""" Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Wind River Systems, Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ """Access Control Lists (ACL's) control access the API server.""" from cgcs_patch.authapi import auth_token OPT_GROUP_NAME = 'keystone_authtoken' def install(app, conf, public_routes): """Install ACL check on application. :param app: A WSGI application. :param conf: Settings. Must include OPT_GROUP_NAME section. :param public_routes: The list of the routes which will be allowed access without authentication. :return: The same WSGI application with ACL installed. """ keystone_config = dict(conf.items(OPT_GROUP_NAME)) return auth_token.AuthTokenMiddleware(app, conf=keystone_config, public_api_routes=public_routes)