#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # Copyright (c) 2017 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # ################################################################################ # Define minimal path PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin . /etc/platform/platform.conf LOG_FUNCTIONS=${LOG_FUNCTIONS:-"/etc/init.d/log_functions.sh"} CPUMAP_FUNCTIONS=${CPUMAP_FUNCTIONS:-"/etc/init.d/cpumap_functions.sh"} [[ -e ${LOG_FUNCTIONS} ]] && source ${LOG_FUNCTIONS} [[ -e ${CPUMAP_FUNCTIONS} ]] && source ${CPUMAP_FUNCTIONS} # Enable debug logs and tag them LOG_DEBUG=1 TAG="TASKAFFINITY:" TASK_AFFINING_INCOMPLETE="/etc/platform/.task_affining_incomplete" N_CPUS=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | \ awk '/^[pP]rocessor/ { n +=1 } END { print (n>0) ? n : 1}') FULLSET_CPUS="0-"$((N_CPUS-1)) FULLSET_MASK=$(cpulist_to_cpumap ${FULLSET_CPUS} ${N_CPUS}) PLATFORM_CPUS=$(get_platform_cpu_list) PLATFORM_CPULIST=$(get_platform_cpu_list| \ perl -pe 's/(\d+)-(\d+)/join(",",$1..$2)/eg'| \ sed 's/,/ /g') VSWITCH_CPULIST=$(get_vswitch_cpu_list| \ perl -pe 's/(\d+)-(\d+)/join(",",$1..$2)/eg'| \ sed 's/,/ /g') IDLE_MARK=95.0 KERNEL=`uname -a` ################################################################################ # Check if a given core is one of the platform cores ################################################################################ function is_platform_core() { local core=$1 for CPU in ${PLATFORM_CPULIST}; do if [ $core -eq $CPU ]; then return 1 fi done return 0 } ################################################################################ # Check if a given core is one of the vswitch cores ################################################################################ function is_vswitch_core() { local core=$1 for CPU in ${VSWITCH_CPULIST}; do if [ $core -eq $CPU ]; then return 1 fi done return 0 } ################################################################################ # An audit and corrective action following a swact ################################################################################ function audit_and_reaffine() { local mask=$1 local cmd_str="" local tasklist cmd_str="ps-sched.sh|awk '(\$9==\"$mask\") {print \$2}'" tasklist=($(eval $cmd_str)) # log_debug "cmd str = $cmd_str" log_debug "${TAG} There are ${#tasklist[@]} tasks to reaffine." for task in ${tasklist[@]}; do taskset -acp ${PLATFORM_CPUS} $task &> /dev/null rc=$? [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] && log_error "Failed to set CPU affinity for pid $pid, rc=$rc" done tasklist=($(eval $cmd_str)) [[ ${#tasklist[@]} -eq 0 ]] && return 0 || return 1 } ################################################################################ # The following function is used to verify that any sleeping management tasks # that are on non-platform cores can be migrated to platform cores as soon as # they are scheduled. It can be invoked either manually or from goenableCompute # script as a scheduled job (with a few minute delay) if desired. # The induced tasks migration should be done after all VMs have been restored # following a host reboot in AIO, hence the delay. ################################################################################ function move_inactive_threads_to_platform_cores() { local tasklist local cmd_str="" # Compile a list of non-kernel & non-vswitch/VM related threads that are not # on platform cores. # e.g. if the platform cpulist value is "0 8", the resulting command to be # evaluated should look like this: # ps-sched.sh|grep -v vswitch|awk '($10!=0 && $10!=8 && $3!=2) {if(NR>1)print $2}' cmd_str="ps-sched.sh|grep -v vswitch|awk '(" for cpu_num in ${PLATFORM_CPULIST}; do cmd_str=$cmd_str"\$10!="${cpu_num}" && " done cmd_str=$cmd_str"\$3!=2) {if(NR>1)print \$2}'" echo "selection string = $cmd_str" tasklist=($(eval $cmd_str)) log_debug "${TAG} There are ${#tasklist[@]} number of tasks to be moved." # These sleep tasks are stuck on the wrong core(s). They need to be woken up # so they can be migrated to the right ones. Attaching and detaching strace # momentarily to the task does the trick. for task in ${tasklist[@]}; do strace -p $task 2>/dev/null & pid=$! sleep 0.1 kill -SIGINT $pid done tasklist=($(eval $cmd_str)) [[ ${#tasklist[@]} -eq 0 ]] && return 0 || return 1 } ################################################################################ # The following function is called by affine-platform.sh to affine tasks to # all available cores during initial startup and subsequent host reboots. ################################################################################ function affine_tasks_to_all_cores() { local pidlist local rc=0 if [[ "${KERNEL}" == *" RT "* ]]; then return 0 fi log_debug "${TAG} Affining all tasks to CPU (${FULLSET_CPUS})" pidlist=$(ps --ppid 2 -p 2 --deselect -o pid= | awk '{ print $1; }') for pid in ${pidlist[@]}; do ppid=$(ps -o ppid= -p $pid |tr -d '[:space:]') if [ -z $ppid ] || [ $ppid -eq 2 ]; then continue fi log_debug "Affining pid $pid, parent pid = $ppid" taskset --all-tasks --pid --cpu-list ${FULLSET_CPUS} $pid &> /dev/null rc=$? [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] && log_error "Failed to set CPU affinity for pid $pid, rc=$rc" done # Write the cpu list to a temp file which will be read and removed when # the tasks are reaffined back to platform cores later on. echo ${FULLSET_CPUS} > ${TASK_AFFINING_INCOMPLETE} return $rc } ################################################################################ # The following function can be called by any platform service that needs to # temporarily make use of idle VM cores to run a short-duration, service # critical and cpu intensive operation in AIO. For instance, sm can levearage # the idle cores to speed up swact activity. # # At the end of the operation, regarless of the result, the service must be # calling function affine_tasks_to_platform_cores to re-affine platform tasks # back to their assigned core(s). # # Kernel, vswitch and VM related tasks are untouched. ################################################################################ function affine_tasks_to_idle_cores() { local cpulist local cpuocc_list local vswitch_pid local pidlist local idle_cpulist local platform_cpus local rc=0 local cpu=0 if [ -f ${TASK_AFFINING_INCOMPLETE} ]; then read cpulist < ${TASK_AFFINING_INCOMPLETE} log_debug "${TAG} Tasks have already been affined to CPU ($cpulist)." return 0 fi if [[ "${KERNEL}" == *" RT "* ]]; then return 0 fi # Compile a list of cpus with idle percentage greater than 95% in the last # 5 seconds. cpuocc_list=($(sar -P ALL 1 5|grep Average|awk '{if(NR>2)print $8}')) for idle_value in ${cpuocc_list[@]}; do is_vswitch_core $cpu if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then ((cpu++)) continue fi is_platform_core $cpu if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then # Platform core is added to the idle list by default idle_cpulist=$idle_cpulist$cpu"," else # Non platform core is added to the idle list if it is more than 95% idle [[ $(echo "$idle_value > ${IDLE_MARK}"|bc) -eq 1 ]] && idle_cpulist=$idle_cpulist$cpu"," fi ((cpu++)) done idle_cpulist=$(echo $idle_cpulist|sed 's/.$//') platform_affinity_mask=$(cpulist_to_cpumap ${PLATFORM_CPUS} ${N_CPUS} \ |awk '{print tolower($0)}') log_debug "${TAG} Affining all tasks to idle CPU ($idle_cpulist)" vswitch_pid=$(pgrep vswitch) pidlist=$(ps --ppid 2 -p 2 --deselect -o pid= | awk '{ print $1; }') for pid in ${pidlist[@]}; do ppid=$(ps -o ppid= -p $pid |tr -d '[:space:]') if [ -z $ppid ] || [ $ppid -eq 2 ] || [ "$pid" = "$vswitch_pid" ]; then continue fi pid_affinity_mask=$(taskset -p $pid | awk '{print $6}') if [ "${pid_affinity_mask}" == "${platform_affinity_mask}" ]; then # log_debug "Affining pid $pid to idle cores..." taskset --all-tasks --pid --cpu-list $idle_cpulist $pid &> /dev/null rc=$? [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] && log_error "Failed to set CPU affinity for pid $pid, rc=$rc" fi done # Save the cpu list to the temp file which will be read and removed when # tasks are reaffined to the platform cores later on. echo $idle_cpulist > ${TASK_AFFINING_INCOMPLETE} return $rc } ################################################################################ # The following function is called by either: # a) nova-compute wrapper script during AIO system initial bringup or reboot # or # b) sm at the end of swact sequence # to re-affine management tasks back to the platform cores. ################################################################################ function affine_tasks_to_platform_cores() { local cpulist local pidlist local rc=0 local count=0 if [ ! -f ${TASK_AFFINING_INCOMPLETE} ]; then dbg_str="${TAG} Either tasks have never been affined to all/idle cores or" dbg_str=$dbg_str" they have already been reaffined to platform cores." log_debug "$dbg_str" return 0 fi read cpulist < ${TASK_AFFINING_INCOMPLETE} affinity_mask=$(cpulist_to_cpumap $cpulist ${N_CPUS}|awk '{print tolower($0)}') log_debug "${TAG} Reaffining tasks to platform cores (${PLATFORM_CPUS})..." pidlist=$(ps --ppid 2 -p 2 --deselect -o pid= | awk '{ print $1; }') for pid in ${pidlist[@]}; do # log_debug "Processing pid $pid..." pid_affinity_mask=$(taskset -p $pid | awk '{print $6}') # Only management tasks need to be reaffined. Kernel, vswitch and VM related # tasks were not affined previously so they should have different affinity # mask(s). if [ "${pid_affinity_mask}" == "${affinity_mask}" ]; then ((count++)) # log_debug "Affining pid $pid to platform cores..." taskset --all-tasks --pid --cpu-list ${PLATFORM_CPUS} $pid &> /dev/null rc=$? [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] && log_error "Failed to set CPU affinity for pid $pid, rc=$rc" fi done # A workaround for lack of "end of swact" state fullmask=$(echo ${FULLSET_MASK} | awk '{print tolower($0)}') if [ "${affinity_mask}" != "${fullmask}" ]; then log_debug "${TAG} Schedule an audit and cleanup" (sleep 60; audit_and_reaffine "0x"$affinity_mask) & fi rm -rf ${TASK_AFFINING_INCOMPLETE} log_debug "${TAG} $count tasks were reaffined to platform cores." return $rc } ################################################################################ # The following function can be leveraged by cron tasks ################################################################################ function get_most_idle_core() { local cpuocc_list local cpu=0 local most_idle_value=${IDLE_MARK} local most_idle_cpu=0 if [[ "${KERNEL}" == *" RT "* ]]; then echo $cpu return fi cpuocc_list=($(sar -P ALL 1 5|grep Average|awk '{if(NR>2)print $8}')) for idle_value in ${cpuocc_list[@]}; do is_vswitch_core $cpu if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then ((cpu++)) continue fi if [ $(echo "$idle_value > $most_idle_value"|bc) -eq 1 ]; then most_idle_value=$idle_value most_idle_cpu=$cpu fi ((cpu++)) done echo $most_idle_cpu }