class platform::config::params ( $config_uuid = 'install', $hosts = {}, $timezone = 'UTC', ) { } class platform::config inherits ::platform::config::params { include ::platform::params include ::platform::anchors stage { 'pre': before => Stage['main'], } stage { 'post': require => Stage['main'], } class { '::platform::config::pre': stage => pre } class { '::platform::config::post': stage => post, } } class platform::config::file { include ::platform::params include ::platform::network::mgmt::params include ::platform::network::infra::params include ::platform::network::oam::params # dependent template variables $management_interface = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::interface_name $infrastructure_interface = $::platform::network::infra::params::interface_name $oam_interface = $::platform::network::oam::params::interface_name $platform_conf = '/etc/platform/platform.conf' file_line { "${platform_conf} sw_version": path => $platform_conf, line => "sw_version=${::platform::params::software_version}", match => '^sw_version=', } if $management_interface { file_line { "${platform_conf} management_interface": path => $platform_conf, line => "management_interface=${management_interface}", match => '^management_interface=', } } if $infrastructure_interface { file_line { "${platform_conf} infrastructure_interface": path => '/etc/platform/platform.conf', line => "infrastructure_interface=${infrastructure_interface}", match => '^infrastructure_interface=', } } if $oam_interface { file_line { "${platform_conf} oam_interface": path => $platform_conf, line => "oam_interface=${oam_interface}", match => '^oam_interface=', } } if $::platform::params::vswitch_type { file_line { "${platform_conf} vswitch_type": path => $platform_conf, line => "vswitch_type=${::platform::params::vswitch_type}", match => '^vswitch_type=', } } if $::platform::params::system_type { file_line { "${platform_conf} system_type": path => $platform_conf, line => "system_type=${::platform::params::system_type}", match => '^system_type=*', } } if $::platform::params::system_mode { file_line { "${platform_conf} system_mode": path => $platform_conf, line => "system_mode=${::platform::params::system_mode}", match => '^system_mode=*', } } if $::platform::params::security_profile { file_line { "${platform_conf} security_profile": path => $platform_conf, line => "security_profile=${::platform::params::security_profile}", match => '^security_profile=*', } } if $::platform::params::sdn_enabled { file_line { "${platform_conf}f sdn_enabled": path => $platform_conf, line => 'sdn_enabled=yes', match => '^sdn_enabled=', } } else { file_line { "${platform_conf} sdn_enabled": path => $platform_conf, line => 'sdn_enabled=no', match => '^sdn_enabled=', } } if $::platform::params::region_config { file_line { "${platform_conf} region_config": path => $platform_conf, line => 'region_config=yes', match => '^region_config=', } file_line { "${platform_conf} region_1_name": path => $platform_conf, line => "region_1_name=${::platform::params::region_1_name}", match => '^region_1_name=', } file_line { "${platform_conf} region_2_name": path => $platform_conf, line => "region_2_name=${::platform::params::region_2_name}", match => '^region_2_name=', } } else { file_line { "${platform_conf} region_config": path => $platform_conf, line => 'region_config=no', match => '^region_config=', } } if $::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role { file_line { "${platform_conf} distributed_cloud_role": path => $platform_conf, line => "distributed_cloud_role=${::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role}", match => '^distributed_cloud_role=', } } if $::platform::params::security_feature { file_line { "${platform_conf} security_feature": path => $platform_conf, line => "security_feature=\"${::platform::params::security_feature}\"", match => '^security_feature=*', } } } class platform::config::hostname { include ::platform::params file { '/etc/hostname': ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644', content => "${::platform::params::hostname}\n", notify => Exec['set-hostname'], } exec { 'set-hostname': command => 'hostname -F /etc/hostname', unless => 'test `hostname` = `cat /etc/hostname`', } } class platform::config::hosts inherits ::platform::config::params { # The localhost should resolve to the IPv4 loopback address only, therefore # ensure the IPv6 address is removed from configured hosts resources { 'host': purge => true } $localhost = { 'localhost' => { ip => '', host_aliases => ['localhost.localdomain', 'localhost4', 'localhost4.localdomain4'] }, } $merged_hosts = merge($localhost, $hosts) create_resources('host', $merged_hosts, {}) } class platform::config::timezone inherits ::platform::config::params { exec { 'Configure Timezone': command => "ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/${timezone} /etc/localtime", } } class platform::config::tpm { $tpm_certs = hiera_hash('platform::tpm::tpm_data', undef) if $tpm_certs != undef { # iterate through each tpm_cert creating it if it doesn't exist $tpm_certs.each |String $key, String $value| { file { "create-TPM-cert-${key}": ensure => present, path => $key, owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644', content => $value, } } } } class platform::config::pre { group { 'nobody': ensure => 'present', gid => '99', } include ::platform::config::timezone include ::platform::config::hostname include ::platform::config::hosts include ::platform::config::file include ::platform::config::tpm } class platform::config::post inherits ::platform::config::params { include ::platform::params service { 'crond': ensure => 'running', enable => true, } # When applying manifests to upgrade controller-1, we do not want SM or the # sysinv-agent or anything else that depends on these flags to start. if ! $::platform::params::controller_upgrade { if ! str2bool($::is_initial_config_primary) { file { '/etc/platform/.initial_config_complete': ensure => present, } } file { '/etc/platform/.config_applied': ensure => present, mode => '0640', content => "CONFIG_UUID=${config_uuid}" } } } class platform::config::controller::post { include ::platform::params if str2bool($::is_initial_config_primary) { # copy configured hosts to redundant storage file { "${::platform::params::config_path}/hosts": source => '/etc/hosts', replace => false, } } file { '/etc/platform/.initial_controller_config_complete': ensure => present, } file { '/var/run/.controller_config_complete': ensure => present, } } class platform::config::worker::post { file { '/etc/platform/.initial_worker_config_complete': ensure => present, } file { '/var/run/.worker_config_complete': ensure => present, } } class platform::config::storage::post { file { '/etc/platform/.initial_storage_config_complete': ensure => present, } file { '/var/run/.storage_config_complete': ensure => present, } } class platform::config::bootstrap { stage { 'pre': before => Stage['main'], } stage { 'post': require => Stage['main'], } include ::platform::params include ::platform::anchors include ::platform::config::hostname include ::platform::config::hosts }