import os import subprocess import getpass import sys # Error codes SUCCESS = 0 RPMMISMATCH = 1 FILENOTFOUND = 2 ERRORCODE = SUCCESS # Log file results = open("dependenciesreviewer.log", "a") # Parametrized variables SELECT = {"centos" : {"name":"centos", "dependencies":"srpm_path", "prefix": "rpms_" }, } DISTRO = SELECT["centos"] # Global variables USER = getpass.getuser() WORK = os.path.abspath("..") REPOS = os.path.join(WORK, "cgcs-root/stx/") MTOOLS = os.path.join(WORK, "stx-tools/centos-mirror-tools") class PkgInfo: """ PkgInfo has a name, mirror location and full path """ def __init__(self, name, location="NotFound", fullpath=""): """ Initialize PkgInfo object """ = name self.location = location self.fullpath = fullpath def __str__(self): """ Return information about PkgInfo object """ return "Name: {}\nLocation: {}\nFull Path: {}\n".format(, self.location, self.fullpath) def print_with_comment_if_not_found(self, comment=""): """ Prints the full path of an PkgInfo object if it doesn't have location, followed by a comment provided by the user. """ if self.location == "NotFound": print(">>> {} {}".format(self.fullpath, comment), file=results) class MirrorInfo: """ MirrorInfo has a path and a list of source packages """ def __init__(self, path, src_pkgs=None): """ Initialize MirrorInfo object """ self.path = path self.src_pkgs = src_pkgs def __str__(self): """ Return information about MirrorInfo object """ return "MirrorInfo: {} {}".format(self.path, self.src_pkgs) class DependenciesReviewer: """ DependenciesReviewer class reviews the content in stx-'s */centos/srpm_path matches with the information in the mirror's lists. If there are modules that does not match, the DependenciesReviewer can display the information. """ def __init__(self, modulepath=os.path.abspath(".."), mirrorpath=os.path.abspath(".")): self.modulepath = modulepath self.mirrorpath = mirrorpath self._src_pkgs_dict = {} self._src_pkgs_list = [] def __str__(self): return "DependenciesReviewer: {} {} {}".format(self.modulepath, self.mirrorpath) def _find_elements(self, spkgsdict, mirror_list, mirror_path): """ Fill the dictionary with the location in the mirror's list """ for key, value in spkgsdict.items(): for i in range(0, len(value)): if value[i].name in mirror_list: spkgsdict[key][i].location = mirror_path return spkgsdict def _get_content(self, path): """ Get path's content as a list """ try: text = open(path).read() text_list = text.split("\n") text_list = list(filter(None, text_list)) return text_list except FileNotFoundError: print("Mirror lst file not found {}".format(path.split("/")[-1]), file=results) ERRORCODE = FILENOTFOUND return [] def check_missing(self): """ Solve the dependencies """ # SOURCE PACKAGES # Get the paths for all source packages information files in the repo vardir = os.path.join("*", DISTRO["name"], DISTRO["dependencies"]) packages_paths = subprocess.check_output(['find', self.modulepath, '-wholename', vardir]) packages_paths = packages_paths.decode('utf-8') packages_paths = packages_paths.split("\n") packages_paths = list(filter(None, packages_paths)) # Fill dictionary and list with the content from those files for path in packages_paths: pkgs_list = open(path).read() pkgs_list = pkgs_list.split("\n") pkgs_list = list(filter(None, pkgs_list)) if not pkgs_list: print("No content in: "+path, file=results) else: temp = [] for pkg in pkgs_list: if "mirror:" in pkg: pkgname = pkg.split("/")[-1] temp.append(PkgInfo(pkgname, location="NotFound", fullpath=pkg)) self._src_pkgs_list.append(pkgname) self._src_pkgs_dict[path] = temp # MIRROR LISTS # Generate list of MirrorInfo objects, which is needed for the review all_files = os.listdir(self.mirrorpath) mirror_files = [x for x in all_files if DISTRO["prefix"] in x] _spkg_mirror = [] for elem in mirror_files: # Get package's content _tmp_path = os.path.join(self.mirrorpath, elem) _tmp_pkgs = self._get_content(_tmp_path) # Do particular clean up for 3rd party packages' names if elem == DISTRO["prefix"]+"from_3rd_parties.lst": _tmp_pkgs = [x.split("#")[0] for x in _tmp_pkgs] # Create a list with the Mirror Info _spkg_mirror.append(MirrorInfo(path=_tmp_path, src_pkgs=_tmp_pkgs)) # MATCHING # Finding Packages in the mirror for mirr in _spkg_mirror: # Fill the dictinoary with the location self._src_pkgs_dict = self._find_elements(self._src_pkgs_dict, mirr.src_pkgs, mirr.path) # Leave on the list only the missing Source Packages self._src_pkgs_list = [element for element in self._src_pkgs_list if element not in mirr.src_pkgs] def how_many_missing(self): """ Return the number of missing RPMs """ return len(self._src_pkgs_list) def show_missing(self): """ Show the DependenciesReviewer results based on how it was initialized """ for key, value in self._src_pkgs_dict.items(): for val in value: val.print_with_comment_if_not_found(key) if __name__ == "__main__": try: directories = os.listdir(REPOS) except FileNotFoundError: print("Directory not found {}".format(REPOS), file=results) ERRORCODE = FILENOTFOUND if ERRORCODE == SUCCESS: stx_directories = [] for directory in directories: if "stx-" in directory: A = DependenciesReviewer(modulepath=os.path.join(REPOS, directory), mirrorpath=MTOOLS) A.check_missing() if A.how_many_missing() > 0: print("Missing Src Packages in module: "+directory, file=results) A.show_missing() if ERRORCODE != FILENOTFOUND: ERRORCODE = RPMMISMATCH else: continue if ERRORCODE == SUCCESS: print("All Src Packages in stx-* repos were found in Mirror's lists.", file=results) results.close() sys.exit(ERRORCODE)