8') print(output) print('Error: git clone %s failed' % chart['_gitname']) os.chdir(saved_pwd) return False os.chdir(saved_pwd) else: # git pull to ensure folder up-to-date saved_pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(TEMP_APP_DIR + chart['_gitname']) cmd = ['git', 'pull'] subproc =, env=os.environ.copy(), \ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if subproc.returncode != 0: output = str(subproc.stderr, encoding = 'utf-8') print(output) print('Error: git pull for %s failed' % chart['_gitname']) os.chdir(saved_pwd) return False os.chdir(saved_pwd) path = TEMP_APP_DIR + chart['_gitname'] + '/' + chart['subpath'] elif chart['_pathType'] is 'tarball': if not os.path.exists(TEMP_APP_DIR): os.makedirs(TEMP_APP_DIR) try: # check whether it's a url or local tarball if not os.path.exists(chart['path']): # download tarball tarpath = TEMP_APP_DIR + chart['_tarname'] + '.tgz' if not os.path.exists(tarpath): res = request.urlopen(chart['path']) with open(tarpath, 'wb') as f: f.write( else: tarpath = chart['path'] # extract tarball chart_tar =, 'r:gz') chart_files = chart_tar.getnames() # get tar arcname for packaging helm chart process # TODO: compatible with the case that there is no arcname chart['_tarArcname'] = chart_files[0].split('/')[0] if not os.path.exists(chart['_tarArcname']): for chart_file in chart_files: chart_tar.extract(chart_file, TEMP_APP_DIR) chart_tar.close() except Exception as e: print('Error: %s' % e) return False path = TEMP_APP_DIR + chart['_tarArcname'] + '/' + chart['subpath'] elif chart['_pathType'] is 'dir': path = chart['path'] # update chart path # remove ending '/' chart['path'] = path.rstrip('/') # lint and package ret = self._package_helm_chart(chart) return ret # Sub-process of app generation # generate application manifest file # def _gen_armada_manifest(self): # check manifest file existance manifest_file = self._armada_app['outputDir'] + '/' + self._armada_app['appName'] + '.yaml' if os.path.exists(manifest_file): os.remove(manifest_file) # update schema path to abspath chart_template = APP_GEN_PY_PATH + '/' + SCHEMA_CHART_TEMPLATE chartgroup_template = APP_GEN_PY_PATH + '/' + SCHEMA_CHARTGROUP_TEMPLATE manifest_template = APP_GEN_PY_PATH + '/' + SCHEMA_MANIFEST_TEMPLATE # generate chart schema try: with open(chart_template, 'r') as f: chart_schema = f.readlines() except IOError: print('File %s not found' % chart_template) return False with open(manifest_file, 'a') as f: # iterate each armada_chart for idx in range(len(self._armada_chart)): a_chart = self._armada_chart[idx] # fetch chart specific info if not self._fetch_info_from_chart(idx): return False for line in chart_schema: # substitute template values to chart values out_line, substituted = self._substitute_values(line, a_chart) if not substituted: # substitute template blocks to chart blocks out_line = self._substitute_blocks(line, a_chart) f.write(out_line) # generate chartgroup schema try: with open(chartgroup_template, 'r') as f: chartgroup_schema = f.readlines() except IOError: print('File %s not found' % chartgroup_template) return False with open(manifest_file, 'a') as f: # iterate each chartgroup for chartgroup in self._armada_chartgroup: for line in chartgroup_schema: # substitute template values to chartgroup values out_line, substituted = self._substitute_values(line, chartgroup) if not substituted: # substitute template blocks to chartgroup blocks out_line = self._substitute_blocks(line, chartgroup) f.write(out_line) # generate manifest schema try: with open(manifest_template, 'r') as f: manifest_schema = f.readlines() except IOError: print('File %s not found' % manifest_template) return False with open(manifest_file, 'a') as f: # only one manifest in an application manifest = self._armada_manifest # substitute values for line in manifest_schema: # substitute template values to manifest values out_line, substituted = self._substitute_values(line, manifest) if not substituted: # substitute template blocks to manifest blocks out_line = self._substitute_blocks(line, manifest) f.write(out_line) return True # Sub-process of app generation # generate application metadata # def _gen_metadata(self): # check metadata file existance metadata_file = self._armada_app['outputDir'] + '/metadata.yaml' if os.path.exists(metadata_file): os.remove(metadata_file) with open(metadata_file, 'a') as f: f.write('app_name: ' + self._armada_app['appName'] + '\n') f.write('app_version: ' + self._armada_app['version'] + '\n') return True def _gen_md5(self, in_file): with open(in_file, 'rb') as f: out_md5 = hashlib.md5( return out_md5 # Sub-process of app generation # generate application checksum file and tarball # def _gen_checksum_and_app_tarball(self): store_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self._armada_app['outputDir']) # gen checksum # check checksum file existance checksum_file = 'checksum.md5' if os.path.exists(checksum_file): os.remove(checksum_file) app_files = [] for parent, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('./'): for filename in filenames: app_files.append(os.path.join(parent, filename)) with open(checksum_file, 'a') as f: for target_file in app_files: f.write(self._gen_md5(target_file) + ' ' + target_file + '\n') app_files.append('./' + checksum_file) # gen application tarball tarname = self._armada_app['appName'] + '-' + self._armada_app['version'] + '.tgz' t =, 'w:gz') for target_file in app_files: t.add(target_file) t.close() os.chdir(store_cwd) return tarname # Generate armada application, including: # 1. helm chart tarballs # 2. armada manifest # 3. metadata file # 4. checksum file # 5. application tarball # def gen_app(self, output_dir, overwrite): ret = False if not self._validate_app_attributes(): print('Error: Some of the app attributes are not valid!') return ret self._armada_app['outputDir'] = output_dir self._armada_app['outputChartDir'] = output_dir + '/charts' if not os.path.exists(self._armada_app['outputDir']): os.makedirs(self._armada_app['outputDir']) elif overwrite: shutil.rmtree(self._armada_app['outputDir']) else: print('Output folder %s exists, please remove it or use --overwrite.' % self._armada_app['outputDir']) return ret if not os.path.exists(self._armada_app['outputChartDir']): os.makedirs(self._armada_app['outputChartDir']) # 1. Generating helm chart tarball for chart in self._armada_chart: ret = self._gen_helm_chart_tarball(chart) if ret: print('Helm chart %s tarball generated!' % chart['name']) print('') else: print('Generating tarball for helm chart: %s error!' % chart['name']) return ret # 2. Generating armada manifest ret = self._gen_armada_manifest() if ret: print('Armada manifest generated!') else: print('Armada manifest generation failed!') return ret # 3. Generating metadata file ret = self._gen_metadata() if ret: print('Metadata generated!') else: print('Metadata generation failed!') return ret # 4&5. Generating checksum file and tarball ret = self._gen_checksum_and_app_tarball() if ret: print('Checksum generated!') print('App tarball generated at %s/%s' % (self._armada_app['outputDir'], ret)) print('') else: print('Checksum and App tarball generation failed!') return ret return ret # For debug def print_app_data(self): print(self._armada_app) print(self._armada_manifest) print(self._armada_chartgroup) print(self._armada_chart) def parse_yaml(yaml_in): yaml_data='' try: with open(yaml_in) as f: yaml_data = yaml.safe_load(f) except IOError: print('Error: %s no found' % yaml_in ) except Exception as e: print('Error: Invalid yaml file') return yaml_data def check_manifest(manifest_data): # TODO: check more mandatory key/values in manifest yaml # check app values if 'appName' not in manifest_data: print('Error: \'appName\' is missing.') return False if 'namespace' not in manifest_data: print('Error: \'namespace\' is missing.') return False if 'version' not in manifest_data: print('Error: \'version\' is missing.') return False # check manifest values if 'manifest' not in manifest_data: print('Error: \'manifest\'is missing.') return False if 'releasePrefix' not in manifest_data['manifest']: print('Error: Manifest attribute \'releasePrefix\' is missing.') return False # check chartGroup values if 'chartGroup' not in manifest_data: print('Error: \'chartGroup\' is missing.') return False # check chart values if 'chart' not in manifest_data: print('Error: \'chart\' is missing.') return False for chart in manifest_data['chart']: # check chart name if 'name' not in chart: print('Error: Chart attribute \'name\' is missing.') return False # check chart path, supporting: dir, git, tarball if 'path' not in chart: print('Error: Chart attribute \'path\' is missing in chart %s.' % chart['name']) return False else: # TODO: To support branches/tags in git repo if chart['path'].endswith('.git'): if 'subpath' not in chart: print('Error: Chart attribute \'subpath\' is missing in chart %s.' % chart['name']) return False chart['_pathType'] = 'git' gitname ='[^/]+(?=\.git$)',chart['path']).group() if gitname: chart['_gitname'] = gitname else: print('Error: Invalid \'path\' in chart %s.' % chart['name']) print(' only \'local dir\', \'.git\', \'.tar.gz\', \'.tgz\' are supported') return False elif chart['path'].endswith('.tar.gz') or chart['path'].endswith('.tgz'): if 'subpath' not in chart: print('Error: Chart attribute \'subpath\' is missing in chart %s.' % chart['name']) return False chart['_pathType'] = 'tarball' tarname ='[^/]+(?=\.tgz)|[^/]+(?=\.tar\.gz)',chart['path']).group() if tarname: chart['_tarname'] = tarname else: print('Error: Invalid \'path\' in chart %s.' % chart['name']) print(' only \'local dir\', \'.git\', \'.tar.gz\', \'.tgz\' are supported') return False else: if not os.path.isdir(chart['path']): print('Error: Invalid \'path\' in chart %s.' % chart['name']) print(' only \'local dir\', \'.git\', \'.tar.gz\', \'.tgz\' are supported') return False chart['_pathType'] = 'dir' return True def generate_app(file_in, out_folder, overwrite): global TEMP_APP_DIR app_data = parse_yaml(file_in) if not app_data: print('Parse yaml error') return if not check_manifest(app_data): print('Application manifest is not valid') return armada_app = ArmadaApplication(app_data) TEMP_APP_DIR = TEMP_USER_DIR + armada_app.get_app_name() + '/' app_out = out_folder + '/' + armada_app.get_app_name() armada_app.gen_app(app_out, overwrite) def main(argv): input_file = '' output_folder = '.' overwrite = False try: options, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hi:o:', \ ['help', 'input==', 'output==', 'overwrite']) except getopt.GetoptError: sys.exit() for option, value in options: if option in ('-h', '--help'): print('StarlingX User Application Generator') print('') print('Usage:') print(' python [Option]') print('') print('Options:') print(' -i, --input yaml_file generate app from yaml_file') print(' -o, --output folder generate app to output folder') print(' --overwrite overwrite the output dir') print(' -h, --help this help') if option in ('--overwrite'): overwrite = True if option in ('-i', '--input'): input_file = value if option in ('-o', '--output'): output_folder = value if not os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath(input_file)): print('Error: input file not found') sys.exit() if input_file: generate_app(os.path.abspath(input_file), os.path.abspath(output_folder), overwrite) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])