Erich Cordoba 12d05b7bfa Remove repository
The mirror downloading process started to failed as this repository
is corrupt. After a further investigation it was found that this
repository is not needed.

Closes-Bug: 1793615

Change-Id: I504137fdacf8f434bd8d578102f327132016d936
Signed-off-by: Erich Cordoba <>
2018-09-21 12:58:08 -05:00
StarlingX-Centos-7.2.repo Split and move repo data files to yum.repo.d subdirectory. 2018-08-07 16:48:16 -04:00
StarlingX-Centos-7.3.repo Split and move repo data files to yum.repo.d subdirectory. 2018-08-07 16:48:16 -04:00
StarlingX-Centos-7.4.repo Split and move repo data files to yum.repo.d subdirectory. 2018-08-07 16:48:16 -04:00
StarlingX-Centos-7.5.repo Switch kubernetes-1.10.0-1.el7.src.rpm from 3rd-party download to centos_repo 2018-08-11 01:30:58 +08:00
StarlingX-EPEL-7.repo Split and move repo data files to yum.repo.d subdirectory. 2018-08-07 16:48:16 -04:00
StarlingX_3rd_buildlogs-seed_centos_org.repo Split and move repo data files to yum.repo.d subdirectory. 2018-08-07 16:48:16 -04:00
StarlingX_3rd_buildlogs_centos_org.repo Split and move repo data files to yum.repo.d subdirectory. 2018-08-07 16:48:16 -04:00
StarlingX_3rd_download_docker_com.repo Split and move repo data files to yum.repo.d subdirectory. 2018-08-07 16:48:16 -04:00
StarlingX_3rd_epel_blizoo_mk.repo Split and move repo data files to yum.repo.d subdirectory. 2018-08-07 16:48:16 -04:00
StarlingX_3rd_ftp_iij_ad_jp.repo Split and move repo data files to yum.repo.d subdirectory. 2018-08-07 16:48:16 -04:00
StarlingX_3rd_ftp_riken_jp.repo Split and move repo data files to yum.repo.d subdirectory. 2018-08-07 16:48:16 -04:00
StarlingX_3rd_www_rpmfind_net.repo Split and move repo data files to yum.repo.d subdirectory. 2018-08-07 16:48:16 -04:00
StarlingX_CentOS-OpenStack-queens.repo Remove contentdir var from openstack queens repo 2018-08-23 18:49:58 +00:00