# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Wind River Systems, Inc. # """ Unit Tests for :py:class:`sysinv.conductor.rpcapi.ConductorAPI`. """ import mock from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_context import context from oslo_serialization import jsonutils as json from sysinv.conductor import rpcapi as conductor_rpcapi from sysinv.db import api as dbapi from sysinv.openstack.common import rpc from sysinv.tests.db import base from sysinv.tests.db import utils as dbutils from sysinv.common import constants CONF = cfg.CONF class RPCAPITestCase(base.DbTestCase): def setUp(self): super(RPCAPITestCase, self).setUp() self.context = context.get_admin_context() self.dbapi = dbapi.get_instance() self.fake_ihost = json.to_primitive(dbutils.get_test_ihost()) def test_serialized_instance_has_uuid(self): self.assertTrue('uuid' in self.fake_ihost) def _test_rpcapi(self, method, rpc_method, **kwargs): ctxt = context.get_admin_context() rpcapi = conductor_rpcapi.ConductorAPI(topic='fake-topic') default_rpc_api_version = '1.0' expected_retval = 'hello world' if method == 'call' else None expected_version = kwargs.pop('version', default_rpc_api_version) expected_msg = rpcapi.make_msg(method, **kwargs) expected_msg['version'] = expected_version expected_topic = 'fake-topic' self.fake_args = None self.fake_kwargs = None def _fake_rpc_method(*args, **kwargs): self.fake_args = args self.fake_kwargs = kwargs if expected_retval: return expected_retval with mock.patch.object(rpc, rpc_method) as mock_method: mock_method.side_effect = _fake_rpc_method retval = getattr(rpcapi, method)(ctxt, **kwargs) self.assertEqual(retval, expected_retval) expected_args = [ctxt, expected_topic, expected_msg] for arg, expected_arg in zip(self.fake_args, expected_args): self.assertEqual(arg, expected_arg) def test_create_ihost(self): ihost_dict = {'mgmt_mac': '00:11:22:33:44:55', 'mgmt_ip': ''} self._test_rpcapi('create_ihost', 'call', values=ihost_dict) def test_update_ihost(self): self._test_rpcapi('update_ihost', 'call', ihost_obj=self.fake_ihost) def test_configure_ihost(self): self._test_rpcapi('configure_ihost', 'call', host=self.fake_ihost, do_worker_apply=False) def test_update_ldap_client_config(self): self._test_rpcapi('update_ldap_client_config', 'call') def test_update_ldap_nat_config(self): self._test_rpcapi('update_ldap_nat_config', 'call') def test_update_dnsmasq_config(self): self._test_rpcapi('update_dnsmasq_config', 'call') def test_kernel_runtime_manifests(self): self._test_rpcapi('kernel_runtime_manifests', 'call', ihost_uuid=self.fake_ihost['uuid']) def test_report_kernel_running(self): self._test_rpcapi('report_kernel_running', 'cast', ihost_uuid=self.fake_ihost['uuid'], kernel_running=constants.KERNEL_LOWLATENCY)