""" Copyright (c) 2023 Wind River Systems, Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ import pecan from software.config import CONF def get_pecan_config(): """Load the pecan configuration.""" pecan_opts = CONF.pecan cfg_dict = { # todo(abailey): add server defaults to config "server": { "port": "5490", "host": "" }, "app": { "root": pecan_opts.root, "modules": pecan_opts.modules, "debug": pecan_opts.debug, "auth_enable": pecan_opts.auth_enable, "force_canonical": pecan_opts.force_canonical, "guess_content_type_from_ext": pecan_opts.guess_content_type_from_ext, } } return pecan.configuration.conf_from_dict(cfg_dict) def setup_app(pecan_config=None): """Setup the pecan REST API.""" if not pecan_config: pecan_config = get_pecan_config() pecan.configuration.set_config(dict(pecan_config), overwrite=True) # todo(abailey): Add in the hooks hooks = [] # todo(abailey): It seems like the call to pecan.configuration above # mean that the following lines are redundnant? app = pecan.make_app( pecan_config.app.root, debug=pecan_config.app.debug, hooks=hooks, force_canonical=pecan_config.app.force_canonical, guess_content_type_from_ext=pecan_config.app.guess_content_type_from_ext ) return app