""" Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Wind River Systems, Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ import cgi import json import os from oslo_log import log from pecan import expose from pecan import request from pecan import Response import shutil from software.exceptions import SoftwareError from software.software_controller import sc import software.utils as utils import software.constants as constants LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class SoftwareAPIController(object): @expose('json') def commit_patch(self, *args): try: result = sc.patch_commit(list(args)) except SoftwareError as e: return dict(error=str(e)) sc.software_sync() return result @expose('json') def commit_dry_run(self, *args): try: result = sc.patch_commit(list(args), dry_run=True) except SoftwareError as e: return dict(error=str(e)) return result @expose('json') @expose('query.xml', content_type='application/xml') def delete(self, *args): try: result = sc.software_release_delete_api(list(args)) except SoftwareError as e: return dict(error="Error: %s" % str(e)) sc.software_sync() return result @expose('json') @expose('query.xml', content_type='application/xml') def deploy_activate(self, *args): if sc.any_patch_host_installing(): return dict(error="Rejected: One or more nodes are installing a release.") try: result = sc.software_deploy_activate_api(list(args)[0]) except SoftwareError as e: return dict(error="Error: %s" % str(e)) sc.software_sync() return result @expose('json') @expose('query.xml', content_type='application/xml') def deploy_complete(self, *args): if sc.any_patch_host_installing(): return dict(error="Rejected: One or more nodes are installing a release.") try: result = sc.software_deploy_complete_api(list(args)[0]) except SoftwareError as e: return dict(error="Error: %s" % str(e)) sc.software_sync() return result @expose('json') @expose('query.xml', content_type='application/xml') def deploy_host(self, *args): if len(list(args)) == 0: return dict(error="Host must be specified for install") force = False if len(list(args)) > 1 and 'force' in list(args)[1:]: force = True try: result = sc.software_deploy_host_api(list(args)[0], force, async_req=True) except SoftwareError as e: return dict(error="Error: %s" % str(e)) return result @expose('json') @expose('query.xml', content_type='application/xml') def deploy_precheck(self, *args, **kwargs): force = False if 'force' in list(args): force = True try: result = sc.software_deploy_precheck_api(list(args)[0], force, **kwargs) except SoftwareError as e: return dict(error="Error: %s" % str(e)) return result @expose('json') @expose('query.xml', content_type='application/xml') def deploy_start(self, *args, **kwargs): # if --force is provided force = 'force' in list(args) if sc.any_patch_host_installing(): return dict(error="Rejected: One or more nodes are installing releases.") try: result = sc.software_deploy_start_api(list(args)[0], force, **kwargs) except SoftwareError as e: return dict(error="Error: %s" % str(e)) sc.send_latest_feed_commit_to_agent() sc.software_sync() return result @expose('json', method="GET") def deploy(self): from_release = request.GET.get("from_release") to_release = request.GET.get("to_release") result = dict(data=sc.software_deploy_show_api(from_release, to_release)) response_data = json.dumps(result) return Response(body=response_data, status_code=200) @expose('json') @expose('query.xml', content_type='application/xml') def install_local(self): try: result = sc.software_install_local_api() except SoftwareError as e: return dict(error="Error: %s" % str(e)) return result @expose('json') def is_available(self, *args): return sc.is_available(list(args)) @expose('json') def is_committed(self, *args): return sc.is_committed(list(args)) @expose('json') def is_deployed(self, *args): return sc.is_deployed(list(args)) @expose('json') @expose('show.xml', content_type='application/xml') def show(self, *args): try: result = sc.software_release_query_specific_cached(list(args)) except SoftwareError as e: return dict(error="Error: %s" % str(e)) return result @expose('json') @expose('query.xml', content_type='application/xml') def upload(self): is_local = False temp_dir = None uploaded_files = [] request_data = [] local_files = [] # --local option only sends a list of file names if (request.content_type == "text/plain"): local_files = list(json.loads(request.body)) is_local = True else: request_data = list(request.POST.items()) temp_dir = os.path.join(constants.SCRATCH_DIR, 'upload_files') try: if len(request_data) == 0 and len(local_files) == 0: raise SoftwareError("No files uploaded") if is_local: uploaded_files = local_files LOG.info("Uploaded local files: %s", uploaded_files) else: # Protect against duplications uploaded_files = sorted(set(request_data)) # Save all uploaded files to /scratch/upload_files dir for file_item in uploaded_files: assert isinstance(file_item[1], cgi.FieldStorage) utils.save_temp_file(file_item[1], temp_dir) # Get all uploaded files from /scratch dir uploaded_files = utils.get_all_files(temp_dir) LOG.info("Uploaded files: %s", uploaded_files) # Process uploaded files return sc.software_release_upload(uploaded_files) except Exception as e: return dict(error=str(e)) finally: # Remove all uploaded files from /scratch dir sc.software_sync() if temp_dir: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, ignore_errors=True) @expose('json') @expose('query.xml', content_type='application/xml') def query(self, **kwargs): try: sd = sc.software_release_query_cached(**kwargs) except SoftwareError as e: return dict(error="Error: %s" % str(e)) return dict(sd=sd) @expose('json', method="GET") def host_list(self): query_hosts = dict(data=sc.deploy_host_list()) response_data = json.dumps(query_hosts) return Response(body=response_data, status_code=200) @expose(method='GET', template='json') def in_sync_controller(self): return sc.in_sync_controller_api()