Remove stale alarms in k8s apps upgrade script

Added a step to remove "Application Update in Progress" alarms
(750.005) that sometimes remain after updating k8s apps as part of a
platform upgrade. The alarms remain due to an IPC error (root cause
unclear). The issue is intermittent and very rarely seen.

Test Plan:
PASS: In a simplex upgrade activation stage (22.06 to 22.12), observe
      the logs in /var/log/sysinv.log. During k8s apps upgrade script,
      when app apply start, as soon as you see a log with "Applying
      app <app>. Overall completion ..", restart fm-mgr service. Wait
      for the app to finish applying. Even if there was a failure while
      connecting with FM manager, when activation completes, there
      shouldn't be any 750.005 alarms.

Closes-Bug: 2003228.
Signed-off-by: Marcelo de Castro Loebens <>
Change-Id: I74b2a1f29302842452136eb3d3cb150f4c31ac0b
This commit is contained in:
Marcelo de Castro Loebens 2023-01-16 14:47:57 -04:00
parent 8ae54c7858
commit d9064e4822
1 changed files with 5 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -180,6 +180,11 @@ if [ "$ACTION" == "activate" ]; then
if [ "${UPDATING_APP_NAME}" == "${UPGRADE_APP_NAME}" ] && \
[ "${UPDATING_APP_STATUS}" == "applied" ]; then
ALARMS=$(fm alarm-list --nowrap --uuid --query "alarm_id=750.005;entity_type_id=k8s_application;entity_instance_id=${UPGRADE_APP_NAME}" | head -n-1 | tail -n+4 | awk '{print $2}')
for alarm in ${ALARMS}; do
log "$NAME: [Warning] A stale 750.005 Application Update In Progress alarm was found for ${UPGRADE_APP_NAME}. Clearing it (UUID: ${alarm})."
fm alarm-delete $alarm
log "$NAME: ${UPGRADE_APP_NAME} has been updated to version ${UPGRADE_APP_VERSION} from version ${EXISTING_APP_VERSION}"