#!/bin/bash # getrepo - Get the list of starlingx and stx-staging repos # getrepo.sh [ [] ... ] IN_FILE=${1:-default.xml} [[ $# -gt 1 ]] && shift REMOTES=$* # Extract the list of repo names from a repo manifest for the given remote # get_repo function get_repos { local manifest=$1 local remote=$2 for i in $(xmllint --xpath '//project[@remote="'$remote'"]/@name' $manifest); do echo $i done | sed -e 's/^name="//' -e 's/"$//' } for r in $REMOTES; do remote=$(xmllint --xpath 'string(manifest/remote[@name="'$r'"]/@fetch)' $IN_FILE) repos=$( for i in $(get_repos $IN_FILE $r); do echo $remote/$i done ) echo $repos done