# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. # import jsonpatch import pecan from pecan import expose from pecan import rest import six import wsme import wsmeext.pecan as wsme_pecan from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from sysinv._i18n import _ from sysinv import objects from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import base from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import collection from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import cpu as cpu_api from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import disk as disk_api from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import partition as partition_api from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import interface as interface_api from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import interface_network as ifnet_api from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import memory as memory_api from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import node as node_api from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import storage as storage_api from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import lvg as lvg_api from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import pv as pv_api from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import link from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import utils from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import cpu_utils from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import types from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import port as port_api from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import ethernet_port as ethernet_port_api from sysinv.common import ceph from sysinv.common import constants from sysinv.common import exception from sysinv.common import utils as cutils import xml.etree.ElementTree as et from lxml import etree from sysinv.api.controllers.v1 import profile_utils from sysinv.openstack.common.db import exception as dbException from wsme import types as wtypes from sysinv.common.storage_backend_conf import StorageBackendConfig LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.import_opt('journal_min_size', 'sysinv.api.controllers.v1.storage', group='journal') CONF.import_opt('journal_max_size', 'sysinv.api.controllers.v1.storage', group='journal') CONF.import_opt('journal_default_size', 'sysinv.api.controllers.v1.storage', group='journal') # Defines the fields that must be copied in/out of interface profiles INTERFACE_PROFILE_FIELDS = ['ifname', 'iftype', 'imtu', 'networktype', 'ifclass', 'aemode', 'networks', 'txhashpolicy', 'forihostid', 'datanetworks', 'vlan_id', 'ipv4_mode', 'ipv6_mode', 'ipv4_pool', 'ipv6_pool', 'sriov_numvfs', 'sriov_vf_driver'] class Profile(base.APIBase): """API representation of a host profile. This class enforces type checking and value constraints, and converts between the internal object model and the API representation of an ihost. """ _ihost_uuid = None _profilename = None def _get_ihost_uuid(self): return self._ihost_uuid def _set_ihost_uuid(self, value): if value and self._ihost_uuid != value: try: ihost = objects.host.get_by_uuid(pecan.request.context, value) self._ihost_uuid = ihost.uuid # NOTE(lucasagomes): Create the node_id attribute on-the-fly # to satisfy the api -> rpc object # conversion. # self.host_id = ihost.id self.forihostid = ihost.id except exception.NodeNotFound as e: # Change error code because 404 (NotFound) is inappropriate # response for a POST request to create a Port e.code = 400 # BadRequest raise e elif value == wtypes.Unset: self._ihost_uuid = wtypes.Unset def _get_profilename(self): if self.recordtype == 'profile': return self.hostname else: return self._profilename def _set_profilename(self, value): self._profilename = str(value) # NOTE: translate 'id' publicly to 'uuid' internally id = int created_at = wtypes.datetime.datetime updated_at = wtypes.datetime.datetime uuid = types.uuid hostname = wtypes.text profilename = wsme.wsproperty(wtypes.text, _get_profilename, _set_profilename, mandatory=True) profiletype = wtypes.text "Represent the profiletype of the iprofile - cpu, if, stor, memory" recordtype = wtypes.text "Represent the recordtype of the iprofile" invprovision = wtypes.text "Represent the current (not transition) provision state of the ihost" mgmt_mac = wtypes.text "Represent the provisioned Boot mgmt MAC address of the ihost." mgmt_ip = wtypes.text "Represent the provisioned Boot mgmt IP address of the ihost." personality = wtypes.text "Represent the personality of the ihost" # target_provision_state = wtypes.text # "The user modified desired provision state of the ihost." # NOTE: allow arbitrary dicts for driver_info and extra so that drivers # and vendors can expand on them without requiring API changes. # NOTE: translate 'driver_info' internally to 'management_configuration' serialid = wtypes.text administrative = wtypes.text operational = wtypes.text availability = wtypes.text # The 'action' field is used for action based administration compared # to existing state change administration. # Actions like 'reset','reboot', and 'reinstall' are now supported # by this new method along with 'swact', 'lock' and 'unlock'. action = wtypes.text # Maintenance FSM task is just a text string task = wtypes.text reserved = wtypes.text ihost_uuid = wsme.wsproperty(types.uuid, _get_ihost_uuid, _set_ihost_uuid, mandatory=True) "The UUID of the ihost this profile was created from" # Host uptime uptime = int # NOTE: properties should use a class to enforce required properties # current list: arch, cpus, disk, partition, ram, image location = {wtypes.text: utils.ValidTypes(wtypes.text, six.integer_types)} # NOTE: translate 'chassis_id' to a link to the chassis resource # and accept a chassis uuid when creating an ihost. # (Leaf not ihost) links = [link.Link] "A list containing a self link and associated ihost links" iinterfaces = [link.Link] "Links to the collection of iinterfaces on this ihost" ports = [link.Link] "Links to the collection of ports on this ihost" ethernet_ports = [link.Link] "Links to the collection of ethernet_ports on this ihost" inodes = [link.Link] "Links to the collection of inodes on this ihost" icpus = [link.Link] "Links to the collection of icpus on this ihost" imemorys = [link.Link] "Links to the collection of imemorys on this ihost" istors = [link.Link] "Links to the collection of istors on this ihost" ipvs = [link.Link] "Links to the collection of ipvs on this ihost" ilvgs = [link.Link] "Links to the collection of ilvgs on this ihost" idisks = [link.Link] "Links to the collection of idisks on this ihost" partitions = [link.Link] "Links to the collection of partitions on this ihost" boot_device = wtypes.text rootfs_device = wtypes.text install_output = wtypes.text console = wtypes.text tboot = wtypes.text def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.fields = list(objects.host.fields.keys()) for k in self.fields: setattr(self, k, kwargs.get(k)) self.fields.append('profilename') setattr(self, 'profilename', kwargs.get('profilename', None)) self.fields.append('profiletype') setattr(self, 'profiletype', kwargs.get('profiletype', None)) self.fields.append('ihost_uuid') setattr(self, 'ihost_uuid', kwargs.get('ihost_uuid', None)) @classmethod def convert_with_links(cls, rpc_ihost, expand=True): minimum_fields = ['id', 'uuid', 'hostname', 'personality', 'administrative', 'operational', 'availability', 'task', 'action', 'uptime', 'reserved', 'mgmt_mac', 'mgmt_ip', 'location', 'recordtype', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'boot_device', 'rootfs_device', 'install_output', 'console', 'tboot', 'profilename', 'profiletype'] fields = minimum_fields if not expand else None iProfile = Profile.from_rpc_object(rpc_ihost, fields) iProfile.profiletype = rpc_ihost.profiletype iProfile.links = [link.Link.make_link('self', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid), link.Link.make_link('bookmark', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid, bookmark=True) ] if expand: iProfile.iinterfaces = [link.Link.make_link('self', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/iinterfaces"), link.Link.make_link( 'bookmark', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/iinterfaces", bookmark=True) ] iProfile.ports = [link.Link.make_link('self', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/ports"), link.Link.make_link( 'bookmark', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/ports", bookmark=True) ] iProfile.ethernet_ports = [link.Link.make_link('self', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/ethernet_ports"), link.Link.make_link( 'bookmark', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/ethernet_ports", bookmark=True) ] iProfile.inodes = [link.Link.make_link('self', pecan.request.host_url, 'ihosts', iProfile.uuid + "/inodes"), link.Link.make_link( 'bookmark', pecan.request.host_url, 'ihosts', iProfile.uuid + "/inodes", bookmark=True) ] iProfile.icpus = [link.Link.make_link('self', pecan.request.host_url, 'ihosts', iProfile.uuid + "/icpus"), link.Link.make_link( 'bookmark', pecan.request.host_url, 'ihosts', iProfile.uuid + "/icpus", bookmark=True) ] iProfile.imemorys = [link.Link.make_link('self', pecan.request.host_url, 'ihosts', iProfile.uuid + "/imemorys"), link.Link.make_link( 'bookmark', pecan.request.host_url, 'ihosts', iProfile.uuid + "/imemorys", bookmark=True) ] iProfile.istors = [link.Link.make_link('self', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/istors"), link.Link.make_link( 'bookmark', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/istors", bookmark=True) ] iProfile.ilvgs = [link.Link.make_link('self', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/ilvgs"), link.Link.make_link( 'bookmark', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/ilvgs", bookmark=True) ] iProfile.ipvs = [link.Link.make_link('self', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/ipvs"), link.Link.make_link( 'bookmark', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/ipvs", bookmark=True) ] iProfile.idisks = [link.Link.make_link('self', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/idisks"), link.Link.make_link( 'bookmark', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/idisks", bookmark=True) ] iProfile.partitions = [ link.Link.make_link( 'self', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/partitions"), link.Link.make_link( 'bookmark', pecan.request.host_url, 'iprofile', iProfile.uuid + "/partitions", bookmark=True) ] return iProfile class BaseProfile(base.APIBase): """API representation of a type specific profile. This class enforces type checking and value constraints, and converts between the internal object model and the API representation. """ uuid = types.uuid "uuid of the profile" profilename = wtypes.text "name of the profile" profiletype = wtypes.text "type of the profile" class InterfaceProfile(BaseProfile): ports = [ethernet_port_api.EthernetPort] "list of port objects" interfaces = [interface_api.Interface] "list of interface objects" class CpuProfile(BaseProfile): cpus = [cpu_api.CPU] "list of cpu objects" nodes = [node_api.Node] "list of node objects" class MemoryProfile(BaseProfile): memory = [memory_api.Memory] "list of memory objects" nodes = [node_api.Node] "list of node objects" class StorageProfile(BaseProfile): disks = [disk_api.Disk] "list of disk objects" partitions = [partition_api.Partition] "list of partition objects" stors = [storage_api.Storage] "list of storage volume objects" pvs = [pv_api.PV] "list of physical volume objects" lvgs = [lvg_api.LVG] "list of logical volume group objects" class ProfileCollection(collection.Collection): """API representation of a collection of ihosts.""" iprofiles = [Profile] "A list containing ihosts objects" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._type = 'iprofiles' @classmethod def convert_with_links(cls, iprofiles, limit, url=None, expand=False, **kwargs): collection = ProfileCollection() collection.iprofiles = [ Profile.convert_with_links(n, expand) for n in iprofiles] collection.next = collection.get_next(limit, url=url, **kwargs) return collection LOCK_NAME = 'ProfileController' class ProfileController(rest.RestController): """REST controller for iprofiles.""" iinterfaces = interface_api.InterfaceController( from_ihosts=True) "Expose iinterfaces as a sub-element of iprofiles" ports = port_api.PortController(from_ihosts=True) "Expose ports as a sub-element of iprofiles" ethernet_ports = ethernet_port_api.EthernetPortController(from_ihosts=True) "Expose ethernet_ports as a sub-element of iprofiles" inodes = node_api.NodeController(from_ihosts=True) "Expose inodes as a sub-element of iprofiles" icpus = cpu_api.CPUController(from_ihosts=True) "Expose icpus as a sub-element of iprofiles" imemorys = memory_api.MemoryController(from_ihosts=True) "Expose imemorys as a sub-element of iprofiles" istors = storage_api.StorageController(from_ihosts=True) "Expose istors as a sub-element of iprofiles" ilvgs = lvg_api.LVGController(from_ihosts=True) "Expose ilvgs as a sub-element of iprofiles" ipvs = pv_api.PVController(from_ihosts=True) "Expose ipvs as a sub-element of iprofiles" idisks = disk_api.DiskController(from_ihosts=True) "Expose idisks as a sub-element of iprofiles" partitions = partition_api.PartitionController(from_ihosts=True) "Expose partitions as a sub-element of iprofiles" _custom_actions = { 'detail': ['GET'], 'ifprofiles_list': ['GET'], 'cpuprofiles_list': ['GET'], 'memprofiles_list': ['GET'], 'storprofiles_list': ['GET'], 'import_profile': ['POST'], } ############# # INIT ############# def __init__(self, from_chassis=False): self._from_chassis = from_chassis @staticmethod def _iprofiles_get(chassis_id, marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir): limit = utils.validate_limit(limit) sort_dir = utils.validate_sort_dir(sort_dir) marker_obj = None if marker: marker_obj = objects.host.get_by_uuid(pecan.request.context, marker) ihosts = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_get_list( limit, marker_obj, recordtype="profile", sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir) # The subqueries required to get the profiletype does not scale well, # therefore the type is not defined when getting a generic list of # profiles. The type will only be set on the type specific queries. for host in ihosts: host.profiletype = None return ihosts @staticmethod def _interface_profile_list(marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir, session): limit = utils.validate_limit(limit) sort_dir = utils.validate_sort_dir(sort_dir) marker_obj = None if marker: marker_obj = objects.host.get_by_uuid(pecan.request.context, marker) profiles = pecan.request.dbapi.interface_profile_get_list( limit, marker_obj, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir, session=session) return profiles @staticmethod def _cpu_profile_list(marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir, session): limit = utils.validate_limit(limit) sort_dir = utils.validate_sort_dir(sort_dir) marker_obj = None if marker: marker_obj = objects.host.get_by_uuid(pecan.request.context, marker) profiles = pecan.request.dbapi.cpu_profile_get_list( limit, marker_obj, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir, session=session) return profiles @staticmethod def _memory_profile_list(marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir, session): limit = utils.validate_limit(limit) sort_dir = utils.validate_sort_dir(sort_dir) marker_obj = None if marker: marker_obj = objects.host.get_by_uuid(pecan.request.context, marker) profiles = pecan.request.dbapi.memory_profile_get_list( limit, marker_obj, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir, session=session) return profiles @staticmethod def _storage_profile_list(marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir, session): limit = utils.validate_limit(limit) sort_dir = utils.validate_sort_dir(sort_dir) marker_obj = None if marker: marker_obj = objects.host.get_by_uuid(pecan.request.context, marker) profiles = pecan.request.dbapi.storage_profile_get_list( limit, marker_obj, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir, session=session) return profiles ############# # REQUESTS ############# @wsme_pecan.wsexpose([InterfaceProfile]) def ifprofiles_list(self, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key='id', sort_dir='asc'): """Retrieve a list of interface profiles.""" # session is held for the duration of the profile list session = pecan.request.dbapi.get_session() profiles = self._interface_profile_list(marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir, session) if_profiles = [] for profile in profiles: interfaces = [] ports = [] for i in profile.interfaces: interface = objects.interface.from_db_object(i) ic = interface_api.Interface.convert_with_links(interface) interfaces.append(ic) for p in profile.ports: port = objects.ethernet_port.from_db_object(p) pc = ethernet_port_api.EthernetPort.convert_with_links(port) ports.append(pc) if_profiles.append( InterfaceProfile(uuid=profile.uuid, profilename=profile.hostname, profiletype=constants.PROFILE_TYPE_INTERFACE, ports=ports, interfaces=interfaces)) LOG.debug("ifprofiles_list response result %s" % if_profiles) return if_profiles @wsme_pecan.wsexpose([CpuProfile]) def cpuprofiles_list(self, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key='id', sort_dir='asc'): """Retrieve a list of cpu profiles.""" # session is held for the duration of the profile list session = pecan.request.dbapi.get_session() profiles = self._cpu_profile_list(marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir, session) cpu_profiles = [] for profile in profiles: cpus = [] nodes = [] for c in profile.cpus: cpu = objects.cpu.from_db_object(c) cc = cpu_api.CPU.convert_with_links(cpu) cpus.append(cc) for n in profile.nodes: node = objects.node.from_db_object(n) nc = node_api.Node.convert_with_links(node) nodes.append(nc) cpu_profiles.append( CpuProfile(uuid=profile.uuid, profilename=profile.hostname, profiletype=constants.PROFILE_TYPE_CPU, cpus=cpus, nodes=nodes)) LOG.debug("cpuprofiles_list response result %s" % cpu_profiles) return cpu_profiles @wsme_pecan.wsexpose([MemoryProfile]) def memprofiles_list(self, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key='id', sort_dir='asc'): """Retrieve a list of memory profiles.""" # session is held for the duration of the profile list session = pecan.request.dbapi.get_session() profiles = self._memory_profile_list(marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir, session) memory_profiles = [] for profile in profiles: memory = [] nodes = [] for m in profile.memory: mem = objects.memory.from_db_object(m) mc = memory_api.Memory.convert_with_links(mem) memory.append(mc) for n in profile.nodes: node = objects.node.from_db_object(n) nc = node_api.Node.convert_with_links(node) nodes.append(nc) memory_profiles.append( MemoryProfile(uuid=profile.uuid, profilename=profile.hostname, profiletype=constants.PROFILE_TYPE_MEMORY, memory=memory, nodes=nodes)) LOG.debug("memprofiles_list response result %s" % memory_profiles) return memory_profiles @wsme_pecan.wsexpose([StorageProfile]) def storprofiles_list(self, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key='id', sort_dir='asc'): """Retrieve a list of storage profiles.""" # session is held for the duration of the profile list session = pecan.request.dbapi.get_session() profiles = self._storage_profile_list(marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir, session) stor_profiles = [] for profile in profiles: disks = [] partitions = [] stors = [] lvgs = [] pvs = [] for d in profile.disks: disk = objects.disk.from_db_object(d) dc = disk_api.Disk.convert_with_links(disk) disks.append(dc) for part in profile.partitions: partition = objects.partition.from_db_object(part) partc = partition_api.Partition.convert_with_links(partition) partitions.append(partc) for s in profile.stors: stor = objects.storage.from_db_object(s) sc = storage_api.Storage.convert_with_links(stor) stors.append(sc) for p in profile.pvs: pv = objects.pv.from_db_object(p) pc = pv_api.PV.convert_with_links(pv) pvs.append(pc) for l in profile.lvgs: lvg = objects.lvg.from_db_object(l) lc = lvg_api.LVG.convert_with_links(lvg) lvgs.append(lc) profiletype = constants.PROFILE_TYPE_LOCAL_STORAGE \ if lvgs else constants.PROFILE_TYPE_STORAGE stor_profiles.append( StorageProfile(uuid=profile.uuid, profilename=profile.hostname, profiletype=profiletype, disks=disks, partitions=partitions, stors=stors, lvgs=lvgs, pvs=pvs)) LOG.debug("storprofiles_list response result %s" % stor_profiles) return stor_profiles @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(ProfileCollection, six.text_type, six.text_type, int, six.text_type, six.text_type) def get_all(self, chassis_id=None, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key='id', sort_dir='asc'): """Retrieve a list of ihosts.""" ihosts = self._iprofiles_get( chassis_id, marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir) return ProfileCollection.convert_with_links(ihosts, limit, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir) @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(ProfileCollection, six.text_type, six.text_type, int, six.text_type, six.text_type) def detail(self, chassis_id=None, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key='id', sort_dir='asc'): """Retrieve a list of ihosts with detail.""" # /detail should only work against collections parent = pecan.request.path.split('/')[:-1][-1] if parent != "ihosts": raise exception.HTTPNotFound ihosts = self._iprofiles_get( chassis_id, marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir) resource_url = '/'.join(['ihosts', 'detail']) return ProfileCollection.convert_with_links(ihosts, limit, url=resource_url, expand=True, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir) @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(Profile, six.text_type) def get_one(self, uuid): """Retrieve information about the given ihost.""" if self._from_chassis: raise exception.OperationNotPermitted rpc_ihost = objects.host.get_by_uuid(pecan.request.context, uuid) rpc_ihost.profiletype = _get_profiletype(rpc_ihost) return Profile.convert_with_links(rpc_ihost) @cutils.synchronized(LOCK_NAME) @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(Profile, body=Profile) def post(self, iprofile): """Create a new ihost profile.""" if self._from_chassis: raise exception.OperationNotPermitted system_mode = utils.get_system_mode() if system_mode == constants.SYSTEM_MODE_SIMPLEX: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_( "Creating a profile on a simplex system is not allowed.")) try: # Ensure recordtype is a profile profile_dict = iprofile.as_dict() recordtype_profile = {'recordtype': 'profile'} profile_dict.update(recordtype_profile) # Parent host ihost_uuid = '' if 'ihost_uuid' in profile_dict: ihost_uuid = profile_dict['ihost_uuid'] if 'profilename' in profile_dict and profile_dict['profilename']: profile_dict['hostname'] = profile_dict['profilename'] del profile_dict['profilename'] # Semantic checks _check_profilename(profile_dict['hostname']) from_ihost = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_get(ihost_uuid) # Before proceeding, check if the host is provisioned. # Adding a profile while the host hasn't been provisioned # will result in an entry being created in the ihost # table for this profile, but no corresponding # entries in the {storage, cpu, interface, etc} tables if from_ihost.invprovision != constants.PROVISIONED: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Cannot create profile %s " "until host %s is unlocked for the first time." % (profile_dict['hostname'], from_ihost.hostname))) profile_dict['subfunctions'] = from_ihost.subfunctions profiletype = '' if 'profiletype' in profile_dict and profile_dict['profiletype']: profiletype = profile_dict['profiletype'] if profiletype == constants.PROFILE_TYPE_STORAGE: stor_model = ceph.get_ceph_storage_model() if constants.WORKER in from_ihost.subfunctions: # combo has no ceph profiletype = constants.PROFILE_TYPE_LOCAL_STORAGE LOG.info("No ceph backend for stor profile, assuming " "%s" % profiletype) elif not StorageBackendConfig.has_backend_configured( pecan.request.dbapi, constants.CINDER_BACKEND_CEPH ): raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Storage profiles " "not applicable for %s with non Ceph backend." % from_ihost.hostname)) elif (from_ihost.personality == constants.CONTROLLER and stor_model != constants.CEPH_CONTROLLER_MODEL): raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Storage profiles " "not applicable for %s as storage deployment " "model is: %s" % (from_ihost.hostname, stor_model))) # Create profile LOG.debug("iprofileihost is: %s " % profile_dict) new_ihost = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_create(profile_dict) try: profile_copy_data(from_ihost, new_ihost, profiletype) except wsme.exc.ClientSideError as cse: pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_destroy(new_ihost.id) LOG.exception(cse) raise cse except Exception as e: pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_destroy(new_ihost.id) LOG.exception(e) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Failed to copy data to profile")) except exception.SysinvException as e: LOG.exception(e) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Invalid data")) return iprofile.convert_with_links(new_ihost) @cutils.synchronized(LOCK_NAME) @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(Profile, six.text_type, body=[six.text_type]) def patch(self, uuid, patch): """Update an existing iprofile. """ iHost = objects.host.get_by_uuid(pecan.request.context, uuid) if iHost['recordtype'] != "profile": raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Cannot update " "non profile record type")) iHost_dict = iHost.as_dict() utils.validate_patch(patch) patch_obj = jsonpatch.JsonPatch(patch) # Prevent auto populated fields from being updated state_rel_path = ['/uuid', '/id', '/recordtype'] if any(p['path'] in state_rel_path for p in patch_obj): raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("The following fields cannot be " "modified: uuid, id, recordtype")) try: # Update profile patched_iHost = jsonpatch.apply_patch(iHost_dict, patch_obj) except jsonpatch.JsonPatchException as e: LOG.exception(e) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Patching Error: %s") % e) # Semantic checks _check_profilename(patched_iHost['hostname']) # Once the host has been provisioned lock down additional fields provision_state = [constants.PROVISIONED, constants.PROVISIONING] if iHost['invprovision'] in provision_state: state_rel_path = ['/hostname', '/recordtype'] if any(p['path'] in state_rel_path for p in patch_obj): raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError( _("The following fields cannot be modified because this " "host has been configured: hostname, recordtype ")) try: # Update only the fields that have changed for field in objects.profile.fields: if iHost[field] != patched_iHost[field]: iHost[field] = patched_iHost[field] iHost.save() return Profile.convert_with_links(iHost) except exception.HTTPNotFound: msg = _("Profile update failed: %s : patch %s" % (patched_iHost['hostname'], patch)) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg) @cutils.synchronized(LOCK_NAME) @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(None, six.text_type, status_code=204) def delete(self, ihost_id): """Delete an ihost profile. """ ihost = objects.host.get_by_uuid(pecan.request.context, ihost_id) # Profiles do not require un/configuration or mtc notification if ihost.recordtype == "profile": try: profile_delete_data(ihost) except wsme.exc.ClientSideError as cse: LOG.exception(cse) raise cse except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Failed to delete data from profile")) pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_destroy(ihost_id) else: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Delete not allowed - recordtype " "is not a profile.")) @cutils.synchronized(LOCK_NAME) @expose('json') def import_profile(self, file): class ProfileObj(object): # noqa: F823 display = "" proc = None def __init__(self, display, proc): self.display = display self.proc = proc results = [] file = pecan.request.POST['file'] contents = file.file.read() try: # validate against profileschema.xsd with open('/etc/sysinv/profileSchema.xsd', 'r') as f: schema_root = etree.XML(f.read()) schema = etree.XMLSchema(schema_root) xmlparser = etree.XMLParser(schema=schema) try: etree.fromstring(contents, xmlparser) except etree.XMLSchemaError as e: return [{'result': 'Invalid', 'type': '', 'name': '', 'msg': "Profile is invalid", 'detail': e.message}] root = et.fromstring(contents) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) error = e.message return [{'result': 'Invalid', 'type': '', 'name': '', 'msg': 'Profile is invalid', 'detail': error}] profile_types = ["cpuProfile", "memoryProfile", "interfaceProfile", "storageProfile", "localstorageProfile"] profile_lookup = { "cpuProfile": ProfileObj("CPU Profile", _create_cpu_profile), "interfaceProfile": ProfileObj("Interface profile", _create_if_profile), "memoryProfile": ProfileObj("Memory profile", _create_mem_profile), "storageProfile": ProfileObj("Storage profile", _create_storage_profile), "localstorageProfile": ProfileObj("Local Storage profile", _create_localstorage_profile) } hosts = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_get_list(recordtype=None) hostnames = [] for host in hosts: hostnames.append(host.hostname) for profile_node in root: tag = profile_node.tag profile_name = profile_node.get("name") if tag not in profile_types: results.append({'result': 'Error', 'type': 'unknown', 'name': '', 'msg': 'error: profile type %s is unrecognizable.' % tag, 'detail': None}) else: object = profile_lookup[tag] if not profile_name: results.append({'result': 'Error', 'type': object.display, 'name': '', 'msg': 'error: profile name is missing', 'detail': None}) else: if profile_name not in hostnames: hostnames.append(profile_name) try: result, msg, detail = \ object.proc(profile_name, profile_node) results.append({'result': result, 'type': object.display, 'name': profile_name, 'msg': msg, 'detail': detail}) except Exception as e: results.append({'result': "Error", 'type': object.display, 'name': profile_name, 'msg': _('error: failed to import %s %s.' % ( object.display, profile_name )), 'detail': str(e) }) else: results.append({'result': "Warning", 'type': object.display, 'msg': _('warning: %s %s already exists and is not imported.') % (object.display, profile_name), 'detail': None}) return results def _create_cpu_profile(profile_name, profile_node): class CoreFunction(object): def __init__(self, p_index, c_index, t_index=0): self.processor_index = p_index self.core_index = c_index self.thread_index = t_index self.core_function = constants.APPLICATION_FUNCTION # The xml is validated against schema. # Validations that are covered by the schema are not checked below. values = dict(recordtype="profile", hostname=profile_name) processor = profile_node.find('processor') number_of_cpu = 0 node = processor.find('numberOfProcessor') if node is not None: number_of_cpu = int(node.text) node = processor.find('coresPerProcessor') cores_per_cpu = int(node.text) hyper_threading = False node = processor.find('hyperThreading') if node is not None: hyper_threading = (node.text == 'true') if hyper_threading: max_thread = 2 else: max_thread = 1 platform_cores = [[CoreFunction(i, j) for j in range(cores_per_cpu)] for i in range(number_of_cpu)] platform_core_index = [0 for i in range(number_of_cpu)] core_function_list = [{'node_name': 'platformCores', 'node_function': constants.PLATFORM_FUNCTION}, {'node_name': 'vswitchCores', 'node_function': constants.VSWITCH_FUNCTION}, {'node_name': 'sharedCores', 'node_function': constants.SHARED_FUNCTION}] try: for core_function in core_function_list: function_node = profile_node.find(core_function['node_name']) function_name = core_function['node_function'] if function_node is None: continue for processor_node in function_node.findall('processor'): p_idx = int(processor_node.get('index')) if p_idx >= number_of_cpu: raise profile_utils.InvalidProfileData('Invalid processor index %d. ' 'Valid range is 0 to %d (numberOfProcessor - 1)' % (p_idx, number_of_cpu - 1)) cores_node = processor_node.get('numberOfCores') cores = int(cores_node) count = 0 for count in range(cores): platform_cores[p_idx][platform_core_index[p_idx]].core_function = function_name platform_core_index[p_idx] = platform_core_index[p_idx] + 1 if platform_core_index[p_idx] >= cores_per_cpu: raise profile_utils.InvalidProfileData("Too many core functions assigned to a processor") except profile_utils.InvalidProfileData as e: return "Error", 'error: CPU profile %s is invalid' % profile_name, e.message try: ihost = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_create(values) except dbException.DBDuplicateEntry as e: LOG.exception(e) return "Warning", _('warning: CPU profile %s already exists and is not imported.') % profile_name, None except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) return "Error", _('error: importing CPU profile %s failed.') % profile_name, e.message iprofile_id = ihost['id'] cpu_idx = 0 node_idx = 0 try: for cpulist in platform_cores: ndict = {'numa_node': node_idx} new_node = pecan.request.dbapi.inode_create(iprofile_id, ndict) for core in cpulist: for thread_id in range(max_thread): cdict = {"cpu": cpu_idx, "core": core.core_index, "thread": thread_id, "allocated_function": core.core_function, 'forinodeid': new_node['id']} pecan.request.dbapi.icpu_create(iprofile_id, cdict) cpu_idx = cpu_idx + 1 node_idx = node_idx + 1 except Exception as exc: cpuprofile_delete_data(ihost) pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_destroy(iprofile_id) LOG.exception(exc) raise exc return "Success", _('CPU profile %s is successfully imported.') % profile_name, None def _create_route(ifUuid, ifId, routes): # ['interface_uuid', 'network', 'prefix', # 'gateway', 'metric'] for r in routes: r['interface_id'] = ifId pecan.request.dbapi.route_create(ifId, r) def _create_if_profile(profile_name, profile_node): ethInterfaces = [] interfaceNames = [] detail_msg = None try: for ethIfNode in profile_node.findall("ethernetInterface"): ethIf = profile_utils.EthInterface(ethIfNode) ethIf.validate() if ethIf.name not in interfaceNames: interfaceNames.append(ethIf.name) ethInterfaces.append(ethIf) else: msg = _('Interface name must be unique (%s)' % ethIf.name) raise profile_utils.InvalidProfileData(msg) aeInterfaces = [] for aeIfNode in profile_node.findall("aeInterface"): aeIf = profile_utils.AeInterface(aeIfNode) if aeIf.name not in interfaceNames: interfaceNames.append(aeIf.name) aeInterfaces.append(aeIf) else: msg = _('Interface name must be unique (%s)' % aeIf.name) raise profile_utils.InvalidProfileData(msg) vlanInterfaces = [] for vlanIfNode in profile_node.findall("vlanInterface"): vlanIf = profile_utils.VlanInterface(vlanIfNode) if vlanIf.name not in interfaceNames: interfaceNames.append(vlanIf.name) vlanInterfaces.append(vlanIf) else: msg = _('Interface name must be unique (%s)' % aeIf.name) raise profile_utils.InvalidProfileData(msg) ethIfMap = [] aeIfMap = {} vlanMap = [] allProviderNetworks = [] def _verifyProviderNetworks(pnetworks): for pnet in pnetworks: if pnet not in allProviderNetworks: allProviderNetworks.append(pnet) else: msg = _('provider network %s is already assigned to the other interface.') % pnet raise profile_utils.InvalidProfileData(msg) cnt_port = True cnt_pciaddr = True for ethIf in ethInterfaces: if not ethIf.port: cnt_port = False if not ethIf.pciAddress: cnt_pciaddr = False ethIfMap.append(ethIf.name) _verifyProviderNetworks(ethIf.providerNetworks) if cnt_pciaddr and cnt_port: detail_msg = _('Eth port PCI address and name are both provided, ' 'only PCI address will be used for port matching') elif cnt_pciaddr: detail_msg = _('PCI address will be used for port matching') elif cnt_port: detail_msg = _('Eth port name will be used for port matching') else: raise profile_utils.InvalidProfileData(_('pciAddress must be provided for each Eth port.' 'Name for each Eth port can be provided as alternative.')) for aeIf in aeInterfaces: aeIfMap[aeIf.name] = aeIf _verifyProviderNetworks(aeIf.providerNetworks) for vlanIf in vlanInterfaces: vlanMap.append(vlanIf.name) _verifyProviderNetworks(vlanIf.providerNetworks) for ae in aeInterfaces: ae.validateWithIfNames(interfaceNames) for vlan in vlanInterfaces: vlan.validateWithIfNames(interfaceNames, aeIfMap, vlanMap, ethIfMap) except profile_utils.InvalidProfileData as ie: return "Error", _('error: Interface profile %s is invalid.') % profile_name, ie.message values = {'recordtype': 'profile', 'hostname': profile_name} try: ihost = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_create(values) except dbException.DBDuplicateEntry as e: LOG.exception(e) return "Warning", _('warning: interface profile %s already exists and is not imported.') % profile_name, None except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) return "Error", _('error: importing interface profile %s failed.') % profile_name, e.message iprofile_id = ihost['id'] try: # create interfaces in dependency order # eth-interfaces always go first newIfList = [] # TODO: get mtu from eth ports as default mtu for ethIf in ethInterfaces: nt, providernets = ethIf.getNetworks() ipv4_mode = ethIf.ipv4Mode ipv6_mode = ethIf.ipv6Mode idict = {'ifname': ethIf.name, 'iftype': 'ethernet', 'imtu': ethIf.mtu, 'networktype': nt, 'forihostid': iprofile_id, 'datanetworks': providernets, 'ipv4_mode': ipv4_mode['mode'], 'ipv6_mode': ipv6_mode['mode'], 'ipv4_pool': ipv4_mode['pool'], 'ipv6_pool': ipv6_mode['pool'], 'sriov_numvfs': ethIf.virtualFunctions, 'sriov_vf_driver': ethIf.virtualFunctionDriver, 'interface_profile': True } newIf = interface_api._create(idict, from_profile=True) newIf.ifData = ethIf newIfList.append(newIf) ifId = newIf.id pdict = { 'host_id': iprofile_id, 'interface_id': ifId, 'name': ethIf.port, 'pciaddr': ethIf.pciAddress, 'pclass': ethIf.pclass, 'pdevice': ethIf.pdevice, 'mtu': ethIf.mtu } pecan.request.dbapi.ethernet_port_create(iprofile_id, pdict) routes = ethIf.routes _create_route(newIf.uuid, newIf.id, routes) for aeIf in aeInterfaces: nt, providernets = aeIf.getNetworks() ipv4_mode = aeIf.ipv4Mode['mode'] ipv6_mode = aeIf.ipv6Mode['mode'] ipv4_pool = aeIf.ipv4Mode['pool'] ipv6_pool = aeIf.ipv6Mode['pool'] idict = {'ifname': aeIf.name, 'iftype': 'ae', 'networktype': nt, 'aemode': aeIf.aeMode, 'txhashpolicy': aeIf.txPolicy, 'forihostid': iprofile_id, 'datanetworks': providernets, 'ipv4_mode': ipv4_mode, 'ipv6_mode': ipv6_mode, 'ipv4_pool': ipv4_pool, 'ipv6_pool': ipv6_pool, 'imtu': aeIf.mtu, 'sriov_numvfs': ethIf.virtualFunctions, 'sriov_vf_driver': ethIf.virtualFunctionDriver, 'interface_profile': True } newIf = interface_api._create(idict, from_profile=True) newIf.ifData = aeIf newIfList.append(newIf) routes = aeIf.routes _create_route(newIf.uuid, newIf.id, routes) for vlanIf in vlanInterfaces: nt, providernets = vlanIf.getNetworks() ipv4_mode = vlanIf.ipv4Mode['mode'] ipv6_mode = vlanIf.ipv6Mode['mode'] ipv4_pool = vlanIf.ipv4Mode['pool'] ipv6_pool = vlanIf.ipv6Mode['pool'] idict = {'ifname': vlanIf.name, 'iftype': 'vlan', 'networktype': nt, 'vlan_id': vlanIf.vlanId, 'forihostid': iprofile_id, 'datanetworks': providernets, 'ipv4_mode': ipv4_mode, 'ipv6_mode': ipv6_mode, 'ipv4_pool': ipv4_pool, 'ipv6_pool': ipv6_pool, 'imtu': vlanIf.mtu, 'sriov_numvfs': ethIf.virtualFunctions, 'sriov_vf_driver': ethIf.virtualFunctionDriver, 'interface_profile': True } newIf = interface_api._create(idict, from_profile=True) newIf.ifData = vlanIf newIfList.append(newIf) routes = vlanIf.routes _create_route(newIf.uuid, newIf.id, routes) # Generate the uses/used_by relationships ifname_to_if = {} used_by_list = {} for i in newIfList: ifname_to_if[i.ifname] = i for i in newIfList: ifData = i.ifData if hasattr(ifData, 'usesIf'): uses_list = ifData.usesIf for usesif in uses_list: uuid = ifname_to_if[i.ifname] if not hasattr(used_by_list, usesif): used_by_list[usesif] = [uuid] else: used_by_list[usesif].append(uuid) for i in newIfList: ifData = i.ifData if not hasattr(ifData, 'usesIf'): continue uses_uuid_list = [] uses_list = ifData.usesIf for usesif in uses_list: mapIf = ifname_to_if[usesif] uuid = mapIf.uuid uses_uuid_list.append(uuid) idict = {} idict['uses'] = uses_uuid_list if hasattr(used_by_list, i.ifname): idict['used_by'] = used_by_list[i.ifname] try: pecan.request.dbapi.iinterface_update(i.uuid, idict) except Exception: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Failed to link interface uses.")) except Exception as exc: ihost.ethernet_ports = \ pecan.request.dbapi.ethernet_port_get_by_host(ihost.uuid) ifprofile_delete_data(ihost) pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_destroy(iprofile_id) LOG.exception(exc) raise exc return "Success", _('Interface profile %s is successfully imported.') % profile_name, detail_msg def _create_mem_profile(profile_name, profile_node): class MemoryAssignment(object): def __init__(self, processor_idx, size): self.processor_idx = processor_idx self.size = size # The xml is validated against schema. # Validations that are covered by the schema are not checked below. values = dict(recordtype="profile", hostname=profile_name) node = profile_node.find('numberOfProcessor') number_of_cpu = int(node.text) def get_mem_assignment(profile_node, name): mem_node = profile_node.find(name) if node is None: return mem_assignments = [] processor_indexes = [] for processor_node in mem_node.findall('processor'): p_idx = int(processor_node.get('index')) if p_idx >= number_of_cpu: msg = _('Invalid processor index {0}. ' 'Valid range is 0 to {1} (numberOfProcessor - 1)')\ .format(p_idx, number_of_cpu - 1) raise profile_utils.InvalidProfileData(msg) if p_idx in processor_indexes: msg = _('Invalid processor index {0}, duplicated. ').format(p_idx) raise profile_utils.InvalidProfileData(msg) processor_indexes.append(p_idx) mem_size = int(processor_node.get('size')) mem_assignments.append(MemoryAssignment(p_idx, mem_size)) return mem_assignments def get_mem_size(mem_assignments, processor_idx): for mem_assignment in mem_assignments: if mem_assignment.processor_idx == processor_idx: return mem_assignment.size return 0 try: platform_reserved = get_mem_assignment(profile_node, "platformReservedMiB") vm_hp_2m = get_mem_assignment(profile_node, "vmHugePages2M") vm_hp_1g = get_mem_assignment(profile_node, "vmHugePages1G") vs_hp_nr = get_mem_assignment(profile_node, "vsHugePagesNr") vs_hp_sz = get_mem_assignment(profile_node, "vsHugePagesSz") except profile_utils.InvalidProfileData as e: return "Error", _('error: CPU profile %s is invalid') % profile_name, e.message try: ihost = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_create(values) except dbException.DBDuplicateEntry as e: LOG.exception(e) return "Warning", _('warning: Memory profile %s already exists and is not imported.') % profile_name, None except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) return "Error", _('error: Creating memory profile %s failed.') % profile_name, e.message iprofile_id = ihost['id'] node_idx = 0 try: for cpulist in range(number_of_cpu): ndict = {'numa_node': node_idx} new_node = pecan.request.dbapi.inode_create(iprofile_id, ndict) mdict = {} mdict['forihostid'] = iprofile_id mdict['forinodeid'] = new_node['id'] mdict['platform_reserved_mib'] = get_mem_size(platform_reserved, node_idx) mdict['vm_hugepages_nr_2M_pending'] = get_mem_size(vm_hp_2m, node_idx) mdict['vm_hugepages_nr_1G_pending'] = get_mem_size(vm_hp_1g, node_idx) mdict['vswitch_hugepages_reqd'] = get_mem_size(vs_hp_nr, node_idx) mdict['vswitch_hugepages_size_mib'] = get_mem_size(vs_hp_sz, node_idx) pecan.request.dbapi.imemory_create(iprofile_id, mdict) node_idx += 1 except Exception as exc: memoryprofile_delete_data(ihost) pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_destroy(iprofile_id) LOG.exception(exc) raise exc return "Success", _('Memory profile %s is successfully imported.') % profile_name, None def _create_storage_profile(profile_name, profile_node): if not StorageBackendConfig.has_backend_configured( pecan.request.dbapi, constants.CINDER_BACKEND_CEPH ): return "Error", _("error: Storage profile can only be imported into " "a system with Ceph backend."), None # The xml is validated against schema. # Validations that are covered by the schema are not checked below. values = dict(recordtype="profile", hostname=profile_name) disks = profile_node.findall('disk') dev_paths = [] # Any supported storage functions should be appended here supportedFuncs = [constants.STOR_FUNCTION_OSD, constants.STOR_FUNCTION_JOURNAL] # Gather the storage tiers and build a map for the OSD create call tier_map = {} tiers = pecan.request.dbapi.storage_tier_get_all(type=constants.SB_TIER_TYPE_CEPH) for t in tiers: tier_map[t.name] = t journal_disks = [] for disk in disks: dev_path = disk.get('path') dev_func = disk.get('volumeFunc') # Convert from GiB to MiB dev_size = int(disk.get('size')) * 1024 journal_size = int(disk.get('journalSize', '0')) * 1024 tier = disk.get('tier', constants.SB_TIER_DEFAULT_NAMES[ constants.SB_TIER_TYPE_CEPH]) if not dev_path: return "Error", _('error: Storage profile %s is invalid') % \ profile_name, _('path is empty.') if dev_func not in supportedFuncs: return "Error", _('error: Storage profile %s is invalid') % \ profile_name, \ _('volumeFunc (%s) is not supported.') % dev_func if dev_path not in dev_paths: dev_paths.append(dev_paths) else: return "Error", _('error: Storage profile %s is invalid') % profile_name, \ _('Device %s is duplicated') % dev_path if journal_size: if journal_size < CONF.journal.journal_min_size and \ journal_size > CONF.journal.journal_max_size: return "Error", \ _('error: Storage profile %s' ' is invalid') % profile_name, \ _('device path %(dev)s journal size of %(size)s' ' is invalid.') % {'dev': dev_path, 'size': journal_size / 1024}, \ _('size should be between %(min)s and ' ' %(max)s.') % {'min': CONF.journal.journal_min_size / 1024, 'max': CONF.journal.journal_max_size / 1024} if dev_func == constants.STOR_FUNCTION_JOURNAL: journal_disks.append(dev_path) if dev_func == constants.STOR_FUNCTION_OSD: if tier not in tier_map: return "Error", _('error: Storage profile %s is invalid') % profile_name, \ _('Storage tier %s is not present in this cluster') % tier # Validate journal locations for disk in disks: dev_path = disk.get('path') dev_func = disk.get('volumeFunc') if len(journal_disks) > 1 and dev_func == constants.STOR_FUNCTION_OSD: journal_location = disk.get('journalLocation') if not journal_location: return "Error", \ _('error: Storage profile %s' ' is invalid') % profile_name, \ _('journal location not defined for %s and multiple ' 'journal drives are available.') % dev_path elif journal_location not in journal_disks: return "Error", \ _('error: Storage profile %s' ' is invalid') % profile_name, \ _('journal location for %s not on a ' 'journal function device.') % dev_path try: ihost = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_create(values) except dbException.DBDuplicateEntry as e: LOG.exception(e) return "Warning", _('warning: Storage profile %s already exists and is not imported.') % profile_name, None except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) return "Error", _('error: importing storage profile %s failed.') % profile_name, e.message profile_id = ihost['id'] try: # First create the journals and keep (dev_name, uuid) associations journals = {} for disk in disks: dev_func = disk.get('volumeFunc') if dev_func == constants.STOR_FUNCTION_JOURNAL: dev_path = disk.get('path') # Convert disk size from GiB to MiB dev_size = int(disk.get('size')) * 1024 ddict = {'device_path': dev_path, 'size_mib': dev_size, 'forihostid': profile_id, 'device_type': constants.DEVICE_TYPE_SSD} newdisk = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_create(profile_id, ddict) # create stor sdict = {'function': dev_func, 'idisk_uuid': newdisk.uuid, 'forihostid': profile_id} # this goes through istor semantic checks versus # just adding to db (by calling dbapi.istor_create) newstor = storage_api._create(sdict, iprofile=True) journals[dev_path] = newstor.uuid # Create the other functions for disk in disks: dev_path = disk.get('path') dev_func = disk.get('volumeFunc') # convert disk size from GiB to MiB dev_size = int(disk.get('size')) * 1024 tier = disk.get('tier', constants.SB_TIER_DEFAULT_NAMES[ constants.SB_TIER_TYPE_CEPH]) if dev_func != constants.STOR_FUNCTION_JOURNAL: ddict = {'device_path': dev_path, 'size_mib': dev_size, 'forihostid': profile_id} newdisk = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_create(profile_id, ddict) # create stor sdict = {'function': dev_func, 'idisk_uuid': newdisk.uuid, 'forihostid': profile_id} if dev_func == constants.STOR_FUNCTION_OSD: default_size = CONF.journal.journal_default_size if len(journals) > 0: # we don't expect collocated journals if disk.get('journalSize'): journal_size = int(disk.get('journalSize')) * 1024 else: journal_size = default_size sdict['journal_size_mib'] = journal_size if len(journals) > 1: # multiple journal disks are available, use # location, otherwise just do the default # (journal will be placed on first disk) location_dev = disk.get('journalLocation') location_uuid = journals[location_dev] sdict['journal_location'] = location_uuid else: # get the first journal journal = journals[journals.keys()[0]] sdict['journal_location'] = journal else: # journal is collocated sdict['journal_size_mib'] = default_size sdict['fortierid'] = tier_map[tier].id # this goes through istor semantic checks versus # just adding to db (by calling dbapi.istor_create) newstor = storage_api._create(sdict, iprofile=True) except Exception as exc: storprofile_delete_data(ihost) pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_destroy(profile_id) LOG.exception(exc) raise exc return "Success", _('Storage profile %s is successfully imported.') % profile_name, None def _create_localstorage_profile(profile_name, profile_node): """ Validate and create the localstorage profile from xml. The xml is validated against xsd schema. """ values = dict(recordtype="profile", hostname=profile_name, subfunctions=constants.WORKER) disks = profile_node.findall('disk') all_ilvg_nodes = profile_node.findall('lvg') # should only be ONE ? # ipv_nodes = profile_node.findall('pv') # can be multiple, base this on disks dev_paths = [] prohibitedFuncs = ['osd'] # prohibited volumeFunc must be appended here ilvgs_local = [ilvg for ilvg in all_ilvg_nodes if ilvg.get('lvm_vg_name') == constants.LVG_NOVA_LOCAL] if not disks: return ("Error", _('error: Local Storage profile %s is invalid') % profile_name, _('No disk provided in profile.')) if not ilvgs_local: return ("Error", _('error: Local Storage profile %s is invalid') % profile_name, _('No lvg nova-local (logical volume group) ' 'in profile.')) else: nova_local_nodes_len = len(ilvgs_local) if nova_local_nodes_len > 1: return ("Error", _('error: Local Storage profile %s is invalid') % profile_name, _('Currently only one nova-local lvg ' 'is allowed per host. Defined %s in %s.' % (nova_local_nodes_len, profile_name))) for disk in disks: dev_path = disk.get('path') # Convert disk size from GiB to MiB dev_size = int(disk.get('size')) * 1024 dev_func = disk.get('volumeFunc') if dev_func and dev_func in prohibitedFuncs: return ("Error", _('error: Local Storage profile %s is invalid') % profile_name, _('dev_func %s is not required.') % dev_func) if not dev_path: return ("Error", _('error: Local Storage profile %s is invalid') % profile_name, _('path is empty.')) if dev_path not in dev_paths: dev_paths.append(dev_path) else: return ("Error", _('error: Local Storage profile %s is invalid') % profile_name, _('Device %s is duplicated') % dev_path) try: ihost = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_create(values) except dbException.DBDuplicateEntry as e: LOG.exception(e) return ("Warning", _('warning: Local Storage profile %s already ' 'exists and is not imported.') % profile_name, None) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) return ("Error", _('error: importing Local Storage profile %s ' 'failed.') % profile_name, e.message) profile_id = ihost.id try: capabilities_dict = {} # create profile ilvg lvgdict = {'capabilities': capabilities_dict, 'lvm_vg_name': constants.LVG_NOVA_LOCAL, 'forihostid': profile_id} # this goes through ilvg semantic checks versus # just adding to db (by calling dbapi.ilvg_create) ilvg_pf = lvg_api._create(lvgdict, iprofile=True) for disk in disks: dev_path = disk.get('path') dev_size = int(disk.get('size')) * 1024 ddict = {'device_path': dev_path, 'size_mib': dev_size, 'forihostid': profile_id} disk_pf = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_create(profile_id, ddict) # create profile physical volume. nova-local:pv can be 1:n. pvdict = {'disk_or_part_device_path': dev_path, 'lvm_vg_name': ilvg_pf.lvm_vg_name, 'disk_or_part_uuid': disk_pf.uuid, 'forihostid': profile_id, 'forilvgid': ilvg_pf.id} pv_api._create(pvdict, iprofile=True) except wsme.exc.ClientSideError as cse: pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_destroy(ihost.uuid) LOG.exception(cse) return "Fail", _('Local Storage profile %s not imported.') % profile_name, str(cse) except Exception as exc: pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_destroy(profile_id) LOG.exception(exc) return "Fail", _('Local Storage profile %s not imported.') % profile_name, str(exc) return "Success", _('Local Storage profile %s successfully imported.') % profile_name, None ################### # CHECK ################### def _check_profilename(profilename): # Check if profile name already exists iprofiles = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_get_list(recordtype="profile") for profile in iprofiles: if profile.hostname == profilename: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Profile name already exists: %s." % profilename)) # Check if profile name = hostname ihosts = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_get_list(recordtype="standard") for host in ihosts: if host.hostname == profilename: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Profile name must be different " "than host name. %s" % profilename)) return True def _get_profiletype(profile): profile_id = profile['id'] profile.cpus = pecan.request.dbapi.icpu_get_by_ihost(profile_id) if profile.cpus: profile.nodes = pecan.request.dbapi.inode_get_by_ihost(profile_id) return constants.PROFILE_TYPE_CPU profile.ethernet_ports = pecan.request.dbapi.ethernet_port_get_by_host( profile_id) if profile.ethernet_ports: return constants.PROFILE_TYPE_INTERFACE profile.memory = pecan.request.dbapi.imemory_get_by_ihost(profile_id) if profile.memory: profile.nodes = pecan.request.dbapi.inode_get_by_ihost(profile_id) return constants.PROFILE_TYPE_MEMORY profile.istor = pecan.request.dbapi.istor_get_by_ihost(profile_id) if profile.istor: return constants.PROFILE_TYPE_STORAGE profile.ilvgs = pecan.request.dbapi.ilvg_get_by_ihost(profile_id) if profile.ilvgs: return constants.PROFILE_TYPE_LOCAL_STORAGE return constants.PROFILE_TYPE_STORAGE raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError( _("Profile not found: %s" % profile['hostname'])) return None ################### # CREATE ################### def profile_copy_data(host, profile, profiletype): profile.profiletype = profiletype if constants.PROFILE_TYPE_CPU in profiletype.lower(): return cpuprofile_copy_data(host, profile) elif constants.PROFILE_TYPE_INTERFACE in profiletype.lower(): return ifprofile_copy_data(host, profile) elif constants.PROFILE_TYPE_MEMORY in profiletype.lower(): return memoryprofile_copy_data(host, profile) elif constants.PROFILE_TYPE_STORAGE in profiletype.lower(): return storprofile_copy_data(host, profile) elif constants.PROFILE_TYPE_LOCAL_STORAGE in profiletype.lower(): return localstorageprofile_copy_data(host, profile) else: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Must provide a value for 'profiletype'. " "Choose from: cpu, if, stor, memory")) def cpuprofile_copy_data(host, profile): # Copy nodes and cpus from host inodes = pecan.request.dbapi.inode_get_by_ihost(host['id']) icpus = pecan.request.dbapi.icpu_get_by_ihost(host['id']) iprofile_id = profile['id'] for n in inodes: n.forihostid = iprofile_id nodefields = ['numa_node', 'capabilities', 'forihostid'] ndict = {k: v for (k, v) in n.as_dict().items() if k in nodefields} new_node = pecan.request.dbapi.inode_create(iprofile_id, ndict) for c in icpus: if c.forinodeid == n.id: c.forihostid = iprofile_id c.forinodeid = new_node.id cpufields = ['cpu', 'numa_node', 'core', 'thread', 'allocated_function', 'cpu_model', 'cpu_family', 'capabilities', 'forihostid', 'forinodeid'] cdict = {k: v for (k, v) in c.as_dict().items() if k in cpufields} pecan.request.dbapi.icpu_create(iprofile_id, cdict) ROUTE_FIELDS = ['family', 'network', 'prefix', 'gateway', 'metric'] def _get_routes(host_id): """ Get routes associated to any interface on this host and then index by interface uuid value. """ result = {} routes = pecan.request.dbapi.routes_get_by_host(host_id) for r in routes: interface_uuid = r['interface_uuid'] if interface_uuid not in result: result[interface_uuid] = [] route = {k: v for (k, v) in r.as_dict().items() if k in ROUTE_FIELDS} result[interface_uuid].append(route) return result def ifprofile_copy_data(host, profile): # Copy interfaces and ports from host ethernet_ports = pecan.request.dbapi.ethernet_port_get_by_host(host['id']) iinterfaces = pecan.request.dbapi.iinterface_get_by_ihost(host['id']) routes = _get_routes(host['id']) iprofile_id = profile['id'] newIfList = [] for i in iinterfaces: i.forihostid = iprofile_id iffields = INTERFACE_PROFILE_FIELDS idict = {k: v for (k, v) in i.as_dict().items() if k in iffields} idict['interface_profile'] = True newIf = interface_api._create(idict, from_profile=True) newIfList.append(newIf) for r in routes.get(i.uuid, []): pecan.request.dbapi.route_create(newIf.id, r) for p in ethernet_ports: if p.interface_id == i.id: p.host_id = iprofile_id p.interface_id = newIf.id # forinodeid attribute for 001 only. if hasattr(p, 'forinodeid'): p.forinodeid = None ethernet_port_fields = ['name', 'pclass', 'pvendor', 'pdevice', 'psvendor', 'psdevice', 'mtu', 'speed', 'link_mode', 'bootp', 'pciaddr', 'dev_id', 'host_id', 'interface_id', 'node_id'] pdict = {k: v for (k, v) in p.as_dict().items() if k in ethernet_port_fields} pecan.request.dbapi.ethernet_port_create(iprofile_id, pdict) if i.ifclass == constants.INTERFACE_CLASS_PLATFORM: interface_networks = pecan.request.dbapi.interface_network_get_by_interface(i.id) for ifnet in interface_networks: ifnetdict = {} ifnetdict['interface_id'] = newIf.id ifnetdict['network_id'] = ifnet.network_id pecan.request.dbapi.interface_network_create(ifnetdict) else: interface_datanetworks = pecan.request.dbapi.interface_datanetwork_get_by_interface(i.id) for ifdn in interface_datanetworks: ifdndict = {} ifdndict['interface_id'] = newIf.id ifdndict['datanetwork_id'] = ifdn.datanetwork_id pecan.request.dbapi.interface_datanetwork_create(ifdndict) # Generate the uses/used_by relationships for i in newIfList: uses_list = [] uses_uuid_list = [] for u in iinterfaces: if u.ifname == i.ifname: uses_list = u.uses[:] break for u in uses_list: for interface in newIfList: if u == interface.ifname: uses_uuid_list.append(interface.uuid) continue idict = {} idict['uses'] = uses_uuid_list try: pecan.request.dbapi.iinterface_update(i.uuid, idict) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Failed to link interface uses.")) def _storprofile_copy_stor(profile, disk, stor): # Create disk. diskfields = ['device_node', 'device_path', 'device_num', 'device_type', 'size_mib', 'serial_id', 'capabilities', 'forihostid'] ddict = {k: v for (k, v) in disk.as_dict().items() if k in diskfields} newdisk = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_create(profile.id, ddict) # Create stor. stor.forihostid = profile.id stor.idisk_uuid = newdisk.uuid storfields = ['function', 'idisk_uuid', 'forihostid', 'fortierid', 'journal_location', 'journal_size_mib'] sdict = {k: v for (k, v) in stor.as_dict().items() if k in storfields} # This goes through istor semantic checks versus just adding to db (by # calling dbapi.istor_create). newstor = storage_api._create(sdict, iprofile=True) # If disk or stor weren't actually created, then delete profile and exit. if not newdisk or not newstor: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError( _("Could not create storage volumes or disks " "for profile %s" % profile.hostname)) return newstor def storprofile_copy_data(host, profile): # get host data istors = pecan.request.dbapi.istor_get_by_ihost(host['id']) idisks = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_get_by_ihost(host['id']) if not idisks or not istors: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Storage profile cannot be created if there " "are no disks associated to storage volumes. " "Add storage volumes then try again.")) # first copy the journal stors from host and store the association # between old journal_locations and the new ones journals = {} for d in idisks: for s in istors: if (d.foristorid == s.id and s.function == constants.STOR_FUNCTION_JOURNAL): s_ret = _storprofile_copy_stor(profile, d, s) association = {s.uuid: s_ret.uuid} journals.update(association) # copy the rest of the stors from host for d in idisks: for s in istors: if (d.foristorid == s.id and s.function != constants.STOR_FUNCTION_JOURNAL): # replace the old journal location with the new one if s.journal_location in journals: s.journal_location = journals[s.journal_location] else: # collocated, clean journal location s.journal_location = None _storprofile_copy_stor(profile, d, s) def _create_disk_profile(disk, iprofile_id): fields = ['device_node', 'device_path', 'device_num', 'device_type', 'size_mib', 'serial_id', 'capabilities'] disk_profile_dict = {k: v for (k, v) in disk.as_dict().items() if k in fields} disk_profile_dict['forihostid'] = iprofile_id try: disk_profile = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_create( iprofile_id, disk_profile_dict) except Exception as e: err_msg = '{} {}: {}'.format( "Could not create disk profile from disk", disk.uuid, str(e)) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(err_msg)) return disk_profile def _create_partition_profile(partition, iprofile_id): fields = ['device_node', 'device_path', 'size_mib', 'capabilities', 'type_guid', 'status'] part_profile_dict = {k: v for (k, v) in partition.as_dict().items() if k in fields} # Obtain all the disks of the current profile. profile_disks = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_get_by_ihost(iprofile_id) # Obtain the disk this partition is residing on. disk = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_get(partition.idisk_uuid) # Check if the current profile already has the disk needed for the # required partition. disk_profile = None if profile_disks: disk_profile = next((d for d in profile_disks if (d.device_path == disk.device_path or d.device_node == disk.device_node)), None) if disk_profile is None: disk_profile = _create_disk_profile(disk, iprofile_id) part_profile_dict['forihostid'] = iprofile_id part_profile_dict['status'] = constants.PARTITION_CREATE_ON_UNLOCK_STATUS part_profile_dict['idisk_id'] = disk_profile.id part_profile_dict['idisk_uuid'] = disk_profile.uuid try: part_profile = pecan.request.dbapi.partition_create(iprofile_id, part_profile_dict) except Exception as e: err_msg = '{} {}: {}'.format( "Could not create partition profile from partition", partition.uuid, str(e)) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(err_msg)) return part_profile def _create_device_profile(device, pv_type, iprofile_id): """Create a profile disk or partition, depending on the physical volume type.""" device_profile = None if pv_type == constants.PV_TYPE_DISK: device_profile = _create_disk_profile(device, iprofile_id) elif pv_type == constants.PV_TYPE_PARTITION: device_profile = _create_partition_profile(device, iprofile_id) return device_profile def localstorageprofile_copy_data(host, profile): """Create nova-local storage profile from host data All workers will have nova local storage and is independent of the Cinder backend. Controller nodes in the small footprint scenario will always be the Cinder/LVM configuration and nova local storage. Ceph is not supported for the backend in the small footprint. A storage node should be the only host with a stor profile (idisks + istors). A worker will only have a local stor profile (idisks + ipvs + ilvgs). A combo controller should have a local stor profile (idisks + ipvs + ilvgs) BUT we need to filter out the ipvs and ilvgs not associated with the nova-local volume group since there are the cinder-volumes and cgts-vg volume groups. A normal controller should have no storage profiles. """ hostid = host['id'] idisks = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_get_by_ihost(hostid) partitions = pecan.request.dbapi.partition_get_by_ihost(hostid) ilvgs_all = pecan.request.dbapi.ilvg_get_by_ihost(hostid) ilvgs = [ilvg for ilvg in ilvgs_all if constants.LVG_NOVA_LOCAL in ilvg.lvm_vg_name] ipvs = pecan.request.dbapi.ipv_get_by_ihost(hostid) if not idisks or not ilvgs or not ipvs: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Storage profile cannot be " "created if there are no disks associated to logical volume " "groups or physical volumes. Check %s storage configuration " "then try again." % host['hostname'])) # Keep track of partitions used by PVs. used_partitions = [] if len(ilvgs) > 1: LOG.warn("ilvgs %s contain more than one nova local lvg" % ilvgs) ilvg = ilvgs[0] # Copy local storage configuration from host to new profile. iprofile_id = profile.id # Create new profile logical volume. lvgfields = ['capabilities', 'lvm_vg_name'] lvgdict = {k: v for (k, v) in ilvg.as_dict().items() if k in lvgfields} lvgdict['forihostid'] = iprofile_id LOG.debug("lvgdict=%s" % lvgdict) lvg_pf = lvg_api._create(lvgdict, iprofile=True) LOG.info("lvg_pf=%s" % lvg_pf.as_dict()) for ipv in ipvs: if ipv.forilvgid != ilvg.id: continue device = None # Gather the info about the disk/partition used by the current PV. if ipv.get('pv_type') == constants.PV_TYPE_DISK: try: pv_disk = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_get_by_ipv(ipv.get('uuid')) except Exception: err_msg = '{} {}'.format("Could not obtain the disk used by " "physical volume", ipv.get('uuid')) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(err_msg)) device = pv_disk[0] elif ipv.get('pv_type') == constants.PV_TYPE_PARTITION: try: pv_part = pecan.request.dbapi.partition_get_by_ipv( ipv.get('uuid')) except Exception: err_msg = '{} {}'.format("Could not obtain the partition " "used by physical volume", ipv.get('uuid')) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(err_msg)) device = pv_part[0] used_partitions.append(device) # Create the profile object for the device used by the current PV. device_profile = _create_device_profile( device, ipv.get('pv_type'), iprofile_id) # Create new profile physical volume. pvfields = ['disk_or_part_device_node', 'disk_or_part_device_path', 'lvm_vg_name', 'pv_type'] # 'lvm_pv_name', from Agent, not in profile. pvdict = {k: v for (k, v) in ipv.as_dict().items() if k in pvfields} pvdict['disk_or_part_uuid'] = device_profile.uuid pvdict['forihostid'] = iprofile_id pvdict['forilvgid'] = lvg_pf.id pv_profile = pv_api._create(pvdict, iprofile=True) LOG.info("pv_pf=%s" % pv_profile.as_dict()) if not device_profile or not lvg_pf or not pv_profile: hostname = profile.hostname pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_destroy(iprofile_id) emsg = ("Could not create local storage profile from host %s" % hostname) LOG.error("%s ddict=%s, lvg_pf=%s, pv_pf=%s" % (emsg, device.as_dict(), lvg_pf.as_dict(), pv_profile.as_dict())) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_(emsg)) # Create profiles for other remaining partitions. unused_partitions = [ p for p in partitions if p.device_path not in [used_part.device_path for used_part in used_partitions]] for p in unused_partitions: if p.type_guid == constants.USER_PARTITION_PHYSICAL_VOLUME: _create_partition_profile(p, iprofile_id) def memoryprofile_copy_data(host, profile): # check if the node is provisioned if host.invprovision != constants.PROVISIONED: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Could not create memory " "profile until host %s is unlocked for the first time." % host.hostname)) # Copy hugepage information from host inodes = pecan.request.dbapi.inode_get_by_ihost(host['id']) memory = pecan.request.dbapi.imemory_get_by_ihost(host['id']) iprofile_id = profile['id'] for n in inodes: n.forihostid = iprofile_id nodefields = ['numa_node', 'capabilities', 'forihostid'] ndict = {k: v for (k, v) in n.as_dict().items() if k in nodefields} new_node = pecan.request.dbapi.inode_create(iprofile_id, ndict) for m in memory: if m.forinodeid == n.id: m.forihostid = iprofile_id m.forinodeid = new_node.id memfields = ['numa_node', 'forihostid', 'forinodeid'] mdict = {k: v for (k, v) in m.as_dict().items() if k in memfields} mdict['platform_reserved_mib'] = m.platform_reserved_mib mdict['vm_hugepages_nr_2M_pending'] = m.vm_hugepages_nr_2M mdict['vm_hugepages_nr_1G_pending'] = m.vm_hugepages_nr_1G mdict['vswitch_hugepages_reqd'] = m.vswitch_hugepages_nr mdict['vswitch_hugepages_size_mib'] = m.vswitch_hugepages_size_mib newmemory = pecan.request.dbapi.imemory_create(iprofile_id, mdict) # if memory wasn't actualy created, # then delete profile and exit if not newmemory: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Could not create memory " "profile %s" % profile.hostname)) ################### # DELETE ################### def profile_delete_data(profile): profiletype = _get_profiletype(profile) if constants.PROFILE_TYPE_CPU in profiletype.lower(): return cpuprofile_delete_data(profile) elif constants.PROFILE_TYPE_INTERFACE in profiletype.lower(): return ifprofile_delete_data(profile) elif constants.PROFILE_TYPE_STORAGE in profiletype.lower(): return storprofile_delete_data(profile) elif constants.PROFILE_TYPE_MEMORY in profiletype.lower(): return memoryprofile_delete_data(profile) else: return False def cpuprofile_delete_data(profile): for cpu in profile.cpus: pecan.request.dbapi.icpu_destroy(cpu.uuid) for node in profile.nodes: pecan.request.dbapi.inode_destroy(node.uuid) def ifprofile_delete_data(profile): profile.interfaces = pecan.request.dbapi.iinterface_get_by_ihost(profile['id']) for p in profile.ethernet_ports: pecan.request.dbapi.ethernet_port_destroy(p.uuid) for i in profile.interfaces: pecan.request.dbapi.iinterface_destroy(i.uuid) def storprofile_delete_data(profile): profile.stors = pecan.request.dbapi.istor_get_by_ihost(profile['id']) profile.disks = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_get_by_ihost(profile['id']) for stor in profile.stors: pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_update(stor.idisk_uuid, {'foristorid': None}) pecan.request.dbapi.istor_destroy(stor.uuid) for disk in profile.disks: pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_destroy(disk.uuid) def memoryprofile_delete_data(profile): profile.memory = pecan.request.dbapi.imemory_get_by_ihost(profile['id']) for m in profile.memory: pecan.request.dbapi.imemory_destroy(m.uuid) for node in profile.nodes: pecan.request.dbapi.inode_destroy(node.uuid) ################### # APPLY ################### def apply_profile(host_id, profile_id): host = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_get(host_id) profile = pecan.request.dbapi.ihost_get(profile_id) """ NOTE (neid): if adding a functionality for some or 'all' profiles (eg applying cpu, if AND stor) replace 'elif' with 'if' and do not 'return' after each callable That way, can cycle through some or all of cpus, if, stors based on what's included in the profile and apply the relevant items TODO: might need an action to continue on next profile type even if exception raised? eg: if failed to apply cpuprofile, report error and continue to apply ifprofile """ profiletype = _get_profiletype(profile) if constants.PROFILE_TYPE_CPU in profiletype.lower(): return cpuprofile_apply_to_host(host, profile) elif constants.PROFILE_TYPE_INTERFACE in profiletype.lower(): return ifprofile_apply_to_host(host, profile) elif constants.PROFILE_TYPE_MEMORY in profiletype.lower(): return memoryprofile_apply_to_host(host, profile) elif constants.PROFILE_TYPE_STORAGE in profiletype.lower(): return storprofile_apply_to_host(host, profile) elif constants.PROFILE_TYPE_LOCAL_STORAGE in profiletype.lower(): return localstorageprofile_apply_to_host(host, profile) else: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError("Profile %s is not applicable to host" % profiletype) @cutils.synchronized(cpu_api.LOCK_NAME) def cpuprofile_apply_to_host(host, profile): cpu_api._check_host(host) # Populate the host and profile CPU data, order by logical core host.cpus = pecan.request.dbapi.icpu_get_by_ihost( host.uuid, sort_key='cpu') host.nodes = pecan.request.dbapi.inode_get_by_ihost(host.uuid) if not host.cpus or not host.nodes: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError("Host (%s) has no processors " "or cores." % host.hostname) profile.cpus = pecan.request.dbapi.icpu_get_by_ihost( profile.uuid, sort_key='cpu') profile.nodes = pecan.request.dbapi.inode_get_by_ihost(profile.uuid) if not profile.cpus or not profile.nodes: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError("Profile (%s) has no processors " "or cores." % profile.hostname) if len(profile.nodes) != len(host.nodes) or len(profile.cpus) != \ len(host.cpus): raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError( "Profile (%s) does not match CPU structure of host (%s)" % (profile.hostname, host.hostname)) # Reorganize the profile cpu data for convenience cpu_utils.restructure_host_cpu_data(profile) # Get the CPU counts for each socket and function for this host cpu_counts = cpu_utils.get_cpu_counts(profile) # Semantic check to ensure the minimum/maximum values are enforced cpu_utils.check_core_allocations(profile, cpu_counts) # Update the host cpu allocations as required for index in range(len(profile.cpus)): host_cpu = host.cpus[index] profile_cpu = profile.cpus[index] if (not host_cpu.allocated_function or host_cpu.allocated_function.lower() != profile_cpu.allocated_function.lower()): values = {'allocated_function': profile_cpu.allocated_function} pecan.request.dbapi.icpu_update(host_cpu.uuid, values) def ifprofile_applicable(host, profile): # If profile does not have the same number of ethernet ports than in host if len(host.ethernet_ports) != len(profile.ethernet_ports): raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_( "Cannot apply the profile to host: " "Number of ethernet ports not the same on host %s (%s) and " "profile %s (%s)" % (host.hostname, len(host.ethernet_ports), profile.hostname, len(profile.ethernet_ports)))) # Check if the ethernet ports and their pci addresses have exact match hset = set((h.name, h.pciaddr) for h in host.ethernet_ports) pset = set((p.name, p.pciaddr) for p in profile.ethernet_ports) if hset != pset: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_( "Cannot apply the profile to host: " "The port PCI devices are not the same in host %s and profile " "%s." % (host.hostname, profile.hostname))) def interface_type_sort_key(interface): """Sort interfaces by interface type placing ethernet interfaces ahead of aggregated ethernet interfaces, and vlan interfaces last.""" if interface["iftype"] == constants.INTERFACE_TYPE_ETHERNET: return 0, interface["ifname"] elif interface["iftype"] == constants.INTERFACE_TYPE_AE: return 1, interface["ifname"] elif interface["iftype"] == constants.INTERFACE_TYPE_VLAN: return 2, interface["ifname"] else: return 99, interface["ifname"] @cutils.synchronized(interface_api.LOCK_NAME) def ifprofile_apply_to_host(host, profile): host.ethernet_ports = pecan.request.dbapi.ethernet_port_get_by_host(host.uuid) host.interfaces = pecan.request.dbapi.iinterface_get_by_ihost(host.uuid) if not host.ethernet_ports: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Host (%s) has no ports." % host.hostname)) profile.ethernet_ports = pecan.request.dbapi.ethernet_port_get_by_host(profile.uuid) profile.interfaces = pecan.request.dbapi.iinterface_get_by_ihost(profile.uuid) profile.routes = _get_routes(profile.id) ifprofile_applicable(host, profile) # Create Port Mapping between Interface Profile and Host pci_addr_available = True eth_name_available = True for port in profile.ethernet_ports: if not port.pciaddr: pci_addr_available = False if not port.name: eth_name_available = False if pci_addr_available: def match_express(hport, port): return hport.pciaddr == port.pciaddr elif eth_name_available: def match_express(hport, port): return hport.name == port.name portPairings = [] hostPortsUsed = [] for port in profile.ethernet_ports: bestmatch = False for hport in host.ethernet_ports: if (hport.id not in hostPortsUsed and port.pclass == hport.pclass and port.pdevice == hport.pdevice): if match_express(hport, port): hostPortsUsed.append(hport.id) portPairings.append((hport, port)) bestmatch = True break if not bestmatch: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Cannot apply this profile to host.")) prts = [] for host_interface in host.interfaces: # Save a list of the interfaces and ports per interface ports = pecan.request.dbapi.ethernet_port_get_by_interface(host_interface.uuid) for p in ports: prts.append((host_interface, p)) # Unlink all ports from their interfaces. for p in host.ethernet_ports: data = {'interface_id': None} try: pecan.request.dbapi.ethernet_port_update(p.uuid, data) except dbException.DBError: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Failed to unlink port from interface.")) # Delete all Host's interfaces in reverse order (VLANs, AEs, ethernet, etc) for i in sorted(host.interfaces, key=interface_type_sort_key, reverse=True): try: # Re-read the interface from the DB because the uses/used_by list # would have been updated by any preceeding delete operations. interface = pecan.request.dbapi.iinterface_get( i['ifname'], host.uuid) interface_api._delete(interface, from_profile=True) except Exception as e: LOG.exception("Failed to delete existing" " interface {}; {}".format(i['ifname'], e)) # Create New Host's interfaces and link them to Host's ports interfacePairings = {} for portPair in portPairings: hport = portPair[0] port = portPair[1] if port.interface_id not in interfacePairings.keys(): for interface in profile.interfaces: if interface.id == port.interface_id: break else: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Corrupt interface profile: %s." % profile.hostname)) try: fields = INTERFACE_PROFILE_FIELDS data = dict((k, v) for k, v in interface.as_dict().items() if k in fields) data['forihostid'] = host.id data['imac'] = hport.mac interface_found = False iinterfaces = pecan.request.dbapi.iinterface_get_by_ihost(host.id) for u in iinterfaces: if str(u.ifname) == str(data['ifname']): interface_found = True break if interface_found is False: hinterface = interface_api._create(data, from_profile=True) if interface.ifclass == constants.INTERFACE_CLASS_PLATFORM: interface_networks = \ pecan.request.dbapi.interface_network_get_by_interface(interface.id) for ifnet in interface_networks: ifnetdict = {} ifnetdict['interface_id'] = hinterface.id ifnetdict['network_id'] = ifnet.network_id pecan.request.dbapi.interface_network_create(ifnetdict) network = pecan.request.dbapi.network_get_by_id(ifnet.network_id) ifnet_api._update_host_address(host, hinterface, network.type) else: interface_datanetworks = \ pecan.request.dbapi.interface_datanetwork_get_by_interface(interface.id) for ifdn in interface_datanetworks: ifdndict = {} ifdndict['interface_id'] = hinterface.id ifdndict['datanetwork_id'] = ifdn.datanetwork_id pecan.request.dbapi.interface_datanetwork_create(ifdndict) except Exception as e: # Delete all Host's interfaces for p in host.ethernet_ports: data = {'interface_id': None} try: pecan.request.dbapi.ethernet_port_update(p.uuid, data) except dbException.DBError: LOG.debug(_("Failed to unlink port from interface.")) for i in host.interfaces: try: interface_api._delete(i.as_dict(), from_profile=True) except exception.SysinvException: LOG.debug(_("Can not delete host interface: %s" % i.uuid)) # Restore the previous interfaces for host_interface in host.interfaces: try: fields = INTERFACE_PROFILE_FIELDS data = dict((k, v) for k, v in host_interface.as_dict().items() if k in fields) data['forihostid'] = host.id hinterface = interface_api._create(data, from_profile=True) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Failed to create interface.")) # Restore the ports per interface data = {'interface_id': hinterface.id} for p in prts: h_interface = p[0] h_port = p[1] if h_interface.ifname == hinterface.ifname: try: pecan.request.dbapi.ethernet_port_update(h_port.uuid, data) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) LOG.exception(e) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Failed to update interface.")) interfacePairings[port.interface_id] = hinterface.id data = {'interface_id': interfacePairings[port.interface_id]} try: pecan.request.dbapi.ethernet_port_update(hport.uuid, data) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Failed to link port to interface.")) # update interface pairings iinterfaces = pecan.request.dbapi.iinterface_get_by_ihost(host.id) for i in profile.interfaces: found_interface = False for u in iinterfaces: if i.ifname == u.ifname: found_interface = True hinterface = u break if found_interface is False: fields = INTERFACE_PROFILE_FIELDS data = dict((k, v) for k, v in i.as_dict().items() if k in fields) data['forihostid'] = host.id hinterface = interface_api._create(data, from_profile=True) if i.ifclass == constants.INTERFACE_CLASS_PLATFORM: interface_networks = pecan.request.dbapi.interface_network_get_by_interface(i.id) for ifnet in interface_networks: ifnetdict = {} ifnetdict['interface_id'] = hinterface.id ifnetdict['network_id'] = ifnet.network_id pecan.request.dbapi.interface_network_create(ifnetdict) network = pecan.request.dbapi.network_get_by_id(ifnet.network_id) ifnet_api._update_host_address(host, hinterface, network.type) else: interface_datanetworks = pecan.request.dbapi.interface_datanetwork_get_by_interface(i.id) for ifdn in interface_datanetworks: ifdndict = {} ifdndict['interface_id'] = hinterface.id ifdndict['datanetwork_id'] = ifdn.datanetwork_id pecan.request.dbapi.interface_datanetwork_create(ifdndict) for r in profile.routes.get(i.uuid, []): pecan.request.dbapi.route_create(hinterface.id, r) iinterfaces = pecan.request.dbapi.iinterface_get_by_ihost(host.id) # interfaces need to be associated to each other based on their hierarchy # to ensure that inspecting the uses list to have complete data before # copying fields. iinterfaces = sorted(iinterfaces, key=interface_type_sort_key) for i in iinterfaces: idict = {} for p in profile.interfaces: if str(p.ifname) == str(i.ifname): i.uses = p.uses i.used_by = p.used_by if i.uses: # convert uses from ifname to uuid uses_list = [] usedby_list = [] for u in iinterfaces: if six.text_type(u.ifname) in i.uses or u.uuid in i.uses: uses_list.append(u.uuid) if six.text_type(u.ifname) in i.used_by or u.uuid in i.used_by: usedby_list.append(u.uuid) idict['uses'] = uses_list idict['used_by'] = usedby_list # Set the MAC address on the interface based on the uses list tmp_interface = i.as_dict() tmp_interface.update(idict) tmp_interface = interface_api.set_interface_mac(host, tmp_interface) idict['imac'] = tmp_interface['imac'] try: pecan.request.dbapi.iinterface_update(i.uuid, idict) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_( "Failed to link interfaces to interface.")) def storprofile_applicable(host, profile): # If profile has more disks than in host. if not len(host.disks) >= len(profile.disks): return (False, _('profile has more disks than host does')) return (True, None) @cutils.synchronized(storage_api.LOCK_NAME) def storprofile_apply_to_host(host, profile): # Prequisite checks profile.disks = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_get_by_ihost(profile.uuid) profile.stors = pecan.request.dbapi.istor_get_by_ihost(profile.uuid) if not profile.disks: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Profile (%s) has no disks" % profile.hostname)) host.disks = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_get_by_ihost(host.uuid) host.stors = pecan.request.dbapi.istor_get_by_ihost(host.uuid) if not host.disks: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Host (%s) has no disks" % host.hostname)) # Check for applicability (applicable, reason) = storprofile_applicable(host, profile) if not applicable: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Can not apply this profile to host. Reason: {}").format(reason)) # Gather the storage tiers and build a map for the create call tier_map = {} tiers = pecan.request.dbapi.storage_tier_get_all(type=constants.SB_TIER_TYPE_CEPH) for t in tiers: tier_map[t.name] = t.uuid # Create mapping between Disk Profile and Host # if for each disk in the profile, there exists a disk in the host # with same path value and more than or equal profile disk's size diskPairs = [] disksUsed = [] for pdisk in profile.disks: match = False for hdisk in host.disks: if ((hdisk.device_path == pdisk.device_path or hdisk.device_node == pdisk.device_node) and hdisk.size_mib >= pdisk.size_mib): match = True diskPairs.append((hdisk, pdisk)) disksUsed.append(hdisk.id) break if match: # matched, continue to next pdisk continue else: msg = _("Can not apply this profile to host. Please " "check if host's disks match profile criteria.") raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg) # Delete host's stors that will be replaced for disk in host.disks: # There could be some disks that are on host but not in profile if disk.id in disksUsed: for stor in host.stors: # If this stor was attached to a disk identified in the profile # reject applying profile if stor.id == disk.foristorid: # deleting stor is not supported # try: # cc.istor.delete(stor.uuid) # except Exception: msg = _("A storage volume %s is already associated. " "Please delete storage volume before applying profile" % stor.uuid) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg) data = {'foristorid': None} try: pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_update(disk.uuid, data) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Failed to unlink storage from disk")) # OSDs have journals that may be on different drives than the OSD data # itself, therefore we first need to create the journals so that we can # later grab their real uuid's. To do that, we store an association between # the old uuid of the journals in the profile and the uuid of the newly # created journals. journalPairs = {} storPairs = {} # Create the journal devices first, keep the association _create_stor(host, profile, diskPairs, constants.STOR_FUNCTION_JOURNAL, tier_map, journalPairs, storPairs) # Create the OSDs _create_stor(host, profile, diskPairs, constants.STOR_FUNCTION_OSD, tier_map, journalPairs, storPairs) # Update foristorid for all the disks for diskPair in diskPairs: hdisk = diskPair[0] pdisk = diskPair[1] pdata = {'foristorid': storPairs[pdisk.foristorid]} try: pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_update(hdisk.uuid, pdata) except dbException.DBError: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Failed to link storage to disk")) def _create_stor(host, profile, diskPairs, function, tier_map, # input journalPairs, storPairs): # input & output for diskPair in diskPairs: hdisk = diskPair[0] pdisk = diskPair[1] if pdisk.foristorid not in storPairs.keys(): for pstor in profile.stors: if pstor.id == pdisk.foristorid: break else: msg = _("Corrupt storage profile: %s" % profile.hostname) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg) if pstor.function == function: try: fields = ['function', 'capabilities', 'idisk_uuid', 'forihostid'] if pstor.function == constants.STOR_FUNCTION_OSD: # OSDs have more attributes fields += ['journal_location', 'journal_size'] data = dict((k, v) for k, v in pstor.as_dict().items() if k in fields and v) data['forihostid'] = host.id data['idisk_uuid'] = hdisk.uuid if pstor.function == constants.STOR_FUNCTION_OSD: if pstor.journal_location == pstor.uuid: # Journals are collocated, let _create handle this data['journal_location'] = None else: # Journals are on a different drive than the OSD # grab the uuid for the newly created journal stor data['journal_location'] = \ journalPairs[pstor.journal_location] data['journal_size_mib'] = pstor['journal_size_mib'] # Need a storage tier uuid tier = pstor.get('tier_name') if tier: data['tier_uuid'] = tier_map[tier] else: data['tier_uuid'] = tier_map[ constants.SB_TIER_DEFAULT_NAMES[ constants.SB_TIER_TYPE_CEPH]] hstor = storage_api._create(data) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_( "Failed to create storage function. %s") % str(e)) # Save pairs for later use if pstor.function == constants.STOR_FUNCTION_JOURNAL: journalPairs[pstor.uuid] = hstor.uuid storPairs[pdisk.foristorid] = hstor.id def _partition_profile_apply_to_host(host, profile): for disk in host.disks: profile_partitions = [ p for p in profile.partitions if (disk.device_path in p.device_path or disk.device_node in p.device_node)] if not profile_partitions: LOG.info("No partitions for disk %s" % disk.device_path) continue profile_partitions_paths = [] profile_partitions_names = [] for p in profile.partitions: if disk.device_path in p.device_path: profile_partitions_paths.append(p.device_path) elif disk.device_node in p.device_node: profile_partitions_names.append(p.device_node) total_part_size = sum(p.size_mib for p in profile_partitions) # Check there is enough space on the host's disk to accommodate the # profile partitions. LOG.info("Disk av space: %s needed: %s" % (disk.available_mib, total_part_size)) if disk.available_mib < total_part_size: return (False, _('Not enough free space on disk {0} for profile ' 'partitions. At least {1} MiB are required.').format( disk.device_path, total_part_size)) # Check the partition requested by the profile is not already present # on the host's disk. disk_partitions = pecan.request.dbapi.partition_get_by_idisk(disk.uuid) for disk_part in disk_partitions: if (disk_part.device_path in profile_partitions_paths or disk_part.device_node in profile_partitions_names): return (False, _('Partition {0} already present on disk {1}').format( disk_part.device_path, disk.device_path)) # Check the partitions requested by the profile and the ones already # existing on the host are in order. if not cutils.partitions_are_in_order(disk_partitions, profile_partitions): return (False, _('The partitions present in the local storage profile ' 'cannot be created on disk %s on the requested order. ') .format(disk.device_path)) # Create the partitions. for p in profile_partitions: fields = ['size_mib', 'capabilities', 'type_guid', 'status'] part_dict = {k: v for (k, v) in p.as_dict().items() if k in fields} part_dict['forihostid'] = host.id part_dict['idisk_id'] = disk.id part_dict['idisk_uuid'] = disk.uuid partition_api._create(part_dict, iprofile=True) return True, None def check_localstorageprofile_applicable(host, profile): """Semantic checks for whether local storage profile is applicable to host. Host level administrative checks are already performed earlier in ihost. """ subfunctions = host.subfunctions if constants.WORKER not in subfunctions: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("%s with subfunctions: %s " "profile %s: Local storage profiles are applicable only to " "hosts with 'worker' subfunction." % (host.hostname, host.subfunctions, profile.hostname))) if not profile.disks: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Profile (%s) has no disks" % profile.hostname)) if not host.disks: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Host (%s) has no disks" % host.hostname)) num_host_disks = len(host.disks) num_profile_disks = len(profile.disks) if num_host_disks < num_profile_disks: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError( "%s profile %s: Number of host disks %s is less than profile " "disks %s" % (host.hostname, profile.hostname, num_host_disks, num_profile_disks)) @cutils.synchronized(lvg_api.LOCK_NAME) def localstorageprofile_apply_to_host(host, profile): """Apply local storage profile to a host """ profile.disks = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_get_by_ihost(profile.uuid) profile.partitions = pecan.request.dbapi.partition_get_by_ihost( profile.uuid) profile.ilvgs = pecan.request.dbapi.ilvg_get_by_ihost(profile.uuid) profile.ipvs = pecan.request.dbapi.ipv_get_by_ihost(profile.uuid) host.disks = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_get_by_ihost(host.uuid) host.partitions = pecan.request.dbapi.partition_get_by_ihost(host.uuid) host.ipvs = pecan.request.dbapi.ipv_get_by_ihost(host.uuid) check_localstorageprofile_applicable(host, profile) # Create mapping between Disk Profile and Host # if for each disk in the profile, there exists a disk in the host # with same path value and more than or equal profile disk's size diskPairs = [] disksUsed = [] for pdisk in profile.disks: match = False for hdisk in host.disks: if ((hdisk.device_path == pdisk.device_path or hdisk.device_node == pdisk.device_node) and ((hdisk.size_mib is None and pdisk.size_mib is None) or (hdisk.size_mib and pdisk.size_mib and hdisk.size_mib >= pdisk.size_mib))): match = True diskPairs.append((hdisk, pdisk)) disksUsed.append(hdisk.id) break if match: # matched, continue to next pdisk continue else: msg = _("Can not apply this profile to host. Please " "check if host's disks match profile criteria.") raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg) # Delete host's stors that will be replaced for disk in host.disks: # There could be some disks that are on host but not in profile if disk.id in disksUsed: for ipv in host.ipvs: # If this pv was attached to a disk identified in the profile # reject applying profile if ipv.id == disk.foripvid: # combo case: there may be already cgts-vg if ipv.lvm_vg_name == constants.LVG_NOVA_LOCAL: msg = _( "A physical volume %s is already associated. " "Please delete physical volume before applying " "profile" % ipv.uuid) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg) # data = {'foripvid': None} # try: # pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_update(disk.uuid, data) mydisk = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_get(disk.uuid) if mydisk.foripvid: LOG.warn("mydisk %s foripvid %s" % (mydisk.uuid, mydisk.foripvid)) # except Exception as e: # LOG.exception(e) # raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Failed to unlink physical " # "volume from disk %s" % disk.uuid)) # Apply partition profile result, msg = _partition_profile_apply_to_host(host, profile) if not result: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg) # Create new host's physical volumes and link them to ihost's disks host_id = host.id ipvPairs = {} # Add the hilvg entry from pilvg pilvg = None for ilvg in profile.ilvgs: if ilvg.lvm_vg_name == constants.LVG_NOVA_LOCAL: pilvg = ilvg LOG.info("pilvg found: %s" % ilvg.uuid) break if not pilvg: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError( _("No nova-local in profile logical volume")) LOG.info("pilvg=%s" % pilvg.as_dict()) try: lvgfields = ['capabilities', 'lvm_vg_name'] lvgdict = {k: v for (k, v) in pilvg.as_dict().items() if k in lvgfields} lvgdict['forihostid'] = host_id newlvg = lvg_api._create(lvgdict, applyprofile=True) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Failed to create storage " "logical volume")) LOG.info("newlvg=%s" % newlvg.as_dict()) # TODO: LOG.debug hpartitions = pecan.request.dbapi.partition_get_by_ihost(host.uuid) for pipv in profile.ipvs: found_pv = False pv_type = pipv.pv_type if pv_type == constants.PV_TYPE_DISK: for diskPair in diskPairs: hdisk = diskPair[0] pdisk = diskPair[1] if pdisk.foripvid == pipv.id: disk_or_part_uuid = hdisk.uuid device_update_function = pecan.request.dbapi.idisk_update found_pv = True break else: for profile_part in profile.partitions: if pipv.id == profile_part.foripvid: disk_or_part_uuid = next( hp.uuid for hp in hpartitions if (hp.device_path == profile_part.device_path or hp.device_node == profile_part.device_node)) device_update_function = \ pecan.request.dbapi.partition_update found_pv = True break if not found_pv: msg = _("Corrupt storage profile: %s" % profile.hostname) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg) try: pvfields = ['disk_or_part_device_path', 'lvm_vg_name'] # 'lvm_pv_name', from Agent: not in profile pvdict = (dict((k, v) for k, v in pipv.as_dict().items() if k in pvfields and v)) pvdict['forihostid'] = host_id pvdict['disk_or_part_uuid'] = disk_or_part_uuid pvdict['forilvgid'] = newlvg.id pvdict['pv_state'] = constants.LVG_ADD pvdict['pv_type'] = pv_type hipv = pv_api._create(pvdict, iprofile=True) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Failed to create storage " "physical volume")) LOG.info("new hipv=%s" % hipv.as_dict()) # TODO: LOG.debug ipvPairs[pdisk.foripvid] = hipv.id pdata = {'foripvid': ipvPairs[pdisk.foripvid]} try: device_update_function(disk_or_part_uuid, pdata) except dbException.DBError: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_( "Failed to link storage to device %s" % disk_or_part_uuid)) def memoryprofile_applicable(host, profile): # If profile has more nodes than in host if not len(host.memory) >= len(profile.memory): LOG.warn("Host memory %s not same as profile memory=%s" % (len(host.memory), len(profile.memory))) return False if len(host.nodes) != len(profile.nodes): LOG.warn("Host nodes %s not same as profile nodes=%s" % (len(host.nodes), len(profile.nodes))) return False if constants.WORKER not in host.subfunctions: LOG.warn("Profile cannot be applied to non-worker host") return False return True @cutils.synchronized(memory_api.LOCK_NAME) def memoryprofile_apply_to_host(host, profile): # Prequisite checks profile.memory = pecan.request.dbapi.imemory_get_by_ihost(profile.uuid) profile.nodes = pecan.request.dbapi.inode_get_by_ihost(profile.uuid) if not profile.memory or not profile.nodes: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Profile (%s) has no memory or processors" % profile.hostname)) host.memory = pecan.request.dbapi.imemory_get_by_ihost(host.uuid) host.nodes = pecan.request.dbapi.inode_get_by_ihost(host.uuid) if not host.memory or not host.nodes: raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Host (%s) has no memory or processors" % host.hostname)) # Check for applicability if not memoryprofile_applicable(host, profile): raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Can not apply this profile to host")) # Create mapping between memory profile and host # for each node in the profile, there exists a node in the host for hmem in host.memory: for pmem in profile.memory: host_inode = pecan.request.dbapi.inode_get(hmem.forinodeid) profile_inode = pecan.request.dbapi.inode_get(pmem.forinodeid) if int(host_inode.numa_node) == int(profile_inode.numa_node): data = {'vm_hugepages_nr_2M_pending': pmem.vm_hugepages_nr_2M_pending, 'vm_hugepages_nr_1G_pending': pmem.vm_hugepages_nr_1G_pending, 'platform_reserved_mib': pmem.platform_reserved_mib, 'vswitch_hugepages_reqd': pmem.vswitch_hugepages_reqd, 'vswitch_hugepages_size_mib': pmem.vswitch_hugepages_size_mib} try: memory_api._update(hmem.uuid, data) except wsme.exc.ClientSideError as cse: LOG.exception(cse) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Failed to update memory. %s" % (cse.message))) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(_("Failed to update memory")) continue