class openstack::barbican::params ( $api_port = 9311, $region_name = undef, $service_name = 'barbican-api', $service_create = false, $service_enabled = true, ) { } class openstack::barbican inherits ::openstack::barbican::params { if $service_enabled { include ::platform::params if $::platform::params::init_keystone { include ::barbican::keystone::auth include ::barbican::keystone::authtoken } if $::platform::params::init_database { include ::barbican::db::postgresql } barbican_config { 'service_credentials/interface': value => 'internalURL' } cron { 'barbican-cleaner': ensure => 'present', command => '/usr/bin/barbican-manage db clean -p -e -L /var/log/barbican/barbican-clean.log', environment => 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin', minute => '50', hour => '*/24', user => 'root', } } } class openstack::barbican::firewall inherits ::openstack::barbican::params { platform::firewall::rule { 'barbican-api': service_name => 'barbican-api', ports => $api_port, } } class openstack::barbican::haproxy inherits ::openstack::barbican::params { platform::haproxy::proxy { 'barbican-restapi': server_name => 's-barbican-restapi', public_port => $api_port, private_port => $api_port, } } class openstack::barbican::api inherits ::openstack::barbican::params { include ::platform::params # The barbican user and service are always required and they # are used by subclouds when the service itself is disabled # on System Controller # whether it creates the endpoint is determined by # barbican::keystone::auth::configure_endpoint which is # set via sysinv puppet if ($::openstack::barbican::params::service_create and $::platform::params::init_keystone) { include ::barbican::keystone::auth $bu_name = $::barbican::keystone::auth::auth_name $bu_tenant = $::barbican::keystone::auth::tenant keystone_role { 'creator': ensure => present, } keystone_user_role { "${bu_name}@${bu_tenant}": ensure => present, roles => ['admin', 'creator'], } } if $service_enabled { $api_workers = $::platform::params::eng_workers file_line { 'Modify workers in': path => '/etc/barbican/', line => "workers = ${api_workers}", match => '.*workers = .*', tag => 'modify-workers', } include ::platform::network::mgmt::params $api_host = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::subnet_version ? { 6 => "[${::platform::network::mgmt::params::controller_address}]", default => $::platform::network::mgmt::params::controller_address, } $api_fqdn = $::platform::params::controller_hostname $url_host = "http://${api_fqdn}:${api_port}" include ::platform::amqp::params class { '::barbican::api': bind_host => $api_host, bind_port => $api_port, host_href => $url_host, sync_db => $::platform::params::init_database, enable_proxy_headers_parsing => true, rabbit_use_ssl => $::platform::amqp::params::ssl_enabled, default_transport_url => $::platform::amqp::params::transport_url, } class { '::barbican::keystone::notification': enable_keystone_notification => true, } include ::openstack::barbican::firewall include ::openstack::barbican::haproxy } }