Fix failing tox and zuul for cgtsclient

The dependencies were failing to install mostly because
this repo still has python2 for its tox and zuul.

tox.ini has been updated, and zuul now points to
a debian nodeset.

Some of the components are newer, and therefore additional
error checks are being suppressed for flake8 and pylint.

Closes-Bug: #2016171
Signed-off-by: Al Bailey <>
Change-Id: I0632ab4d4292a623a541109d4f53953113d59877
This commit is contained in:
Al Bailey 2023-04-13 17:14:01 +00:00
parent f53555fa63
commit 19f77a95f8
4 changed files with 27 additions and 144 deletions

View File

@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
parent: tox
description: |
Run pep8 test for cgts-client
nodeset: ubuntu-bionic
nodeset: debian-bullseye
- sysinv/cgts-client/*
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
parent: tox
description: |
Run pylint test for cgts-client
nodeset: ubuntu-xenial
nodeset: debian-bullseye
- sysinv/cgts-client/*

View File

@ -17,91 +17,6 @@ load-plugins=
# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can
# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
# multiple time.
# Python3 checker:
# E1601: print-statement
# E1602: parameter-unpacking
# E1603: unpacking-in-except
# E1604: old-raise-syntax
# E1605: backtick
# E1606: long-suffix
# E1607: old-ne-operator
# E1608: old-octal-literal
# E1609: import-star-module-level
# E1610: non-ascii-bytes-literal
# E1611: invalid-unicode-literal
# W1601: apply-builtin
# W1602: basestring-builtin
# W1603: buffer-builtin
# W1604: cmp-builtin
# W1605: coerce-builtin
# W1606: execfile-builtin
# W1607: file-builtin
# W1608: long-builtin
# W1609: raw_input-builtin
# W1610: reduce-builtin
# W1611: standarderror-builtin
# W1612: unicode-builtin
# W1613: xrange-builtin
# W1614: coerce-method
# W1615: delslice-method
# W1616: getslice-method
# W1617: setslice-method
# W1618: no-absolute-import
# W1619: old-division
# W1620: dict-iter-method
# W1621: dict-view-method
# W1622: next-method-called
# W1623: metaclass-assignment
# W1624: indexing-exception
# W1625: raising-string
# W1626: reload-builtin
# W1627: oct-method
# W1628: hex-method
# W1629: nonzero-method
# W1630: cmp-method
# W1632: input-builtin
# W1633: round-builtin
# W1634: intern-builtin
# W1635: unichr-builtin
# W1636: map-builtin-not-iterating
# W1637: zip-builtin-not-iterating
# W1638: range-builtin-not-iterating
# W1639: filter-builtin-not-iterating
# W1640: using-cmp-argument
# W1641: eq-without-hash
# W1642: div-method
# W1643: idiv-method
# W1644: rdiv-method
# W1645: exception-message-attribute
# W1646: invalid-str-codec
# W1647: sys-max-int
# W1648: bad-python3-import
# W1649: deprecated-string-function
# W1650: deprecated-str-translate-call
# W1651: deprecated-itertools-function
# W1652: deprecated-types-field
# W1653: next-method-defined
# W1654: dict-items-not-iterating
# W1655: dict-keys-not-iterating
# W1656: dict-values-not-iterating
# W1657: deprecated-operator-function
# W1658: deprecated-urllib-function
# W1659: xreadlines-attribute
# W1660: deprecated-sys-function
# W1661: exception-escape
# W1662: comprehension-escape
# Disable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You
# can either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
# multiple time (only on the command line, not in the configuration file where
@ -114,37 +29,38 @@ enable=E1603,E1609,E1610,E1602,E1606,E1608,E1607,E1605,E1604,E1601,E1611,W1652,
# The following warnings are disabled and should be fixed:
# fixme (notes, todo, xxx)
# W0108: unnecessary-lambda
# W0110: deprecated-lambda
# W0120: useless-else-on-loop
# W0123: eval-used
# W0212: protected-access
# W0235: useless-super-delegation
# W3101: missing-timeout
# W0402: deprecated-module
# W0403: relative-import
# W0602: global-variable-not-assigned
# W0603: global-statement
# W0611: unused-import
# W0612: unused-variable
# W0613: unused-argument
# W0622: redefined-builtin
# W0631: undefined-loop-variable
# W0703: broad-except
# W0707: raise-missing-from
# W0718: broad-exception-caught
# W0719: broad-exception-raised
# W1401: anomalous-backslash-in-string
# W1514: unspecified-encoding
# W1618: no-absolute-import
disable=C, R, fixme, W0108, W0110, W0120, W0123,
W0212, W0235, W0402, W0403, W0603, W0611,
W0612, W0613, W0622, W0631, W0703, W1401,
# W4902: deprecated-method
# E0601: used-before-assignment !!!
disable=C, R, fixme,
W0108, W0120, W0123, W0212, W0235, W3101,
W0402, W0602, W0603, W0611, W0612, W0613,
W0622, W0631, W0707, W0718, W0719, W1401, W1514,
W4902, E0601
# Set the output format. Available formats are text, parseable, colorized, msvs
# (visual studio) and html
# Put messages in a separate file for each module / package specified on the
# command line instead of printing them on stdout. Reports (if any) will be
# written in a file name "pylint_global.[txt|html]".
# Tells whether to display a full report or only the messages
@ -179,10 +95,6 @@ indent-string=' '
# Tells whether missing members accessed in mixin class should be ignored. A
# mixin class is detected if its name ends with "mixin" (case insensitive).
# List of classes names for which member attributes should not be checked
# (useful for classes with attributes dynamically set).
@ -194,9 +106,6 @@ generated-members=REQUEST,acl_users,aq_parent
# List of builtins function names that should not be used, separated by a comma
# Regular expression which should only match correct module names
@ -286,7 +195,7 @@ max-locals=15
# Maximum number of branch for function / method body
# Maximum number of statements in function / method body
@ -315,4 +224,4 @@ valid-classmethod-first-arg=cls
# Exceptions that will emit a warning when being caught. Defaults to
# "Exception"

View File

@ -3,11 +3,8 @@
# process, which may cause wedges in the gate later.
# Newer hacking already pins down pep8, pyflakes and flake8
astroid<2.0;python_version<"3.0" # GPLv2
astroid<= 2.2.5;python_version>="3.0" # GPLv2
pycodestyle<2.6.0 # MIT License
hacking>=1.1.0,<=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
coverage!=4.4,>=4.0 # Apache-2.0
fixtures>=3.0.0 # Apache-2.0/BSD
mock>=2.0 # BSD
@ -17,7 +14,8 @@ stestr
testscenarios>=0.4 # Apache-2.0/BSD
testtools>=1.4.0 # MIT
testresources>=0.2.4 # Apache-2.0/BSD
pylint<2.1.0;python_version<"3.0" # GPLv2
pylint<2.4.0;python_version>="3.0" # GPLv2

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
envlist = py27,py36,py39,pep8,pylint
envlist = py39,pep8,pylint
minversion = 1.6
#skipsdist = True
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ basepython = python3
usedevelop = True
install_command = pip install \
-U \
{opts} {packages}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
@ -38,38 +38,14 @@ passenv =
basepython = python2.7
commands =
stestr run {posargs}
stestr slowest
basepython = python3.6
commands =
stestr run {posargs}
stestr slowest
basepython = python3.9
install_command = pip install \
-U \
{opts} {packages}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
commands =
stestr run {posargs}
stestr slowest
basepython = python3
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
commands =
flake8 cgtsclient
@ -77,7 +53,6 @@ commands =
commands = {posargs}
basepython = python2.7
setenv = {[testenv]setenv}
PYTHON=coverage run --parallel-mode
commands =
@ -109,6 +84,7 @@ max-complexity=25
# B006 Do not use mutable data structures for argument defaults
# B009 Do not call getattr with a constant attribute value
# B010 Do not call setattr with a constant attribute value
# B028 No explicit stacklevel keyword argument found
# -W- codes are warnings
# W503 line break before binary operator
# W504 line break after binary operator
@ -116,14 +92,14 @@ max-complexity=25
# -E- codes are errors
# E501 line too long
# E731 do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
# E741 ambiguous variable name
# -F- codes are errors
ignore = H102,H104,H105,H238,H404,H405,
basepython = python3
commands = pylint {posargs} cgtsclient --rcfile=./pylint.rc --extension-pkg-whitelist=lxml.etree,greenlet