#!/bin/bash # # Wrapper script to run panko-expirer when on active controller only # PANKO_EXPIRER_INFO="/var/run/panko-expirer.info" PANKO_EXPIRER_CMD="/usr/bin/nice -n 2 /usr/bin/panko-expirer" function is_active_pgserver() { # Determine whether we're running on the same controller as the service. local service=postgres local enabledactive=$(/usr/bin/sm-query service $service| grep enabled-active) if [ "x$enabledactive" == "x" ] then # enabled-active not found for that service on this controller return 1 else # enabled-active found for that resource return 0 fi } if is_active_pgserver then if [ ! -f ${PANKO_EXPIRER_INFO} ] then echo skip_count=0 > ${PANKO_EXPIRER_INFO} fi source ${PANKO_EXPIRER_INFO} sudo -u postgres psql -d sysinv -c "SELECT alarm_id, entity_instance_id from i_alarm;" | grep -P "^(?=.*100.101)(?=.*${HOSTNAME})" &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then source /etc/platform/platform.conf if [ "${system_type}" = "All-in-one" ] then source /etc/init.d/task_affinity_functions.sh idle_core=$(get_most_idle_core) if [ "$idle_core" -ne "0" ] then sh -c "exec taskset -c $idle_core ${PANKO_EXPIRER_CMD}" sed -i "/skip_count/s/=.*/=0/" ${PANKO_EXPIRER_INFO} exit 0 fi fi if [ "$skip_count" -lt "3" ] then newval=$(($skip_count+1)) sed -i "/skip_count/s/=.*/=$newval/" ${PANKO_EXPIRER_INFO} exit 0 fi fi eval ${PANKO_EXPIRER_CMD} sed -i "/skip_count/s/=.*/=0/" ${PANKO_EXPIRER_INFO} fi exit 0