Migrate patch-agent to use DNF for swmgmt

As the smart package manager is not supported under python3, we're
migrating the patch-agent to use the python2 DNF libraries in
preparation for CentOS 8. This impacts how the patch-agent queries the
repos and manages installed software, but is done without changing how
the patch-agent and patch-controller exchange information, to ensure
we don't impact cross-version communication in an upgrade scenario.

Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/700960
Change-Id: I00729a487c24ba5c182a9a2a48e2024be9260978
Story: 2006227
Task: 37932
Signed-off-by: Don Penney <don.penney@windriver.com>
This commit is contained in:
Don Penney 2020-01-02 17:36:21 -05:00
parent a1076ba447
commit 44cdc55fd8
6 changed files with 241 additions and 421 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Summary: TIS Platform Patching
Summary: StarlingX Platform Patching
Name: cgcs-patch
Version: 1.0
Release: %{tis_patch_ver}%{?_tis_dist}
@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ BuildRequires: systemd-units
BuildRequires: systemd-devel
Requires: python-devel
Requires: python-crypto
Requires: python-smartpm
Requires: dnf
Requires: python-dnf
Requires: /bin/bash
TIS Platform Patching
StarlingX Platform Patching
%define pythonroot /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages
@ -110,10 +111,10 @@ install -m 644 dist/*.whl $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/wheels/
%package -n cgcs-patch-controller
Summary: TIS Platform Patching
Summary: StarlingX Platform Patching
Group: base
Requires: /usr/bin/env
Requires: /bin/sh
@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ Requires(post): /usr/bin/env
Requires(post): /bin/sh
%description -n cgcs-patch-controller
TIS Platform Patching
StarlingX Platform Patching
%post -n cgcs-patch-controller
/usr/bin/systemctl enable sw-patch-controller.service
@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ TIS Platform Patching
%package -n cgcs-patch-agent
Summary: TIS Platform Patching
Summary: StarlingX Platform Patching
Group: base
Requires: /usr/bin/env
Requires: /bin/sh
@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ Requires(post): /usr/bin/env
Requires(post): /bin/sh
%description -n cgcs-patch-agent
TIS Platform Patching
StarlingX Platform Patching
%post -n cgcs-patch-agent
/usr/bin/systemctl enable sw-patch-agent.service

View File

@ -5,22 +5,26 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import os
import time
import socket
import dnf
import dnf.callback
import dnf.comps
import dnf.exceptions
import dnf.rpm
import dnf.sack
import dnf.transaction
import json
import select
import subprocess
import libdnf.transaction
import os
import random
import requests
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
import rpm
import sys
import yaml
import select
import shutil
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from cgcs_patch.patch_functions import configure_logging
from cgcs_patch.patch_functions import parse_pkgver
from cgcs_patch.patch_functions import LOG
import cgcs_patch.config as cfg
from cgcs_patch.base import PatchService
@ -50,19 +54,13 @@ pa = None
http_port_real = http_port
# Smart commands
smart_cmd = ["/usr/bin/smart"]
smart_quiet = smart_cmd + ["--quiet"]
smart_update = smart_quiet + ["update"]
smart_newer = smart_quiet + ["newer"]
smart_orphans = smart_quiet + ["query", "--orphans", "--show-format", "$name\n"]
smart_query = smart_quiet + ["query"]
smart_query_repos = smart_quiet + ["query", "--channel=base", "--channel=updates"]
smart_install_cmd = smart_cmd + ["install", "--yes", "--explain"]
smart_remove_cmd = smart_cmd + ["remove", "--yes", "--explain"]
smart_query_installed = smart_quiet + ["query", "--installed", "--show-format", "$name $version\n"]
smart_query_base = smart_quiet + ["query", "--channel=base", "--show-format", "$name $version\n"]
smart_query_updates = smart_quiet + ["query", "--channel=updates", "--show-format", "$name $version\n"]
# DNF commands
dnf_cmd = ['/bin/dnf']
dnf_quiet = dnf_cmd + ['--quiet']
dnf_makecache = dnf_quiet + ['makecache',
'--enablerepo', 'platform-base',
'--enablerepo', 'platform-updates']
def setflag(fname):
@ -123,10 +121,6 @@ class PatchMessageHelloAgent(messages.PatchMessage):
def handle(self, sock, addr):
# Send response
# Run the smart config audit
global pa
# If a user tries to do a host-install on an unlocked node,
# without bypassing the lock check (either via in-service
@ -289,6 +283,46 @@ class PatchMessageAgentInstallResp(messages.PatchMessage):
class PatchAgentDnfTransLogCB(dnf.callback.TransactionProgress):
def __init__(self):
self.log_prefix = 'dnf trans'
def progress(self, package, action, ti_done, ti_total, ts_done, ts_total):
if action in dnf.transaction.ACTIONS:
action_str = dnf.transaction.ACTIONS[action]
elif action == dnf.transaction.TRANS_POST:
action_str = 'Post transaction'
action_str = 'unknown(%d)' % action
if ti_done is not None:
# To reduce the volume of logs, only log 0% and 100%
if ti_done == 0 or ti_done == ti_total:
LOG.info('%s PROGRESS %s: %s %0.1f%% [%s/%s]',
self.log_prefix, action_str, package,
(ti_done * 100 / ti_total),
ts_done, ts_total)
LOG.info('%s PROGRESS %s: %s [%s/%s]',
self.log_prefix, action_str, package, ts_done, ts_total)
def filelog(self, package, action):
if action in dnf.transaction.FILE_ACTIONS:
msg = '%s: %s' % (dnf.transaction.FILE_ACTIONS[action], package)
msg = '%s: %s' % (package, action)
LOG.info('%s FILELOG %s', self.log_prefix, msg)
def scriptout(self, msgs):
if msgs:
LOG.info("%s SCRIPTOUT :\n%s", self.log_prefix, msgs)
def error(self, message):
LOG.error("%s ERROR: %s", self.log_prefix, message)
class PatchAgent(PatchService):
def __init__(self):
@ -298,9 +332,14 @@ class PatchAgent(PatchService):
self.listener = None
self.changes = False
self.installed = {}
self.installed_dnf = []
self.to_install = {}
self.to_install_dnf = []
self.to_downgrade_dnf = []
self.to_remove = []
self.to_remove_dnf = []
self.missing_pkgs = []
self.missing_pkgs_dnf = []
self.patch_op_counter = 0
self.node_is_patched = os.path.exists(node_is_patched_file)
self.node_is_patched_timestamp = 0
@ -308,6 +347,7 @@ class PatchAgent(PatchService):
self.state = constants.PATCH_AGENT_STATE_IDLE
self.last_config_audit = 0
self.rejection_timestamp = 0
self.dnfb = None
# Check state flags
if os.path.exists(patch_installing_file):
@ -343,289 +383,40 @@ class PatchAgent(PatchService):
self.listener.bind(('', self.port))
self.listener.listen(2) # Allow two connections, for two controllers
def audit_smart_config(self):
LOG.info("Auditing smart configuration")
# Get the current channel config
output = subprocess.check_output(smart_cmd +
["channel", "--yaml"],
config = yaml.load(output)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.exception("Failed to query channels")
LOG.error("Command output: %s", e.output)
return False
except Exception:
LOG.exception("Failed to query channels")
return False
expected = [{'channel': 'rpmdb',
'type': 'rpm-sys',
'name': 'RPM Database',
'baseurl': None},
{'channel': 'base',
'type': 'rpm-md',
'name': 'Base',
'baseurl': "http://controller:%s/feed/rel-%s" % (http_port_real, SW_VERSION)},
{'channel': 'updates',
'type': 'rpm-md',
'name': 'Patches',
'baseurl': "http://controller:%s/updates/rel-%s" % (http_port_real, SW_VERSION)}]
updated = False
for item in expected:
channel = item['channel']
ch_type = item['type']
ch_name = item['name']
ch_baseurl = item['baseurl']
add_channel = False
if channel in config:
# Verify existing channel config
if (config[channel].get('type') != ch_type or
config[channel].get('name') != ch_name or
config[channel].get('baseurl') != ch_baseurl):
# Config is invalid
add_channel = True
LOG.warning("Invalid smart config found for %s", channel)
output = subprocess.check_output(smart_cmd +
["channel", "--yes",
"--remove", channel],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.exception("Failed to configure %s channel", channel)
LOG.error("Command output: %s", e.output)
return False
# Channel is missing
add_channel = True
LOG.warning("Channel %s is missing from config", channel)
if add_channel:
LOG.info("Adding channel %s", channel)
cmd_args = ["channel", "--yes", "--add", channel,
"type=%s" % ch_type,
"name=%s" % ch_name]
if ch_baseurl is not None:
cmd_args += ["baseurl=%s" % ch_baseurl]
output = subprocess.check_output(smart_cmd + cmd_args,
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.exception("Failed to configure %s channel", channel)
LOG.error("Command output: %s", e.output)
return False
updated = True
# Validate the smart config
output = subprocess.check_output(smart_cmd +
["config", "--yaml"],
config = yaml.load(output)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.exception("Failed to query smart config")
LOG.error("Command output: %s", e.output)
return False
except Exception:
LOG.exception("Failed to query smart config")
return False
# Check for the rpm-nolinktos flag
nolinktos = 'rpm-nolinktos'
if config.get(nolinktos) is not True:
# Set the flag
LOG.warning("Setting %s option", nolinktos)
output = subprocess.check_output(smart_cmd +
["config", "--set",
"%s=true" % nolinktos],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.exception("Failed to configure %s option", nolinktos)
LOG.error("Command output: %s", e.output)
return False
updated = True
# Check for the rpm-check-signatures flag
nosignature = 'rpm-check-signatures'
if config.get(nosignature) is not False:
# Set the flag
LOG.warning("Setting %s option", nosignature)
output = subprocess.check_output(smart_cmd +
["config", "--set",
"%s=false" % nosignature],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.exception("Failed to configure %s option", nosignature)
LOG.error("Command output: %s", e.output)
return False
updated = True
if updated:
subprocess.check_output(smart_update, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.exception("Failed to update smartpm")
LOG.error("Command output: %s", e.output)
return False
# Reset the patch op counter to force a detailed query
self.patch_op_counter = 0
self.last_config_audit = time.time()
return True
def timed_audit_smart_config(self):
rc = True
if (time.time() - self.last_config_audit) > 1800:
# It's been 30 minutes since the last completed audit
LOG.info("Kicking timed audit")
rc = self.audit_smart_config()
return rc
def parse_smart_pkglist(output):
pkglist = {}
for line in output.splitlines():
if line == '':
fields = line.split()
pkgname = fields[0]
(version, arch) = fields[1].split('@')
if pkgname not in pkglist:
pkglist[pkgname] = {}
pkglist[pkgname][arch] = version
elif arch not in pkglist[pkgname]:
pkglist[pkgname][arch] = version
def pkgobjs_to_list(pkgobjs):
# Transform pkgobj list to format used by patch-controller
output = {}
for pkg in pkgobjs:
if pkg.epoch != 0:
output[pkg.name] = "%s:%s-%s@%s" % (pkg.epoch, pkg.version, pkg.release, pkg.arch)
stored_ver = pkglist[pkgname][arch]
output[pkg.name] = "%s-%s@%s" % (pkg.version, pkg.release, pkg.arch)
# The rpm.labelCompare takes version broken into 3 components
# It returns:
# 1, if first arg is higher version
# 0, if versions are same
# -1, if first arg is lower version
rc = rpm.labelCompare(parse_pkgver(version),
return output
if rc > 0:
# Update version
pkglist[pkgname][arch] = version
def dnf_reset_client(self):
if self.dnfb is not None:
self.dnfb = None
return pkglist
self.dnfb = dnf.Base()
self.dnfb.conf.substitutions['infra'] = 'stock'
def get_pkg_version(pkglist, pkg, arch):
if pkg not in pkglist:
return None
if arch not in pkglist[pkg]:
return None
return pkglist[pkg][arch]
# Reset default installonlypkgs list
self.dnfb.conf.installonlypkgs = []
def parse_smart_newer(self, output):
# Skip the first two lines, which are headers
for line in output.splitlines()[2:]:
if line == '':
fields = line.split()
pkgname = fields[0]
installedver = fields[2]
newver = fields[5]
self.installed[pkgname] = installedver
self.to_install[pkgname] = newver
def parse_smart_orphans(self, output):
for pkgname in output.splitlines():
if pkgname == '':
highest_version = None
query = subprocess.check_output(smart_query_repos + ["--show-format", '$version\n', pkgname])
# The last non-blank version is the highest
for version in query.splitlines():
if version == '':
highest_version = version.split('@')[0]
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# Package is not in the repo
highest_version = None
if highest_version is None:
# Package is to be removed
# Ensure only platform repos are enabled for transaction
for repo in self.dnfb.repos.all():
if repo.id == 'platform-base' or repo.id == 'platform-updates':
# Rollback to the highest version
self.to_install[pkgname] = highest_version
# Get the installed version
query = subprocess.check_output(smart_query + ["--installed", "--show-format", '$version\n', pkgname])
for version in query.splitlines():
if version == '':
self.installed[pkgname] = version.split('@')[0]
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
LOG.error("Failed to query installed version of %s", pkgname)
self.changes = True
def check_groups(self):
# Get the groups file
mygroup = "updates-%s" % "-".join(subfunctions)
self.missing_pkgs = []
installed_pkgs = []
groups_url = "http://controller:%s/updates/rel-%s/comps.xml" % (http_port_real, SW_VERSION)
req = requests.get(groups_url)
if req.status_code != 200:
LOG.error("Failed to get groups list from server")
return False
except requests.ConnectionError:
LOG.error("Failed to connect to server")
return False
# Get list of installed packages
query = subprocess.check_output(["rpm", "-qa", "--queryformat", "%{NAME}\n"])
installed_pkgs = query.split()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
LOG.exception("Failed to query RPMs")
return False
root = ElementTree.fromstring(req.text)
for child in root:
group_id = child.find('id')
if group_id is None or group_id.text != mygroup:
pkglist = child.find('packagelist')
if pkglist is None:
for pkg in pkglist.findall('packagereq'):
if pkg.text not in installed_pkgs and pkg.text not in self.missing_pkgs:
self.changes = True
# Read repo info
def query(self):
""" Check current patch state """
@ -633,14 +424,15 @@ class PatchAgent(PatchService):
LOG.info("Failed install_uuid check. Skipping query")
return False
if not self.audit_smart_config():
# Set a state to "unknown"?
return False
if self.dnfb is not None:
self.dnfb = None
# TODO(dpenney): Use python APIs for makecache
subprocess.check_output(smart_update, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
subprocess.check_output(dnf_makecache, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.error("Failed to update smartpm")
LOG.error("Failed to run dnf makecache")
LOG.error("Command output: %s", e.output)
# Set a state to "unknown"?
return False
@ -649,78 +441,72 @@ class PatchAgent(PatchService):
self.query_id = random.random()
self.changes = False
self.installed_dnf = []
self.installed = {}
self.to_install = {}
self.to_install_dnf = []
self.to_downgrade_dnf = []
self.to_remove = []
self.to_remove_dnf = []
self.missing_pkgs = []
self.missing_pkgs_dnf = []
# Get the repo data
pkgs_installed = {}
pkgs_base = {}
pkgs_updates = {}
pkgs_installed = dnf.sack._rpmdb_sack(self.dnfb).query().installed() # pylint: disable=protected-access
avail = self.dnfb.sack.query().available().latest()
output = subprocess.check_output(smart_query_installed)
pkgs_installed = self.parse_smart_pkglist(output)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.error("Failed to query installed pkgs: %s", e.output)
# Set a state to "unknown"?
return False
output = subprocess.check_output(smart_query_base)
pkgs_base = self.parse_smart_pkglist(output)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.error("Failed to query base pkgs: %s", e.output)
# Set a state to "unknown"?
return False
output = subprocess.check_output(smart_query_updates)
pkgs_updates = self.parse_smart_pkglist(output)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.error("Failed to query patched pkgs: %s", e.output)
# Set a state to "unknown"?
return False
# There are four possible actions:
# 1. If installed pkg is not in base or updates, remove it.
# 2. If installed pkg version is higher than highest in base
# or updates, downgrade it.
# 3. If installed pkg version is lower than highest in updates,
# upgrade it.
# 4. If pkg in grouplist is not in installed, install it.
# There are three possible actions:
# 1. If installed pkg is not in a repo, remove it.
# 2. If installed pkg version does not match newest repo version, update it.
# 3. If a package in the grouplist is not installed, install it.
for pkg in pkgs_installed:
for arch in pkgs_installed[pkg]:
installed_version = pkgs_installed[pkg][arch]
updates_version = self.get_pkg_version(pkgs_updates, pkg, arch)
base_version = self.get_pkg_version(pkgs_base, pkg, arch)
highest = avail.filter(name=pkg.name, arch=pkg.arch)
if highest:
highest_pkg = highest[0]
if updates_version is None and base_version is None:
# Remove it
self.changes = True
if pkg.evr_eq(highest_pkg):
compare_version = updates_version
if compare_version is None:
compare_version = base_version
# Compare the installed version to what's in the repo
rc = rpm.labelCompare(parse_pkgver(installed_version),
if rc == 0:
# Versions match, nothing to do.
if pkg.evr_gt(highest_pkg):
# Install the version from the repo
self.to_install[pkg] = "@".join([compare_version, arch])
self.installed[pkg] = "@".join([installed_version, arch])
self.changes = True
self.changes = True
# Look for new packages
grp_id = 'updates-%s' % '-'.join(subfunctions)
pkggrp = None
for grp in self.dnfb.comps.groups_iter():
if grp.id == grp_id:
pkggrp = grp
if pkggrp is None:
LOG.error("Could not find software group: %s", grp_id)
for pkg in pkggrp.packages_iter():
res = pkgs_installed.filter(name=pkg.name)
if len(res) == 0:
found_pkg = avail.filter(name=pkg.name)
self.changes = True
except dnf.exceptions.PackageNotFoundError:
self.changes = True
self.installed = self.pkgobjs_to_list(self.installed_dnf)
self.to_install = self.pkgobjs_to_list(self.to_install_dnf + self.to_downgrade_dnf)
LOG.info("Patch state query returns %s", self.changes)
LOG.info("Installed: %s", self.installed)
@ -730,6 +516,35 @@ class PatchAgent(PatchService):
return True
def resolve_dnf_transaction(self, undo_failure=True):
LOG.info("Starting to process transaction: undo_failure=%s", undo_failure)
tid = self.dnfb.do_transaction(display=PatchAgentDnfTransLogCB())
transaction_rc = True
for t in self.dnfb.transaction:
if t.state != libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemState_DONE:
transaction_rc = False
if not transaction_rc:
if undo_failure:
LOG.error("Failure occurred... Undoing last transaction (%s)", tid)
old = self.dnfb.history.old((tid,))[0]
mobj = dnf.db.history.MergedTransactionWrapper(old)
self.dnfb._history_undo_operations(mobj, old.tid, True) # pylint: disable=protected-access
if not self.resolve_dnf_transaction(undo_failure=False):
LOG.error("Failed to undo transaction")
LOG.info("Transaction complete: undo_failure=%s, success=%s", undo_failure, transaction_rc)
return transaction_rc
def handle_install(self, verbose_to_stdout=False, disallow_insvc_patch=False):
# The disallow_insvc_patch parameter is set when we're installing
@ -781,64 +596,54 @@ class PatchAgent(PatchService):
if verbose_to_stdout:
print("Checking for software updates...")
install_set = []
for pkg, version in self.to_install.items():
install_set.append("%s-%s" % (pkg, version))
install_set += self.missing_pkgs
changed = False
rc = True
if len(install_set) > 0:
if len(self.to_install_dnf) > 0 or len(self.to_downgrade_dnf) > 0:
LOG.info("Adding pkgs to installation set: %s", self.to_install)
for pkg in self.to_install_dnf:
for pkg in self.to_downgrade_dnf:
changed = True
if len(self.missing_pkgs_dnf) > 0:
LOG.info("Adding missing pkgs to installation set: %s", self.missing_pkgs)
for pkg in self.missing_pkgs_dnf:
changed = True
if len(self.to_remove_dnf) > 0:
LOG.info("Adding pkgs to be removed: %s", self.to_remove)
for pkg in self.to_remove_dnf:
changed = True
if changed:
# Run the transaction set
transaction_rc = False
if verbose_to_stdout:
print("Installing software updates...")
LOG.info("Installing: %s", ", ".join(install_set))
output = subprocess.check_output(smart_install_cmd + install_set, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
changed = True
for line in output.split('\n'):
LOG.info("INSTALL: %s", line)
if verbose_to_stdout:
print("Software updated.")
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.exception("Failed to install RPMs")
LOG.error("Command output: %s", e.output)
transaction_rc = self.resolve_dnf_transaction()
except dnf.exceptions.DepsolveError:
LOG.error("Failures resolving dependencies in transaction")
except dnf.exceptions.DownloadError:
LOG.error("Failures downloading in transaction")
if not transaction_rc:
LOG.error("Failures occurred during transaction")
rc = False
if verbose_to_stdout:
print("WARNING: Software update failed.")
if verbose_to_stdout:
print("Nothing to install.")
LOG.info("Nothing to install")
if rc:
remove_set = self.to_remove
if len(remove_set) > 0:
if verbose_to_stdout:
print("Handling patch removal...")
LOG.info("Removing: %s", ", ".join(remove_set))
output = subprocess.check_output(smart_remove_cmd + remove_set, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
changed = True
for line in output.split('\n'):
LOG.info("REMOVE: %s", line)
if verbose_to_stdout:
print("Patch removal complete.")
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.exception("Failed to remove RPMs")
LOG.error("Command output: %s", e.output)
rc = False
if verbose_to_stdout:
print("WARNING: Patch removal failed.")
if verbose_to_stdout:
print("Nothing to remove.")
LOG.info("Nothing to remove")
if changed:
if changed and rc:
# Update the node_is_patched flag
@ -1057,7 +862,7 @@ class PatchAgent(PatchService):
def main():
global pa

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def handle_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
def configure_logging(logtofile=True, level=logging.INFO):
def configure_logging(logtofile=True, level=logging.INFO, dnf_log=False):
if logtofile:
my_exec = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
@ -84,6 +84,11 @@ def configure_logging(logtofile=True, level=logging.INFO):
main_log_handler = logging.FileHandler(logfile)
if dnf_log:
dnf_logger = logging.getLogger('dnf')
os.chmod(logfile, 0o640)
except Exception:

View File

@ -10,6 +10,15 @@ import sys
import testtools
sys.modules['rpm'] = mock.Mock()
sys.modules['dnf'] = mock.Mock()
sys.modules['dnf.callback'] = mock.Mock()
sys.modules['dnf.comps'] = mock.Mock()
sys.modules['dnf.exceptions'] = mock.Mock()
sys.modules['dnf.rpm'] = mock.Mock()
sys.modules['dnf.sack'] = mock.Mock()
sys.modules['dnf.transaction'] = mock.Mock()
sys.modules['libdnf'] = mock.Mock()
sys.modules['libdnf.transaction'] = mock.Mock()
import cgcs_patch.patch_agent # noqa: E402

View File

@ -45,10 +45,11 @@ symbols=no
# no Warning level messages displayed, use"--disable=all --enable=classes
# --disable=W"
# W0107 unnecessary-pass
# W0511 fixme
# W0603 global-statement
# W0703 broad-except
# W1505, deprecated-method
disable=C, R, W0107, W0603, W0703, W1505
disable=C, R, W0107, W0511, W0603, W0703, W1505
@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ ignore-mixin-members=yes
# List of module names for which member attributes should not be checked
# (useful for modules/projects where namespaces are manipulated during runtime
# and thus existing member attributes cannot be deduced by static analysis
# List of classes names for which member attributes should not be checked
# (useful for classes with attributes dynamically set).

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@ -8,4 +8,3 @@ coverage!=4.4,>=4.0 # Apache-2.0
mock>=2.0.0 # BSD
stestr>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0
testtools>=2.2.0 # MIT